# Authors: Martin Luessi <mluessi@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
# Denis A. Engemann <denis.engemann@gmail.com>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
from functools import partial
from inspect import getmembers
import numpy as np
from mne.epochs import BaseEpochs
from mne.fixes import _get_args, _import_fft
from mne.parallel import parallel_func
from mne.source_estimate import _BaseSourceEstimate
from mne.time_frequency.multitaper import (_compute_mt_params, _csd_from_mt,
_mt_spectra, _psd_from_mt,
from mne.time_frequency.tfr import cwt, morlet
from mne.utils import (_arange_div, _check_option, _time_mask, logger, verbose,
from .base import SpectralConnectivity, SpectroTemporalConnectivity
from .utils import check_indices
# Various connectivity estimators
class _AbstractConEstBase(object):
"""ABC for connectivity estimators."""
def start_epoch(self):
raise NotImplementedError('start_epoch method not implemented')
def accumulate(self, con_idx, csd_xy):
raise NotImplementedError('accumulate method not implemented')
def combine(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError('combine method not implemented')
def compute_con(self, con_idx, n_epochs):
raise NotImplementedError('compute_con method not implemented')
class _EpochMeanConEstBase(_AbstractConEstBase):
"""Base class for methods that estimate connectivity as mean epoch-wise."""
def __init__(self, n_cons, n_freqs, n_times):
self.n_cons = n_cons
self.n_freqs = n_freqs
self.n_times = n_times
if n_times == 0:
self.csd_shape = (n_cons, n_freqs)
self.csd_shape = (n_cons, n_freqs, n_times)
self.con_scores = None
def start_epoch(self): # noqa: D401
"""Called at the start of each epoch."""
pass # for this type of con. method we don't do anything
def combine(self, other):
"""Include con. accumated for some epochs in this estimate."""
self._acc += other._acc
class _CohEstBase(_EpochMeanConEstBase):
"""Base Estimator for Coherence, Coherency, Imag. Coherence."""
def __init__(self, n_cons, n_freqs, n_times):
super(_CohEstBase, self).__init__(n_cons, n_freqs, n_times)
# allocate space for accumulation of CSD
self._acc = np.zeros(self.csd_shape, dtype=np.complex128)
def accumulate(self, con_idx, csd_xy):
"""Accumulate CSD for some connections."""
self._acc[con_idx] += csd_xy
class _CohEst(_CohEstBase):
"""Coherence Estimator."""
name = 'Coherence'
def compute_con(self, con_idx, n_epochs, psd_xx, psd_yy): # lgtm
"""Compute final con. score for some connections."""
if self.con_scores is None:
self.con_scores = np.zeros(self.csd_shape)
csd_mean = self._acc[con_idx] / n_epochs
self.con_scores[con_idx] = np.abs(csd_mean) / np.sqrt(psd_xx * psd_yy)
class _CohyEst(_CohEstBase):
"""Coherency Estimator."""
name = 'Coherency'
def compute_con(self, con_idx, n_epochs, psd_xx, psd_yy): # lgtm
"""Compute final con. score for some connections."""
if self.con_scores is None:
self.con_scores = np.zeros(self.csd_shape,
csd_mean = self._acc[con_idx] / n_epochs
self.con_scores[con_idx] = csd_mean / np.sqrt(psd_xx * psd_yy)
class _ImCohEst(_CohEstBase):
"""Imaginary Coherence Estimator."""
name = 'Imaginary Coherence'
def compute_con(self, con_idx, n_epochs, psd_xx, psd_yy): # lgtm
"""Compute final con. score for some connections."""
if self.con_scores is None:
self.con_scores = np.zeros(self.csd_shape)
csd_mean = self._acc[con_idx] / n_epochs
self.con_scores[con_idx] = np.imag(csd_mean) / np.sqrt(psd_xx * psd_yy)
class _PLVEst(_EpochMeanConEstBase):
"""PLV Estimator."""
name = 'PLV'
def __init__(self, n_cons, n_freqs, n_times):
super(_PLVEst, self).__init__(n_cons, n_freqs, n_times)
# allocate accumulator
self._acc = np.zeros(self.csd_shape, dtype=np.complex128)
def accumulate(self, con_idx, csd_xy):
"""Accumulate some connections."""
self._acc[con_idx] += csd_xy / np.abs(csd_xy)
def compute_con(self, con_idx, n_epochs):
"""Compute final con. score for some connections."""
if self.con_scores is None:
self.con_scores = np.zeros(self.csd_shape)
plv = np.abs(self._acc / n_epochs)
self.con_scores[con_idx] = plv
class _ciPLVEst(_EpochMeanConEstBase):
"""corrected imaginary PLV Estimator."""
