"""Utility and helper functions for MNE-HFO."""
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import json
import os
from os import path as op
import mne
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.signal import hilbert
from tqdm import tqdm
from mne_hfo.config import ANNOT_COLUMNS, EVENT_COLUMNS
def _check_df(df: pd.DataFrame, df_type: str,
copy: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Check dataframe for correctness."""
if df_type == 'annotations':
if any([col not in df.columns
for col in ANNOT_COLUMNS + ['sample']]):
raise RuntimeError(f'Annotations dataframe columns must contain '
f'{ANNOT_COLUMNS + ["sample"]}.')
elif df_type == 'events':
if any([col not in df.columns
for col in EVENT_COLUMNS + ['sample']]):
raise RuntimeError(f'Events dataframe columns must contain '
# Only want to do this check if there are multiple rows. Handles edge case
# of 1 HFO starting at 0. TODO: handle this more elegantly
if df.shape[0] > 1:
# first compute sampling rate from sample / onset columns
sfreq = df['sample'].divide(df['onset']).round(2)
# onset=0 will cause sfreq to be inf, drop these rows to
# prevent additional sfreqs
sfreq = sfreq.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).dropna()
if sfreq.nunique() != 1:
raise ValueError(f'All rows in the annotations dataframe '
f'should have the same sampling rate. '
f'Found {sfreq.nunique()} different '
f'sampling rates.')
if copy:
return df.copy()
return df
def _ensure_tuple(x):
"""Return a tuple."""
if x is None:
return tuple()
elif isinstance(x, str):
return (x,)
return tuple(x)
def _check_types(variables):
"""Make sure all vars are str or None."""
for var in variables:
if not isinstance(var, (str, type(None))):
raise ValueError(f"You supplied a value ({var}) of type "
f"{type(var)}, where a string or None was "
def _write_json(fname, dictionary, overwrite=False, verbose=False):
"""Write JSON to a file."""
if op.exists(fname) and not overwrite:
raise FileExistsError(f'"{fname}" already exists. '
'Please set overwrite to True.')
json_output = json.dumps(dictionary, indent=4)
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fid:
if verbose is True:
print(os.linesep + f"Writing '{fname}'..." + os.linesep)
def _band_zscore_detect(signal, sfreq, band_idx, l_freq, h_freq, n_times,
cycles_threshold, gap_threshold, zscore_threshold):
Find detections that meet the Hilbert envelope criteria.
signal : np.ndarray
A single channel's Hilbert transform within a frequency band
sfreq : float
Sampling frequency of the data
band_idx : int
The index of the frequency band
l_freq : float
The low frequency of the band
h_freq : float
The high frequency of the band
n_times : int
The number of timepoints used to calculate the signal
cycles_threshold : float
The number of cycles to be considered a valid envelope
gap_threshold : float
The number of cycles needed to be considered a gap
zscore_threshold : float
Value to threshold the signal on
tdetects: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]
All HFO events that passed the bandpass, zscore. Each tuple contains:
[0] - The band index
[1] - The timepoint of the start of a detection
[2] - The timepoint of the end of the detection
[3] - Maximum value of the Hilbert envelope in this event window
# Detections where the envelope has a zscore greater than threshold
tdetects = []
# Create boolean mask of signal greater than zscore_threshold
thresh_sig = np.zeros(n_times, dtype='bool')
thresh_sig[signal > zscore_threshold] = 1
idx = 0
# Find indices where threshold is met
thresh_idxs = np.where(thresh_sig == 1)[0]
# Calculate the required samples to be considered a valid gap
gap_samp = round(gap_threshold * sfreq / l_freq)
# Iterate over valid indices (significant zscore timepoints)
while idx < len(thresh_idxs) - 1:
# Find the start of the envelope, which occurs when back to back
# time-points meet the threshold
if (thresh_idxs[idx + 1] - thresh_idxs[idx]) == 1:
start_idx = thresh_idxs[idx]
# Find where the envelope ends by iterating over indices
while idx < len(thresh_idxs) - 1:
# Check if last index over threshold. If so,
# consider this index to be the end of the envelope
if (thresh_idxs[idx + 1] - thresh_idxs[idx]) == 1:
idx += 1
if idx == len(thresh_idxs) - 1:
stop_idx = thresh_idxs[idx]
# Check that envelope meets number of cycles criteria
dur = (stop_idx - start_idx) / sfreq
cycs = l_freq * dur
if cycs > cycles_threshold:
# Valid, so append to detections
tdetects.append([band_idx, start_idx, stop_idx,
[l_freq, h_freq]])
# If there is no gap between this and the next index,
# it is still part of this envelope. Increment the
# index.
if (thresh_idxs[idx + 1] - (thresh_idxs[idx])) < gap_samp:
idx += 1
# If the next index has a gap, the current index is the
# end of the envelope
stop_idx = thresh_idxs[idx]
# Check that envelope meets number of cycles criteria
dur = (stop_idx - start_idx) / sfreq
cycs = l_freq * dur
if cycs > cycles_threshold:
# Valid, so append to detections
tdetects.append([band_idx, start_idx, stop_idx,
[l_freq, h_freq]])
idx += 1
idx += 1
return tdetects
[docs]def compute_rms(signal, win_size=6):
Calculate the Root Mean Square (RMS) energy.
