Source code for mne_bids.path

"""BIDS compatible path functionality."""

# Authors: The MNE-BIDS developers
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import glob
import inspect
import json
import os
import re
import shutil as sh
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO
from os import path as op
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import indent

import numpy as np
from mne.utils import _check_fname, _validate_type, logger, verbose

from mne_bids.config import (
from mne_bids.tsv_handler import _drop, _from_tsv, _to_tsv
from mne_bids.utils import (

def _find_empty_room_candidates(bids_path):
    """Get matching empty-room file for an MEG recording."""
    # Check whether we have a BIDS root.
    bids_root = bids_path.root
    if bids_root is None:
        raise ValueError(
            'The root of the "bids_path" must be set. '
            'Please use `bids_path.update(root="<root>")` '
            "to set the root of the BIDS folder to read."

    bids_path = bids_path.copy()

    datatype = "meg"  # We're only concerned about MEG data here
    bids_fname = bids_path.update(suffix=datatype).fpath
    _, ext = _parse_ext(bids_fname)
    # Create a path for the empty-room directory to be used for matching.
    emptyroom_dir = BIDSPath(root=bids_root, subject="emptyroom").directory

    # Find matching "task-noise" files in the same directory as the recording.
    noisetask_path = bids_path.update(
        split=None, run=None, task="noise", datatype=datatype, suffix=datatype

    allowed_extensions = list(reader.keys())
    # `.pdf` is just a "virtual" extension for BTi data (which is stored inside
    # a dedicated directory that doesn't have an extension)
    del allowed_extensions[allowed_extensions.index(".pdf")]

    # Get possible noise task files in the same directory as the recording.
    noisetask_tmp = [
        for candidate in noisetask_path.match()
        if candidate.extension in allowed_extensions
    # For some reason a single file can produce multiple hits in the match function.
    # Remove dups
    noisetask_fns = []
    for i in range(len(noisetask_tmp)):
        fn = noisetask_tmp.pop()
        if len(noisetask_tmp) == 0 or not any(
            fn.fpath == f.fpath for f in noisetask_fns

    # If we have more than one noise task file, we need to disambiguate.
    # It might be that it's a
    # split recording.
    if len(noisetask_fns) > 1 and any(path.split is not None for path in noisetask_fns):
        noisetask_fns = [
            for candidate in noisetask_path.match()
            if candidate.extension in allowed_extensions

    # If it wasn't a split recording, warn the user that something is wonky,
    # then resort to looking for sub-emptyroom recordings and date-matching.
    if len(noisetask_fns) > 1:
        msg = (
            "Found more than one matching noise task file."
            " Falling back to looking for sub-emptyroom recordings and date-matching."
        noisetask_fns = []
    elif len(noisetask_fns) == 1:
        return noisetask_fns[0]

    if not emptyroom_dir.exists() and not noisetask_fns:
        return list()

    # Check the 'emptyroom' subject for empty-room recording sessions.
    emptyroom_session_dirs = [
        for x in emptyroom_dir.iterdir()
        if x.is_dir() and str("ses-")
    if not emptyroom_session_dirs:  # No session sub-directories found
        emptyroom_session_dirs = [emptyroom_dir]

    # Now try to discover all recordings inside the session directories.
    candidate_er_fnames = []
    for session_dir in emptyroom_session_dirs:
        dir_contents = glob.glob(
            op.join(session_dir, datatype, f"sub-emptyroom_*_{datatype}*")
        for item in dir_contents:
            item = Path(item)
            if (item.suffix in allowed_extensions) or (
                not item.suffix and item.is_dir()
            ):  # Hopefully BTi?

    candidates = list()
    for er_fname in candidate_er_fnames:
        # get entities from filenamme
        er_bids_path = get_bids_path_from_fname(er_fname, check=False)
        er_bids_path.subject = "emptyroom"  # er subject entity is different
        er_bids_path.root = bids_root
        er_bids_path.datatype = "meg"

    return candidates

def _find_matched_empty_room(bids_path):
    from mne_bids import read_raw_bids  # avoid circular import.

    candidates = _find_empty_room_candidates(bids_path)
    # If a single candidate is returned, then there's a same-session noise
    # task recording that takes priority.
    if not isinstance(candidates, list):
        return candidates

    # Walk through recordings, trying to extract the recording date:
    # First, from the filename; and if that fails, from `info['meas_date']`.
    best_er_bids_path = None
    min_delta_t = np.inf
    date_tie = False
    failed_to_get_er_date_count = 0
    bids_path = bids_path.copy().update(datatype="meg")
    raw = read_raw_bids(bids_path=bids_path)
    if["meas_date"] is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "The provided recording does not have a measurement "
            "date set. Cannot get matching empty-room file."
    ref_date =["meas_date"]
    del bids_path, raw
    for er_bids_path in candidates:
        # get entities from filenamme
        er_meas_date = None

        # Try to extract date from filename.
        if er_bids_path.session is not None:
                er_meas_date = datetime.strptime(er_bids_path.session, "%Y%m%d")
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                # There is a session in the filename, but it doesn't encode a
                # valid date.

        if er_meas_date is None:  # No luck so far! Check info['meas_date']
            _, ext = _parse_ext(er_bids_path.fpath)
            extra_params = None
            if ext == ".fif":
                extra_params = dict(allow_maxshield="yes")

            er_raw = read_raw_bids(bids_path=er_bids_path, extra_params=extra_params)

            er_meas_date =["meas_date"]
            if er_meas_date is None:  # There's nothing we can do.
                failed_to_get_er_date_count += 1

        er_meas_date = er_meas_date.replace(tzinfo=ref_date.tzinfo)
        delta_t = er_meas_date - ref_date

        if abs(delta_t.total_seconds()) == min_delta_t:
            date_tie = True
        elif abs(delta_t.total_seconds()) < min_delta_t:
            min_delta_t = abs(delta_t.total_seconds())
            best_er_bids_path = er_bids_path
            date_tie = False

    if failed_to_get_er_date_count > 0:
        msg = (
            f"Could not retrieve the empty-room measurement date from "
            f"a total of {failed_to_get_er_date_count} recording(s)."

    if date_tie:
        msg = (
            "Found more than one matching empty-room measurement with the "
            "same recording date. Selecting the first match."