name = 'ciPLV'
def __init__(self, n_cons, n_freqs, n_times):
super(_ciPLVEst, self).__init__(n_cons, n_freqs, n_times)
# allocate accumulator
self._acc = np.zeros(self.csd_shape, dtype=np.complex128)
def accumulate(self, con_idx, csd_xy):
"""Accumulate some connections."""
self._acc[con_idx] += csd_xy / np.abs(csd_xy)
def compute_con(self, con_idx, n_epochs):
"""Compute final con. score for some connections."""
if self.con_scores is None:
self.con_scores = np.zeros(self.csd_shape)
imag_plv = np.abs(np.imag(self._acc)) / n_epochs
real_plv = np.real(self._acc) / n_epochs
real_plv = np.clip(real_plv, -1, 1) # bounded from -1 to 1
mask = (np.abs(real_plv) == 1) # avoid division by 0
real_plv[mask] = 0
corrected_imag_plv = imag_plv / np.sqrt(1 - real_plv ** 2)
self.con_scores[con_idx] = corrected_imag_plv
class _PLIEst(_EpochMeanConEstBase):
"""PLI Estimator."""
name = 'PLI'
def __init__(self, n_cons, n_freqs, n_times):
super(_PLIEst, self).__init__(n_cons, n_freqs, n_times)
# allocate accumulator
self._acc = np.zeros(self.csd_shape)
def accumulate(self, con_idx, csd_xy):
"""Accumulate some connections."""
self._acc[con_idx] += np.sign(np.imag(csd_xy))
def compute_con(self, con_idx, n_epochs):
"""Compute final con. score for some connections."""
if self.con_scores is None:
self.con_scores = np.zeros(self.csd_shape)
pli_mean = self._acc[con_idx] / n_epochs
self.con_scores[con_idx] = np.abs(pli_mean)
class _PLIUnbiasedEst(_PLIEst):
"""Unbiased PLI Square Estimator."""
name = 'Unbiased PLI Square'
def compute_con(self, con_idx, n_epochs):
"""Compute final con. score for some connections."""
if self.con_scores is None:
self.con_scores = np.zeros(self.csd_shape)
pli_mean = self._acc[con_idx] / n_epochs
# See Vinck paper Eq. (30)
con = (n_epochs * pli_mean ** 2 - 1) / (n_epochs - 1)
self.con_scores[con_idx] = con
class _WPLIEst(_EpochMeanConEstBase):
"""WPLI Estimator."""
name = 'WPLI'
def __init__(self, n_cons, n_freqs, n_times):
super(_WPLIEst, self).__init__(n_cons, n_freqs, n_times)
# store both imag(csd) and abs(imag(csd))
acc_shape = (2,) + self.csd_shape
self._acc = np.zeros(acc_shape)
def accumulate(self, con_idx, csd_xy):
"""Accumulate some connections."""
im_csd = np.imag(csd_xy)
self._acc[0, con_idx] += im_csd
self._acc[1, con_idx] += np.abs(im_csd)
def compute_con(self, con_idx, n_epochs):
"""Compute final con. score for some connections."""
if self.con_scores is None:
self.con_scores = np.zeros(self.csd_shape)
num = np.abs(self._acc[0, con_idx])
denom = self._acc[1, con_idx]
# handle zeros in denominator
z_denom = np.where(denom == 0.)
denom[z_denom] = 1.
con = num / denom
# where we had zeros in denominator, we set con to zero
con[z_denom] = 0.
self.con_scores[con_idx] = con
class _WPLIDebiasedEst(_EpochMeanConEstBase):
"""Debiased WPLI Square Estimator."""
name = 'Debiased WPLI Square'
def __init__(self, n_cons, n_freqs, n_times):
super(_WPLIDebiasedEst, self).__init__(n_cons, n_freqs, n_times)
# store imag(csd), abs(imag(csd)), imag(csd)^2
acc_shape = (3,) + self.csd_shape
self._acc = np.zeros(acc_shape)
def accumulate(self, con_idx, csd_xy):
"""Accumulate some connections."""
im_csd = np.imag(csd_xy)
self._acc[0, con_idx] += im_csd
self._acc[1, con_idx] += np.abs(im_csd)
self._acc[2, con_idx] += im_csd ** 2
def compute_con(self, con_idx, n_epochs):
"""Compute final con. score for some connections."""
if self.con_scores is None:
self.con_scores = np.zeros(self.csd_shape)
# note: we use the trick from fieldtrip to compute the
# the estimate over all pairwise epoch combinations
sum_im_csd = self._acc[0, con_idx]
sum_abs_im_csd = self._acc[1, con_idx]
sum_sq_im_csd = self._acc[2, con_idx]
denom = sum_abs_im_csd ** 2 - sum_sq_im_csd
# handle zeros in denominator
z_denom = np.where(denom == 0.)
denom[z_denom] = 1.
con = (sum_im_csd ** 2 - sum_sq_im_csd) / denom
# where we had zeros in denominator, we set con to zero
con[z_denom] = 0.
