Source code for

# Authors: The MNE-Python contributors.
# License: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright the MNE-Python contributors.

import datetime as dt
import re

import numpy as np

from ..._fiff.constants import FIFF
from ..._fiff.meas_info import _merge_info, create_info
from ..._fiff.utils import _mult_cal_one
from ...utils import _check_fname, _check_option, fill_doc, logger, verbose, warn
from ..base import BaseRaw
from ..nirx.nirx import _read_csv_rows_cols

[docs] @fill_doc def read_raw_hitachi(fname, preload=False, verbose=None) -> "RawHitachi": """Reader for a Hitachi fNIRS recording. Parameters ---------- %(hitachi_fname)s %(preload)s %(verbose)s Returns ------- raw : instance of RawHitachi A Raw object containing Hitachi data. See :class:`` for documentation of attributes and methods. See Also -------- : Documentation of attributes and methods of RawHitachi. Notes ----- %(hitachi_notes)s """ return RawHitachi(fname, preload, verbose=verbose)
def _check_bad(cond, msg): if cond: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not parse file: {msg}") @fill_doc class RawHitachi(BaseRaw): """Raw object from a Hitachi fNIRS file. Parameters ---------- %(hitachi_fname)s %(preload)s %(verbose)s See Also -------- : Documentation of attributes and methods. Notes ----- %(hitachi_notes)s """ @verbose def __init__(self, fname, preload=False, *, verbose=None): if not isinstance(fname, list | tuple): fname = [fname] fname = list(fname) # our own list that we can modify for fi, this_fname in enumerate(fname): fname[fi] = _check_fname(this_fname, "read", True, f"fname[{fi}]") infos = list() probes = list() last_samps = list() S_offset = D_offset = 0 ignore_names = ["Time"] for this_fname in fname: info, extra, last_samp, offsets = _get_hitachi_info( this_fname, S_offset, D_offset, ignore_names ) ignore_names = list(set(ignore_names + info["ch_names"])) S_offset += offsets[0] D_offset += offsets[1] infos.append(info) probes.append(extra) last_samps.append(last_samp) # combine infos if len(fname) > 1: info = _merge_info(infos) else: info = infos[0] if len(set(last_samps)) != 1: raise RuntimeError( "All files must have the same number of samples, got: {last_samps}" ) last_samps = [last_samps[0]] raw_extras = [dict(probes=probes)] # One representative filename is good enough here # (additional filenames indicate temporal concat, not ch concat) super().__init__( info, preload, filenames=[fname[0]], last_samps=last_samps, raw_extras=raw_extras, verbose=verbose, ) def _read_segment_file(self, data, idx, fi, start, stop, cals, mult): """Read a segment of data from a file.""" this_data = list() for this_probe in self._raw_extras[fi]["probes"]: this_data.append( _read_csv_rows_cols( this_probe["fname"], start, stop, this_probe["keep_mask"], this_probe["bounds"], sep=",", replace=lambda x: x.replace("\r", "\n") .replace("\n\n", "\n") .replace("\n", ",") .replace(":", ""), ).T ) this_data = np.concatenate(this_data, axis=0) _mult_cal_one(data, this_data, idx, cals, mult) return data def _get_hitachi_info(fname, S_offset, D_offset, ignore_names):"Loading {fname}") raw_extra = dict(fname=fname) info_extra = dict() subject_info = dict() ch_wavelengths = dict() fnirs_wavelengths = [None, None] meas_date = age = ch_names = sfreq = None with open(fname, "rb") as fid: lines = lines = lines.decode("latin-1").rstrip("\r\n") oldlen = len(lines) assert len(lines) == oldlen bounds = [0] end = "\n" if "\n" in lines else "\r" bounds.extend(a.end() for a in re.finditer(end, lines)) bounds.append(len(lines)) lines = lines.split(end) assert len(bounds) == len(lines) + 1 line = lines[0].rstrip(",\r\n") _check_bad(line != "Header", "no header found") li = 0 mode = None for li, line in enumerate(lines[1:], 1): # Newer format has some blank lines if len(line) == 0: continue parts = line.rstrip(",\r\n").split(",") if len(parts) == 0: # some header lines are blank continue kind, parts = parts[0], parts[1:] if len(parts) == 0: parts = [""] # some fields (e.g., Comment) meaningfully blank if kind == "File Version":"Reading Hitachi fNIRS file version {parts[0]}") elif kind == "AnalyzeMode": _check_bad(parts != ["Continuous"], f"not continuous data ({parts})") elif kind == "Sampling Period[s]": sfreq = 1 / float(parts[0]) elif kind == "Exception": raise NotImplementedError(kind) elif kind == "Comment": info_extra["description"] = parts[0] elif kind == "ID": subject_info["his_id"] = parts[0] elif kind == "Name": if len(parts): name = parts[0].split(" ") if