signal: numpy array
1D signal to be transformed
win_size: int
Number of the points of the window (default=6)
rms: numpy array
Root mean square transformed signal
aux = np.power(signal, 2)
window = np.ones(win_size) / float(win_size)
return np.sqrt(np.convolve(aux, window, 'same'))
[docs]def compute_line_length(signal, win_size=6):
"""Calculate line length.
signal: numpy array
1D signal to be transformed
win_size: int
Number of the points of the window (default=6)
line_length: numpy array
Line length transformed signal
return np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(data, axis=-1)), axis=-1)
.. [1] Esteller, R. et al. (2001). Line length: an efficient feature for
seizure onset detection. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Society, 2001. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International
Conference of the IEEE (Vol. 2, pp. 1707-1710). IEEE.
.. [2] Dümpelmann et al, 2012. Clinical Neurophysiology: 123 (9): 1721-31.
aux = np.abs(np.subtract(signal[1:], signal[:-1]))
window = np.ones(win_size) / float(win_size)
data = np.convolve(aux, window)
start = int(np.floor(win_size / 2))
stop = int(np.ceil(win_size / 2))
return data[start:-stop]
[docs]def compute_hilbert(signal, freq_cutoffs, freq_span, sfreq):
"""Compute the Hilbert envelope for a single channel.
signal : np.array
EEG signal for a single channel
extra_params : dict
Must have values for 'freq_cutoffs', 'freq_span', and
hfx_bands: np.ndarray
Hilbert transforms per freq band
hfx_bands = []
# Iterate over freq bands
for ind in range(freq_span):
l_freq = freq_cutoffs[ind]
h_freq = freq_cutoffs[ind + 1]
# Filter the data for this frequency band
signal = mne.filter.filter_data(signal, sfreq=sfreq,
l_freq=l_freq, h_freq=h_freq,
method='iir', verbose=False)
# compute z-score of data
signal = (signal - np.mean(signal)) / np.std(signal)
# Chunk the signal into 30 second windows and compute the Hilbert
# to save memory
hfx = np.empty(signal.shape)
n_times = len(hfx)
win_size = int(sfreq * 30)
n_wins = int(np.ceil(n_times / win_size))
for win in range(n_wins):
start_samp = win * win_size
end_samp = (win + 1) * win_size
if win == n_wins:
end_samp = n_times
sig = signal[start_samp:end_samp]
hfx[start_samp:end_samp] = np.abs(hilbert(sig))
# return the absolute value of the Hilbert transform.
# (i.e. the envelope)
hfx = None
return hfx_bands
[docs]def apply_hilbert(metric, threshold_dict, kwargs):
"""Apply the Hilbert z-score thresholding scheme.
metric : np.ndarray
The values to apply the threshold rules to.
threshold_dict : dict
Dictionary of threshold parameters to apply to metric.
Must have zscore, gap, and cycles keys
kwargs : dict
Additional model parameters needed to apply hilbert threshold.
Must have n_times, sfreq, filter_band, freq_cutoffs,
freq_span, and n_jobs.
tdetects: List(tuples)
Detected hfo events with the structure [band_idx, start,
stop, max_amplitude, freq_band]
# get threshold vals
zscore_threshold = threshold_dict["zscore"]
gap_threshold = threshold_dict["gap"]
cycles_threshold = threshold_dict["cycles"]
if any(elem is None for elem in [zscore_threshold, gap_threshold,
raise RuntimeError(f"threshold_dict must have values for zscore,"
f" gap, and cycles. You passed {threshold_dict}")
n_times = kwargs["n_times"]
sfreq = kwargs["sfreq"]
filter_band = kwargs["filter_band"]
freq_cutoffs = kwargs["freq_cutoffs"]
freq_span = kwargs["freq_span"]
n_jobs = kwargs["n_jobs"]
if any(elem is None for elem in [n_times, sfreq, filter_band,
freq_cutoffs, freq_span, n_jobs]):
raise RuntimeError(f"kwargs must have values for n_times, sfreq,"
f" filter_band, freq_cutoffs, freq_span, n_jobs."
f" You passed {kwargs}")
tdetects = []
for i in tqdm(range(freq_span), unit="HFO-first-phase"):
# Find bottom and top of the frequency band
bot = freq_cutoffs[i]
top = freq_cutoffs[i + 1]
# Make sure you only look at Hilbert envelope values
# for the specific freq band
tdetects.append(_band_zscore_detect(metric[i], sfreq, i, bot,
top, n_times, cycles_threshold,
return tdetects
[docs]def apply_std(metric, threshold_dict, kwargs):
"""Calculate and apply the threshold based on number of standard deviations.
metric : np.ndarray
Values to apply the threshold to
threshold_dict : dict
Dictionary of threshold values. Should just have thresh,
which is the number of standard deviations to check against
kwargs : dict
Additional key-word args from the detector needed to
apply the threshold.