self.con_scores[con_idx] = con
class _PPCEst(_EpochMeanConEstBase):
"""Pairwise Phase Consistency (PPC) Estimator."""
name = 'PPC'
def __init__(self, n_cons, n_freqs, n_times):
super(_PPCEst, self).__init__(n_cons, n_freqs, n_times)
# store csd / abs(csd)
self._acc = np.zeros(self.csd_shape, dtype=np.complex128)
def accumulate(self, con_idx, csd_xy):
"""Accumulate some connections."""
denom = np.abs(csd_xy)
z_denom = np.where(denom == 0.)
denom[z_denom] = 1.
this_acc = csd_xy / denom
this_acc[z_denom] = 0. # handle division by zero
self._acc[con_idx] += this_acc
def compute_con(self, con_idx, n_epochs):
"""Compute final con. score for some connections."""
if self.con_scores is None:
self.con_scores = np.zeros(self.csd_shape)
# note: we use the trick from fieldtrip to compute the
# the estimate over all pairwise epoch combinations
con = ((self._acc[con_idx] * np.conj(self._acc[con_idx]) - n_epochs) /
(n_epochs * (n_epochs - 1.)))
self.con_scores[con_idx] = np.real(con)
def _epoch_spectral_connectivity(data, sig_idx, tmin_idx, tmax_idx, sfreq,
mode, window_fun, eigvals, wavelets,
freq_mask, mt_adaptive, idx_map, block_size,
psd, accumulate_psd, con_method_types,
con_methods, n_signals, n_times,
"""Estimate connectivity for one epoch (see spectral_connectivity)."""
n_cons = len(idx_map[0])
if wavelets is not None:
n_times_spectrum = n_times
n_freqs = len(wavelets)
n_times_spectrum = 0
n_freqs = np.sum(freq_mask)
if not accumulate_inplace:
# instantiate methods only for this epoch (used in parallel mode)
con_methods = [mtype(n_cons, n_freqs, n_times_spectrum)
for mtype in con_method_types]
_check_option('mode', mode, ('cwt_morlet', 'multitaper', 'fourier'))
if len(sig_idx) == n_signals:
# we use all signals: use a slice for faster indexing
sig_idx = slice(None, None)
# compute tapered spectra
x_t = list()
this_psd = list()
for this_data in data:
if mode in ('multitaper', 'fourier'):
if isinstance(this_data, _BaseSourceEstimate):
_mt_spectra_partial = partial(_mt_spectra, dpss=window_fun,
this_x_t = this_data.transform_data(
_mt_spectra_partial, idx=sig_idx, tmin_idx=tmin_idx,
this_x_t, _ = _mt_spectra(
this_data[sig_idx, tmin_idx:tmax_idx],
window_fun, sfreq)
if mt_adaptive:
# compute PSD and adaptive weights
_this_psd, weights = _psd_from_mt_adaptive(
this_x_t, eigvals, freq_mask, return_weights=True)
# only keep freqs of interest
this_x_t = this_x_t[:, :, freq_mask]
# do not use adaptive weights
this_x_t = this_x_t[:, :, freq_mask]
if mode == 'multitaper':
weights = np.sqrt(eigvals)[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]
# hack to so we can sum over axis=-2
weights = np.array([1.])[:, None, None]
if accumulate_psd:
_this_psd = _psd_from_mt(this_x_t, weights)
else: # mode == 'cwt_morlet'
if isinstance(this_data, _BaseSourceEstimate):
cwt_partial = partial(cwt, Ws=wavelets, use_fft=True,
this_x_t = this_data.transform_data(
cwt_partial, idx=sig_idx, tmin_idx=tmin_idx,
this_x_t = cwt(this_data[sig_idx, tmin_idx:tmax_idx],
wavelets, use_fft=True, mode='same')
_this_psd = (this_x_t * this_x_t.conj()).real
if accumulate_psd:
x_t = np.concatenate(x_t, axis=0)
if accumulate_psd:
this_psd = np.concatenate(this_psd, axis=0)
# accumulate or return psd
if accumulate_psd:
if accumulate_inplace:
psd += this_psd
psd = this_psd
psd = None
# tell the methods that a new epoch starts
for method in con_methods:
# accumulate connectivity scores
if mode in ['multitaper', 'fourier']:
for i in range(0, n_cons, block_size):
con_idx = slice(i, i + block_size)
if mt_adaptive:
csd = _csd_from_mt(x_t[idx_map[0][con_idx]],
csd = _csd_from_mt(x_t[idx_map[0][con_idx]],
weights, weights)
for method in con_methods:
method.accumulate(con_idx, csd)
else: # mode == 'cwt_morlet' # reminder to add alternative TFR methods
for i_block, i in enumerate(range(0, n_cons, block_size)):
con_idx = slice(i, i + block_size)
# this codes can be very slow
csd = (x_t[idx_map[0][con_idx]] *
for method in con_methods:
method.accumulate(con_idx, csd)
# future estimator types need to be explicitly handled here
return con_methods, psd
def _get_n_epochs(epochs, n):
"""Generate lists with at most n epochs."""
