:orphan: .. _whats_new: What's new? =========== .. currentmodule:: mne_bids .. _current: Current ------- Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ Bug ~~~ API ~~~ .. _changes_0_2: Version 0.2 ----------- Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Add a reader for BIDS compatible raw files, by `Mainak Jas`_ (`#135 `_) Bug ~~~ - Normalize the length of the branches in :func:`print_dir_tree` by the length of the root path, leading to more adequate visual display, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (`#192 `_) - Assert a minimum required MNE-version, by `Dominik Welke`_ (`#166 `_) - Add function in mne_bids.utils to copy and rename CTF files :func:`mne_bids.utils.copyfile_ctf`, by `Romain Quentin`_ (`#162 `_) - Encoding of BrainVision .vhdr/.vmrk files is checked to prevent encoding/decoding errors when modifying, by `Dominik Welke`_ (`#155 `_) - The original units present in the raw data will now correctly be written to channels.tsv files for BrainVision, EEGLAB, and EDF, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (`#125 `_) - Fix logic with inferring unknown channel types for CTF data, by `Mainak Jas`_ (`#129 `_) - Fix the file naming for FIF files to only expose the part key-value pair when files are split, by `Teon Brooks`_ (`#137 `_) - Allow files with no stim channel, which could be the case for example in resting state data, by `Mainak Jas`_ (`#167 `_) - Better handling of unicode strings in TSV files, by `Mainak Jas`_ (`#172 `_) - Fix separator in scans.tsv to always be `/`, by `Matt Sanderson`_ (`#176 `_) - Add seeg to :func:`mne_bids.utils._handle_kind` when determining the kind of ieeg data, by `Ezequiel Mikulan`_ (`#180 `_) - Fix problem in copying CTF files on Network File System due to a bug upstream in Python by `Mainak Jas`_ (`#174 `_) - Fix problem in copying BTi files. Now, a utility function ensures that all the related files such as config and headshape are copied correctly, by `Mainak Jas`_ (`#135 `_) - Fix name of "sample" and "value" columns on events.tsv files, by `Ezequiel Mikulan`_ (`#185 `_) - Update function to copy KIT files to the `meg` directory, by `Matt Sanderson`_ (`#187 `_) API ~~~ - :func:`make_dataset_description` is now available from `mne_bids` main namespace, all copyfile functions are available from `mne_bids.copyfiles` namespace by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (`#196 `_) - Add support for non maxfiltered .fif files, by `Maximilien Chaumon`_ (`#171 `_) - Remove support for Neuroscan ``.cnt`` data because its support is no longer planned in BIDS, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (`#142 `_) - Remove support for Python 2 because it is no longer supported in MNE-Python, by `Teon Brooks`_ (`#141 `_) - Remove Pandas requirement to reduce number of dependencies, by `Matt Sanderson`_ (`#122 `_) - Use more modern API of event_from_annotations in MNE for extracting events in .vhdr and .set files, by `Mainak Jas`_ (`#167 `_) Authors ~~~~~~~ People who contributed to this release (in alphabetical order): * Alexandre Gramfort * Chris Holdgraf * Clemens Brunner * Dominik Welke * Ezequiel Mikulan * Mainak Jas * Matt Sanderson * Maximilien Chaumon * Romain Quentin * Stefan Appelhoff * Teon Brooks .. _changes_0_1: Version 0.1 ----------- Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Add example for how to rename BrainVision file triplets: `rename_brainvision_files.py` by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (`#104 `_) - Add function to fetch BrainVision testing data :func:`mne_bids.datasets.fetch_brainvision_testing_data` `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (`#104 `_) - Add support for EEG and a corresponding example: `make_eeg_bids.py` by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (`#78 `_) - Update :func:`mne_bids.raw_to_bids` to work for KIT and BTi systems, by `Teon Brooks`_ (`#16 `_) - Add support for iEEG and add :func:`mne_bids.make_bids_folders` and :func:`mne_bids.make_bids_folders`, by `Chris Holdgraf`_ (`#28 `_ and `#37 `_) - Add command line interface by `Teon Brooks`_ (`#31 `_) - Add :func:`mne_bids.utils.print_dir_tree` for visualizing directory structures and restructuring package to be more open towards integration of other modalities (iEEG, EEG), by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (`#55 `_) - Automatically generate participants.tsv, by `Matt Sanderson`_ (`#70 `_) - Add support for KIT marker files to be exported with raw data, by `Matt Sanderson`_ (`#114 `_) Bug ~~~ - Correctly handle the case when measurement date is not available, by `Mainak Jas`_ (`#23 `_) - Fix counting of miscellaneous channels, by `Matt Sanderson`_ (`#49 `_) - The source data is now copied over to the new BIDS directory. Previously this was only true for FIF data, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (`#55 `_) - Fix ordering of columns in scans.tsv, by `Matt Sanderson`_ (`#68 `_) - Fix bug in how artificial trigger channel STI014 is handled in channels.tsv for KIT systems, by `Matt Sanderson`_ (`#72 `_) - Fix channel types for KIT system in channels.tsv, by `Matt Sanderson`_ (`#76 `_) - Fix the way FIF files are named to satisfy the BIDS part parameters of the filename construction, `Teon Brooks`_ (`#102 `_) - Fix how overwriting of data is handled, by `Matt Sanderson`_ (`#99 `_) Authors ~~~~~~~ People who contributed to this release (in alphabetical order): * Alexandre Gramfort * Chris Holdgraf * Kambiz Tavabi * Mainak Jas * Matt Sanderson * Romain Quentin * Stefan Appelhoff * Teon Brooks .. _Mainak Jas: https://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/mjas/ .. _Teon Brooks: https://teonbrooks.github.io/ .. _Chris Holdgraf: https://bids.berkeley.edu/people/chris-holdgraf .. _Matt Sanderson: https://github.com/monkeyman192 .. _Stefan Appelhoff: http://stefanappelhoff.com/ .. _Romain Quentin: https://github.com/romquentin .. _Dominik Welke: https://github.com/dominikwelke .. _Maximilien Chaumon: https://github.com/dnacombo .. _Ezequiel Mikulan: https://github.com/ezemikulan