"""Utility functions to copy raw data files.
When writing BIDS datasets, we often move and/or rename raw data files. several
original data formats have properties that restrict such operations. That is,
moving/renaming raw data files naively might lead to broken files, for example
due to internal pointers that are not being updated.
# Authors: Mainak Jas <mainak.jas@telecom-paristech.fr>
# Alexandre Gramfort <alexandre.gramfort@telecom-paristech.fr>
# Teon Brooks <teon.brooks@gmail.com>
# Chris Holdgraf <choldgraf@berkeley.edu>
# Stefan Appelhoff <stefan.appelhoff@mailbox.org>
# Matt Sanderson <matt.sanderson@mq.edu.au>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import os
import os.path as op
import re
import shutil as sh
from scipy.io import loadmat, savemat
from mne_bids.read import _parse_ext
def _copytree(src, dst, **kwargs):
"""See: https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/5150."""
sh.copytree(src, dst, **kwargs)
except sh.Error as error:
# `copytree` throws an error if copying to + from NFS even though
# the copy is successful (see https://bugs.python.org/issue24564)
if '[Errno 22]' not in str(error) or not op.exists(dst):
def _get_brainvision_encoding(vhdr_file, verbose=False):
"""Get the encoding of .vhdr and .vmrk files.
vhdr_file : str
path to the header file
verbose : Bool
determine whether results should be logged.
(default False)
enc : str
encoding of the .vhdr file to pass it on to open() function
either 'UTF-8' (default) or whatever encoding scheme is specified
in the header
with open(vhdr_file, 'rb') as ef:
enc = ef.read()
if enc.find(b'Codepage=') != -1:
enc = enc[enc.find(b'Codepage=') + 9:]
enc = enc.split()[0]
enc = enc.decode()
src = '(read from header)'
enc = 'UTF-8'
src = '(default)'
if verbose is True:
print('Detected file encoding: %s %s.' % (enc, src))
return enc
def _get_brainvision_paths(vhdr_path):
"""Get the .eeg and .vmrk file paths from a BrainVision header file.
vhdr_path : str
path to the header file
paths : tuple
paths to the .eeg file at index 0 and the .vmrk file
at index 1 of the returned tuple
fname, ext = _parse_ext(vhdr_path)
if ext != '.vhdr':
raise ValueError('Expecting file ending in ".vhdr",'
' but got {}'.format(ext))
# Header file seems fine
# extract encoding from brainvision header file, or default to utf-8
enc = _get_brainvision_encoding(vhdr_path)
# ..and read it
with open(vhdr_path, 'r', encoding=enc) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# Try to find data file .eeg
eeg_file_match = re.search(r'DataFile=(.*\.eeg)', ' '.join(lines))
if not eeg_file_match:
raise ValueError('Could not find a .eeg file link in'
' {}'.format(vhdr_path))
eeg_file = eeg_file_match.groups()[0]
# Try to find marker file .vmrk
vmrk_file_match = re.search(r'MarkerFile=(.*\.vmrk)', ' '.join(lines))
if not vmrk_file_match:
raise ValueError('Could not find a .vmrk file link in'
' {}'.format(vhdr_path))
vmrk_file = vmrk_file_match.groups()[0]
# Make sure we are dealing with file names as is customary, not paths
# Paths are problematic when copying the files to another system. Instead,
# always use the file name and keep the file triplet in the same directory
assert os.sep not in eeg_file
assert os.sep not in vmrk_file
# Assert the paths exist
head, tail = op.split(vhdr_path)
eeg_file_path = op.join(head, eeg_file)
vmrk_file_path = op.join(head, vmrk_file)
assert op.exists(eeg_file_path)
assert op.exists(vmrk_file_path)
# Return the paths
return (eeg_file_path, vmrk_file_path)
[docs]def copyfile_ctf(src, dest):
"""Copy and rename CTF files to a new location.
src : str
path to the source raw .ds folder
dest : str
path to the destination of the new bids folder.
_copytree(src, dest)
# list of file types to rename
file_types = ('.acq', '.eeg', '.hc', '.hist', '.infods', '.bak',
'.meg4', '.newds', '.res4')
# Rename files in dest with the name of the dest directory
fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(dest) if f.endswith(file_types)]
bids_folder_name = op.splitext(op.split(dest)[-1])[0]
for fname in fnames:
ext = op.splitext(fname)[-1]
os.rename(op.join(dest, fname),
op.join(dest, bids_folder_name + ext))
[docs]def copyfile_brainvision(vhdr_src, vhdr_dest, verbose=False):
"""Copy a BrainVision file triplet to a new location and repair links.
vhdr_src, vhdr_dest: str
The src path of the .vhdr file to be copied and the destination
path. The .eeg and .vmrk files associated with the .vhdr file
will be given names as in vhdr_dest with adjusted extensions.