len(name): subject_info["first_name"] = name[0] subject_info["last_name"] = " ".join(name[1:]) elif kind == "Age": age = int(parts[0].rstrip("y")) elif kind == "Mode": mode = parts[0] elif kind in ("HPF[Hz]", "LPF[Hz]"): try: freq = float(parts[0]) except ValueError: pass else: info_extra[{"HPF[Hz]": "highpass", "LPF[Hz]": "lowpass"}[kind]] = freq elif kind == "Date": # 5/17/04 5:14 try: mdy, HM = parts[0].split(" ") H, M = HM.split(":") if len(H) == 1: H = f"0{H}" mdyHM = " ".join([mdy, ":".join([H, M])]) for fmt in ("%m/%d/%y %H:%M", "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"): try: meas_date = dt.datetime.strptime(mdyHM, fmt) except Exception: pass else: break else: raise RuntimeError # unknown format except Exception: warn( "Extraction of measurement date failed. " "Please report this as a github issue. " "The date is being set to January 1st, 2000, " f"instead of {repr(parts[0])}" ) elif kind == "Sex": try: subject_info["sex"] = dict( female=FIFF.FIFFV_SUBJ_SEX_FEMALE, male=FIFF.FIFFV_SUBJ_SEX_MALE )[parts[0].lower()] except KeyError: pass elif kind == "Wave[nm]": fnirs_wavelengths[:] = [int(part) for part in parts] elif kind == "Wave Length": ch_regex = re.compile(r"^(.*)\(([0-9\.]+)\)$") for ent in parts: _, v = ch_regex.match(ent).groups() ch_wavelengths[ent] = float(v) elif kind == "Data": break fnirs_wavelengths = np.array(fnirs_wavelengths, int) assert len(fnirs_wavelengths) == 2 ch_names = lines[li + 1].rstrip(",\r\n").split(",") # cull to correct ones raw_extra["keep_mask"] = ~np.isin(ch_names, list(ignore_names)) for ci, ch_name in enumerate(ch_names): if re.match("Probe[0-9]+", ch_name): raw_extra["keep_mask"][ci] = False # set types ch_names = [ ch_name for ci, ch_name in enumerate(ch_names) if raw_extra["keep_mask"][ci] ] ch_types = [ "fnirs_cw_amplitude" if ch_name.startswith("CH") else "stim" for ch_name in ch_names ] # get locations nirs_names = [ ch_name for ch_name, ch_type in zip(ch_names, ch_types) if ch_type == "fnirs_cw_amplitude" ] n_nirs = len(nirs_names) assert n_nirs % 2 == 0 names = { "3x3": "ETG-100", "3x5": "ETG-7000", "4x4": "ETG-7000", "3x11": "ETG-4000", } _check_option("Hitachi mode", mode, sorted(names)) n_row, n_col = (int(x) for x in mode.split("x"))"Constructing pairing matrix for {names[mode]} ({mode})") pairs = _compute_pairs(n_row, n_col, n=1 + (mode == "3x3")) assert n_nirs == len(pairs) * 2 locs = np.zeros((len(ch_names), 12)) locs[:, :9] = np.nan idxs = np.where(np.array(ch_types, "U") == "fnirs_cw_amplitude")[0] for ii, idx in enumerate(idxs): ch_name = ch_names[idx] # Use the actual/accurate wavelength in loc acc_freq = ch_wavelengths[ch_name] locs[idx][9] = acc_freq # Rename channel based on standard naming scheme, using the # nominal wavelength sidx, didx = pairs[ii // 2] nom_freq = fnirs_wavelengths[np.argmin(np.abs(acc_freq - fnirs_wavelengths))] ch_names[idx] = f"S{S_offset + sidx + 1}_D{D_offset + didx + 1} {nom_freq}" offsets = np.array(pairs, int).max(axis=0) + 1 # figure out bounds bounds = raw_extra["bounds"] = bounds[li + 2 :] last_samp = len(bounds) - 2 if age is not None and meas_date is not None: subject_info["birthday"] = meas_date.year - age, meas_date.month,, ) if meas_date is None: meas_date = dt.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) meas_date = meas_date.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc) if subject_info: info_extra["subject_info"] = subject_info # Create mne structure info = create_info(ch_names, sfreq, ch_types=ch_types) with info._unlock(): info.update(info_extra) info["meas_date"] = meas_date for li, loc in enumerate(locs): info["chs"][li]["loc"][:] = loc return info, raw_extra, last_samp, offsets def _compute_pairs(n_rows, n_cols, n=1): n_tot = n_rows * n_cols sd_idx = (np.arange(n_tot) // 2).reshape(n_rows, n_cols) d_bool = np.empty((n_rows, n_cols), bool) for ri in range(n_rows): d_bool[ri] = np.arange(ri, ri + n_cols) % 2 pairs = list() for ri in range(n_rows): # First iterate over connections within the row for ci in range(n_cols - 1): pair = (sd_idx[ri, ci], sd_idx[ri, ci + 1]) if d_bool[ri, ci]: # reverse pair = pair[::-1] pairs.append(pair) # Next iterate over row-row connections, if applicable if ri >= n_rows - 1: continue for ci in range(n_cols): pair = (sd_idx[ri, ci], sd_idx[ri + 1, ci]) if d_bool[ri, ci]: pair = pair[::-1] pairs.append(pair) if n > 1: assert n == 2 # only one supported for now pairs = np.array(pairs, int) second = pairs + pairs.max(axis=0) + 1 pairs = np.r_[pairs, second] pairs = tuple(tuple(row) for row in pairs) return tuple(pairs)