.. include:: ../links.inc Install ======= Default install --------------- ``MNE-LSL`` requires Python version ``3.9`` or higher and is available on `PyPI `_ and `conda-forge `_. It requires `liblsl `_ which will be either fetch from the path in the environment variable ``MNE_LSL_LIB`` (or ``PYLSL_LIB``), or from the system directories, or downloaded from the release page on compatible platforms. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: MNE installers As of `MNE-Python `_ 1.6, ``mne-lsl`` is distributed in the `MNE standalone installers `_. The installers create a conda environment with the entire MNE-ecosystem setup, and more! This installation method is recommended for beginners. .. tab-item:: PyPI ``mne-lsl`` can be installed from `PyPI `_ using pip: .. code-block:: console $ pip install mne-lsl .. tab-item:: Conda ``mne-lsl`` can be installed from `conda-forge `_ using conda: .. code-block:: console $ conda install -c conda-forge mne-lsl .. tab-item:: Source ``mne-lsl`` can be installed from `GitHub `_: .. code-block:: console $ pip install git+https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-lsl Different liblsl version ------------------------ If you prefer to use a different version of `liblsl `_ than the automatically downloaded one, or if your platform is not supported, you can build `liblsl `_ from source and provide the path to the library in an environment variable ``MNE_LSL_LIB`` (or ``PYLSL_LIB``). liblsl and LabRecorder dependencies ----------------------------------- On Linux, ``liblsl`` requires ``libpugixml-dev`` and ``LabRecorder`` requires ``qt6-base-dev`` and ``freeglut3-dev``. .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install -y libpugixml-dev qt6-base-dev freeglut3-dev Qt -- ``MNE-LSL`` requires a Qt binding for the legacy :class:`~mne_lsl.stream_viewer.StreamViewer` and for the future ``mne_lsl.Viewer``. All 4 Qt bindings, ``PyQt5``, ``PyQt6``, ``PySide2`` and ``PySide6`` are supported thanks to ``qtpy``. It is up to the user to make sure one of the binding is installed in the environment. .. warning:: The legacy :class:`~mne_lsl.stream_viewer.StreamViewer` was developed and tested with ``PyQt5`` only.