epochs_out = list()
for epoch in epochs:
if not isinstance(epoch, (list, tuple)):
epoch = (epoch,)
if len(epochs_out) >= n:
yield epochs_out
epochs_out = list()
if 0 < len(epochs_out) < n:
yield epochs_out
def _check_method(method):
"""Test if a method implements the required interface."""
interface_members = [m[0] for m in getmembers(_AbstractConEstBase)
if not m[0].startswith('_')]
method_members = [m[0] for m in getmembers(method)
if not m[0].startswith('_')]
for member in interface_members:
if member not in method_members:
return False, member
return True, None
def _get_and_verify_data_sizes(data, sfreq, n_signals=None, n_times=None,
times=None, warn_times=True):
"""Get and/or verify the data sizes and time scales."""
if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError('data has to be a list or tuple')
n_signals_tot = 0
# Sometimes data can be (ndarray, SourceEstimate) groups so in the case
# where ndarray comes first, don't use it for times
times_inferred = False
for this_data in data:
this_n_signals, this_n_times = this_data.shape
if n_times is not None:
if this_n_times != n_times:
raise ValueError('all input time series must have the same '
'number of time points')
n_times = this_n_times
n_signals_tot += this_n_signals
if hasattr(this_data, 'times'):
assert isinstance(this_data, _BaseSourceEstimate)
this_times = this_data.times
if times is not None and not times_inferred:
if warn_times and not np.allclose(times, this_times):
with np.printoptions(threshold=4, linewidth=120):
warn('time scales of input time series do not match:\n'
warn_times = False
times = this_times
elif times is None:
times_inferred = True
times = _arange_div(n_times, sfreq)
if n_signals is not None:
if n_signals != n_signals_tot:
raise ValueError('the number of time series has to be the same in '
'each epoch')
n_signals = n_signals_tot
return n_signals, n_times, times, warn_times
# map names to estimator types
_CON_METHOD_MAP = {'coh': _CohEst, 'cohy': _CohyEst, 'imcoh': _ImCohEst,
'plv': _PLVEst, 'ciplv': _ciPLVEst, 'ppc': _PPCEst,
'pli': _PLIEst, 'pli2_unbiased': _PLIUnbiasedEst,
'wpli': _WPLIEst, 'wpli2_debiased': _WPLIDebiasedEst}
def _check_estimators(method, mode):
"""Check construction of connectivity estimators."""
n_methods = len(method)
con_method_types = list()
for this_method in method:
if this_method in _CON_METHOD_MAP:
elif isinstance(this_method, str):
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid connectivity method' %
# support for custom class
method_valid, msg = _check_method(this_method)
if not method_valid:
raise ValueError('The supplied connectivity method does '
'not have the method %s' % msg)
# determine how many arguments the compute_con_function needs
n_comp_args = [len(_get_args(mtype.compute_con))
for mtype in con_method_types]
# we currently only support 3 arguments
if any(n not in (3, 5) for n in n_comp_args):
raise ValueError('The .compute_con method needs to have either '
'3 or 5 arguments')
# if none of the comp_con functions needs the PSD, we don't estimate it
accumulate_psd = any(n == 5 for n in n_comp_args)
return con_method_types, n_methods, accumulate_psd, n_comp_args
def spectral_connectivity(data, names=None, method='coh', indices=None,
sfreq=2 * np.pi,
mode='multitaper', fmin=None, fmax=np.inf,
fskip=0, faverage=False, tmin=None, tmax=None,
mt_bandwidth=None, mt_adaptive=False,
mt_low_bias=True, cwt_freqs=None,
cwt_n_cycles=7, block_size=1000, n_jobs=1,
"""Compute frequency- and time-frequency-domain connectivity measures.
The connectivity method(s) are specified using the "method" parameter.
All methods are based on estimates of the cross- and power spectral
densities (CSD/PSD) Sxy and Sxx, Syy.
data : array-like, shape=(n_epochs, n_signals, n_times) | Epochs
The data from which to compute connectivity. Note that it is also
possible to combine multiple signals by providing a list of tuples,
e.g., data = [(arr_0, stc_0), (arr_1, stc_1), (arr_2, stc_2)],
corresponds to 3 epochs, and arr_* could be an array with the same
number of time points as stc_*. The array-like object can also
be a list/generator of array, shape =(n_signals, n_times),
or a list/generator of SourceEstimate or VolSourceEstimate objects.
method : str | list of str
Connectivity measure(s) to compute. These can be ``['coh', 'cohy',
'imcoh', 'plv', 'ciplv', 'ppc', 'pli', 'wpli', 'wpli2_debiased']``.
indices : tuple of array | None
Two arrays with indices of connections for which to compute
connectivity. If None, all connections are computed.
sfreq : float
The sampling frequency.
mode : str
Spectrum estimation mode can be either: 'multitaper', 'fourier', or
fmin : float | tuple of float
The lower frequency of interest. Multiple bands are defined using
a tuple, e.g., (8., 20.) for two bands with 8Hz and 20Hz lower freq.
