Source code for

"""Check whether a file format is supported by BIDS and then load it."""
# Authors: Mainak Jas <>
#          Alexandre Gramfort <>
#          Teon Brooks <>
#          Chris Holdgraf <>
#          Stefan Appelhoff <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import os.path as op
from datetime import datetime
import glob
import json
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import mne
from mne import io
from mne.utils import has_nibabel, logger
from mne.coreg import fit_matched_points
from mne.transforms import apply_trans

from mne_bids.tsv_handler import _from_tsv, _drop
from mne_bids.config import ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
from mne_bids.utils import (_parse_bids_filename, _extract_landmarks,
                            _find_matching_sidecar, _parse_ext,
                            _get_ch_type_mapping, make_bids_folders,

reader = {'.con': io.read_raw_kit, '.sqd': io.read_raw_kit,
          '.fif': io.read_raw_fif, '.pdf': io.read_raw_bti,
          '.ds': io.read_raw_ctf, '.vhdr': io.read_raw_brainvision,
          '.edf': io.read_raw_edf, '.bdf': io.read_raw_bdf,
          '.set': io.read_raw_eeglab}

def _read_raw(raw_fpath, electrode=None, hsp=None, hpi=None, config=None,
              verbose=None, **kwargs):
    """Read a raw file into MNE, making inferences based on extension."""
    _, ext = _parse_ext(raw_fpath)

    # KIT systems
    if ext in ['.con', '.sqd']:
        raw = io.read_raw_kit(raw_fpath, elp=electrode, hsp=hsp,
                              mrk=hpi, preload=False, **kwargs)

    # BTi systems
    elif ext == '.pdf':
        raw = io.read_raw_bti(raw_fpath, config_fname=config,
                              preload=False, verbose=verbose,

    elif ext == '.fif':
        raw = reader[ext](raw_fpath, **kwargs)

    elif ext in ['.ds', '.vhdr', '.set']:
        raw = reader[ext](raw_fpath, **kwargs)

    # EDF (european data format) or BDF (biosemi) format
    # TODO: integrate with lines above once MNE can read
    # annotations with preload=False
    elif ext in ['.edf', '.bdf']:
        raw = reader[ext](raw_fpath, preload=True, **kwargs)

    # MEF and NWB are allowed, but not yet implemented
    elif ext in ['.mef', '.nwb']:
        raise ValueError('Got "{}" as extension. This is an allowed extension '
                         'but there is no IO support for this file format yet.'

    # No supported data found ...
    # ---------------------------
        raise ValueError('Raw file name extension must be one of {}\n'
                         'Got {}'.format(ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, ext))
    return raw

def _handle_info_reading(sidecar_fname, raw, verbose=None):
    """Read associated sidecar.json and populate raw.

    Handle PowerLineFrequency of recording.
    with open(sidecar_fname, "r") as fin:
        sidecar_json = json.load(fin)

    # read in the sidecar JSON's line frequency
    line_freq = sidecar_json.get("PowerLineFrequency")
    if line_freq == "n/a":
        line_freq = None

    if line_freq is None and["line_freq"] is None:
        # estimate line noise using PSD from multitaper FFT
        powerlinefrequency = _estimate_line_freq(raw, verbose=verbose)["line_freq"] = powerlinefrequency
        warn('No line frequency found, defaulting to {} Hz '
             'estimated from multi-taper FFT '
             'on 10 seconds of data.'.format(powerlinefrequency))

    elif["line_freq"] is None and line_freq is not None:
        # if the read in frequency is not set inside Raw
        # -> set it to what the sidecar JSON specifies["line_freq"] = line_freq
    elif["line_freq"] is not None \
            and line_freq is not None:
        # if both have a set Power Line Frequency, then
        # check that they are the same, else there is a
        # discrepency in the metadata of the dataset.
        if["line_freq"] != line_freq:
            raise ValueError("Line frequency in sidecar json does "
                             "not match the info datastructure of "
                             "the mne.Raw. "
                             "Raw is -> {} ".format(["line_freq"]),
                             "Sidecar JSON is -> {} ".format(line_freq))

    return raw

def _handle_events_reading(events_fname, raw):
    """Read associated events.tsv and populate raw.

