.. NOTE: we use cross-references to highlight new functions and classes. Please follow the examples below, so the changelog page will have a link to the function/class documentation. .. NOTE: there are 3 separate sections for changes, based on type: - "Enhancements" for new features - "Bugs" for bug fixes - "API changes" for backward-incompatible changes .. NOTE: You can use the :pr:`xx` and :issue:`xx` role to x-ref to a GitHub PR or issue from this project. :hide-toc: .. include:: ./authors.inc Version 1.5 =========== - Add ``exclude='bads'`` argument to :meth:`~mne_lsl.stream.StreamLSL.get_data` to control exclusion from ``picks`` (:pr:`258` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Add :class:`~mne_lsl.stream.EpochsStream` to epoch a Stream object object on the fly (:pr:`258` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Add tutorial about :class:`~mne_lsl.stream.EpochsStream` (:pr:`302` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Add tutorial about :class:`~mne.Annotations` replayed on a :class:`~mne_lsl.player.PlayerLSL` (:pr:`305` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Expose the abstract :class:`~mne_lsl.stream.BaseStream` object to create custom stream objects relying on different communication protocols (:pr:`302` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Add argument ``source_id`` to :class:`~mne_lsl.player.PlayerLSL` to specify the source_id of the stream (:pr:`305` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Add documentation about the processing applied to a :class:`~mne_lsl.stream.StreamLSL` and :class:`~mne_lsl.stream.EpochsStream` object (:pr:`309` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Add example of real-time classifier using :class:`~mne_lsl.stream.EpochsStream` (:pr:`312` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) Infrastructure -------------- - Improve unit tests by setting a marker ``slow`` on tests which take more than 5 seconds to complete (:pr:`258` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Make unit tests using :func:`~mne_lsl.lsl.resolve_streams` robust to the presence of other LSL streams on the network (:pr:`305` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Improve documentation build and unit test by adding a github action to retry a step when needed (:pr:`258` and :pr:`306` by `Eric Larson`_ and `Mathieu Scheltienne`_)