    return best_er_bids_path

[docs] class BIDSPath: """A BIDS path object. BIDS filename prefixes have one or more pieces of metadata in them. They must follow a particular order, which is followed by this function. This will generate the *prefix* for a BIDS filename that can be used with many subsequent files, or you may also give a suffix that will then complete the file name. BIDSPath allows dynamic updating of its entities in place, and operates similar to `pathlib.Path`. In addition, it can query multiple paths with matching BIDS entities via the ``match`` method. Note that not all parameters are applicable to each suffix of data. For example, electrode location TSV files do not need a "task" field. Parameters ---------- subject : str | None The subject ID. Corresponds to "sub". session : str | None The acquisition session. Corresponds to "ses". task : str | None The experimental task. Corresponds to "task". acquisition: str | None The acquisition parameters. Corresponds to "acq". run : int | None The run number. Corresponds to "run". processing : str | None The processing label. Corresponds to "proc". recording : str | None The recording name. Corresponds to "rec". space : str | None The coordinate space for anatomical and sensor location files (e.g., ``*_electrodes.tsv``, ``*_markers.mrk``). Corresponds to "space". Note that valid values for ``space`` must come from a list of BIDS keywords as described in the BIDS specification. split : int | None The split of the continuous recording file for ``.fif`` data. Corresponds to "split". description : str | None This corresponds to the BIDS entity ``desc``. It is used to provide additional information for derivative data, e.g., preprocessed data may be assigned ``description='cleaned'``. .. versionadded:: 0.11 suffix : str | None The filename suffix. This is the entity after the last ``_`` before the extension. E.g., ``'channels'``. The following filename suffix's are accepted: 'meg', 'markers', 'eeg', 'ieeg', 'T1w', 'participants', 'scans', 'electrodes', 'coordsystem', 'channels', 'events', 'headshape', 'digitizer', 'beh', 'physio', 'stim' extension : str | None The extension of the filename. E.g., ``'.json'``. datatype : str The BIDS data type, e.g., ``'anat'``, ``'func'``, ``'eeg'``, ``'meg'``, ``'ieeg'``. root : path-like | None The root directory of the BIDS dataset. check : bool If ``True``, enforces BIDS conformity. Defaults to ``True``. Attributes ---------- entities : dict A dictionary of the BIDS entities and their values: ``subject``, ``session``, ``task``, ``acquisition``, ``run``, ``processing``, ``space``, ``recording``, ``split``, ``description``, ``suffix``, and ``extension``. datatype : str | None The data type, i.e., one of ``'meg'``, ``'eeg'``, ``'ieeg'``, ``'anat'``. basename : str The basename of the file path. Similar to `os.path.basename(fpath)`. root : pathlib.Path The root of the BIDS path. directory : pathlib.Path The directory path. fpath : pathlib.Path The full file path. check : bool Whether to enforce BIDS conformity. Examples -------- Generate a BIDSPath object and inspect it >>> bids_path = BIDSPath(subject='test', session='two', task='mytask', ... suffix='ieeg', extension='.edf', datatype='ieeg') >>> print(bids_path.basename) sub-test_ses-two_task-mytask_ieeg.edf >>> bids_path BIDSPath( root: None datatype: ieeg basename: sub-test_ses-two_task-mytask_ieeg.edf) Copy and update multiple entities at once >>> new_bids_path = bids_path.copy().update(subject='test2', ... session='one') >>> print(new_bids_path.basename) sub-test2_ses-one_task-mytask_ieeg.edf Printing a BIDSPath will show a relative path when `root` is not set >>> print(new_bids_path) sub-test2/ses-one/ieeg/sub-test2_ses-one_task-mytask_ieeg.edf Setting `suffix` without an identifiable datatype will make BIDSPath try to guess the datatype >>> new_bids_path = new_bids_path.update(suffix='channels', ... extension='.tsv') >>> print(new_bids_path) sub-test2/ses-one/ieeg/sub-test2_ses-one_task-mytask_channels.tsv You can set a new root for the BIDS dataset. Let's see what the different properties look like for our object: >>> new_bids_path = new_bids_path.update(root='/bids_dataset') >>> print(new_bids_path.root.as_posix()) /bids_dataset >>> print(new_bids_path.basename) sub-test2_ses-one_task-mytask_channels.tsv >>> print(new_bids_path) /bids_dataset/sub-test2/ses-one/ieeg/sub-test2_ses-one_task-mytask_channels.tsv >>> print( /bids_dataset/sub-test2/ses-one/ieeg Notes ----- BIDS entities are generally separated with a ``"_"`` character, while entity key/value pairs are separated with a ``"-"`` character. There are checks performed to make sure that there are no ``'-'``, ``'_'``, or ``'/'`` characters contained in any entity keys or values. To represent a filename such as ``dataset_description.json``, one can set ``check=False``, and pass ``suffix='dataset_description'`` and ``extension='.json'``. ``BIDSPath`` can also be used to represent file and folder names of data types that are not yet supported through MNE-BIDS, but are recognized by BIDS. For example, one can set ``datatype`` to ``dwi`` or ``func`` and pass ``check=False`` to represent diffusion-weighted imaging and functional MRI paths. """ def __init__( self, subject=None, session=None, task=None, acquisition=None, run=None, processing=None, recording=None, space=None, split=None, description=None, root=None, suffix=None, extension=None, datatype=None, check=True, ): if all( ii is None for ii in [ subject, session, task, acquisition, run, processing, recording, space, description, root, suffix, extension, ] ): raise ValueError("At least one parameter must be given.") self.check = check self.update( subject=subject, session=session, task=task, acquisition=acquisition, run=run, processing=processing, recording=recording, space=space, split=split, description=description, root=root, datatype=datatype, suffix=suffix, extension=extension, ) @property def entities(self): """Return dictionary of the BIDS entities.""" return { "subject": self.subject, "session": self.session, "task": self.task, "acquisition": self.acquisition, "run":, "processing": self.processing, "space":, "recording": self.recording, "split": self.split, "description": self.description, } @property def basename(self): """Path basename.""" basename = [] for key, val in self.entities.items(): if val is not None and key != "datatype": # convert certain keys to shorthand long_to_short_entity = { val: key for key, val in ALLOWED_PATH_ENTITIES_SHORT.items() } key = long_to_short_entity[key] basename.append(f"{key}-{val}") if self.suffix is not None: if self.extension is not None: basename.append(f"{self.suffix}{self.extension}") else: basename.append(self.suffix) basename = "_".join(basename) return basename @property def directory(self): """Get the BIDS parent directory. If ``subject``, ``session`` and ``datatype`` are set, then they will be used to construct the directory location. For example, if ``subject='01'``, ``session='02'`` and ``datatype='ieeg'``, then the directory would be:: <root>/sub-01/ses-02/ieeg Returns ------- data_path : pathlib.Path The path of the BIDS directory. """ # Create the data path based on the available entities: # root, subject, session, and datatype data_path = "" if self.root is None else self.root if self.subject is not None: data_path = op.join(data_path, f"sub-{self.subject}") if self.session is not None: data_path = op.join(data_path, f"ses-{self.session}") # datatype will allow 'meg', 'eeg', 'ieeg', 'anat' if self.datatype is not None: data_path = op.join(data_path, self.datatype) return Path(data_path) @property def subject(self) -> str | None: """The subject ID.""" return self._subject @subject.setter def subject(self, value): self.update(subject=value) @property def session(self) -> str | None: """The acquisition session.""" return self._session @session.setter def session(self, value): self.update(session=value) @property def task(self) -> str | None: """The experimental task.""" return self._task @task.setter def task(self, value): self.update(task=value) @property def run(self) -> str | None: """The run number.""" return self._run @run.setter def run(self, value): self.update(run=value) @property def acquisition(self) -> str | None: """The acquisition parameters.""" return self._acquisition @acquisition.setter def acquisition(self, value): self.update(acquisition=value) @property def processing(self) -> str | None: """The processing label.""" return self._processing @processing.setter def processing(self, value): self.update(processing=value) @property def recording(self) -> str | None: """The recording name.""" return self._recording @recording.setter def recording(self, value): self.update(recording=value) @property def space(self) -> str | None: """The coordinate space for an anatomical or sensor position file.""" return self._space @space.setter def space(self, value): self.update(space=value) @property def description(self) -> str | None: """The description entity.""" return self._description @description.setter def