    Handle onset, duration, and description of each event.
    """'Reading events from {}.'.format(events_fname))
    events_dict = _from_tsv(events_fname)

    # Get the descriptions of the events
    if 'trial_type' in events_dict:
        # Drop events unrelated to a trial type
        events_dict = _drop(events_dict, 'n/a', 'trial_type')
        descriptions = np.asarray(events_dict['trial_type'], dtype=str)

    # If we don't have a proper description of the events, perhaps we have
    # at least an event value?
    elif 'value' in events_dict:
        # Drop events unrelated to value
        events_dict = _drop(events_dict, 'n/a', 'value')
        descriptions = np.asarray(events_dict['value'], dtype=str)

    # Worst case, we go with 'n/a' for all events
        descriptions = 'n/a'

    # Deal with "n/a" strings before converting to float
    ons = [np.nan if on == 'n/a' else on for on in events_dict['onset']]
    dus = [0 if du == 'n/a' else du for du in events_dict['duration']]
    onsets = np.asarray(ons, dtype=float)
    durations = np.asarray(dus, dtype=float)

    # Keep only events where onset is known
    good_events_idx = ~np.isnan(onsets)
    onsets = onsets[good_events_idx]
    durations = durations[good_events_idx]
    descriptions = descriptions[good_events_idx]
    del good_events_idx

    # Add Events to raw as annotations
    annot_from_events = mne.Annotations(onset=onsets,

    return raw

def _handle_electrodes_reading(electrodes_fname, coord_frame, raw, verbose):
    """Read associated electrodes.tsv and populate raw.

    Handle xyz coordinates and coordinate frame of each channel.
    Assumes units of coordinates are in 'm'.
    """'Reading electrode '
                'coords from {}.'.format(electrodes_fname))
    electrodes_dict = _from_tsv(electrodes_fname)
    # First, make sure that ordering of names in channels.tsv matches the
    # ordering of names in the raw data. The "name" column is mandatory in BIDS
    ch_names_raw = list(raw.ch_names)
    ch_names_tsv = electrodes_dict['name']

    if ch_names_raw != ch_names_tsv:
        msg = ('Channels do not correspond between raw data and the '
               'channels.tsv file. For MNE-BIDS, the channel names in the '
               'tsv MUST be equal and in the same order as the channels in '
               'the raw data.\n\n'
               '{} channels in tsv file: "{}"\n\n --> {}\n\n'
               '{} channels in raw file: "{}"\n\n --> {}\n\n'
               .format(len(ch_names_tsv), electrodes_fname, ch_names_tsv,
                       len(ch_names_raw), raw.filenames, ch_names_raw)

        # XXX: this could be due to MNE inserting a 'STI 014' channel as the
        # last channel: In that case, we can work. --> Can be removed soon,
        # because MNE will stop the synthesis of stim channels in the near
        # future
        if not (ch_names_raw[-1] == 'STI 014' and
                ch_names_raw[:-1] == ch_names_tsv):
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

    if verbose:
        print("The read in electrodes file is: \n", electrodes_dict)

    # convert coordinates to float and create list of tuples
    ch_names_raw = [x for i, x in enumerate(ch_names_raw)
                    if electrodes_dict['x'][i] != "n/a"]
    electrodes_dict['x'] = [float(x) for x in electrodes_dict['x']
                            if x != "n/a"]
    electrodes_dict['y'] = [float(x) for x in electrodes_dict['y']
                            if x != "n/a"]
    electrodes_dict['z'] = [float(x) for x in electrodes_dict['z']
                            if x != "n/a"]

    ch_locs = np.array(list(zip(electrodes_dict['x'],
    ch_pos = dict(zip(ch_names_raw, ch_locs))

    # create mne.DigMontage
    montage = mne.channels.make_dig_montage(ch_pos=ch_pos,

    return raw

def _handle_channels_reading(channels_fname, bids_fname, raw):
    """Read associated channels.tsv and populate raw.

    Updates status (bad) and types of channels.
    """'Reading channel info from {}.'.format(channels_fname))
    channels_dict = _from_tsv(channels_fname)

    # First, make sure that ordering of names in channels.tsv matches the
    # ordering of names in the raw data. The "name" column is mandatory in BIDS
    ch_names_raw = list(raw.ch_names)
    ch_names_tsv = channels_dict['name']
    if ch_names_raw != ch_names_tsv:

        msg = ('Channels do not correspond between raw data and the '
               'channels.tsv file. For MNE-BIDS, the channel names in the '
               'tsv MUST be equal and in the same order as the channels in '
               'the raw data.\n\n'
               '{} channels in tsv file: "{}"\n\n --> {}\n\n'
               '{} channels in raw file: "{}"\n\n --> {}\n\n'
               .format(len(ch_names_tsv), channels_fname, ch_names_tsv,
                       len(ch_names_raw), bids_fname, ch_names_raw)

        # XXX: this could be due to MNE inserting a 'STI 014' channel as the
        # last channel: In that case, we can work. --> Can be removed soon,
        # because MNE will stop the synthesis of stim channels in the near
        # future
        if not (ch_names_raw[-1] == 'STI 014' and
                ch_names_raw[:-1] == ch_names_tsv):
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

    # Now we can do some work.
    # The "type" column is mandatory in BIDS. We can use it to set channel
    # types in the raw data using a mapping between channel types
    channel_type_dict = dict()

