Source code for mne_bids.utils

"""Utility and helper functions for MNE-BIDS."""
# Authors: Mainak Jas <>
#          Alexandre Gramfort <>
#          Teon Brooks <>
#          Chris Holdgraf <>
#          Stefan Appelhoff <>
#          Matt Sanderson <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import os
import os.path as op
import re
import errno
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import shutil as sh

import numpy as np
from import loadmat, savemat
from mne import read_events, find_events
from mne.externals.six import string_types
from mne.channels import read_montage
from import pick_types

from .config import BIDS_VERSION
from .io import _parse_ext

def _mkdir_p(path, overwrite=False, verbose=False):
    """Create a directory, making parent directories as needed [1].

    .. [1]

    if overwrite and op.isdir(path):
        if verbose is True:
            print('Clearing path: %s' % path)

        if verbose is True:
            print('Creating folder: %s' % path)
    except OSError as exc:  # Python >2.5
        if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and op.isdir(path):

def _parse_bids_filename(fname, verbose):
    """Get dict from BIDS fname."""
    keys = ['sub', 'ses', 'task', 'acq', 'run', 'proc', 'run', 'space',
    params = {key: None for key in keys}
    entities = fname.split('_')
    idx_key = 0
    for entity in entities:
        assert '-' in entity
        key, value = entity.split('-')
        if key not in keys:
            raise KeyError('Unexpected entity ''%s'' found in filename ''%s'''
                           % (entity, fname))
        if keys.index(key) < idx_key:
            raise ValueError('Entities in filename not ordered correctly.'
                             ' "%s" should have occured earlier in the '
                             'filename "%s"' % (key, fname))
        idx_key = keys.index(key)
        params[key] = value
    return params

def _handle_kind(raw):
    """Get kind."""
    if 'meg' in raw:
        kind = 'meg'
    elif 'eeg' in raw:
        kind = 'eeg'
    elif 'ecog' in raw:
        kind = 'ieeg'
        raise ValueError('Neither MEG/EEG/iEEG channels found in data.'
                         'Please use raw.set_channel_types to set the '
                         'channel types in the data.')
    return kind