description(self, value): self.update(description=value) @property def suffix(self) -> str | None: """The filename suffix.""" return self._suffix @suffix.setter def suffix(self, value): self.update(suffix=value) @property def root(self) -> Path | None: """The root directory of the BIDS dataset.""" return self._root @root.setter def root(self, value): self.update(root=value) @property def datatype(self) -> str | None: """The BIDS data type, e.g. ``'anat'``, ``'meg'``, ``'eeg'``.""" return self._datatype @datatype.setter def datatype(self, value): self.update(datatype=value) @property def split(self) -> str | None: """The split of the continuous recording file for ``.fif`` data.""" return self._split @split.setter def split(self, value): self.update(split=value) @property def extension(self) -> str | None: """The extension of the filename, including a leading period.""" return self._extension @extension.setter def extension(self, value): self.update(extension=value) def __str__(self): """Return the string representation of the path.""" return str(self.fpath.as_posix()) def __repr__(self): """Representation in the style of `pathlib.Path`.""" root = self.root.as_posix() if self.root is not None else None return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(\n" f"root: {root}\n" f"datatype: {self.datatype}\n" f"basename: {self.basename})" ) def __fspath__(self): """Return the string representation for any fs functions.""" return str(self.fpath) def __eq__(self, other): """Compare str representations.""" return str(self) == str(other) def __ne__(self, other): """Compare str representations.""" return str(self) != str(other)
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy the instance. Returns ------- bidspath : BIDSPath The copied bidspath. """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def mkdir(self, exist_ok=True): """Create the directory structure of the BIDS path. Parameters ---------- exist_ok : bool If ``False``, raise an exception if the directory already exists. Otherwise, do nothing (default). Returns ------- self : BIDSPath The BIDSPath object. """, exist_ok=exist_ok) return self
[docs] @verbose def rm(self, *, safe_remove=True, verbose=None): """Safely delete a set of files from a BIDS dataset. Deleting a scan that conforms to the bids-validator will remove the respective row in ``*_scans.tsv``, the corresponding sidecar files, and the data file itself. Deleting all files of a subject will update the ``*_participants.tsv`` file. Parameters ---------- safe_remove : bool If ``False``, directly delete and update the files. Otherwise, displays the list of operations planned and asks for user confirmation before executing them (default). %(verbose)s Returns ------- self : BIDSPath The BIDSPath object. Examples -------- Remove one specific run: >>> bids_path = BIDSPath(subject='01', session='01', run="01", # doctest: +SKIP ... root='/bids_dataset').rm() # doctest: +SKIP Please, confirm you want to execute the following operations: Delete: /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_run-01_channels.tsv /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_run-01_events.json /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_run-01_events.tsv /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_run-01_meg.fif /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_run-01_meg.json Update: /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/sub-01_ses-01_scans.tsv I confirm [y/N]>? y Remove all the files of a specific subject: >>> bids_path = BIDSPath(subject='01', root='/bids_dataset', # doctest: +SKIP ... check=False).rm() # doctest: +SKIP Please, confirm you want to execute the following operations: Delete: /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_acq-calibration_meg.dat /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_acq-crosstalk_meg.fif /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_coordsystem.json /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_run-02_channels.tsv /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_run-02_events.json /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_run-02_events.tsv /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_run-02_meg.fif /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/meg/sub-01_ses-01_run-02_meg.json /bids_dataset/sub-01/ses-01/sub-01_ses-01_scans.tsv /bids_dataset/sub-01 Update: /bids_dataset/participants.tsv I confirm [y/N]>? y """ # only proceed if root is defined if self.root is None: raise RuntimeError("The root must not be None to remove files.") # Planning: paths_matched = self.match( ignore_json=False, ignore_nosub=False, check=self.check ) subjects = set() paths_to_delete = list() paths_to_update = {} subjects_paths_to_delete = [] participants_tsv_fpath = None for bids_path in paths_matched: paths_to_delete.append(bids_path) # if a datatype is present, then check # if a scan is deleted or not if bids_path.datatype is not None: # read in the corresponding scans file scans_fpath = ( bids_path.copy() .update(datatype=None) .find_matching_sidecar( suffix="scans", extension=".tsv", on_error="raise", ) ) paths_to_update.setdefault(scans_fpath, []).append(bids_path) subjects.add(bids_path.subject) files_to_delete = set(p.fpath for p in paths_to_delete) for subject in subjects: # check existence of files in the subject dir subj_path = BIDSPath(root=self.root, subject=subject) subj_files = [ fpath for fpath in"*") if fpath.is_file() ] if set(subj_files) <= files_to_delete: subjects_paths_to_delete.append(subj_path) participants_tsv_fpath = self.root / "participants.tsv" # Informing: pretty_delete_paths = "\n".join( [ str(p) for p in paths_to_delete + [ for p in subjects_paths_to_delete] ] ) pretty_update_paths = "\n".join( [ str(p) for p in list(paths_to_update.keys()) + ( [participants_tsv_fpath] if participants_tsv_fpath is not None else [] ) ] ) summary = "" if pretty_delete_paths: summary += f"Delete:\n{pretty_delete_paths}\n" if pretty_update_paths: summary += f"Update:\n{pretty_update_paths}\n" if safe_remove: choice = input( "Please, confirm you want to execute the following operations:\n" f"{summary}\nI confirm [y/N]" ) if choice.lower() != "y": return else:"Executing the following operations:\n{summary}") # Execution: for bids_path in paths_to_delete: bids_path.fpath.unlink() for scans_fpath, bids_paths in paths_to_update.items(): if not scans_fpath.exists(): continue # get the relative datatype of these bids files bids_fnames = [op.join(p.datatype, for p in bids_paths] scans_tsv = _from_tsv(scans_fpath) scans_tsv = _drop(scans_tsv, bids_fnames, "filename") _to_tsv(scans_tsv, scans_fpath) subjects_to_delete = [] for subj_path in subjects_paths_to_delete: if sh.rmtree( subjects_to_delete.append(subj_path.subject) if subjects_to_delete and participants_tsv_fpath.exists(): participants_tsv = _from_tsv(participants_tsv_fpath) participants_tsv = _drop( participants_tsv, subjects_to_delete, "participant_id" ) _to_tsv(participants_tsv, participants_tsv_fpath) return self
@property def fpath(self): """Full filepath for this BIDS file. Getting the file path consists of the entities passed in and will get the relative (or full if ``root`` is passed) path. Returns ------- bids_fpath : pathlib.Path Either the relative, or full path to the dataset. """ # get the inner-most BIDS directory for this file path data_path = # account for MEG data that are directory-based # else, all other file paths attempt to match if self.suffix == "meg" and self.extension == ".ds": bids_fpath = op.join(data_path, self.basename) elif self.suffix == "meg" and self.extension == ".pdf": bids_fpath = op.join(data_path, op.splitext(self.basename)[0]) else: # if suffix and/or extension is missing, and root is # not None, then BIDSPath will infer the dataset # else, return the relative path with the basename if ( self.suffix is None or self.extension is None ) and self.root is not None: # get matching BIDSPaths inside the bids root matching_paths = _get_matching_bidspaths_from_filesystem(self) # FIXME This will break # FIXME e.g. with FIFF data split across multiple files. # if extension is not specified and no unique file path # return filepath of the actual dataset for MEG/EEG/iEEG data if self.suffix is None or self.suffix in ALLOWED_DATATYPES: # now only use valid datatype extension if self.extension is None: valid_exts = sum(ALLOWED_DATATYPE_EXTENSIONS.values(), []) else: valid_exts = [self.extension] matching_paths = [ p for p in matching_paths if _parse_ext(p)[1] in valid_exts ] if self.split is None and ( not matching_paths or "_split-" in matching_paths[0] ): # try finding FIF split files (only first one) this_self = self.copy().update(split="01") matching_paths = _get_matching_bidspaths_from_filesystem(this_self) # found no matching paths if not matching_paths: bids_fpath = op.join(data_path, self.basename) # if paths still cannot be resolved, then there is an error elif len(matching_paths) > 1: matching_paths_str = "\n".join(sorted(matching_paths)) msg = ( "Found more than one matching data file for the " "requested recording. While searching:\n" f"{indent(repr(self), ' ')}\n" f"Found {len(matching_paths)} paths:\n" f"{indent(matching_paths_str, ' ')}\n" "Cannot proceed due to the " "ambiguity. This is likely a problem with your " "BIDS dataset. Please run the BIDS validator on " "your data." ) raise RuntimeError(msg) else: bids_fpath = matching_paths[0] else: bids_fpath = op.join(data_path, self.basename) bids_fpath = Path(bids_fpath) return bids_fpath