If None the frequency corresponding to an epoch length of 5 cycles
is used.
fmax : float | tuple of float
The upper frequency of interest. Multiple bands are dedined using
a tuple, e.g. (13., 30.) for two band with 13Hz and 30Hz upper freq.
fskip : int
Omit every "(fskip + 1)-th" frequency bin to decimate in frequency
faverage : bool
Average connectivity scores for each frequency band. If True,
the output freqs will be a list with arrays of the frequencies
that were averaged.
tmin : float | None
Time to start connectivity estimation. Note: when "data" is an array,
the first sample is assumed to be at time 0. For other types
(Epochs, etc.), the time information contained in the object is used
to compute the time indices.
tmax : float | None
Time to end connectivity estimation. Note: when "data" is an array,
the first sample is assumed to be at time 0. For other types
(Epochs, etc.), the time information contained in the object is used
to compute the time indices.
mt_bandwidth : float | None
The bandwidth of the multitaper windowing function in Hz.
Only used in 'multitaper' mode.
mt_adaptive : bool
Use adaptive weights to combine the tapered spectra into PSD.
Only used in 'multitaper' mode.
mt_low_bias : bool
Only use tapers with more than 90%% spectral concentration within
bandwidth. Only used in 'multitaper' mode.
cwt_freqs : array
Array of frequencies of interest. Only used in 'cwt_morlet' mode.
cwt_n_cycles : float | array of float
Number of cycles. Fixed number or one per frequency. Only used in
'cwt_morlet' mode.
block_size : int
How many connections to compute at once (higher numbers are faster
but require more memory).
n_jobs : int
How many epochs to process in parallel.
con : array | list of array
Computed connectivity measure(s). Either an instance of
``SpectralConnectivity`` or ``SpectroTemporalConnectivity``.
The shape of each connectivity dataset is either
(n_signals ** 2, n_freqs) mode: 'multitaper' or 'fourier'
(n_signals ** 2, n_freqs, n_times) mode: 'cwt_morlet'
when "indices" is None, or
(n_con, n_freqs) mode: 'multitaper' or 'fourier'
(n_con, n_freqs, n_times) mode: 'cwt_morlet'
when "indices" is specified and "n_con = len(indices[0])".
See Also
Please note that the interpretation of the measures in this function
depends on the data and underlying assumptions and does not necessarily
reflect a causal relationship between brain regions.
These measures are not to be interpreted over time. Each Epoch passed into
the dataset is interpreted as an independent sample of the same
connectivity structure. Within each Epoch, it is assumed that the spectral
measure is stationary. The spectral measures implemented in this function
are computed across Epochs. **Thus, spectral measures computed with only
one Epoch will result in errorful values.**
The spectral densities can be estimated using a multitaper method with
digital prolate spheroidal sequence (DPSS) windows, a discrete Fourier
transform with Hanning windows, or a continuous wavelet transform using
Morlet wavelets. The spectral estimation mode is specified using the
"mode" parameter.
By default, the connectivity between all signals is computed (only
connections corresponding to the lower-triangular part of the
connectivity matrix). If one is only interested in the connectivity
between some signals, the "indices" parameter can be used. For example,
to compute the connectivity between the signal with index 0 and signals
"2, 3, 4" (a total of 3 connections) one can use the following::
indices = (np.array([0, 0, 0]), # row indices
np.array([2, 3, 4])) # col indices
con_flat = spectral_connectivity(data, method='coh',
indices=indices, ...)
In this case con_flat.shape = (3, n_freqs). The connectivity scores are
in the same order as defined indices.
**Supported Connectivity Measures**
The connectivity method(s) is specified using the "method" parameter. The
following methods are supported (note: ``E[]`` denotes average over
epochs). Multiple measures can be computed at once by using a list/tuple,
e.g., ``['coh', 'pli']`` to compute coherence and PLI.
'coh' : Coherence given by::
| E[Sxy] |
C = ---------------------
sqrt(E[Sxx] * E[Syy])
'cohy' : Coherency given by::
C = ---------------------
sqrt(E[Sxx] * E[Syy])
'imcoh' : Imaginary coherence :footcite:`NolteEtAl2004` given by::
C = ----------------------
sqrt(E[Sxx] * E[Syy])
'plv' : Phase-Locking Value (PLV) :footcite:`LachauxEtAl1999` given
PLV = |E[Sxy/|Sxy|]|
'ciplv' : corrected imaginary PLV (icPLV)
:footcite:`BrunaEtAl2018` given by::
ciPLV = ------------------------------------
sqrt(1 - |E[real(Sxy/|Sxy|)]| ** 2)
'ppc' : Pairwise Phase Consistency (PPC), an unbiased estimator
of squared PLV :footcite:`VinckEtAl2010`.