Internal file pointers will be fixed.
# Get extenstion of the brainvision file
fname_src, ext_src = _parse_ext(vhdr_src)
fname_dest, ext_dest = _parse_ext(vhdr_dest)
if ext_src != ext_dest:
raise ValueError('Need to move data with same extension'
' but got "{}", "{}"'.format(ext_src, ext_dest))
eeg_file_path, vmrk_file_path = _get_brainvision_paths(vhdr_src)
# extract encoding from brainvision header file, or default to utf-8
enc = _get_brainvision_encoding(vhdr_src, verbose)
# Copy data .eeg ... no links to repair
sh.copyfile(eeg_file_path, fname_dest + '.eeg')
# Write new header and marker files, fixing the file pointer links
# For that, we need to replace an old "basename" with a new one
# assuming that all .eeg, .vhdr, .vmrk share one basename
__, basename_src = op.split(fname_src)
assert basename_src + '.eeg' == op.split(eeg_file_path)[-1]
assert basename_src + '.vmrk' == op.split(vmrk_file_path)[-1]
__, basename_dest = op.split(fname_dest)
search_lines = ['DataFile=' + basename_src + '.eeg',
'MarkerFile=' + basename_src + '.vmrk']
with open(vhdr_src, 'r', encoding=enc) as fin:
with open(vhdr_dest, 'w', encoding=enc) as fout:
for line in fin.readlines():
if line.strip() in search_lines:
line = line.replace(basename_src, basename_dest)
with open(vmrk_file_path, 'r', encoding=enc) as fin:
with open(fname_dest + '.vmrk', 'w', encoding=enc) as fout:
for line in fin.readlines():
if line.strip() in search_lines:
line = line.replace(basename_src, basename_dest)
if verbose:
for ext in ['.eeg', '.vhdr', '.vmrk']:
print('Created "{}" in "{}"'
.format(fname_dest + ext,
[docs]def copyfile_eeglab(src, dest):
"""Copy a EEGLAB files to a new location and adjust pointer to '.fdt' file.
Some EEGLAB .set files come with a .fdt binary file that contains the data.
When moving a .set file, we need to check for an associated .fdt file and
move it to an appropriate location as well as update an internal pointer
within the .set file.
Work in progress. This function will abort upon the encounter of a .fdt
# Get extenstion of the EEGLAB file
fname_src, ext_src = _parse_ext(src)
fname_dest, ext_dest = _parse_ext(dest)
if ext_src != ext_dest:
raise ValueError('Need to move data with same extension'
' but got {}, {}'.format(ext_src, ext_dest))
# Extract matlab struct "EEG" from EEGLAB file
mat = loadmat(src, squeeze_me=False, chars_as_strings=False,
mat_dtype=False, struct_as_record=True)
if 'EEG' not in mat:
raise ValueError('Could not find "EEG" field in {}'.format(src))
eeg = mat['EEG']
# If the data field is a string, it points to a .fdt file in src dir
data = eeg[0][0]['data']
if all([item in data[0, -4:] for item in '.fdt']):
head, tail = op.split(src)
fdt_pointer = ''.join(data.tolist()[0])
fdt_path = op.join(head, fdt_pointer)
fdt_name, fdt_ext = _parse_ext(fdt_path)
if fdt_ext != '.fdt':
raise IOError('Expected extension {} for linked data but found'
' {}'.format('.fdt', fdt_ext))
# Copy the fdt file and give it a new name
sh.copyfile(fdt_path, fname_dest + '.fdt')
# Now adjust the pointer in the set file
head, tail = op.split(fname_dest + '.fdt')
mat['EEG'][0][0]['data'] = tail
savemat(dest, mat, appendmat=False)
# If no .fdt file, simply copy the .set file, no modifications necessary
sh.copyfile(src, dest)
[docs]def copyfile_bti(raw, dest):
"""Copy BTi data."""
pdf_fname = 'c,rfDC'
if raw.info['highpass'] is not None:
pdf_fname = 'c,rf%0.1fHz' % raw.info['highpass']
op.join(dest, pdf_fname))
op.join(dest, 'config'))
op.join(dest, 'hs_file'))