Source code for mne_realtime.mock_client

# Authors: Mainak Jas <>
#          Denis Engemann <>
#          Alexandre Gramfort <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import copy
import numpy as np

from mne.event import find_events
from import _picks_to_idx
from mne.utils import fill_doc

[docs] @fill_doc class MockRtClient(object): """Mock Realtime Client. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of Raw object The raw object which simulates the RtClient %(verbose)s """ def __init__(self, raw, verbose=None): # noqa: D102 self.raw = raw = copy.deepcopy( self.verbose = verbose self._current = dict() # pointer to current index for the event self._last = dict() # Last index for the event
[docs] def get_measurement_info(self): """Return the measurement info. Returns ------- : dict The measurement info. """ return
[docs] @fill_doc def send_data(self, epochs, picks, tmin, tmax, buffer_size): """Read from raw object and send them to RtEpochs for processing. Parameters ---------- epochs : instance of RtEpochs The epochs object. %(picks_all)s tmin : float Time instant to start receiving buffers. tmax : float Time instant to stop receiving buffers. buffer_size : int Size of each buffer in terms of number of samples. """ # this is important to emulate a thread, instead of automatically # or constantly sending data, we will invoke this explicitly to send # the next buffer picks = _picks_to_idx(, picks, 'all', exclude=()) sfreq =['sfreq'] tmin_samp = int(round(sfreq * tmin)) tmax_samp = int(round(sfreq * tmax)) iter_times = list(zip( list(range(tmin_samp, tmax_samp, buffer_size)), list(range(buffer_size, tmax_samp + 1, buffer_size)))) last_iter_sample = iter_times[-1][1] if iter_times else 0 if last_iter_sample < tmax_samp: iter_times.append((last_iter_sample, tmax_samp)) for ii, (start, stop) in enumerate(iter_times): # channels are picked in _append_epoch_to_queue. No need to pick # here data, times = self.raw[:, start:stop] # to undo the calibration done in _process_raw_buffer cals = np.array([[['chs'][k]['range'] *['chs'][k]['cal'] for k in picks]]).T data[picks, :] = data[picks, :] / cals epochs._process_raw_buffer(data)
# The following methods do not seem to be important for this use case, # but they need to be present for the emulation to work because # RtEpochs expects them to be there.
[docs] @fill_doc def get_event_data(self, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=None, stim_channel=None, min_duration=0): """Simulate the data for a particular event-id. The epochs corresponding to a particular event-id are returned. The method remembers the epoch that was returned in the previous call and returns the next epoch in sequence. Once all epochs corresponding to an event-id have been exhausted, the method returns None. Parameters ---------- event_id : int The id of the event to consider. tmin : float Start time before event. tmax : float End time after event. %(picks_all)s stim_channel : None | string | list of string Name of the stim channel or all the stim channels affected by the trigger. If None, the config variables 'MNE_STIM_CHANNEL', 'MNE_STIM_CHANNEL_1', 'MNE_STIM_CHANNEL_2', etc. are read. If these are not found, it will default to 'STI 014'. min_duration : float The minimum duration of a change in the events channel required to consider it as an event (in seconds). Returns ------- data : 2D array with shape [n_channels, n_times] The epochs that are being simulated """ # Get the list of all events picks = _picks_to_idx(, picks, 'all', exclude=()) events = find_events(self.raw, stim_channel=stim_channel, verbose=False, output='onset', consecutive='increasing', min_duration=min_duration) # Get the list of only the specified event idx = np.where(events[:, -1] == event_id)[0] event_samp = events[idx, 0] # Only do this the first time for each event type if event_id not in self._current: # Initialize pointer for the event to 0 self._current[event_id] = 0 self._last[event_id] = len(event_samp) # relative start and stop positions in samples tmin_samp = int(round(['sfreq'] * tmin)) tmax_samp = int(round(['sfreq'] * tmax)) + 1 if self._current[event_id] < self._last[event_id]: # Select the current event from the events list ev_samp = event_samp[self._current[event_id]] # absolute start and stop positions in samples start = ev_samp + tmin_samp - self.raw.first_samp stop = ev_samp + tmax_samp - self.raw.first_samp self._current[event_id] += 1 # increment pointer data, _ = self.raw[picks, start:stop] return data else: return None
[docs] def register_receive_callback(self, x): """Fake API boilerplate. Parameters ---------- x : None Not used. """ pass
[docs] def start_receive_thread(self, x): """Fake API boilerplate. Parameters ---------- x : None Not used. """ pass
[docs] def unregister_receive_callback(self, x): """Fake API boilerplate. Parameters ---------- x : None Not used. """ # noqa: D401 pass
def _stop_receive_thread(self): """Fake API boilerplate.""" pass