[docs]def make_bids_basename(subject=None, session=None, task=None, acquisition=None, run=None, processing=None, recording=None, space=None, prefix=None, suffix=None): """Create a partial/full BIDS filename from its component parts. BIDS filename prefixes have one or more pieces of metadata in them. They must follow a particular order, which is followed by this function. This will generate the *prefix* for a BIDS filename that can be used with many subsequent files, or you may also give a suffix that will then complete the file name. Note that all parameters are not applicable to each kind of data. For example, electrode location TSV files do not need a task field. Parameters ---------- subject : str | None The subject ID. Corresponds to "sub". session : str | None The session for a item. Corresponds to "ses". task : str | None The task for a item. Corresponds to "task". acquisition: str | None The acquisition parameters for the item. Corresponds to "acq". run : int | None The run number for this item. Corresponds to "run". processing : str | None The processing label for this item. Corresponds to "proc". recording : str | None The recording name for this item. Corresponds to "recording". space : str | None The coordinate space for an anatomical file. Corresponds to "space". prefix : str | None The prefix for the filename to be created. E.g., a path to the folder in which you wish to create a file with this name. suffix : str | None The suffix of a file that begins with this prefix. E.g., 'audio.wav'. Returns ------- filename : str The BIDS filename you wish to create. Examples -------- >>> print(make_bids_basename(subject='test', session='two', task='mytask', suffix='data.csv')) # noqa sub-test_ses-two_task-mytask_data.csv """ order = OrderedDict([('sub', subject), ('ses', session), ('task', task), ('acq', acquisition), ('run', run), ('proc', processing), ('space', space), ('recording', recording)]) if order['run'] is not None and not isinstance(order['run'], string_types): # Ensure that run is a string order['run'] = '{:02}'.format(order['run']) _check_types(order.values()) if not any(isinstance(ii, string_types) for ii in order.keys()): raise ValueError("At least one parameter must be given.") filename = [] for key, val in order.items(): if val is not None: _check_key_val(key, val) filename.append('%s-%s' % (key, val)) if isinstance(suffix, string_types): filename.append(suffix) filename = '_'.join(filename) if isinstance(prefix, string_types): filename = op.join(prefix, filename) return filename
[docs]def make_bids_folders(subject, session=None, kind=None, output_path=None, make_dir=True, overwrite=False, verbose=False): """Create a BIDS folder hierarchy. This creates a hierarchy of folders *within* a BIDS dataset. You should plan to create these folders *inside* the output_path folder of the dataset. Parameters ---------- subject : str The subject ID. Corresponds to "sub". kind : str The kind of folder being created at the end of the hierarchy. E.g., "anat", "func", etc. session : str | None The session for a item. Corresponds to "ses". output_path : str | None The output_path for the folders to be created. If None, folders will be created in the current working directory. make_dir : bool Whether to actually create the folders specified. If False, only a path will be generated but no folders will be created. overwrite : bool How to handle overwriting previously generated data. If overwrite == False then no existing folders will be removed, however if overwrite == True then any existing folders at the session level or lower will be removed, including any contained data. verbose : bool If verbose is True, print status updates as folders are created. Returns ------- path : str The (relative) path to the folder that was created. Examples -------- >>> print(make_bids_folders('sub_01', session='my_session', kind='meg', output_path='path/to/project', make_dir=False)) # noqa path/to/project/sub-sub_01/ses-my_session/meg """ _check_types((subject, kind, session, output_path)) if session is not None: _check_key_val('ses', session) path = ['sub-%s' % subject] if isinstance(session, string_types): path.append('ses-%s' % session) if isinstance(kind, string_types): path.append(kind) path = op.join(*path) if isinstance(output_path, string_types): path = op.join(output_path, path) if make_dir is True: _mkdir_p(path, overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose) return path
[docs]def make_dataset_description(path, name=None, data_license=None, authors=None, acknowledgements=None, how_to_acknowledge=None, funding=None, references_and_links=None, doi=None, verbose=False): """Create json for a dataset description. BIDS datasets may have one or more fields, this function allows you to specify which you wish to include in the description. See the BIDS documentation for information about what each field means. Parameters ---------- path : str A path to a folder where the description will be created. name : str | None The name of this BIDS dataset. data_license : str | None The license under which this datset is published. authors : list | str | None List of individuals who contributed to the creation/curation of the dataset. Must be a list of strings or a single comma separated string like ['a', 'b', 'c']. acknowledgements : list | str | None Either a str acknowledging individuals who contributed to the creation/curation of this dataset OR a list of the individuals' names as str. how_to_acknowledge : list | str | None Either a str describing how to acknowledge this dataset OR a list of publications that should be cited. funding : list | str | None List of sources of funding (e.g., grant numbers). Must be a list of strings or a single comma separated string like ['a', 'b', 'c']. references_and_links : list | str | None List of references to publication that contain information on the dataset, or links. Must be a list of strings or a single comma separated string like ['a', 'b', 'c']. doi : str | None The DOI for the dataset. Notes ----- The required field BIDSVersion will be automatically filled by mne_bids. """ # Put potential string input into list of strings if isinstance(authors, string_types): authors = authors.split(', ') if isinstance(funding, string_types): funding = funding.split(', ') if isinstance(references_and_links, string_types): references_and_links = references_and_links.split(', ') fname = op.join(path, 'dataset_description.json') description = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('BIDSVersion', BIDS_VERSION), ('License', data_license), ('Authors', authors), ('Acknowledgements', acknowledgements), ('HowToAcknowledge', how_to_acknowledge), ('Funding', funding), ('ReferencesAndLinks', references_and_links), ('DatasetDOI', doi)]) pop_keys = [key for key, val in description.items() if val is None] for key in pop_keys: description.pop(key) _write_json(description, fname, overwrite=True, verbose=verbose)
def _age_on_date(bday, exp_date): """Calculate age from birthday and experiment date. Parameters ---------- bday : instance of datetime.datetime The birthday of the participant. exp_date : instance of datetime.datetime The date the experiment was performed on. """ if exp_date < bday: raise ValueError("The experimentation date must be after the birth " "date") if exp_date.month > bday.month: return exp_date.year - bday.year elif exp_date.month == bday.month: if >= return exp_date.year - bday.year return exp_date.year - bday.year - 1 def _check_types(variables): """Make sure all vars are str or None.""" for var in variables: if not isinstance(var, (string_types, type(None))): raise ValueError("All values must be either None or strings. " "Found type %s." % type(var)) def _write_json(dictionary, fname, overwrite=False, verbose=False): """Write JSON to a file.""" if op.exists(fname) and not overwrite: raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, '"%s" already exists. Please set ' 'overwrite to True.' % fname) json_output = json.dumps(dictionary, indent=4) with open(fname, 'w') as fid: fid.write(json_output) fid.write('\n') if verbose is True: print(os.linesep + "Writing '%s'..." % fname + os.linesep) print(json_output) def _write_tsv(fname, df, overwrite=False, verbose=False): """Write dataframe to a .tsv file""" if op.exists(fname) and not overwrite: raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, '"%s" already exists. Please set ' 'overwrite to True.' % fname) df.to_csv(fname, sep='\t', index=False, na_rep='n/a') if verbose: print(os.linesep + "Writing '%s'..." % fname + os.linesep) print(df.head()) def _check_key_val(key, val): """Perform checks on a value to make sure it adheres to the spec.""" if any(ii in val for ii in ['-', '_', '/']): raise ValueError("Unallowed `-`, `_`, or `/` found in key/value pair" " %s: %s" % (key, val)) return key, val def _read_events(events_data, raw): """Read in events data. Parameters ---------- events_data : str | array | None The events file. If a string, a path to the events file. If an array, the MNE events array (shape n_events, 3). If None, events will be inferred from the stim channel using `find_events`. raw : instance of Raw The data as MNE-Python Raw object. Returns ------- events : array, shape = (n_events, 3) The first column contains the event time in samples and the third column contains the event id. The second column is ignored for now but typically contains the value of the trigger channel either immediately before the event or immediately after. """ if isinstance(events_data, string_types): events = read_events(events_data).astype(int) elif isinstance(events_data, np.ndarray): if events_data.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('Events must have two dimensions, ' 'found %s' % events_data.ndim) if events_data.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Events must have second dimension of length 3, ' 'found %s' % events_data.shape[1]) events = events_data else: events = find_events(raw, min_duration=0.001, initial_event=True) return events def _get_brainvision_paths(vhdr_path): """Get the .eeg and .vmrk file paths from a BrainVision header file. Parameters ---------- vhdr_path : str path to the header file Returns ------- paths : tuple paths to the .eeg file at index 0 and the .vmrk file at index 1 of the returned tuple """ fname, ext = _parse_ext(vhdr_path) if ext != '.vhdr': raise ValueError('Expecting file ending in ".vhdr",' ' but got {}'.format(ext)) # Header file seems fine, read it with open(vhdr_path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() # Try to find data file .eeg eeg_file_match ='DataFile=(.