'pli' : Phase Lag Index (PLI) :footcite:`StamEtAl2007` given by::
PLI = |E[sign(Im(Sxy))]|
'pli2_unbiased' : Unbiased estimator of squared PLI
'wpli' : Weighted Phase Lag Index (WPLI) :footcite:`VinckEtAl2011`
given by::
WPLI = ------------------
'wpli2_debiased' : Debiased estimator of squared WPLI
.. footbibliography::
if n_jobs != 1:
parallel, my_epoch_spectral_connectivity, _ = \
parallel_func(_epoch_spectral_connectivity, n_jobs,
# format fmin and fmax and check inputs
if fmin is None:
fmin = -np.inf # set it to -inf, so we can adjust it later
fmin = np.array((fmin,), dtype=float).ravel()
fmax = np.array((fmax,), dtype=float).ravel()
if len(fmin) != len(fmax):
raise ValueError('fmin and fmax must have the same length')
if np.any(fmin > fmax):
raise ValueError('fmax must be larger than fmin')
n_bands = len(fmin)
# assign names to connectivity methods
if not isinstance(method, (list, tuple)):
method = [method] # make it a list so we can iterate over it
# handle connectivity estimators
(con_method_types, n_methods, accumulate_psd,
n_comp_args) = _check_estimators(method=method, mode=mode)
if isinstance(data, BaseEpochs):
times_in = data.times # input times for Epochs input type
sfreq = data.info['sfreq']
times_in = None
# loop over data; it could be a generator that returns
# (n_signals x n_times) arrays or SourceEstimates
epoch_idx = 0
logger.info('Connectivity computation...')
warn_times = True
for epoch_block in _get_n_epochs(data, n_jobs):
if epoch_idx == 0:
# initialize everything times and frequencies
(n_cons, times, n_times, times_in, n_times_in, tmin_idx,
tmax_idx, n_freqs, freq_mask, freqs, freqs_bands, freq_idx_bands,
n_signals, indices_use, warn_times) = _prepare_connectivity(
epoch_block=epoch_block, times_in=times_in,
tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, sfreq=sfreq,
indices=indices, mode=mode, fskip=fskip, n_bands=n_bands,
cwt_freqs=cwt_freqs, faverage=faverage)
# get the window function, wavelets, etc for different modes
(spectral_params, mt_adaptive, n_times_spectrum,
n_tapers) = _assemble_spectral_params(
mode=mode, n_times=n_times, mt_adaptive=mt_adaptive,
mt_bandwidth=mt_bandwidth, sfreq=sfreq,
mt_low_bias=mt_low_bias, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles,
cwt_freqs=cwt_freqs, freqs=freqs, freq_mask=freq_mask)
# unique signals for which we actually need to compute PSD etc.
sig_idx = np.unique(np.r_[indices_use[0], indices_use[1]])
# map indices to unique indices
idx_map = [np.searchsorted(sig_idx, ind) for ind in indices_use]
# allocate space to accumulate PSD
if accumulate_psd:
if n_times_spectrum == 0:
psd_shape = (len(sig_idx), n_freqs)
psd_shape = (len(sig_idx), n_freqs, n_times_spectrum)
psd = np.zeros(psd_shape)
psd = None
# create instances of the connectivity estimators
con_methods = [mtype(n_cons, n_freqs, n_times_spectrum)
for mtype in con_method_types]
sep = ', '
metrics_str = sep.join([meth.name for meth in con_methods])
logger.info(' the following metrics will be computed: %s'
% metrics_str)
# check dimensions and time scale
for this_epoch in epoch_block:
_, _, _, warn_times = _get_and_verify_data_sizes(
this_epoch, sfreq, n_signals, n_times_in, times_in,
call_params = dict(
sig_idx=sig_idx, tmin_idx=tmin_idx,
tmax_idx=tmax_idx, sfreq=sfreq, mode=mode,
freq_mask=freq_mask, idx_map=idx_map, block_size=block_size,
psd=psd, accumulate_psd=accumulate_psd,
con_methods=con_methods if n_jobs == 1 else None,
n_signals=n_signals, n_times=n_times,
accumulate_inplace=True if n_jobs == 1 else False)
if n_jobs == 1:
# no parallel processing
for this_epoch in epoch_block:
logger.info(' computing connectivity for epoch %d'
% (epoch_idx + 1))
# con methods and psd are updated inplace
_epoch_spectral_connectivity(data=this_epoch, **call_params)
epoch_idx += 1
# process epochs in parallel
logger.info(' computing connectivity for epochs %d..%d'
% (epoch_idx + 1, epoch_idx + len(epoch_block)))
out = parallel(my_epoch_spectral_connectivity(
data=this_epoch, **call_params)
for this_epoch in epoch_block)
# do the accumulation
for this_out in out:
for method, parallel_method in zip(con_methods, this_out[0]):
if accumulate_psd:
psd += this_out[1]
epoch_idx += len(epoch_block)
# normalize
n_epochs = epoch_idx
if accumulate_psd:
psd /= n_epochs
# compute final connectivity scores
con = list()
for conn_method, n_args in zip(con_methods, n_comp_args):
# future estimators will need to be handled here
if n_args == 3:
# compute all scores at once
conn_method.compute_con(slice(0, n_cons), n_epochs)
elif n_args == 5:
# compute scores block-wise to save memory
for i in range(0, n_cons, block_size):
con_idx = slice(i, i + block_size)
psd_xx = psd[idx_map[0][con_idx]]
psd_yy = psd[idx_map[1][con_idx]]
conn_method.compute_con(con_idx, n_epochs, psd_xx, psd_yy)
raise RuntimeError('This should never happen.')
