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📦 Installing MNE-BIDS-Pipeline and all dependencies

There are a few different ways to install MNE-BIDS-Pipeline, depending on how you installed MNE-Python.

✅ Nothing to do! If you used the MNE-Python installer for version 1.3 or later, MNE-BIDS-Pipeline is already installed!

💁🏼 We strongly advise you to install MNE-BIDS-Pipeline into a dedicated environment.

📦 Running the following commands will first install mamba, an extremely fast drop-in replacement for conda, and then proceed to create an environment named mne with MNE-BIDS-Pipeline and all required dependencies:

Run in your terminal
conda install --channel=conda-forge mamba
mamba create --override-channels --channel=conda-forge --name=mne mne-bids-pipeline

🐍 If you already have a conda environment with MNE-Python installed following the official installation instructions, you can install the pipeline into the existing environment. We recommend using mamba, an extremely fast drop-in replacement for conda:

Run in your terminal
conda install --channel=conda-forge mamba
mamba install --override-channels --channel=conda-forge --name=mne mne-bids-pipeline

📦 Activate your Python environment and run:

Run in your terminal
pip install --upgrade mne-bids-pipeline

🔍 Testing the installation

If the installation was successful, the command-line utility mne_bids_pipeline (mind the underscores!) should now be available in your Python environment.


mne_bids_pipeline will be used to operate the pipeline.

To check whether the command exists, and to verify which version of MNE-BIDS-Pipeline is currently installed, run:

Run in your terminal
mne_bids_pipeline --version

That's it! 🥳

You're now ready to start using MNE-BIDS-Pipeline.