"""MNE software for MEG and EEG data analysis."""
# PEP0440 compatible formatted version, see:
# https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/
# Generic release markers:
# X.Y
# X.Y.Z # For bugfix releases
# Admissible pre-release markers:
# X.YaN # Alpha release
# X.YbN # Beta release
# X.YrcN # Release Candidate
# X.Y # Final release
# Dev branch marker is: 'X.Y.devN' where N is an integer.
from ._version import __version__
# have to import verbose first since it's needed by many things
from .utils import (set_log_level, set_log_file, verbose, set_config,
get_config, get_config_path, set_cache_dir,
set_memmap_min_size, grand_average, sys_info, open_docs,
from .io.pick import (pick_types, pick_channels,
pick_channels_regexp, pick_channels_forward,
pick_types_forward, pick_channels_cov,
pick_channels_evoked, pick_info,
channel_type, channel_indices_by_type)
from .io.base import concatenate_raws
from .io.meas_info import create_info, Info
from .io.proj import Projection
from .io.kit import read_epochs_kit
from .io.eeglab import read_epochs_eeglab
from .io.reference import (set_eeg_reference, set_bipolar_reference,
from .io.what import what
from .bem import (make_sphere_model, make_bem_model, make_bem_solution,
read_bem_surfaces, write_bem_surfaces, write_head_bem,
read_bem_solution, write_bem_solution)
from .cov import (read_cov, write_cov, Covariance, compute_raw_covariance,
compute_covariance, whiten_evoked, make_ad_hoc_cov)
from .event import (read_events, write_events, find_events, merge_events,
pick_events, make_fixed_length_events, concatenate_events,
find_stim_steps, AcqParserFIF)
from ._freesurfer import (head_to_mni, head_to_mri, read_talxfm,
get_volume_labels_from_aseg, read_freesurfer_lut,
vertex_to_mni, read_lta)
from .forward import (read_forward_solution, apply_forward, apply_forward_raw,
average_forward_solutions, Forward,
write_forward_solution, make_forward_solution,
convert_forward_solution, make_field_map,
make_forward_dipole, use_coil_def)
from .source_estimate import (read_source_estimate,
SourceEstimate, VectorSourceEstimate,
VolSourceEstimate, VolVectorSourceEstimate,
MixedSourceEstimate, MixedVectorSourceEstimate,
extract_label_time_course, stc_near_sensors)
from .surface import (read_surface, write_surface, decimate_surface, read_tri,
get_head_surf, get_meg_helmet_surf, dig_mri_distances,
warp_montage_volume, get_montage_volume_labels)
from .morph_map import read_morph_map
from .morph import (SourceMorph, read_source_morph, grade_to_vertices,
from .source_space import (read_source_spaces,
write_source_spaces, setup_source_space,
setup_volume_source_space, SourceSpaces,
add_source_space_distances, morph_source_spaces,
from .annotations import (Annotations, read_annotations, annotations_from_events,
from .epochs import (BaseEpochs, Epochs, EpochsArray, read_epochs,
concatenate_epochs, make_fixed_length_epochs)
from .evoked import (Evoked, EvokedArray, read_evokeds, write_evokeds,
from .label import (read_label, label_sign_flip,
write_label, stc_to_label, grow_labels, Label, split_label,
BiHemiLabel, read_labels_from_annot, write_labels_to_annot,
random_parcellation, morph_labels, labels_to_stc)
from .misc import parse_config, read_reject_parameters
from .coreg import (create_default_subject, scale_bem, scale_mri, scale_labels,
from .transforms import (read_trans, write_trans,
transform_surface_to, Transform)
from .proj import (read_proj, write_proj, compute_proj_epochs,
compute_proj_evoked, compute_proj_raw, sensitivity_map)
from .dipole import read_dipole, Dipole, DipoleFixed, fit_dipole
from .channels import (equalize_channels, rename_channels, find_layout,
from .report import Report, open_report
from .io import (read_epochs_fieldtrip, read_evoked_besa,
read_evoked_fieldtrip, read_evokeds_mff)
from .rank import compute_rank
from . import beamformer
from . import channels
from . import chpi
from . import commands
from . import coreg
from . import cuda
from . import datasets
from . import dipole
from . import epochs
from . import event
from . import io
from . import filter
from . import gui
from . import inverse_sparse
from . import minimum_norm
from . import preprocessing
from . import simulation
from . import stats
from . import surface
from . import time_frequency
from . import viz
from . import decoding
from . import export
# initialize logging
set_log_level(None, False)
"""MNE software for MEG and EEG data analysis."""