# get the connectivity scores
this_con = conn_method.con_scores
if this_con.shape[0] != n_cons:
raise ValueError('First dimension of connectivity scores must be '
'the same as the number of connections')
if faverage:
if this_con.shape[1] != n_freqs:
raise ValueError('2nd dimension of connectivity scores must '
'be the same as the number of frequencies')
con_shape = (n_cons, n_bands) + this_con.shape[2:]
this_con_bands = np.empty(con_shape, dtype=this_con.dtype)
for band_idx in range(n_bands):
this_con_bands[:, band_idx] =\
np.mean(this_con[:, freq_idx_bands[band_idx]], axis=1)
this_con = this_con_bands
freqs_used = freqs
if faverage:
# for each band we return the frequencies that were averaged
freqs = [np.mean(x) for x in freqs_bands]
freqs_used = freqs_bands
if indices is None:
# return all-to-all connectivity matrices
# raveled into a 1D array
logger.info(' assembling connectivity matrix')
con_flat = con
con = list()
for this_con_flat in con_flat:
this_con = np.zeros((n_signals, n_signals) +
this_con[indices_use] = this_con_flat
# ravel 2D connectivity into a 1D array
# while keeping other dimensions
this_con = this_con.reshape((n_signals ** 2,) +
# number of nodes in the original data,
n_nodes = n_signals
# create a list of connectivity containers
conn_list = []
for _con in con:
kwargs = dict(data=_con,
# create the connectivity container
if mode in ['multitaper', 'fourier']:
klass = SpectralConnectivity
assert mode == 'cwt_morlet'
klass = SpectroTemporalConnectivity
logger.info('[Connectivity computation done]')
if n_methods == 1:
# for a single method return connectivity directly
conn_list = conn_list[0]
return conn_list
def _prepare_connectivity(epoch_block, times_in, tmin, tmax,
fmin, fmax, sfreq, indices,
mode, fskip, n_bands,
cwt_freqs, faverage):
"""Check and precompute dimensions of results data."""
rfftfreq = _import_fft('rfftfreq')
first_epoch = epoch_block[0]
# get the data size and time scale
n_signals, n_times_in, times_in, warn_times = _get_and_verify_data_sizes(
first_epoch, sfreq, times=times_in)
n_times_in = len(times_in)
if tmin is not None and tmin < times_in[0]:
warn('start time tmin=%0.2f s outside of the time scope of the data '
'[%0.2f s, %0.2f s]' % (tmin, times_in[0], times_in[-1]))
if tmax is not None and tmax > times_in[-1]:
warn('stop time tmax=%0.2f s outside of the time scope of the data '
'[%0.2f s, %0.2f s]' % (tmax, times_in[0], times_in[-1]))
mask = _time_mask(times_in, tmin, tmax, sfreq=sfreq)
tmin_idx, tmax_idx = np.where(mask)[0][[0, -1]]
tmax_idx += 1
tmin_true = times_in[tmin_idx]
tmax_true = times_in[tmax_idx - 1] # time of last point used
times = times_in[tmin_idx:tmax_idx]
n_times = len(times)
if indices is None:
logger.info('only using indices for lower-triangular matrix')
# only compute r for lower-triangular region
indices_use = np.tril_indices(n_signals, -1)
indices_use = check_indices(indices)
# number of connectivities to compute
n_cons = len(indices_use[0])
logger.info(' computing connectivity for %d connections'
% n_cons)
logger.info(' using t=%0.3fs..%0.3fs for estimation (%d points)'
% (tmin_true, tmax_true, n_times))
# get frequencies of interest for the different modes
if mode in ('multitaper', 'fourier'):
# fmin fmax etc is only supported for these modes
# decide which frequencies to keep
freqs_all = rfftfreq(n_times, 1. / sfreq)
elif mode == 'cwt_morlet':
# cwt_morlet mode
if cwt_freqs is None:
raise ValueError('define frequencies of interest using '
cwt_freqs = cwt_freqs.astype(np.float64)
