
hcp.viz.plot_coregistration(subject, subjects_dir, hcp_path, recordings_path, info_from=(('data_type', 'rest'), ('run_index', 0)), view_init=(('azim', 0), ('elev', 0)))

A diagnostic plot to show the HCP coregistration

subject : str
The subject
subjects_dir : str
The path corresponding to MNE/freesurfer SUBJECTS_DIR (to be created)
hcp_path : str
The path where the HCP files can be found.
recordings_path : str
The path to converted data (including the head<->device transform).
info_from : tuple of tuples | dict
The reader info concerning the data from which sensor positions should be read. Must not be empty room as sensor positions are in head coordinates for 4D systems, hence not available in that case. Note that differences between the sensor positions across runs are smaller than 12 digits, hence negligible.
view_init : tuple of tuples | dict
The initival view, defaults to azimuth and elevation of 0, a simple lateral view
fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
The figure object.