    # Get the best mapping we currently have from BIDS to MNE nomenclature
    bids_to_mne_ch_types = _get_ch_type_mapping(fro='bids', to='mne')
    ch_types_json = channels_dict['type']
    for ch_name, ch_type in zip(ch_names_tsv, ch_types_json):

        # Try to map from BIDS nomenclature to MNE, leave channel type
        # untouched if we are uncertain
        updated_ch_type = bids_to_mne_ch_types.get(ch_type, None)
        if updated_ch_type is not None:
            channel_type_dict[ch_name] = updated_ch_type

    # Set the channel types in the raw data according to channels.tsv

    # Check whether there is the optional "status" column from which to infer
    # good and bad channels
    if 'status' in channels_dict:
        # find bads from channels.tsv
        bad_bool = [True if chn.lower() == 'bad' else False
                    for chn in channels_dict['status']]
        bads = np.asarray(channels_dict['name'])[bad_bool]

        # merge with bads already present in raw data file (if there are any)
        unique_bads = set(['bads']).union(set(bads))['bads'] = list(unique_bads)

    return raw

[docs]def read_raw_bids(bids_fname, bids_root, extra_params=None, verbose=True): """Read BIDS compatible data. Will attempt to read associated events.tsv and channels.tsv files to populate the returned raw object with raw.annotations and['bads']. Parameters ---------- bids_fname : str Full name of the data file bids_root : str | pathlib.Path Path to root of the BIDS folder extra_params : None | dict Extra parameters to be passed to MNE read_raw_* functions. If a dict, for example: ``extra_params=dict(allow_maxshield=True)``. verbose : bool The verbosity level Returns ------- raw : instance of Raw The data as MNE-Python Raw object. """ # Full path to data file is needed so that mne-bids knows # what is the modality -- meg, eeg, ieeg to read bids_fname = op.basename(bids_fname) bids_basename = '_'.join(bids_fname.split('_')[:-1]) kind = bids_fname.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0] _, ext = _parse_ext(bids_fname) # Get the BIDS parameters (=entities) params = _parse_bids_filename(bids_basename, verbose) # Construct the path to the "kind" where the data is stored # Subject is mandatory ... kind_dir = op.join(bids_root, 'sub-{}'.format(params['sub'])) # Session is optional ... if params['ses'] is not None: kind_dir = op.join(kind_dir, 'ses-{}'.format(params['ses'])) # Kind is mandatory kind_dir = op.join(kind_dir, kind) config = None if ext in ('.fif', '.ds', '.vhdr', '.edf', '.bdf', '.set', '.sqd', '.con'): bids_fpath = op.join(kind_dir, bids_basename + '_{}{}'.format(kind, ext)) elif ext == '.pdf': bids_raw_folder = op.join(kind_dir, bids_basename + '_{}'.format(kind)) bids_fpath = glob.glob(op.join(bids_raw_folder, 'c,rf*'))[0] config = op.join(bids_raw_folder, 'config') if extra_params is None: extra_params = dict() raw = _read_raw(bids_fpath, electrode=None, hsp=None, hpi=None, config=config, verbose=None, **extra_params) # Try to find an associated events.tsv to get information about the # events in the recorded data events_fname = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_fname, bids_root, 'events.tsv', allow_fail=True) if events_fname is not None: raw = _handle_events_reading(events_fname, raw) # Try to find an associated channels.tsv to get information about the # status and type of present channels channels_fname = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_fname, bids_root, 'channels.tsv', allow_fail=True) if channels_fname is not None: raw = _handle_channels_reading(channels_fname, bids_fname, raw) # Try to find an associated electrodes.tsv and coordsystem.json # to get information about the status and type of present channels electrodes_fname = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_fname, bids_root, 'electrodes.tsv', allow_fail=True) coordsystem_fname = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_fname, bids_root, 'coordsystem.json', allow_fail=True) if electrodes_fname is not None: if coordsystem_fname is None: raise RuntimeError("BIDS mandates that the coordsystem.json " "should exist if electrodes.tsv does. " "Please create coordsystem.json for" "{}".format(bids_basename)) # Get MRI landmarks from the JSON sidecar with open(coordsystem_fname, 'r') as fin: coordsystem_json = json.load(fin) # Get coordinate frames that electrode coordinates are in if kind == "meg": coord_frame = coordsystem_json['MEGCoordinateSystem'] elif kind == "ieeg": coord_frame = coordsystem_json['iEEGCoordinateSystem'] else: # noqa raise RuntimeError("Kind {} not supported yet for " "coordsystem.json and " "electrodes.tsv.".format(kind)) # read in electrode coordinates and attach to raw raw = _handle_electrodes_reading(electrodes_fname, coord_frame, raw, verbose) # Try to find an associated sidecar.json to get information about the # recording snapshot sidecar_fname = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_fname, bids_root, '{}.json'.format(kind), allow_fail=True) if sidecar_fname is not None: raw = _handle_info_reading(sidecar_fname, raw, verbose=verbose) return raw