if any(cwt_freqs > (sfreq / 2.)):
raise ValueError('entries in cwt_freqs cannot be '
'larger than Nyquist (sfreq / 2)')
freqs_all = cwt_freqs
raise ValueError('mode has an invalid value')
# check that fmin corresponds to at least 5 cycles
dur = float(n_times) / sfreq
five_cycle_freq = 5. / dur
if len(fmin) == 1 and fmin[0] == -np.inf:
# we use the 5 cycle freq. as default
fmin = np.array([five_cycle_freq])
if np.any(fmin < five_cycle_freq):
warn('fmin=%0.3f Hz corresponds to %0.3f < 5 cycles '
'based on the epoch length %0.3f sec, need at least %0.3f '
'sec epochs or fmin=%0.3f. Spectrum estimate will be '
'unreliable.' % (np.min(fmin), dur * np.min(fmin), dur,
5. / np.min(fmin), five_cycle_freq))
# create a frequency mask for all bands
freq_mask = np.zeros(len(freqs_all), dtype=bool)
for f_lower, f_upper in zip(fmin, fmax):
freq_mask |= ((freqs_all >= f_lower) & (freqs_all <= f_upper))
# possibly skip frequency points
for pos in range(fskip):
freq_mask[pos + 1::fskip + 1] = False
# the frequency points where we compute connectivity
freqs = freqs_all[freq_mask]
n_freqs = len(freqs)
# get the freq. indices and points for each band
freq_idx_bands = [np.where((freqs >= fl) & (freqs <= fu))[0]
for fl, fu in zip(fmin, fmax)]
freqs_bands = [freqs[freq_idx] for freq_idx in freq_idx_bands]
# make sure we don't have empty bands
for i, n_f_band in enumerate([len(f) for f in freqs_bands]):
if n_f_band == 0:
raise ValueError('There are no frequency points between '
'%0.1fHz and %0.1fHz. Change the band '
'specification (fmin, fmax) or the '
'frequency resolution.'
% (fmin[i], fmax[i]))
if n_bands == 1:
logger.info(' frequencies: %0.1fHz..%0.1fHz (%d points)'
% (freqs_bands[0][0], freqs_bands[0][-1],
logger.info(' computing connectivity for the bands:')
for i, bfreqs in enumerate(freqs_bands):
logger.info(' band %d: %0.1fHz..%0.1fHz '
'(%d points)' % (i + 1, bfreqs[0],
bfreqs[-1], len(bfreqs)))
if faverage:
logger.info(' connectivity scores will be averaged for '
'each band')
return (n_cons, times, n_times, times_in, n_times_in, tmin_idx,
tmax_idx, n_freqs, freq_mask, freqs, freqs_bands, freq_idx_bands,
n_signals, indices_use, warn_times)
def _assemble_spectral_params(mode, n_times, mt_adaptive, mt_bandwidth, sfreq,
mt_low_bias, cwt_n_cycles, cwt_freqs,
freqs, freq_mask):
"""Prepare time-frequency decomposition."""
spectral_params = dict(
eigvals=None, window_fun=None, wavelets=None)
n_tapers = None
n_times_spectrum = 0
if mode == 'multitaper':
window_fun, eigvals, mt_adaptive = _compute_mt_params(
n_times, sfreq, mt_bandwidth, mt_low_bias, mt_adaptive)
spectral_params.update(window_fun=window_fun, eigvals=eigvals)
elif mode == 'fourier':
logger.info(' using FFT with a Hanning window to estimate '
spectral_params.update(window_fun=np.hanning(n_times), eigvals=1.)
elif mode == 'cwt_morlet':
logger.info(' using CWT with Morlet wavelets to estimate '
# reformat cwt_n_cycles if we have removed some frequencies
# using fmin, fmax, fskip
cwt_n_cycles = np.array((cwt_n_cycles,), dtype=float).ravel()
if len(cwt_n_cycles) > 1:
if len(cwt_n_cycles) != len(cwt_freqs):
raise ValueError('cwt_n_cycles must be float or an '
'array with the same size as cwt_freqs')
cwt_n_cycles = cwt_n_cycles[freq_mask]
# get the Morlet wavelets
wavelets=morlet(sfreq, freqs,
n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles, zero_mean=True))
n_times_spectrum = n_times
raise ValueError('mode has an invalid value')
return spectral_params, mt_adaptive, n_times_spectrum, n_tapers