"""Utility functions to copy raw data files.
When writing BIDS datasets, we often move and/or rename raw data files. several
original data formats have properties that restrict such operations. That is,
moving/renaming raw data files naively might lead to broken files, for example
due to internal pointers that are not being updated.
# Authors: Mainak Jas <mainak.jas@telecom-paristech.fr>
# Alexandre Gramfort <alexandre.gramfort@telecom-paristech.fr>
# Teon Brooks <teon.brooks@gmail.com>
# Chris Holdgraf <choldgraf@berkeley.edu>
# Stefan Appelhoff <stefan.appelhoff@mailbox.org>
# Matt Sanderson <matt.sanderson@mq.edu.au>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import os
import os.path as op
import re
import shutil as sh
from scipy.io import loadmat, savemat
from mne_bids.read import _parse_ext
from mne_bids.utils import _get_mrk_meas_date
def _copytree(src, dst, **kwargs):
"""See: https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/5150."""
sh.copytree(src, dst, **kwargs)
except sh.Error as error:
# `copytree` throws an error if copying to + from NFS even though
# the copy is successful (see https://bugs.python.org/issue24564)
if '[Errno 22]' not in str(error) or not op.exists(dst):
def _get_brainvision_encoding(vhdr_file, verbose=False):
"""Get the encoding of .vhdr and .vmrk files.
vhdr_file : str
Path to the header file.
verbose : Bool
Determine whether results should be logged (default False).
enc : str
Encoding of the .vhdr file to pass it on to open() function
either 'UTF-8' (default) or whatever encoding scheme is specified
in the header.
with open(vhdr_file, 'rb') as ef:
enc = ef.read()
if enc.find(b'Codepage=') != -1:
enc = enc[enc.find(b'Codepage=') + 9:]
enc = enc.split()[0]
enc = enc.decode()
src = '(read from header)'
enc = 'UTF-8'
src = '(default)'
if verbose is True:
print('Detected file encoding: %s %s.' % (enc, src))
return enc
def _get_brainvision_paths(vhdr_path):
"""Get the .eeg and .vmrk file paths from a BrainVision header file.
vhdr_path : str
Path to the header file.
paths : tuple
Paths to the .eeg file at index 0 and the .vmrk file at index 1 of
the returned tuple.
fname, ext = _parse_ext(vhdr_path)
if ext != '.vhdr':
raise ValueError('Expecting file ending in ".vhdr",'
' but got {}'.format(ext))
# Header file seems fine
# extract encoding from brainvision header file, or default to utf-8
enc = _get_brainvision_encoding(vhdr_path)
# ..and read it
with open(vhdr_path, 'r', encoding=enc) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# Try to find data file .eeg
eeg_file_match = re.search(r'DataFile=(.*\.eeg)', ' '.join(lines))
if not eeg_file_match:
raise ValueError('Could not find a .eeg file link in'
' {}'.format(vhdr_path))
eeg_file = eeg_file_match.groups()[0]
# Try to find marker file .vmrk
vmrk_file_match = re.search(r'MarkerFile=(.*\.vmrk)', ' '.join(lines))
if not vmrk_file_match:
raise ValueError('Could not find a .vmrk file link in'
' {}'.format(vhdr_path))
vmrk_file = vmrk_file_match.groups()[0]
# Make sure we are dealing with file names as is customary, not paths
# Paths are problematic when copying the files to another system. Instead,
# always use the file name and keep the file triplet in the same directory
assert os.sep not in eeg_file
assert os.sep not in vmrk_file
# Assert the paths exist
head, tail = op.split(vhdr_path)
eeg_file_path = op.join(head, eeg_file)
vmrk_file_path = op.join(head, vmrk_file)
assert op.exists(eeg_file_path)
assert op.exists(vmrk_file_path)
# Return the paths
return (eeg_file_path, vmrk_file_path)
[docs]def copyfile_ctf(src, dest):
"""Copy and rename CTF files to a new location.
src : str
Path to the source raw .ds folder.
dest : str
Path to the destination of the new bids folder.
_copytree(src, dest)
# list of file types to rename
file_types = ('.acq', '.eeg', '.hc', '.hist', '.infods', '.bak',
'.meg4', '.newds', '.res4')
# Rename files in dest with the name of the dest directory
fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(dest) if f.endswith(file_types)]
bids_folder_name = op.splitext(op.split(dest)[-1])[0]
for fname in fnames:
ext = op.splitext(fname)[-1]
os.rename(op.join(dest, fname),
op.join(dest, bids_folder_name + ext))
[docs]def copyfile_kit(src, dest, subject_id, session_id,
task, run, _init_kwargs):
"""Copy and rename KIT files to a new location.
src : str
Path to the source raw .con or .sqd folder.
dest : str
Path to the destination of the new bids folder.
subject_id : str | None
The subject ID. Corresponds to "sub".
session_id : str | None
The session identifier. Corresponds to "ses".
task : str | None
The task identifier. Corresponds to "task".
run : int | None
The run number. Corresponds to "run".
_init_kwargs : dict
Extract information of marker and headpoints
from mne_bids.write import make_bids_basename
# KIT data requires the marker file to be copied over too
sh.copyfile(src, dest)
data_path = op.split(dest)[0]
if 'mrk' in _init_kwargs:
hpi = _init_kwargs['mrk']
acq_map = dict()
if isinstance(hpi, list):
if _get_mrk_meas_date(hpi[0]) > _get_mrk_meas_date(hpi[1]):
raise ValueError('Markers provided in incorrect order.')
