Source code for mne_connectivity.vector_ar.model_selection
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from .var import _estimate_var
def select_order(X, maxlags=None):
"""Compute lag order selections based on information criterion.
Selects a lag order based on each of the available information criteria.
X : array, shape (n_times, n_channels)
Endogenous variable, that predicts the exogenous.
maxlags : int
The maximum number of lags to check. Will then check from ``1`` to ``maxlags``.
If ``None``, defaults to ``12 * (n_times / 100.)**(1./4)``.
selected_orders : dict
The selected orders based on the following information criterion:
* aic : Akaike
* fpe : Final prediction error
* hqic : Hannan-Quinn
* bic : Bayesian a.k.a. Schwarz
The selected order is then stored as the value.
# get the number of observations
n_total_obs, n_equations = X.shape
ntrend = 0
max_estimable = (n_total_obs - n_equations - ntrend) // (1 + n_equations)
if maxlags is None:
maxlags = int(round(12 * (n_total_obs / 100.0) ** (1 / 4.0)))
# TODO: This expression shows up in a bunch of places, but
# in some it is `int` and in others `np.ceil`. Also in some
# it multiplies by 4 instead of 12. Let's put these all in
# one place and document when to use which variant.
# Ensure enough obs to estimate model with maxlags
maxlags = min(maxlags, max_estimable)
if maxlags > max_estimable:
raise ValueError(
"maxlags is too large for the number of observations and the number of "
"equations. The largest model cannot be estimated."
# define dictionary of information criterions
ics = defaultdict(list)
p_min = 1
for p in range(p_min, maxlags + 1):
# exclude some periods to same amount of data used for each lag
# order
params, _, sigma_u = _estimate_var(X, lags=p, offset=maxlags - p)
info_criteria = _info_criteria(params, X, sigma_u=sigma_u, lags=p)
for k, v in info_criteria.items():
selected_orders = dict((k, np.argmin(v) + p_min) for k, v in ics.items())
return selected_orders
def _logdet_symm(m):
"""Return log(det(m)) asserting positive definiteness of m.
m : array, shape (N, N)
2d array that is positive-definite (and symmetric)
logdet : float
The log-determinant of m.
c, _ = linalg.cho_factor(m, lower=True)
return 2 * np.sum(np.log(c.diagonal()))
def _sigma_u_mle(df_resid, nobs, sigma_u):
"""(Biased) maximum likelihood estimate of noise process covariance.
df_resid : int
Number of observations minus number of estimated parameters.
nobs : int
Number of observations/samples in the dataset.
sigma_u : array, shape (n_channels, n_channels)
Estimate of white noise process variance
sigma_u_mle : float
The biased MLE of noise process covariance.
return sigma_u * df_resid / nobs
def _info_criteria(params, X, sigma_u, lags):
"""Compute information criteria for lagorder selection.
params : array, shape (lags, n_channels, n_channels)
The coefficient state matrix that governs the linear system (VAR).
X : array (n_times, n_channels)
Endogenous variable, that predicts the exogenous.
sigma_u : array, shape (n_channels, n_channels)
Estimate of white noise process variance
lags : int
Lags of the endogenous variable.
result : dict
n_totobs, neqs = X.shape
nobs = n_totobs - lags
lag_order = lags
k_trend = 0
k_ar = lags
endog_start = k_trend
# compute the number of free parameters for degrees of freedom
coefs_exog = params[:endog_start].T
k_exog = coefs_exog.shape[1]
free_params = lag_order * neqs**2 + neqs * k_exog
# compute the
df_model = neqs * k_ar + k_exog
df_resid = nobs - df_model
ld = _logdet_symm(_sigma_u_mle(df_resid, nobs, sigma_u))
# See Lütkepohl pp. 146-150
aic = ld + (2.0 / nobs) * free_params
bic = ld + (np.log(nobs) / nobs) * free_params
hqic = ld + (2.0 * np.log(np.log(nobs)) / nobs) * free_params
fpe = ((nobs + df_model) / df_resid) ** neqs * np.exp(ld)
return {"aic": aic, "bic": bic, "hqic": hqic, "fpe": fpe}