Remove ECG and EOG using ICA

Remove physiological artifacts for sub005 using ICA.

import os
import os.path as op
import sys

import mne
from mne.preprocessing import create_ecg_epochs, create_eog_epochs, read_ica

sys.path.append(op.join('..', '..', 'processing'))
from library.config import (meg_dir, map_subjects, l_freq,
                            set_matplotlib_defaults)  # noqa: E402

subject_id, run = 3, 1
subject = "sub%03d" % subject_id
print("processing subject: %s" % subject)

data_path = op.join(meg_dir, subject)

Now we get the bad channels.

mapping = map_subjects[subject_id]  # map to correct subject
all_bads = list()

bads = list()
bad_name = op.join('bads', mapping, 'run_%02d_raw_tr.fif_bad' % run)
if os.path.exists(bad_name):
    with open(bad_name) as f:
        for line in f:

We read the data.

run_fname = op.join(data_path, 'run_%02d_filt_sss_highpass-%sHz_raw.fif'
                    % (run, l_freq))
raw =, preload=True)

Bad sensors are repaired.['bads'] = bads

Now let’s get to ICA preprocessing. Let’s look at our ICA sources on raw:

ica_name = op.join(meg_dir, subject, 'run_concat_highpass-%sHz-ica.fif'
                   % (l_freq,))
ica = read_ica(ica_name)
ica.exclude = []

Now let’s find ECG events and score ICA components:

n_max_ecg = 3  # use max 3 components
ecg_epochs = create_ecg_epochs(raw, tmin=-.3, tmax=.3)
ecg_epochs.decimate(5).apply_baseline((None, None))
ecg_inds, scores_ecg = ica.find_bads_ecg(ecg_epochs, method='ctps')
print('Found %d ECG component(s)' % (len(ecg_inds),))
ica.exclude += ecg_inds[:n_max_ecg]
ica.plot_scores(scores_ecg, exclude=ecg_inds, title='ECG scores')

Let’s look at how these sources impact the ECG epochs:

ica.plot_sources(ecg_epochs.average(), title='ECG average')

Then look at what gets removed:


We can also examine the properties of these ECG sources:

ica.plot_properties(raw, ecg_inds[:n_max_ecg])

Now do the same for EOG:

n_max_eog = 3  # use max 3 components
eog_epochs = create_eog_epochs(raw, tmin=-.5, tmax=.5)
eog_epochs.decimate(5).apply_baseline((None, None))
eog_inds, scores_eog = ica.find_bads_eog(eog_epochs)
print('Found %d EOG component(s)' % (len(eog_inds),))
ica.exclude += eog_inds[:n_max_eog]
ica.plot_scores(scores_eog, exclude=eog_inds, title='EOG scores')

Again look at the impact of these sources on the EOG epochs:

ica.plot_sources(eog_epochs.average(), title='EOG average')

Look at what gets removed:


Look at the properties of these EOG sources:

ica.plot_properties(raw, eog_inds[:n_max_eog])

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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