[docs] def update(self, *, check=None, **kwargs): """Update inplace BIDS entity key/value pairs in object. ``run`` and ``split`` are auto-converted to have two digits. For example, if ``run=1``, then it will nbecome ``run='01'``. Also performs error checks on various entities to adhere to the BIDS specification. Specifically: - ``datatype`` should be one of: ``anat``, ``eeg``, ``ieeg``, ``meg`` - ``extension`` should be one of the accepted file extensions in the file path: ``.con``, ``.sqd``, ``.fif``, ``.pdf``, ``.ds``, ``.vhdr``, ``.edf``, ``.bdf``, ``.set``, ``.edf``, ``.set``, ``.mef``, ``.nwb`` - ``suffix`` should be one of the acceptable file suffixes in: ``meg``, ``markers``, ``eeg``, ``ieeg``, ``T1w``, ``participants``, ``scans``, ``electrodes``, ``channels``, ``coordsystem``, ``events``, ``headshape``, ``digitizer``, ``beh``, ``physio``, ``stim`` - Depending on the modality of the data (EEG, MEG, iEEG), ``space`` should be a valid string according to Appendix VIII in the BIDS specification. Parameters ---------- check : None | bool If a boolean, controls whether to enforce BIDS conformity. This will set the ``.check`` attribute accordingly. If ``None``, rely on the existing ``.check`` attribute instead, which is set upon :class:`mne_bids.BIDSPath` instantiation. Defaults to ``None``. **kwargs : dict It can contain updates for valid BIDSPath entities: 'subject', 'session', 'task', 'acquisition', 'processing', 'run', 'recording', 'space', 'suffix', 'split', 'extension', or updates for 'root' or 'datatype'. Returns ------- bidspath : BIDSPath The updated instance of BIDSPath. Examples -------- If one creates a bids basename using :func:`mne_bids.BIDSPath`: >>> bids_path = BIDSPath(subject='test', session='two', ... task='mytask', suffix='channels', ... extension='.tsv') >>> print(bids_path.basename) sub-test_ses-two_task-mytask_channels.tsv >>> # Then, one can update this `BIDSPath` object in place >>> bids_path.update(acquisition='test', suffix='ieeg', ... datatype='ieeg', ... extension='.vhdr', task=None) BIDSPath( root: None datatype: ieeg basename: sub-test_ses-two_acq-test_ieeg.vhdr) >>> print(bids_path.basename) sub-test_ses-two_acq-test_ieeg.vhdr """ # Update .check attribute if check is not None: self.check = check for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key == "root": _validate_type(val, types=("path-like", None), item_name=key) continue if key == "datatype": if val is not None and val not in ALLOWED_DATATYPES and self.check: raise ValueError( f"datatype ({val}) is not valid. " f"Should be one of " f"{ALLOWED_DATATYPES}" ) else: continue if key not in ENTITY_VALUE_TYPE: raise ValueError( f"Key must be one of {ALLOWED_PATH_ENTITIES}, got {key}" ) if ENTITY_VALUE_TYPE[key] == "label": _validate_type(val, types=(None, str), item_name=key) else: assert ENTITY_VALUE_TYPE[key] == "index" _validate_type(val, types=(int, str, None), item_name=key) if isinstance(val, str) and not val.isdigit(): raise ValueError(f"{key} is not an index (Got {val})") elif isinstance(val, int): kwargs[key] = f"{val}" # ensure extension starts with a '.' extension = kwargs.get("extension") if extension is not None and not extension.startswith("."): kwargs["extension"] = f".{extension}" del extension # error check entities old_kwargs = dict() for key, val in kwargs.items(): # check if there are any characters not allowed if val is not None and key != "root": if key == "suffix" and not self.check: # suffix may skip a check if check=False to allow # things like "dataset_description.json" pass else: _check_key_val(key, val) # set entity value, ensuring `root` is a Path if val is not None and key == "root": val = Path(val).expanduser() old_kwargs[key] = ( getattr(self, f"{key}") if hasattr(self, f"_{key}") else None ) setattr(self, f"_{key}", val) # Perform a check of the entities and revert changes if check fails try: self._check() except Exception as e: old_check = self.check self.check = False self.update(**old_kwargs) self.check = old_check raise e return self
[docs] def match(self, *, ignore_json=True, ignore_nosub=False, check=False): """Get a list of all matching paths in the root directory. Performs a recursive search, starting in ``.root`` (if set), based on `BIDSPath.entities` object. Ignores ``.json`` files. Parameters ---------- ignore_json : bool If ``True``, ignores json files. Defaults to ``True``. ignore_nosub : bool If ``True``, ignores all files that are not of the form ``root/sub-*``. Defaults to ``False``. check : bool If ``True``, only returns paths that conform to BIDS. If ``False`` (default), the ``.check`` attribute of the returned :class:`mne_bids.BIDSPath` object will be set to ``True`` for paths that do conform to BIDS, and to ``False`` for those that don't. Returns ------- bids_paths : list of mne_bids.BIDSPath The matching paths. """ if self.root is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot match basenames if `root` " "attribute is not set. Please set the" "BIDS root directory path to `root` via " "BIDSPath.update()." ) paths = _return_root_paths( self.root, datatype=self.datatype, ignore_json=ignore_json, ignore_nosub=ignore_nosub, ) fnames = _filter_fnames( paths, suffix=self.suffix, extension=self.extension, **self.entities ) bids_paths = _fnames_to_bidspaths(fnames, self.root, check=check) return bids_paths
def _check(self): """Deep check or not of the instance.""" self.basename # run basename to check validity of arguments # perform error check on scans if ( self.suffix == "scans" and self.extension == ".tsv" ) and _check_non_sub_ses_entity(self): raise ValueError( "scans.tsv file name can only contain " "subject and session entities. BIDSPath " f"currently contains {self.entities}." ) # perform deeper check if user has it turned on if self.check: _check_empty_room_basename(self) if ( self.acquisition in ("calibration", "crosstalk") and self.task is not None ): raise ValueError( f'task must be None if the acquisition is "calibration" or ' f'"crosstalk", but received: {self.task}' ) # ensure extension starts with a '.' extension = self.extension if extension is not None: # check validity of the extension if extension not in ALLOWED_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS: raise ValueError( f"Extension {extension} is not " f"allowed. Use one of these extensions " f"{ALLOWED_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS}." ) # labels from space entity must come from list (appendix VIII) space = if space is not None: datatype = getattr(self, "datatype", None) if datatype is None: raise ValueError( "You must define datatype if you want to " "use space in your BIDSPath." ) allowed_spaces_for_dtype = ALLOWED_SPACES.get(datatype, None) if allowed_spaces_for_dtype is None: raise ValueError( f"space entity is not valid for datatype {self.datatype}" ) elif space not in allowed_spaces_for_dtype: raise ValueError( f"space ({space}) is not valid for " f"datatype ({self.datatype}).\n" f"Should be one of " f"{allowed_spaces_for_dtype}" ) else: pass # error check suffix suffix = self.suffix if suffix is not None and suffix not in ALLOWED_FILENAME_SUFFIX: raise ValueError( f"Suffix {suffix} is not allowed. " f"Use one of these suffixes " f"{ALLOWED_FILENAME_SUFFIX}." )
[docs] @verbose def find_empty_room(self, use_sidecar_only=False, *, verbose=None): """Find the corresponding empty-room file of an MEG recording. This will only work if the ``.root`` attribute of the :class:`mne_bids.BIDSPath` instance has been set. Parameters ---------- use_sidecar_only : bool Whether to only check the ``AssociatedEmptyRoom`` entry in the sidecar JSON file or not. If ``False``, first look for the entry, and if unsuccessful, try to find the best-matching empty-room recording in the dataset based on the measurement date. %(verbose)s Returns ------- BIDSPath | None The path corresponding to the best-matching empty-room measurement. Returns ``None`` if none was found. """ if self.datatype not in ("meg", None): raise ValueError("Empty-room data is only supported for MEG datasets") if self.root is None: raise ValueError( 'The root of the "bids_path" must be set. ' 'Please use `bids_path.update(root="<root>")` ' "to set the root of the BIDS folder to read." ) # needed to deal with inheritance principle sidecar_fname = ( self.copy() .update(datatype=None, suffix="meg") .find_matching_sidecar(extension=".json") ) with open(sidecar_fname, encoding="utf-8") as f: sidecar_json = json.load(f) if "AssociatedEmptyRoom" in sidecar_json: 'Using "AssociatedEmptyRoom" entry from MEG sidecar ' "file to retrieve empty-room path." ) emptytoom_path = sidecar_json["AssociatedEmptyRoom"] er_bids_path = get_bids_path_from_fname(emptytoom_path) er_bids_path.root = self.root er_bids_path.datatype = "meg" elif use_sidecar_only: "The MEG sidecar file does not contain an " '"AssociatedEmptyRoom" entry. Aborting search for an ' "empty-room recording, as you passed use_sidecar_only=True" ) return None else: "The MEG sidecar file does not contain an " '"AssociatedEmptyRoom" entry. Will try to find a matching ' "empty-room recording based on the measurement date …" ) er_bids_path = _find_matched_empty_room(self) if er_bids_path is not None and not er_bids_path.fpath.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Empty-room BIDS path resolved but not found:\n" f"{er_bids_path}\n" "Check your BIDS dataset for completeness." ) return er_bids_path
