What’s new?

Version 0.7

This release brings numerous enhancements and bug fixes that enhance reading and writing BIDS data, and improve compatibility with the latest BIDS specifications.

Notable changes

  • Channel names in *_channels.tsv and *_electrodes.tsv files now always take precedence over the names stored in the raw files.

  • When reading data where the same trial type refers to different trigger values, we will now automatically create hierarchical event names in the form of trial_type/value1, trial_type/value2` etc.

  • mne_bids.write_raw_bids() now allows users to specify a format conversion via the new format parameter.

  • Various improvements to data reading and mne_bids.BIDSPath make working with real-life data easier.

  • Many bug fixes in mne_bids.write_raw_bids() and in the MNE-BIDS Inspector.

Detailed list of changes


API and behavior changes


  • For writing BrainVision files, pybv version 0.5 is now required to allow writing of non-voltage channels, by Adam Li (#670)

Bug fixes

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