# PEP0440 compatible formatted version, see:
# https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/
# Generic release markers:
# X.Y
# X.Y.Z # For bugfix releases
# Admissible pre-release markers:
# X.YaN # Alpha release
# X.YbN # Beta release
# X.YrcN # Release Candidate
# X.Y # Final release
# Dev branch marker is: 'X.Y.devN' where N is an integer.
from ._version import __version__
# have to import verbose first since it's needed by many things
from .utils import (set_log_level, set_log_file, verbose, set_config,
get_config, get_config_path, set_cache_dir,
set_memmap_min_size, grand_average, sys_info, open_docs,
from .io.pick import (pick_types, pick_channels,
pick_channels_regexp, pick_channels_forward,
pick_types_forward, pick_channels_cov,
pick_channels_evoked, pick_info,
channel_type, channel_indices_by_type)
from .io.base import concatenate_raws
from .io.meas_info import create_info, Info
from .io.proj import Projection
from .io.kit import read_epochs_kit
from .io.eeglab import read_epochs_eeglab
from .io.reference import (set_eeg_reference, set_bipolar_reference,
from .io.what import what
from .bem import (make_sphere_model, make_bem_model, make_bem_solution,
read_bem_surfaces, write_bem_surfaces, write_head_bem,
read_bem_solution, write_bem_solution)
from .cov import (read_cov, write_cov, Covariance, compute_raw_covariance,
compute_covariance, whiten_evoked, make_ad_hoc_cov)
from .event import (read_events, write_events, find_events, merge_events,
pick_events, make_fixed_length_events, concatenate_events,
find_stim_steps, AcqParserFIF)
from ._freesurfer import (head_to_mni, head_to_mri, read_talxfm,
get_volume_labels_from_aseg, read_freesurfer_lut,
vertex_to_mni, read_lta)
from .forward import (read_forward_solution, apply_forward, apply_forward_raw,
average_forward_solutions, Forward,
write_forward_solution, make_forward_solution,
convert_forward_solution, make_field_map,
make_forward_dipole, use_coil_def)
from .source_estimate import (read_source_estimate,
SourceEstimate, VectorSourceEstimate,
VolSourceEstimate, VolVectorSourceEstimate,
MixedSourceEstimate, MixedVectorSourceEstimate,
extract_label_time_course, stc_near_sensors)
from .surface import (read_surface, write_surface, decimate_surface, read_tri,
get_head_surf, get_meg_helmet_surf, dig_mri_distances,
warp_montage_volume, get_montage_volume_labels)
from .morph_map import read_morph_map
from .morph import (SourceMorph, read_source_morph, grade_to_vertices,
from .source_space import (read_source_spaces,
write_source_spaces, setup_source_space,
setup_volume_source_space, SourceSpaces,
add_source_space_distances, morph_source_spaces,
from .annotations import (Annotations, read_annotations, annotations_from_events,
from .epochs import (BaseEpochs, Epochs, EpochsArray, read_epochs,
concatenate_epochs, make_fixed_length_epochs)
from .evoked import (Evoked, EvokedArray, read_evokeds, write_evokeds,
from .label import (read_label, label_sign_flip,
write_label, stc_to_label, grow_labels, Label, split_label,
BiHemiLabel, read_labels_from_annot, write_labels_to_annot,
random_parcellation, morph_labels, labels_to_stc)
from .misc import parse_config, read_reject_parameters
from .coreg import (create_default_subject, scale_bem, scale_mri, scale_labels,
from .transforms import (read_trans, write_trans,
transform_surface_to, Transform)
from .proj import (read_proj, write_proj, compute_proj_epochs,
compute_proj_evoked, compute_proj_raw, sensitivity_map)
from .dipole import read_dipole, Dipole, DipoleFixed, fit_dipole
from .channels import (equalize_channels, rename_channels, find_layout,
from .report import Report, open_report
from .io import (read_epochs_fieldtrip, read_evoked_besa,
read_evoked_fieldtrip, read_evokeds_mff)
from .rank import compute_rank
from . import beamformer
from . import channels
from . import chpi
from . import commands
from . import coreg
from . import cuda
from . import datasets
from . import dipole
from . import epochs
from . import event
from . import io
from . import filter
from . import gui
from . import inverse_sparse
from . import minimum_norm
from . import preprocessing
from . import simulation
from . import stats
from . import surface
from . import time_frequency
from . import viz
from . import decoding
from . import export
# initialize logging
set_log_level(None, False)