Source code for mne_connectivity.envelope

# Authors: Eric Larson <>
#          Sheraz Khan <>
#          Denis Engemann <>
#          Adam Li <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import numpy as np
from mne import BaseEpochs
from mne.filter import next_fast_len
from mne.source_estimate import _BaseSourceEstimate
from mne.utils import (_check_option, verbose, logger, _validate_type, warn,

from .base import EpochTemporalConnectivity

[docs]@verbose def envelope_correlation(data, names=None, orthogonalize="pairwise", log=False, absolute=True, verbose=None): """Compute the envelope correlation. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape=(n_epochs, n_signals, n_times) | Epochs | generator The data from which to compute connectivity. The array-like object can also be a list/generator of array, each with shape (n_signals, n_times), or a :class:`~mne.SourceEstimate` object (and ```` will be used). If it's float data, the Hilbert transform will be applied; if it's complex data, it's assumed the Hilbert has already been applied. names : list | array-like | None A list of names associated with the signals in ``data``. If None, will be a list of indices of the number of nodes. orthogonalize : 'pairwise' | False Whether to orthogonalize with the pairwise method or not. Defaults to 'pairwise'. Note that when False, the correlation matrix will not be returned with absolute values. log : bool If True (default False), square and take the log before orthonalizing envelopes or computing correlations. absolute : bool If True (default), then take the absolute value of correlation coefficients before making each epoch's correlation matrix symmetric (and thus before combining matrices across epochs). Only used when ``orthogonalize='pairwise'``. %(verbose)s Returns ------- corr : instance of EpochConnectivity The pairwise orthogonal envelope correlations. This matrix is symmetric. The array will have three dimensions, the first of which is ``n_epochs``. The data shape would be ``(n_epochs, (n_nodes + 1) * n_nodes / 2)``. See Also -------- mne_connectivity.EpochConnectivity Notes ----- This function computes the power envelope correlation between orthogonalized signals :footcite:`HippEtAl2012,KhanEtAl2018`. If you would like to combine Epochs after the fact using some function over the Epochs axis, see the ``combine`` function from `EpochConnectivity` classes. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ # noqa _check_option('orthogonalize', orthogonalize, (False, 'pairwise')) from scipy.signal import hilbert corrs = list() n_nodes = None events = None event_id = None if isinstance(data, BaseEpochs): names = data.ch_names events = event_id = data.event_id # Extract metadata from the Epochs data structure. # Make Annotations persist through by adding them to the metadata. metadata = data.metadata if metadata is None: annots_in_metadata = False else: annots_in_metadata = all( name not in metadata.columns for name in [ 'annot_onset', 'annot_duration', 'annot_description']) if hasattr(data, 'annotations') and not annots_in_metadata: data.add_annotations_to_metadata(overwrite=True) metadata = data.metadata # get the actual data in numpy data = data.get_data() else: metadata = None # Note: This is embarassingly parallel, but the overhead of sending # the data to different workers is roughly the same as the gain of # using multiple CPUs. And we require too much GIL for prefer='threading' # to help. for ei, epoch_data in enumerate(data): if isinstance(epoch_data, _BaseSourceEstimate): epoch_data = if epoch_data.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('Each entry in data must be 2D, got shape %s' % (epoch_data.shape,)) n_nodes, n_times = epoch_data.shape if ei > 0 and n_nodes != corrs[0].shape[0]: raise ValueError('n_nodes mismatch between data[0] and data[%d], ' 'got %s and %s' % (ei, n_nodes, corrs[0].shape[0])) # Get the complex envelope (allowing complex inputs allows people # to do raw.apply_hilbert if they want) if np.issubdtype(epoch_data.dtype, np.floating): n_fft = next_fast_len(n_times) epoch_data = hilbert(epoch_data, N=n_fft, axis=-1)[..., :n_times] if not np.iscomplexobj(epoch_data): raise ValueError('data.dtype must be float or complex, got %s' % (epoch_data.dtype,)) data_mag = np.abs(epoch_data) data_conj_scaled = epoch_data.conj() data_conj_scaled /= data_mag if log: data_mag *= data_mag np.log(data_mag, out=data_mag) # subtract means data_mag_nomean = data_mag - np.mean(data_mag, axis=-1, keepdims=True) # compute variances using linalg.norm (square, sum, sqrt) since mean=0 data_mag_std = np.linalg.norm(data_mag_nomean, axis=-1) data_mag_std[data_mag_std == 0] = 1 corr = np.empty((n_nodes, n_nodes)) # loop over each signal in this specific epoch # which is now (n_signals, n_times) and