[docs] def get_empty_room_candidates(self): """Get the list of empty-room candidates for the given file. Returns ------- candidates : list of BIDSPath The candidate files that will be checked if the sidecar does not contain an "AssociatedEmptyRoom" entry. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.12.0 """ return _find_empty_room_candidates(self)
[docs] def find_matching_sidecar(self, suffix=None, extension=None, *, on_error="raise"): """Get the matching sidecar JSON path. Parameters ---------- suffix : str | None The filename suffix. This is the entity after the last ``_`` before the extension. E.g., ``'ieeg'``. extension : str | None The extension of the filename. E.g., ``'.json'``. on_error : 'raise' | 'warn' | 'ignore' If no matching sidecar file was found and this is set to ``'raise'``, raise a ``RuntimeError``. If ``'warn'``, emit a warning, and if ``'ignore'``, neither raise an exception nor a warning, and return ``None`` in both cases. Returns ------- sidecar_path : pathlib.Path | None The path to the sidecar JSON file. """ return _find_matching_sidecar( self, suffix=suffix, extension=extension, on_error=on_error, )
@property def meg_calibration_fpath(self): """Find the matching Elekta/Neuromag/MEGIN fine-calibration file. This requires that at least ``root`` and ``subject`` are set, and that ``datatype`` is either ``'meg'`` or ``None``. Returns ------- path : pathlib.Path | None The path of the fine-calibration file, or ``None`` if it couldn't be found. """ if self.root is None or self.subject is None: raise ValueError("root and subject must be set.") if self.datatype not in (None, "meg"): raise ValueError("Can only find fine-calibration file for MEG datasets.") path = BIDSPath( subject=self.subject, session=self.session, acquisition="calibration", suffix="meg", extension=".dat", datatype="meg", root=self.root, ).fpath if not path.exists(): path = None return path @property def meg_crosstalk_fpath(self): """Find the matching Elekta/Neuromag/MEGIN crosstalk file. This requires that at least ``root`` and ``subject`` are set, and that ``datatype`` is either ``'meg'`` or ``None``. Returns ------- path : pathlib.Path | None The path of the crosstalk file, or ``None`` if it couldn't be found. """ if self.root is None or self.subject is None: raise ValueError("root and subject must be set.") if self.datatype not in (None, "meg"): raise ValueError("Can only find crosstalk file for MEG datasets.") path = BIDSPath( subject=self.subject, session=self.session, acquisition="crosstalk", suffix="meg", extension=".fif", datatype="meg", root=self.root, ).fpath if not path.exists(): path = None return path
def _get_matching_bidspaths_from_filesystem(bids_path): """Get matching file paths for a BIDSPath. Assumes suffix and/or extension is not provided. """ # extract relevant entities to find filepath sub, ses = bids_path.subject, bids_path.session datatype = bids_path.datatype basename, bids_root = bids_path.basename, bids_path.root if datatype is None: datatype = _infer_datatype(root=bids_root, sub=sub, ses=ses) data_dir = BIDSPath( subject=sub, session=ses, datatype=datatype, root=bids_root ).directory # For BTi data, just return the directory with a '.pdf' extension # to facilitate reading in mne-bids bti_dir = op.join(data_dir, f"{basename}") if op.isdir(bti_dir):"Assuming BTi data in {bti_dir}") matching_paths = [f"{bti_dir}.pdf"] # otherwise, search for valid file paths else: search_str = bids_root # parse down the BIDS directory structure if sub is not None: search_str = op.join(search_str, f"sub-{sub}") if ses is not None: search_str = op.join(search_str, f"ses-{ses}") if datatype is not None: search_str = op.join(search_str, datatype) else: search_str = op.join(search_str, "**") search_str = op.join(search_str, f"{basename}*") # Find all matching files in all supported formats. valid_exts = ALLOWED_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS matching_paths = glob.glob(search_str) matching_paths = [p for p in matching_paths if _parse_ext(p)[1] in valid_exts] return matching_paths def _check_non_sub_ses_entity(bids_path): """Check existence of non subject/session entities in BIDSPath.""" if ( bids_path.task or bids_path.acquisition or or or bids_path.recording or bids_path.split or bids_path.processing ): return True return False def _print_lines_with_entry(file, entry, folder, is_tsv, line_numbers, outfile): """Print the lines that contain the entry. Parameters ---------- file : str The text file to look though. entry : str The string to look in the text file for. folder : str The base folder for relative file path printing. is_tsv : bool If ``True``, things that format a tsv nice will be used. line_numbers : bool Whether to include line numbers in the printout. outfile : io.StringIO | None The argument to pass to `print` for `file`. If ``None``, prints to the console, else a string is printed to. """ entry_lines = list() with open(file, encoding="utf-8-sig") as fid: if is_tsv: # format tsv files nicely header = _truncate_tsv_line(fid.readline()) if line_numbers: header = f"1 {header}" header = header.rstrip() for i, line in enumerate(fid): if entry in line: if is_tsv: line = _truncate_tsv_line(line) if line_numbers: line = str(i + 2) + (5 - len(str(i + 2))) * " " + line entry_lines.append(line.rstrip()) if entry_lines: print(op.relpath(file, folder), file=outfile) if is_tsv: print(f" {header}", file=outfile) if len(entry_lines) > 10: entry_lines = entry_lines[:10] entry_lines.append("...") for line in entry_lines: print(f" {line}", file=outfile) def _truncate_tsv_line(line, lim=10): """Truncate a line to the specified number of characters.""" return "".join( [ str(val) + (lim - len(val)) * " " if len(val) < lim else f"{val[: lim - 1]} " for val in line.split("\t") ] )
[docs] def search_folder_for_text( entry, folder, extensions=(".json", ".tsv"), line_numbers=True, return_str=False ): """Find any particular string entry in the text files of a folder. .. note:: This is a search function like `grep <>`_ that is formatted nicely for BIDS datasets. Parameters ---------- entry : str The string to search for folder : path-like The folder in which to search. extensions : list | tuple | str The extensions to search through. Default is ``json`` and ``tsv`` which are the BIDS sidecar file types. line_numbers : bool Whether to include line numbers. return_str : bool If ``True``, return the fields with "n/a" as a str instead of printing them. Returns ------- str | None If `return_str` is ``True``, the fields are returned as a string. Else, ``None`` is returned and the fields are printed. """ _validate_type(entry, str, "entry") if not op.isdir(folder): raise ValueError("{folder} is not a directory") folder = Path(folder) # ensure pathlib.Path extensions = (extensions,) if isinstance(extensions, str) else extensions _validate_type(extensions, (tuple, list)) _validate_type(line_numbers, bool, "line_numbers") _validate_type(return_str, bool, "return_str") outfile = StringIO() if return_str else None for extension in extensions: for file in folder.rglob("*" + extension): _print_lines_with_entry( file, entry, folder, extension == ".tsv", line_numbers, outfile ) if outfile is not None: return outfile.getvalue()
def _check_max_depth(max_depth): """Check that max depth is a proper input.""" msg = "`max_depth` must be a positive integer or None" if not isinstance(max_depth, int | type(None)): raise ValueError(msg) if max_depth is None: max_depth = float("inf") if max_depth < 0: raise ValueError(msg) # Use max_depth same as the -L param in the unix `tree` command max_depth += 1 return max_depth def _parse_ext(raw_fname): """Split a filename into its name and extension.""" raw_fname = str(raw_fname) fname, ext = os.path.splitext(raw_fname) # BTi data is the only file format that does not have a file extension if ext == "" or "c,rf" in fname: 'Found no extension for raw file, assuming "BTi" format ' "and appending extension .pdf" ) ext = ".pdf" # If ending on .gz, check whether it is an .nii.gz file elif ext == ".gz" and raw_fname.endswith(".nii.gz"): ext = ".nii.gz" fname = fname[:-4] # cut off the .nii return fname, ext def _infer_datatype_from_path(fname: Path): # get the parent if fname.exists(): datatype = if any([datatype.startswith(entity) for entity in ["sub", "ses"]]): datatype = None elif fname.stem.split("_")[-1] in ("meg", "eeg", "ieeg"): datatype = fname.stem.split("_")[-1] else: datatype = None return datatype