Step_size, win_size, and n_times are required keys.
output: List(tuples)
List of detected events that pass the threshold
# determine threshold value
threshold = threshold_dict["thresh"]
if threshold is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"threshold_dict must have a value for 'thresh'."
f" You passed {threshold_dict}")
det_th = _get_threshold_std(metric, threshold)
n_windows = len(metric)
step_size = kwargs["step_size"]
win_size = kwargs["win_size"]
n_times = kwargs["n_times"]
if any(elem is None for elem in [step_size, win_size, n_times]):
raise RuntimeError(f"kwargs must have step_size, win_size, "
f"and n_times. You passed {kwargs}")
# store thresholded hfo events as a list
output = []
# Detect and now group events if they are within a
# step size of each other
win_idx = 0
while win_idx < n_windows:
# log events if they pass our threshold criterion
if metric[win_idx] >= det_th:
event_start = win_idx * step_size
# group events together if they occur in
# contiguous windows
# TODO: We could factor this out into an independent step,
# but that will just add comp time
while win_idx < n_windows and \
metric[win_idx] >= det_th:
win_idx += 1
event_stop = (win_idx * step_size) + win_size
if event_stop > n_times:
event_stop = n_times
# TODO: Optional feature calculations
# Write into output
output.append((event_start, event_stop))
win_idx += 1
win_idx += 1
return output
def _get_threshold_std(signal, threshold):
Calculate threshold by Standard Deviations above the mean.
signal: numpy array
1D signal for threshold determination
threshold: int
Number of standard deviations to consider.
ths_value: float
Value of the threshold
ths_value = np.mean(signal) + threshold * np.std(signal)
return ths_value
def merge_contiguous_freq_bands(detections):
"""Merge detected events in contiguous freq bands and time windows.
detections : List(tuple)
List of detections, which have the form [band_idx, start,
stop, max_amplitude, freq_band]
hfo_events: List(tuple)
List of distinct hfo events, which have the form [start, stop]
max_hilbert: List(int)
List of max values in each event
freq_bands: List(tuple)
List of the freq_band for each event
from mne_hfo.posthoc import _check_detection_overlap
outlines = []
for detection in detections[0]:
band_idx = detection[0]
# If first freq band, always unique so append
if band_idx == 0:
for ind, outline in enumerate(outlines):
# only try to merge contiguous freq bands
if outline[0] == band_idx + 1:
# Check if the events overlap in time
if _check_detection_overlap([detection[1], detection[2]],
[outline[1], outline[2]]):
# merge the overlapping events
outlines[ind] = _merge_outline(outlines, detection)
# Events dont overlap so append it
# Events are contiguous so append it
# extract start and stop times
hfo_events = [[o[1], o[2]] for o in outlines]
max_hilbert = [o[3] for o in outlines]
freq_bands = [[o[4][0], o[4][1]] for o in outlines]
return hfo_events, max_hilbert, freq_bands
def _merge_outline(outline, detection):
band_idx = detection[0]
start = min(outline[1], detection[1])
stop = max(outline[2], detection[2])
max_frq = max(outline[3], detection[3])
freq_band = [outline[4][0], detection[4][1]]
return [band_idx, start, stop, max_frq, freq_band]
[docs]def threshold_tukey(signal, threshold):
Calculate threshold by Tukey method.
signal: numpy array
1D signal for threshold determination
threshold: float
Number of interquartile interval above the 75th percentile
ths_value: float
Value of the threshold
[1] TUKEY JW. Comparing individual means in the analysis of
variance. Biometrics. 1949 Jun;5(2):99-114. PMID: 18151955.
ths_value = np.percentile(signal, 75) + threshold * (np.percentile(signal, 75) - np.percentile(signal, 25)) # noqa
return ths_value
def threshold_quian(signal, threshold):
Calculate threshold by Quian.
signal: numpy array
1D signal for threshold determination
threshold: float
Number of estimated noise SD above the mean
ths_value: float
Value of the threshold
1. Quian Quiroga, R. 2004. Neural Computation 16: 1661–87.
ths_value = threshold * np.median(np.abs(signal)) / 0.6745
return ths_value