
mne_features.bivariate.compute_nonlin_interdep(data, tau=2, emb=10, nn=5, include_diag=False)

Measure of nonlinear interdependence.

datandarray, shape (n_channels, n_times)

The signals.

tauint (default: 2)

Delay in time samples.

embint (default: 10)

Embedding dimension.

nnint (default: 5)

Number of Nearest Neighbors.

include_diagbool (default: False)

If False, features corresponding to pairs of identical electrodes are not computed. In other words, features are not computed from pairs of electrodes of the form (ch[i], ch[i]).

outputndarray, shape (n_output,)

With n_output = n_channels * (n_channels + 1) / 2 if include_diag is True and n_output = n_channels * (n_channels - 1) / 2 if include_diag is False.


Alias of the feature function: nonlin_interdep. See [1] and [2].



Mormann, F. et al. (2006). Seizure prediction: the long and winding road. Brain, 130(2), 314-333.


Mirowski, P. W. et al. (2008). Comparing SVM and convolutional networks for epileptic seizure prediction from intracranial EEG. Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 2008. IEEE Workshop on (pp. 244-249). IEEE.

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