[docs] @verbose def get_bids_path_from_fname(fname, check=True, verbose=None): """Retrieve a BIDSPath object from a filename. Parameters ---------- fname : path-like The path to parse a `BIDSPath` from. check : bool Whether to check if the generated `BIDSPath` complies with the BIDS specification, i.e., whether all included entities and the suffix are valid. %(verbose)s Returns ------- bids_path : BIDSPath The BIDSPath object. """ fpath = Path(fname) fname = entities = get_entities_from_fname(fname) # parse suffix and extension last_entity = fname.split("-")[-1] if "_" in last_entity: suffix = last_entity.split("_")[-1] suffix, extension = _get_bids_suffix_and_ext(suffix) else: suffix = None extension = Path(fname).suffix # already starts with a period if extension == "": extension = None if extension is not None: assert extension.startswith(".") # better safe than sorry datatype = _infer_datatype_from_path(fpath) # find root and datatype if it exists if fpath.parent == "": root = None else: root_level = 0 # determine root if it's there if entities["subject"] is not None: root_level += 1 if entities["session"] is not None: root_level += 1 if suffix != "scans": root_level += 1 if root_level: root = fpath.parent for _ in range(root_level): root = root.parent bids_path = BIDSPath( root=root, datatype=datatype, suffix=suffix, extension=extension, **entities, check=check, ) if verbose:"From {fpath}, formed a BIDSPath: {bids_path}.") return bids_path
[docs] @verbose def get_entities_from_fname(fname, on_error="raise", verbose=None): """Retrieve a dictionary of BIDS entities from a filename. Entities not present in ``fname`` will be assigned the value of ``None``. Parameters ---------- fname : BIDSPath | path-like The path to parse. on_error : 'raise' | 'warn' | 'ignore' If any unsupported labels in the filename are found and this is set to ``'raise'``, raise a ``RuntimeError``. If ``'warn'``, emit a warning and continue, and if ``'ignore'``, neither raise an exception nor a warning, and return all entities found. For example, currently MNE-BIDS does not support derivatives yet, but the ``desc`` entity label is used to differentiate different derivatives and will work with this function if ``on_error='ignore'``. %(verbose)s Returns ------- params : dict A dictionary with the keys corresponding to the BIDS entity names, and the values to the entity values encoded in the filename. Examples -------- >>> fname = 'sub-01_ses-exp_run-02_meg.fif' >>> get_entities_from_fname(fname) {'subject': '01', \ 'session': 'exp', \ 'task': None, \ 'acquisition': None, \ 'run': '02', \ 'processing': None, \ 'space': None, \ 'recording': None, \ 'split': None, \ 'description': None} """ if on_error not in ("warn", "raise", "ignore"): raise ValueError( f"Acceptable values for on_error are: warn, raise, " f"ignore, but got: {on_error}" ) fname = str(fname) # to accept also BIDSPath or Path instances # filename keywords to the BIDS entity mapping entity_vals = list(ALLOWED_PATH_ENTITIES_SHORT.values()) fname_vals = list(ALLOWED_PATH_ENTITIES_SHORT.keys()) params = {key: None for key in entity_vals} idx_key = 0 for match in re.finditer(param_regex, op.basename(fname)): key, value = match.groups() if on_error in ("raise", "warn"): if key not in fname_vals: msg = f'Unexpected entity "{key}" found in filename "{fname}"' if on_error == "raise": raise KeyError(msg) elif on_error == "warn": warn(msg) continue if fname_vals.index(key) < idx_key: msg = ( f"Entities in filename not ordered correctly." f' "{key}" should have occurred earlier in the ' f'filename "{fname}"' ) raise ValueError(msg) idx_key = fname_vals.index(key) key_short_hand = ALLOWED_PATH_ENTITIES_SHORT.get(key, key) params[key_short_hand] = value return params
def _find_matching_sidecar(bids_path, suffix=None, extension=None, on_error="raise"): """Try to find a sidecar file with a given suffix for a data file. Parameters ---------- bids_path : BIDSPath Full name of the data file. suffix : str | None The filename suffix. This is the entity after the last ``_`` before the extension. E.g., ``'ieeg'``. extension : str | None The extension of the filename. E.g., ``'.json'``. on_error : 'raise' | 'warn' | 'ignore' If no matching sidecar file was found and this is set to ``'raise'``, raise a ``RuntimeError``. If ``'warn'``, emit a warning, and if ``'ignore'``, neither raise an exception nor a warning, and return ``None`` in both cases. Returns ------- sidecar_fname : str | None Path to the identified sidecar file, or ``None`` if none could be found and ``on_error`` was set to ``'warn'`` or ``'ignore'``. """ if on_error not in ("warn", "raise", "ignore"): raise ValueError( f"Acceptable values for on_error are: warn, raise, " f"ignore, but got: {on_error}" ) bids_root = bids_path.root # search suffix is BIDS-suffix and extension search_suffix = "" if suffix is None and bids_path.suffix is not None: search_suffix = bids_path.suffix elif suffix is not None: search_suffix = suffix # do not search for suffix if suffix is explicitly passed bids_path = bids_path.copy() bids_path.check = False bids_path.update(suffix=None) if extension is None and bids_path.extension is not None: search_suffix = search_suffix + bids_path.extension elif extension is not None: search_suffix = search_suffix + extension # do not search for extension if extension is explicitly passed bids_path = bids_path.copy() bids_path.check = False bids_path = bids_path.update(extension=None) # We only use subject and session as identifier, because all other # parameters are potentially not binding for metadata sidecar files search_str_filename = f"sub-{bids_path.subject}" if bids_path.session is not None: search_str_filename += f"_ses-{bids_path.session}" # Find all potential sidecar files, doing a recursive glob # from bids_root/sub-*, potentially taking into account the data type search_dir = Path(bids_root) / f"sub-{bids_path.subject}" # ** -> don't forget about potentially present session directories if bids_path.datatype is None: search_dir = search_dir / "**" else: search_dir = search_dir / "**" / bids_path.datatype search_str_complete = str(search_dir / f"{search_str_filename}*{search_suffix}") candidate_list = glob.glob(search_str_complete, recursive=True) best_candidates = _find_best_candidates(bids_path.entities, candidate_list) if len(best_candidates) == 1: # Success return Path(best_candidates[0]) # We failed. Construct a helpful error message. # If this was expected, simply return None, otherwise, raise an exception. msg = None if len(best_candidates) == 0: msg = f"Did not find any {search_suffix} associated with {bids_path.basename}." elif len(best_candidates) > 1: # More than one candidates were tied for best match msg = ( f"Expected to find a single {search_suffix} file " f"associated with {bids_path.basename}, " f"but found {len(candidate_list)}:\n\n" + "\n".join(candidate_list) ) msg += f'\n\nThe search_str was "{search_str_complete}"' if on_error == "raise": raise RuntimeError(msg) elif on_error == "warn": warn(msg) return None def _get_bids_suffix_and_ext(str_suffix): """Parse suffix for valid suffix and ext.""" # no matter what the suffix is, suffix and extension are last suffix = str_suffix ext = None if "." in str_suffix: # handle case of multiple '.' in extension split_str = str_suffix.split(".") suffix = split_str[0] ext = ".".join(split_str[1:]) ext = f".{ext}" # prepend period return suffix, ext
[docs] @verbose def get_datatypes(root, verbose=None): """Get list of data types ("modalities") present in a BIDS dataset. Parameters ---------- root : path-like Path to the root of the BIDS directory. %(verbose)s Returns ------- modalities : list of str List of the data types present in the BIDS dataset pointed to by `root`. """ # Take all possible data types from "entity" table # (Appendix in BIDS spec) # datatype_list = ("anat", "func", "dwi", "fmap", "beh", "meg", "eeg", "ieeg", "nirs") datatypes = list() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root): for _dir in dirs: if _dir in datatype_list and _dir not in datatypes: datatypes.append(_dir) return datatypes