*\.eeg)', ' '.join(lines)) if not eeg_file_match: raise ValueError('Could not find a .eeg file link in' ' {}'.format(vhdr_path)) else: eeg_file = eeg_file_match.groups()[0] # Try to find marker file .vmrk vmrk_file_match ='MarkerFile=(.*\.vmrk)', ' '.join(lines)) if not vmrk_file_match: raise ValueError('Could not find a .vmrk file link in' ' {}'.format(vhdr_path)) else: vmrk_file = vmrk_file_match.groups()[0] # Make sure we are dealing with file names as is customary, not paths # Paths are problematic when copying the files to another system. Instead, # always use the file name and keep the file triplet in the same directory assert os.sep not in eeg_file assert os.sep not in vmrk_file # Assert the paths exist head, tail = op.split(vhdr_path) eeg_file_path = op.join(head, eeg_file) vmrk_file_path = op.join(head, vmrk_file) assert op.exists(eeg_file_path) assert op.exists(vmrk_file_path) # Return the paths return (eeg_file_path, vmrk_file_path)
[docs]def copyfile_brainvision(vhdr_src, vhdr_dest): """Copy a BrainVision file triplet to a new location and repair links. Parameters ---------- vhdr_src, vhdr_dest: str The src path of the .vhdr file to be copied and the destination path. The .eeg and .vmrk files associated with the .vhdr file will be given names as in vhdr_dest with adjusted extensions. Internal file pointers will be fixed. """ # Get extenstion of the brainvision file fname_src, ext_src = _parse_ext(vhdr_src) fname_dest, ext_dest = _parse_ext(vhdr_dest) if ext_src != ext_dest: raise ValueError('Need to move data with same extension' ' but got "{}", "{}"'.format(ext_src, ext_dest)) eeg_file_path, vmrk_file_path = _get_brainvision_paths(vhdr_src) # Copy data .eeg ... no links to repair sh.copyfile(eeg_file_path, fname_dest + '.eeg') # Write new header and marker files, fixing the file pointer links # For that, we need to replace an old "basename" with a new one # assuming that all .eeg, .vhdr, .vmrk share one basename __, basename_src = op.split(fname_src) assert basename_src + '.eeg' == op.split(eeg_file_path)[-1] assert basename_src + '.vmrk' == op.split(vmrk_file_path)[-1] __, basename_dest = op.split(fname_dest) search_lines = ['DataFile=' + basename_src + '.eeg', 'MarkerFile=' + basename_src + '.vmrk'] with open(vhdr_src, 'r') as fin: with open(vhdr_dest, 'w') as fout: for line in fin.readlines(): if line.strip() in search_lines: line = line.replace(basename_src, basename_dest) fout.write(line) with open(vmrk_file_path, 'r') as fin: with open(fname_dest + '.vmrk', 'w') as fout: for line in fin.readlines(): if line.strip() in search_lines: line = line.replace(basename_src, basename_dest) fout.write(line)
[docs]def copyfile_eeglab(src, dest): """Copy a EEGLAB files to a new location and adjust pointer to '.fdt' file. Some EEGLAB .set files come with a .fdt binary file that contains the data. When moving a .set file, we need to check for an associated .fdt file and move it to an appropriate location as well as update an internal pointer within the .set file. Notes ----- Work in progress. This function will abort upon the encounter of a .fdt file. """ # Get extenstion of the EEGLAB file fname_src, ext_src = _parse_ext(src) fname_dest, ext_dest = _parse_ext(dest) if ext_src != ext_dest: raise ValueError('Need to move data with same extension' ' but got {}, {}'.format(ext_src, ext_dest)) # Extract matlab struct "EEG" from EEGLAB file mat = loadmat(src, squeeze_me=False, chars_as_strings=False, mat_dtype=False, struct_as_record=True) if 'EEG' not in mat: raise ValueError('Could not find "EEG" field in {}'.format(src)) eeg = mat['EEG'] # If the data field is a string, it points to a .fdt file in src dir data = eeg[0][0]['data'] if all([item in data[0, -4:] for item in '.fdt']): head, tail = op.split(src) fdt_pointer = ''.join(data.tolist()[0]) fdt_path = op.join(head, fdt_pointer) fdt_name, fdt_ext = _parse_ext(fdt_path) if fdt_ext != '.fdt': raise IOError('Expected extension {} for linked data but found' ' {}'.format('.fdt', fdt_ext)) # Copy the fdt file and give it a new name sh.copyfile(fdt_path, fname_dest + '.fdt') # Now adjust the pointer in the set file head, tail = op.split(fname_dest + '.fdt') mat['EEG'][0][0]['data'] = tail savemat(dest, mat, appendmat=False) # If no .fdt file, simply copy the .set file, no modifications necessary else: sh.copyfile(src, dest)
def _infer_eeg_placement_scheme(raw): """Based on the channel names, try to infer an EEG placement scheme. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of Raw The data as MNE-Python Raw object. Returns ------- placement_scheme : str Description of the EEG placement scheme. Will be "n/a" for unsuccessful extraction. """ placement_scheme = 'n/a' # Check if the raw data contains eeg data at all if 'eeg' not in raw: return placement_scheme # How many of the channels in raw are based on the extended 10/20 system raw.load_data() sel = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) ch_names = [raw.ch_names[i] for i in sel] channel_names = [ch.lower() for ch in ch_names] montage1005 = read_montage(kind='standard_1005') montage1005_names = [ch.lower() for ch in montage1005.ch_names] if set(channel_names).issubset(set(montage1005_names)): placement_scheme = 'based on the extended 10/20 system' return placement_scheme