[docs]def get_matched_empty_room(bids_fname, bids_root): """Get matching empty room file. Parameters ---------- bids_fname : str The filename for which to find the matching empty room file. bids_root : str | pathlib.Path Path to the BIDS root folder. Returns ------- er_fname : str | None. The filename corresponding to the empty room. Returns None if no file found. """ bids_fname = op.basename(bids_fname) _, ext = _parse_ext(bids_fname) raw = read_raw_bids(bids_fname, bids_root) if['meas_date'] is None: raise ValueError('Measurement date not available. Cannot get matching' ' empty room file') ref_date =['meas_date'] if not isinstance(ref_date, datetime): # for MNE < v0.20 ref_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(['meas_date'][0]) search_path = make_bids_folders(bids_root=bids_root, subject='emptyroom', session='**', make_dir=False) search_path = op.join(search_path, '**', '**%s' % ext) er_fnames = glob.glob(search_path) best_er_fname = None min_seconds = np.inf for er_fname in er_fnames: params = _parse_bids_filename(er_fname, verbose=False) dt = datetime.strptime(params['ses'], '%Y%m%d') dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=ref_date.tzinfo) delta_t = dt - ref_date if abs(delta_t.total_seconds()) < min_seconds: min_seconds = abs(delta_t.total_seconds()) best_er_fname = er_fname return best_er_fname
[docs]def get_head_mri_trans(bids_fname, bids_root): """Produce transformation matrix from MEG and MRI landmark points. Will attempt to read the landmarks of Nasion, LPA, and RPA from the sidecar files of (i) the MEG and (ii) the T1 weighted MRI data. The two sets of points will then be used to calculate a transformation matrix from head coordinates to MRI coordinates. Parameters ---------- bids_fname : str Full name of the MEG data file bids_root : str | pathlib.Path Path to root of the BIDS folder Returns ------- trans : instance of mne.transforms.Transform The data transformation matrix from head to MRI coordinates """ if not has_nibabel(): # pragma: no cover raise ImportError('This function requires nibabel.') import nibabel as nib # Get the sidecar file for MRI landmarks bids_fname = op.basename(bids_fname) t1w_json_path = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_fname, bids_root, 'T1w.json') # Get MRI landmarks from the JSON sidecar with open(t1w_json_path, 'r') as f: t1w_json = json.load(f) mri_coords_dict = t1w_json.get('AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates', dict()) mri_landmarks = np.asarray((mri_coords_dict.get('LPA', np.nan), mri_coords_dict.get('NAS', np.nan), mri_coords_dict.get('RPA', np.nan))) if np.isnan(mri_landmarks).any(): raise RuntimeError('Could not parse T1w sidecar file: "{}"\n\n' 'The sidecar file MUST contain a key ' '"AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates" pointing to a ' 'dict with keys "LPA", "NAS", "RPA". ' 'Yet, the following structure was found:\n\n"{}"' .format(t1w_json_path, t1w_json)) # The MRI landmarks are in "voxels". We need to convert the to the # neuromag RAS coordinate system in order to compare the with MEG landmarks # see also: `mne_bids.write.write_anat` t1w_path = t1w_json_path.replace('.json', '.nii') if not op.exists(t1w_path): t1w_path += '.gz' # perhaps it is .nii.gz? ... else raise an error if not op.exists(t1w_path): raise RuntimeError('Could not find the T1 weighted MRI associated ' 'with "{}". Tried: "{}" but it does not exist.' .format(t1w_json_path, t1w_path)) t1_nifti = nib.load(t1w_path) # Convert to MGH format to access vox2ras method t1_mgh = nib.MGHImage(t1_nifti.dataobj, t1_nifti.affine) # now extract transformation matrix and put back to RAS coordinates of MRI vox2ras_tkr = t1_mgh.header.get_vox2ras_tkr() mri_landmarks = apply_trans(vox2ras_tkr, mri_landmarks) mri_landmarks = mri_landmarks * 1e-3 # Get MEG landmarks from the raw file _, ext = _parse_ext(bids_fname) extra_params = None if ext == '.fif': extra_params = dict(allow_maxshield=True) raw = read_raw_bids(bids_fname, bids_root, extra_params=extra_params) meg_coords_dict = _extract_landmarks(['dig']) meg_landmarks = np.asarray((meg_coords_dict['LPA'], meg_coords_dict['NAS'], meg_coords_dict['RPA'])) # Given the two sets of points, fit the transform trans_fitted = fit_matched_points(src_pts=meg_landmarks, tgt_pts=mri_landmarks) trans = mne.transforms.Transform(fro='head', to='mri', trans=trans_fitted) return trans