Config file

Configuration parameters for the study. This should be in a folder called library/ inside the processing/ directory.

from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import os
import numpy as np

Let’s set the path where the data is downloaded and stored.

user = os.environ['USER']
if user == 'gramfort':
    study_path = '/tsi/doctorants/data_gramfort/dgw_faces'
    N_JOBS = 8
elif user == 'mjas':
    study_path = '/tsi/doctorants/data_gramfort/dgw_faces_reproduce'
    N_JOBS = 1
elif user == 'jleppakangas':
    study_path = '/tsi/doctorants/data_gramfort/dgw_faces'
    N_JOBS = 8
elif user == 'alex':
    study_path = '/Users/alex/work/data/mne-biomag-group-demo/'
    N_JOBS = 1
elif user == 'larsoner':
    study_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..')
    N_JOBS = 4
    study_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..')
    N_JOBS = 1

The subjects_dir and meg_dir for reading anatomical and MEG files.

subjects_dir = os.path.join(study_path, 'subjects')
meg_dir = os.path.join(study_path, 'MEG')

os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = subjects_dir

spacing = 'oct6'
mindist = 5

Some mapping betwen filenames for bad sensors and subjects

map_subjects = {1: 'subject_01', 2: 'subject_02', 3: 'subject_03',
                4: 'subject_05', 5: 'subject_06', 6: 'subject_08',
                7: 'subject_09', 8: 'subject_10', 9: 'subject_11',
                10: 'subject_12', 11: 'subject_14', 12: 'subject_15',
                13: 'subject_16', 14: 'subject_17', 15: 'subject_18',
                16: 'subject_19', 17: 'subject_23', 18: 'subject_24',
                19: 'subject_25'}

if not os.path.isdir(study_path):

if not os.path.isdir(subjects_dir):

Subjects that are known to be bad from the publication

exclude_subjects = [1, 5, 16]  # Excluded subjects

The cross talk file and calibration file are placed in the same folder.

ctc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ct_sparse.fif')
cal = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sss_cal.dat')

ylim = {'eeg': [-10, 10], 'mag': [-300, 300], 'grad': [-80, 80]}

def set_matplotlib_defaults():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fontsize = 8
    params = {'axes.labelsize': fontsize,
              'legend.fontsize': fontsize,
              'xtick.labelsize': fontsize,
              'ytick.labelsize': fontsize,
              'axes.titlesize': fontsize + 2,
              'figure.max_open_warning': 200,
              '': False,
              'axes.spines.right': False,
              'axes.grid': True,
              'lines.linewidth': 1,
    import matplotlib
    if LooseVersion(matplotlib.__version__) >= '2':
        params['font.size'] = fontsize
        params['text.fontsize'] = fontsize

annot_kwargs = dict(fontsize=12, fontweight='bold',
                    xycoords="axes fraction", ha='right', va='center')
l_freq = None

tmin = -0.2
tmax = 2.9  # min duration between onsets: (400 fix + 800 stim + 1700 ISI) ms
reject_tmax = 0.8  # duration we really care about
random_state = 42

smooth = 10

fsaverage_vertices = [np.arange(10242), np.arange(10242)]

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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