_, marker_ext = _parse_ext(hpi[0])
acq_map = dict(zip(['pre', 'post'], hpi))
_, marker_ext = _parse_ext(hpi)
acq_map[None] = hpi
for key, value in acq_map.items():
marker_fname = make_bids_basename(
subject=subject_id, session=session_id, task=task, run=run,
acquisition=key, suffix='markers%s' % marker_ext,
sh.copyfile(value, marker_fname)
for acq in ['elp', 'hsp']:
if acq in _init_kwargs:
position_file = _init_kwargs[acq]
task, run, acq = None, None, acq.upper()
position_ext = '.pos'
position_fname = make_bids_basename(
subject=subject_id, session=session_id, task=task, run=run,
acquisition=acq, suffix='headshape%s' % position_ext,
sh.copyfile(position_file, position_fname)
[docs]def copyfile_brainvision(vhdr_src, vhdr_dest, verbose=False):
"""Copy a BrainVision file triplet to a new location and repair links.
The BrainVision file format consists of three files: .vhdr, .eeg, and .vmrk
The .eeg and .vmrk files associated with the .vhdr file will be given names
as in `vhdr_dest` with adjusted extensions. Internal file pointers will be
vhdr_src : str
The src path of the .vhdr file to be copied.
vhdr_dest : str
The destination path of the .vhdr file.
# Get extenstion of the brainvision file
fname_src, ext_src = _parse_ext(vhdr_src)
fname_dest, ext_dest = _parse_ext(vhdr_dest)
if ext_src != ext_dest:
raise ValueError('Need to move data with same extension'
' but got "{}", "{}"'.format(ext_src, ext_dest))
eeg_file_path, vmrk_file_path = _get_brainvision_paths(vhdr_src)
# extract encoding from brainvision header file, or default to utf-8
enc = _get_brainvision_encoding(vhdr_src, verbose)
# Copy data .eeg ... no links to repair
sh.copyfile(eeg_file_path, fname_dest + '.eeg')
# Write new header and marker files, fixing the file pointer links
# For that, we need to replace an old "basename" with a new one
# assuming that all .eeg, .vhdr, .vmrk share one basename
__, basename_src = op.split(fname_src)
assert basename_src + '.eeg' == op.split(eeg_file_path)[-1]
assert basename_src + '.vmrk' == op.split(vmrk_file_path)[-1]
__, basename_dest = op.split(fname_dest)
search_lines = ['DataFile=' + basename_src + '.eeg',
'MarkerFile=' + basename_src + '.vmrk']
with open(vhdr_src, 'r', encoding=enc) as fin:
with open(vhdr_dest, 'w', encoding=enc) as fout:
for line in fin.readlines():
if line.strip() in search_lines:
line = line.replace(basename_src, basename_dest)
with open(vmrk_file_path, 'r', encoding=enc) as fin:
with open(fname_dest + '.vmrk', 'w', encoding=enc) as fout:
for line in fin.readlines():
if line.strip() in search_lines:
line = line.replace(basename_src, basename_dest)
if verbose:
for ext in ['.eeg', '.vhdr', '.vmrk']:
print('Created "{}" in "{}"'
.format(fname_dest + ext,
[docs]def copyfile_eeglab(src, dest):
"""Copy a EEGLAB files to a new location and adjust pointer to '.fdt' file.
Some EEGLAB .set files come with a .fdt binary file that contains the data.
When moving a .set file, we need to check for an associated .fdt file and
move it to an appropriate location as well as update an internal pointer
within the .set file.
src : str
Path to the source raw .set file.
dest : str
Path to the destination of the new .set file.
# Get extenstion of the EEGLAB file
fname_src, ext_src = _parse_ext(src)
fname_dest, ext_dest = _parse_ext(dest)
if ext_src != ext_dest:
raise ValueError('Need to move data with same extension'
' but got {}, {}'.format(ext_src, ext_dest))
# Extract matlab struct "EEG" from EEGLAB file
mat = loadmat(src, squeeze_me=False, chars_as_strings=False,
mat_dtype=False, struct_as_record=True)
if 'EEG' not in mat:
raise ValueError('Could not find "EEG" field in {}'.format(src))
eeg = mat['EEG']
# If the data field is a string, it points to a .fdt file in src dir
data = eeg[0][0]['data']
if all([item in data[0, -4:] for item in '.fdt']):
head, tail = op.split(src)
fdt_pointer = ''.join(data.tolist()[0])
fdt_path = op.join(head, fdt_pointer)
fdt_name, fdt_ext = _parse_ext(fdt_path)
if fdt_ext != '.fdt':
raise IOError('Expected extension {} for linked data but found'
' {}'.format('.fdt', fdt_ext))
# Copy the fdt file and give it a new name
sh.copyfile(fdt_path, fname_dest + '.fdt')
# Now adjust the pointer in the set file
head, tail = op.split(fname_dest + '.fdt')
mat['EEG'][0][0]['data'] = tail
savemat(dest, mat, appendmat=False)
# If no .fdt file, simply copy the .set file, no modifications necessary
sh.copyfile(src, dest)
[docs]def copyfile_bti(raw, dest):
"""Copy BTi data.
raw : instance of Raw
An MNE-Python raw object of BTi data.
dest : str
Destination to copy the BTi data to.
pdf_fname = 'c,rfDC'
if raw.info['highpass'] is not None:
pdf_fname = 'c,rf%0.1fHz' % raw.info['highpass']
op.join(dest, pdf_fname))
op.join(dest, 'config'))
op.join(dest, 'hs_file'))