[docs] @verbose def get_entity_vals( root, entity_key, *, ignore_subjects="emptyroom", ignore_sessions=None, ignore_tasks=None, ignore_acquisitions=None, ignore_runs=None, ignore_processings=None, ignore_spaces=None, ignore_recordings=None, ignore_splits=None, ignore_descriptions=None, ignore_modalities=None, ignore_datatypes=None, ignore_dirs=("derivatives", "sourcedata"), ignore_suffixes=None, with_key=False, verbose=None, ): """Get list of values associated with an `entity_key` in a BIDS dataset. BIDS file names are organized by key-value pairs called "entities" [1]_. With this function, you can get all values for an entity indexed by its key. Parameters ---------- root : path-like Path to the "root" directory from which to start traversing to gather BIDS entities from file- and folder names. This will commonly be the BIDS root, but it may also be a subdirectory inside of a BIDS dataset, e.g., the ``sub-X`` directory of a hypothetical subject ``X``. .. note:: This function searches the names of all files and directories nested within ``root``. Depending on the size of your dataset and storage system, searching the entire BIDS dataset may take a **considerable** amount of time (seconds up to several minutes). If you find yourself running into such performance issues, consider limiting the search to only a subdirectory in the dataset, e.g., to a single subject or session only. entity_key : str The name of the entity key to search for. ignore_subjects : str | array-like of str | None Subject(s) to ignore. By default, entities from the ``emptyroom`` mock-subject are not returned. If ``None``, include all subjects. ignore_sessions : str | array-like of str | None Session(s) to ignore. If ``None``, include all sessions. ignore_tasks : str | array-like of str | None Task(s) to ignore. If ``None``, include all tasks. ignore_acquisitions : str | array-like of str | None Acquisition(s) to ignore. If ``None``, include all acquisitions. ignore_runs : str | array-like of str | None Run(s) to ignore. If ``None``, include all runs. ignore_processings : str | array-like of str | None Processing(s) to ignore. If ``None``, include all processings. ignore_spaces : str | array-like of str | None Space(s) to ignore. If ``None``, include all spaces. ignore_recordings : str | array-like of str | None Recording(s) to ignore. If ``None``, include all recordings. ignore_splits : str | array-like of str | None Split(s) to ignore. If ``None``, include all splits. ignore_descriptions : str | array-like of str | None Description(s) to ignore. If ``None``, include all descriptions. .. versionadded:: 0.11 ignore_modalities : str | array-like of str | None Modalities to ignore. If ``None``, include all modalities. ignore_datatypes : str | array-like of str | None Datatype(s) to ignore. If ``None``, include all datatypes (i.e. ``anat``, ``ieeg``, ``eeg``, ``meg``, ``func``, etc.) ignore_dirs : str | array-like of str | None Directories nested directly within ``root`` to ignore. If ``None``, include all directories in the search. .. versionadded:: 0.9 ignore_suffixes : str | array-like of str | None Suffixes to ignore. If ``None``, include all suffixes. This can be helpful for ignoring non-data sidecars such as `*_scans.tsv` or `*_coordsystem.json`. .. versionadded:: 0.17 with_key : bool If ``True``, returns the full entity with the key and the value. This will for example look like ``['sub-001', 'sub-002']``. If ``False`` (default), just returns the entity values. This will for example look like ``['001', '002']``. %(verbose)s Returns ------- entity_vals : list of str List of the values associated with an `entity_key` in the BIDS dataset pointed to by `root`. Examples -------- >>> root = Path('./mne_bids/tests/data/tiny_bids').absolute() >>> entity_key = 'subject' >>> get_entity_vals(root, entity_key) ['01'] >>> get_entity_vals(root, entity_key, with_key=True) ['sub-01'] Notes ----- This function will scan the entire ``root``, except for a ``derivatives`` subfolder placed directly under ``root``. References ---------- .. [1] """ params = inspect.signature(get_entity_vals).parameters # for debug messages root = _check_fname( fname=root, overwrite="read", must_exist=True, need_dir=True, name="Root directory", ) root = Path(root).expanduser() entities = ( "subject", "task", "session", "acquisition", "run", "processing", "space", "recording", "split", "description", "suffix", ) entities_abbr = ( "sub", "task", "ses", "acq", "run", "proc", "space", "rec", "split", "desc", "suffix", ) entity_long_abbr_map = dict(zip(entities, entities_abbr)) if entity_key not in entities: raise ValueError( f"`key` must be one of: {', '.join(entities)}. Got: {entity_key}" ) ignore_subjects = _ensure_tuple(ignore_subjects) ignore_sessions = _ensure_tuple(ignore_sessions) ignore_tasks = _ensure_tuple(ignore_tasks) ignore_acquisitions = _ensure_tuple(ignore_acquisitions) ignore_runs = _ensure_tuple(ignore_runs) ignore_processings = _ensure_tuple(ignore_processings) ignore_spaces = _ensure_tuple(ignore_spaces) ignore_recordings = _ensure_tuple(ignore_recordings) ignore_splits = _ensure_tuple(ignore_splits) ignore_descriptions = _ensure_tuple(ignore_descriptions) ignore_modalities = _ensure_tuple(ignore_modalities) ignore_suffixes = _ensure_tuple(ignore_suffixes) ignore_dirs = _ensure_tuple(ignore_dirs) existing_ignore_dirs = [ root / d for d in ignore_dirs if (root / d).exists() and (root / d).is_dir() ] ignore_dirs = _ensure_tuple(existing_ignore_dirs) p = re.compile(rf"{entity_long_abbr_map[entity_key]}-(.*?)_") values = list() filenames = root.glob(f"**/*{entity_long_abbr_map[entity_key]}-*_*") for filename in filenames: # Skip ignored directories if any( [Path(filename).is_relative_to(ignore_dir) for ignore_dir in ignore_dirs] ): continue if ignore_suffixes and any( [filename.stem.endswith(s) for s in ignore_suffixes] ): continue if ignore_datatypes and in ignore_datatypes: continue if ignore_subjects and any( [filename.stem.startswith(f"sub-{s}_") for s in ignore_subjects] ): continue if ignore_sessions and any( [f"_ses-{s}_" in filename.stem for s in ignore_sessions] ): continue if ignore_tasks and any([f"_task-{t}_" in filename.stem for t in ignore_tasks]): continue if ignore_acquisitions and any( [f"_acq-{a}_" in filename.stem for a in ignore_acquisitions] ): continue if ignore_runs and any([f"_run-{r}_" in filename.stem for r in ignore_runs]): continue if ignore_processings and any( [f"_proc-{p}_" in filename.stem for p in ignore_processings] ): continue if ignore_spaces and any( [f"_space-{s}_" in filename.stem for s in ignore_spaces] ): continue if ignore_recordings and any( [f"_recording-{a}_" in filename.stem for a in ignore_recordings] ): continue if ignore_splits and any( [f"_split-{s}_" in filename.stem for s in ignore_splits] ): continue if ignore_descriptions and any( [f"_desc-{d}_" in filename.stem for d in ignore_descriptions] ): continue if ignore_modalities and any( [f"_{k}" in filename.stem for k in ignore_modalities] ): continue match = value = if with_key: value = f"{entity_long_abbr_map[entity_key]}-{value}" if value not in values: values.append(value) # display all non-default params passed into the function param_string = ", ".join( f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals.items() if k in params and v != params[k].default ) logger.debug( "%s matched by get_entity_vals(%s)",, param_string ) return sorted(values)
def _mkdir_p(path, overwrite=False): """Create a directory, making parent directories as needed [1]. References ---------- .. [1] """ if overwrite and op.isdir(path): sh.rmtree(path)"Clearing path: {path}") os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) if not op.isdir(path):"Creating folder: {path}") def _find_best_candidates(params, candidate_list): """Return the best candidate, based on the number of param matches. Assign each candidate a score, based on how many entities are shared with the ones supplied in the `params` parameter. The candidate with the highest score wins. Candidates with entities that conflict with the supplied `params` are disqualified. Parameters ---------- params : dict The entities that the candidate should match. candidate_list : list of str A list of candidate filenames. Returns ------- best_candidates : list of str A list of all the candidate filenames that are tied for first place. Hopefully, the list will have a length of one. """ params = {key: value for key, value in params.items() if value is not None} best_candidates = [] best_n_matches = 0 for candidate in candidate_list: n_matches = 0 candidate_disqualified = False candidate_params = get_entities_from_fname(candidate) for entity, value in params.items(): if entity in candidate_params: if candidate_params[entity] is None: continue elif candidate_params[entity] == value: n_matches += 1 else: # Incompatible entity found, candidate is disqualified candidate_disqualified = True break if not candidate_disqualified: if n_matches > best_n_matches: best_n_matches = n_matches best_candidates = [candidate] elif n_matches == best_n_matches: best_candidates.append(candidate) return best_candidates def _get_datatypes_for_sub(*, root, sub, ses=None): """Retrieve data modalities for a specific subject and session.""" subject_dir = op.join(root, f"sub-{sub}") if ses is not None: subject_dir = op.join(subject_dir, f"ses-{ses}") # TODO We do this to ensure we don't accidentally pick up any "spurious" # TODO sub-directories. But is that really necessary with valid BIDS data? modalities_in_dataset = get_datatypes(root=root) subdirs = [ for f in os.scandir(subject_dir) if f.is_dir()] available_modalities = [s for s in subdirs if s in modalities_in_dataset] return available_modalities def _infer_datatype(*, root, sub, ses): # Check which suffix is available for this particular # subject & session. If we get no or multiple hits, throw an error. modalities = _get_datatypes_for_sub(root=root, sub=sub, ses=ses) # We