Source code for mne_connectivity.datasets.surrogate

# Authors: Thomas S. Binns <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import numpy as np
from mne.time_frequency import EpochsSpectrum
from mne.utils import _validate_type

[docs] def make_surrogate_data(data, n_shuffles=1000, rng_seed=None, return_generator=True): """Create surrogate data for a null hypothesis of connectivity. Parameters ---------- data : ~mne.time_frequency.EpochsSpectrum The Fourier coefficients to create the null hypothesis surrogate data for. Can be generated from :meth:`mne.Epochs.compute_psd` with ``output='complex'`` (requires ``mne >= 1.8``). n_shuffles : int (default 1000) The number of surrogate datasets to create. rng_seed : int | None (default None) The seed to use for the random number generator. If ``None``, no seed is specified. return_generator : bool (default True) Whether or not to return the surrogate data as a generator object instead of a list. This allows iterating over the surrogates without having to keep them all in memory. Returns ------- surrogate_data : list of ~mne.time_frequency.EpochsSpectrum The surrogate data for the null hypothesis with ``n_shuffles`` entries. Returned as a generator if ``return_generator=True``. Notes ----- Surrogate data is generated by randomly shuffling the order of epochs, independently for each channel. This destroys the covariance of the data, such that connectivity estimates should reflect the null hypothesis of no genuine connectivity between signals (e.g., only interactions due to background noise) :footcite:`PellegriniEtAl2023`. For the surrogate data to properly reflect a null hypothesis, the data which is shuffled **must not** have a temporal structure that is consistent across epochs. Examples of this data include evoked potentials, where a stimulus is presented or an action performed at a set time during each epoch. Such data should not be used for generating surrogates, as even after shuffling the epochs, it will still show a high degree of residual connectivity between channels. As a result, connectivity estimates from your surrogate data will capture genuine interactions, instead of the desired background noise. Treating these estimates as a null hypothesis will increase the likelihood of a type II (false negative) error, i.e., that there is no significant connectivity in your data. Appropriate data for generating surrogates includes data from a resting state, inter-trial period, or similar. Here, a strong temporal consistency across epochs is not assumed, reducing the chances that connectivity information of interest is captured in your surrogate connectivity estimates. In situations where you want to assess whether evoked data has significant connectivity, you can generate your surrogate connectivity estimates from non-evoked data (e.g., rest data, inter-trial data) and compare this to your true connectivity estimates from the evoked data. Regardless of whether you are working with evoked or non-evoked data, **you should always compare true and surrogate connectivity estimates from epochs of the same duration**. This will ensure that spectral information is captured with the same accuracy in both sets of connectivity estimates. Ideally, **you should also compare true and surrogate connectivity estimates from the same number of epochs** to avoid biases from noise (fewer epochs gives noisier estimates) or finite sample sizes (e.g., in coherency, phase-locking value, etc... :footcite:`VinckEtAl2010`). .. versionadded:: 0.8 References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ # Validate inputs _validate_type( data, (EpochsSpectrum), "data", "mne.time_frequency.EpochsSpectrum or mne.time_frequency.EpochsSpectrumArray", ) if not np.iscomplexobj(data.get_data()): raise TypeError("values in `data` must be complex-valued") n_epochs, n_chans = data.get_data().shape[:2] if n_epochs == 1: raise ValueError("data must contain more than one epoch for shuffling") if n_chans == 1: raise ValueError("data must contain more than one channel for shuffling") _validate_type(n_shuffles, "int-like", "n_shuffles", "int") if n_shuffles < 1: raise ValueError("number of shuffles must be >= 1") _validate_type(return_generator, bool, "return_generator", "bool") # rng_seed checked by NumPy later # Make surrogate data and package into EpochsSpectrum objects surrogate_data = _shuffle_coefficients(data, n_shuffles, rng_seed) if not return_generator: surrogate_data = [shuffle for shuffle in surrogate_data] return surrogate_data
def _shuffle_coefficients(data, n_shuffles, rng_seed): """Shuffle coefficients over epochs to create surrogate data. Surrogate data for each shuffle packaged into an EpochsSpectrum object, which are together returned as a generator to minimise memory demand. """ # Extract data array and EpochsSpectrum information data_arr = data.get_data() state = data.__getstate__() defaults = dict( method=None, fmin=None, fmax=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, picks=None, exclude=(), proj=None, remove_dc=None, n_jobs=None, verbose=None, ) # Make surrogate data rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_seed) for _ in range(n_shuffles): # Shuffle epochs for each channel independently surrogate_arr = np.zeros_like(data_arr, dtype=data_arr.dtype) for chan_i in range(data_arr.shape[1]): surrogate_arr[:, chan_i] = rng.permutation(data_arr[:, chan_i], axis=0) # Package surrogate data for this shuffle state["data"] = surrogate_arr yield EpochsSpectrum(state, **defaults) # return surrogate data as a generator