compute envelope for li, label_data in enumerate(epoch_data): if orthogonalize is False: # the new code label_data_orth = data_mag[li] label_data_orth_std = data_mag_std[li] else: label_data_orth = (label_data * data_conj_scaled).imag np.abs(label_data_orth, out=label_data_orth) # protect against invalid value -- this will be zero # after (log and) mean subtraction label_data_orth[li] = 1. if log: label_data_orth *= label_data_orth np.log(label_data_orth, out=label_data_orth) label_data_orth -= np.mean(label_data_orth, axis=-1, keepdims=True) label_data_orth_std = np.linalg.norm(label_data_orth, axis=-1) label_data_orth_std[label_data_orth_std == 0] = 1 # correlation is dot product divided by variances corr[li] = np.sum(label_data_orth * data_mag_nomean, axis=1) corr[li] /= data_mag_std corr[li] /= label_data_orth_std if orthogonalize: # Make it symmetric (it isn't at this point) if absolute: corr = np.abs(corr) corr = (corr.T + corr) / 2. corrs.append(corr) del corr if n_nodes is None: raise RuntimeError('Passing in empty epochs object is not allowed.') # apply function on correlation structure n_epochs = len(corrs) # ravel from 2D connectivity into 1D array # over all epochs corr = np.array([_corr.flatten() for _corr in corrs]) # create the connectivity container times = None # create time axis corr = corr[..., np.newaxis] # only get the upper-triu indices triu_inds = np.triu_indices(n_nodes, k=0) raveled_triu_inds = np.ravel_multi_index( triu_inds, dims=(n_nodes, n_nodes)) corr = corr[:, raveled_triu_inds, ...] conn = EpochTemporalConnectivity( data=corr, names=names, times=times, method='envelope correlation', indices='symmetric', n_epochs_used=n_epochs, n_nodes=n_nodes, events=events, event_id=event_id, metadata=metadata ) return conn
[docs]@verbose def symmetric_orth(data, *, n_iter=50, tol=1e-6, verbose=None): """Perform symmetric orthogonalization. Uses the method from :footcite:`ColcloughEtAl2015` to jointly orthogonalize the time series. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray, shape ([n_epochs, ]n_signals, n_times) or generator The data to process. If a generator, it must return 2D arrays to process. n_iter : int The maximum number of iterations to perform. tol : float The relative tolerance for convergence. %(verbose)s Returns ------- data_orth : ndarray, shape (n_epochs, n_signals, n_times) | generator The orthogonalized data. If ``data`` is a generator, a generator is returned. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ n_iter = _ensure_int(n_iter, 'n_iter') if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): return_generator = False if data.ndim == 2: return_singleton = True data = [data] else: return_singleton = False else: return_generator = True return_singleton = False data_out = _gen_sym_orth(data, n_iter, tol) if not return_generator: data_out = np.array(list(data_out)) if return_singleton: data_out = data_out[0] return data_out
def _gen_sym_orth(data, n_iter, tol): for ei, Z in enumerate(data): name = f'data[{ei}]' _validate_type(Z, np.ndarray, name) _check_option(f'{name}.ndim', Z.ndim, (2,)) _check_option(f'{name}.dtype.kind', Z.dtype.kind, 'f') # implementation follows Colclough et al. 2015 (NeuroImage), quoted # below the paper formulation has Z of shape (m, n) with m time points # and n sensors, but let's reformulate to our dimensionality n, m = Z.shape if m < n: raise RuntimeError( f'Symmetric orth requires at least as many time points ({m}) ' f'as the number of time series ({n})') logger.debug('Symmetric orth') # "starting with D(1) = I_n" d = np.ones(n) # don't bother with making it full diag # "we then allow the vector magnitudes to vary and reduce the error ε # by iterating (4), (6) and (8) until convergence." last_err = np.inf power = np.linalg.norm(Z, 'fro') ** 2 power = power or 1. P = None rank = None for ii in range(n_iter): # eq. 4: UΣVᵀ = SVD(ZD), but our Z is transposed U, s, Vh = np.linalg.svd(Z.T * d, full_matrices=False) this_rank = (s >= s[0] * 1e-6).sum() if rank is None: rank = this_rank # Use single precision here (should be good enough) if rank < len(Z): warn(f'Data are rank deficient ({rank} < {len(Z)}), some ' 'orthogonalized components will be noise') # eq. 6 with an added transpose O_ = Vh.T @ U.T # eq. 8 (D=diag(diag(Z^T O))) d = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', Z, O_) # eq. 2 (P=OD) with an added transpose O_ *= d[:, np.newaxis] P = O_ err = _ep(Z, P) / power delta = 0 if err == 0 else (last_err - err) / err logger.debug(f' {ii:2d}: ε={delta:0.2e} ({err}; r={this_rank})') if err == 0 or delta < tol: logger.debug(f'Convergence reached on iteration {ii}') break last_err = err else: warn(f'Symmetric orth did not converge for data[{ei}]') yield P def _ep(Z, P): return np.linalg.norm(Z - P, 'fro') ** 2