only want to handle electrophysiological data here. allowed_recording_modalities = ["meg", "eeg", "ieeg"] modalities = list(set(modalities) & set(allowed_recording_modalities)) if not modalities: raise ValueError("No electrophysiological data found.") elif len(modalities) >= 2: msg = ( f"Found data of more than one recording datatype. Please " f"pass the `suffix` parameter to specify which data to load. " f"Found the following modalitiess: {modalities}" ) raise RuntimeError(msg) assert len(modalities) == 1 return modalities[0] def _path_to_str(var): """Make sure var is a string or Path, return string representation.""" if not isinstance(var, Path | str): raise ValueError( f"All path parameters must be either strings or " f"pathlib.Path objects. Found type {type(var)}." ) else: return str(var) def _filter_fnames( fnames, *, subject=None, session=None, task=None, acquisition=None, run=None, processing=None, recording=None, space=None, split=None, description=None, suffix=None, extension=None, ): """Filter a list of BIDS filenames / paths based on BIDS entity values. Input can be str or list of str. Parameters ---------- fnames : iterable of pathlib.Path | iterable of str Returns ------- list of pathlib.Path """ subject = _ensure_tuple(subject) session = _ensure_tuple(session) task = _ensure_tuple(task) acquisition = _ensure_tuple(acquisition) run = _ensure_tuple(run) processing = _ensure_tuple(processing) space = _ensure_tuple(space) recording = _ensure_tuple(recording) split = _ensure_tuple(split) description = _ensure_tuple(description) suffix = _ensure_tuple(suffix) extension = _ensure_tuple(extension) leading_path_str = r".*\/?" # nothing or something ending with a `/` sub_str = r"sub-(" + "|".join(subject) + ")" if subject else r"sub-([^_]+)" ses_str = r"_ses-(" + "|".join(session) + ")" if session else r"(|_ses-([^_]+))" task_str = r"_task-(" + "|".join(task) + ")" if task else r"(|_task-([^_]+))" acq_str = ( r"_acq-(" + "|".join(acquisition) + ")" if acquisition else r"(|_acq-([^_]+))" ) run_str = r"_run-(" + "|".join(run) + ")" if run else r"(|_run-([^_]+))" proc_str = ( r"_proc-(" + "|".join(processing) + ")" if processing else r"(|_proc-([^_]+))" ) space_str = r"_space-(" + "|".join(space) + ")" if space else r"(|_space-([^_]+))" rec_str = ( r"_recording-(" + "|".join(recording) + ")" if recording else r"(|_recording-([^_]+))" ) split_str = r"_split-(" + "|".join(split) + ")" if split else r"(|_split-([^_]+))" desc_str = ( r"_desc-(" + "|".join(description) + ")" if description else r"(|_desc-([^_]+))" ) suffix_str = r"_(" + "|".join(suffix) + ")" if suffix else r"_([^_]+)" ext_str = r"(" + "|".join(extension) + ")" if extension else r".([^_]+)" regexp = ( leading_path_str + sub_str + ses_str + task_str + acq_str + run_str + proc_str + space_str + rec_str + split_str + desc_str + suffix_str + ext_str ) # Convert to str so we can apply the regexp ... fnames = [str(f) for f in fnames] # fnames_filtered = sorted(filter(re.compile(regexp).match, fnames)) # ... and return Paths. fnames_filtered = [Path(f) for f in fnames_filtered] return fnames_filtered
[docs] def find_matching_paths( root, subjects=None, sessions=None, tasks=None, acquisitions=None, runs=None, processings=None, recordings=None, spaces=None, splits=None, descriptions=None, suffixes=None, extensions=None, datatypes=None, check=False, *, ignore_json=False, ignore_nosub=False, ): """Get list of all matching paths for all matching entity values. Input can be str or list of str. None matches all found values. Performs a recursive search, starting in ``.root`` (if set), based on `BIDSPath.entities` object. Parameters ---------- root : pathlib.Path | str The root of the BIDS path. subjects : str | array-like of str | None The subject ID. Corresponds to "sub". sessions : str | array-like of str | None The acquisition session. Corresponds to "ses". tasks : str | array-like of str | None The experimental task. Corresponds to "task". acquisitions: str | array-like of str | None The acquisition parameters. Corresponds to "acq". runs : str | array-like of str | None The run number. Corresponds to "run". processings : str | array-like of str | None The processing label. Corresponds to "proc". recordings : str | array-like of str | None The recording name. Corresponds to "rec". spaces : str | array-like of str | None The coordinate space for anatomical and sensor location files (e.g., ``*_electrodes.tsv``, ``*_markers.mrk``). Corresponds to "space". Note that valid values for ``space`` must come from a list of BIDS keywords as described in the BIDS specification. splits : str | array-like of str | None The split of the continuous recording file for ``.fif`` data. Corresponds to "split". descriptions : str | array-like of str | None This corresponds to the BIDS entity ``desc``. It is used to provide additional information for derivative data, e.g., preprocessed data may be assigned ``description='cleaned'``. .. versionadded:: 0.11 suffixes : str | array-like of str | None The filename suffix. This is the entity after the last ``_`` before the extension. E.g., ``'channels'``. The following filename suffix's are accepted: 'meg', 'markers', 'eeg', 'ieeg', 'T1w', 'participants', 'scans', 'electrodes', 'coordsystem', 'channels', 'events', 'headshape', 'digitizer', 'beh', 'physio', 'stim' extensions : str | array-like of str | None The extension of the filename. E.g., ``'.json'``. datatypes : str | array-like of str | None The BIDS data type, e.g., ``'anat'``, ``'func'``, ``'eeg'``, ``'meg'``, ``'ieeg'``. check : bool If ``True``, only returns paths that conform to BIDS. If ``False`` (default), the ``.check`` attribute of the returned :class:`mne_bids.BIDSPath` object will be set to ``True`` for paths that do conform to BIDS, and to ``False`` for those that don't. ignore_json : bool If ``True``, ignores json files. Defaults to ``False``. ignore_nosub : bool If ``True``, ignores all files that are not of the form ``root/sub-*``. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- bids_paths : list of mne_bids.BIDSPath The matching paths. """ fpaths = _return_root_paths( root, datatype=datatypes, ignore_json=ignore_json, ignore_nosub=ignore_nosub ) fpaths_filtered = _filter_fnames( fpaths, subject=subjects, session=sessions, task=tasks, acquisition=acquisitions, run=runs, processing=processings, recording=recordings, space=spaces, split=splits, description=descriptions, suffix=suffixes, extension=extensions, ) bids_paths = _fnames_to_bidspaths(fpaths_filtered, root, check=check) return bids_paths
def _return_root_paths(root, datatype=None, ignore_json=True, ignore_nosub=False): """Return all file paths in root. Can be filtered by datatype (which is present in the path but not in the BIDSPath basename). Can also be list of datatypes. Parameters ---------- root : pathlib.Path | str The root of the BIDS path. datatype : str | array-like of str | None The BIDS data type, e.g., ``'anat'``, ``'func'``, ``'eeg'``, ``'meg'``, ``'ieeg'``. ignore_json : bool If ``True`` (default), do not return files ending with ``.json``. ignore_nosub : bool If ``True``, return only files of the form ``root/sub-*``. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- paths : list of pathlib.Path All paths in `root`, filtered according to the function parameters. """ root = Path(root) # if root is str if datatype is not None: datatype = _ensure_tuple(datatype) search_str = f"*/{'|'.join(datatype)}/*" else: search_str = "*.*" paths = root.rglob(search_str) # Only keep files (not directories), ... # and omit the JSON sidecars if `ignore_json` is True. if ignore_json: paths = [p for p in paths if p.is_file() and p.suffix != ".json"] else: paths = [p for p in paths if p.is_file()] # only keep files which are of the form root/sub-*, # such that we only look in 'sub'-folders: if ignore_nosub: root_sub = str(root / "sub-") paths = [p for p in paths if str(p).startswith(root_sub)] return paths def _fnames_to_bidspaths(fnames, root, check=False): """Make BIDSPaths from file names. To check whether the BIDSPath is conforming to BIDS if check=True, we first instantiate without checking and then run the check manually, allowing us to be more specific about the exception to catch. Parameters ---------- fnames : list of str Filenames as list of strings. root : path-like | None The root directory of the BIDS dataset. check : bool If ``True``, only returns paths that conform to BIDS. If ``False`` (default), the ``.check`` attribute of the returned :class:`mne_bids.BIDSPath` object will be set to ``True`` for paths that do conform to BIDS, and to ``False`` for those that don't. Returns ------- bids_paths : list of mne_bids.BIDSPath Bids paths. """ bids_paths = [] for fname in fnames: datatype = _infer_datatype_from_path(fname) bids_path = get_bids_path_from_fname(fname, check=False) bids_path.root = root bids_path.datatype = datatype bids_path.check = True try: bids_path._check() except ValueError: # path is not BIDS-compatible if check: # skip! continue else: bids_path.check = False bids_paths.append(bids_path) return bids_paths