import json
import os
import platform
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas
import pandas as pd
from mne.utils import run_subprocess
from mne_bids import BIDSPath, get_entities_from_fname, read_raw_bids
from .config import ANNOT_COLUMNS
def _bids_validate(bids_root):
"""Run BIDS validator."""
vadlidator_args = ["--config.error=41"]
exe = os.getenv("VALIDATOR_EXECUTABLE", "bids-validator")
if platform.system() == "Windows":
shell = True
shell = False
bids_validator_exe = [exe, *vadlidator_args]
cmd = [*bids_validator_exe, bids_root]
run_subprocess(cmd, shell=shell)
def create_annotations_df(
onset: List[float],
duration: List[float],
ch_name: List[str],
sfreq: Union[float, List[float]],
annotation_label: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Create a BIDS-derivative annotations dataframe for HFO events.
onset : list of float
Onset time in seconds.
duration : list of float
Duration in seconds.
ch_name : list of str
The name of the event to add to the "trial_type" column.
sfreq : list of float | float
The sample rate for each channel.
annotation_label : list of str | None
List of annotation labels to label the annotation. If None (default)
then will be ``"HFO"``.
annot_df : DataFrame
The annotations dataframe according to BIDS-Derivatives [1].
For many post-hoc operations, it will be required to know the sampling
rate of the data. In order to compute that, it is recommended to take
the sampling rate and multiply it with the ``'onset'`` column to get
a new ``'sample'`` column denoting the sample point each HFO occurs at.
.. [1]
if duration is None:
duration = [0] * len(onset)
if len(onset) != len(ch_name) or len(onset) != len(duration):
msg = (
f'Length of "onset", "description", '
f'"duration", need to be the same. '
f"The passed in arguments have length "
f"{len(onset)}, {len(ch_name)}, "
raise ValueError(msg)
if not isinstance(sfreq, list):
sfreq = [sfreq] * len(onset)
sample = np.multiply(onset, sfreq).astype(int)
# set annotation labels
if annotation_label is None:
# all labels are just "HFO"
label = ["HFO"] * len(onset)
if len(annotation_label) != len(onset):
msg = (
f'Length of "annotation_label" need to '
f"be the same as other arguments if it "
f"is not None. The passed in arguments "
f"have length {len(onset)}, {len(ch_name)}, "
f"{len(duration)}, {len(annotation_label)}."
raise ValueError(msg)
label = annotation_label
# all description has the HFO events in there
channels = [[desc] for desc in ch_name]
# create the event dataframe according to BIDS events
annot_df = pd.DataFrame(
data=np.column_stack([onset, duration, label, channels, sample, sfreq]),
columns=ANNOT_COLUMNS + ["sfreq"],
annot_df = annot_df.astype(
"onset": "float64",
"duration": "float64",
"label": "str",
"channels": "object",
"sample": "int",
"sfreq": "float64",
return annot_df
def read_annotations(
fname: Union[str, Path], root: Optional[Path] = None
) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame:
"""Read annotations.tsv Derivative file.
Annotations are part of the BIDS-Derivatives for Common
Electrophysiological derivatives [1].
fname : str | pathlib.Path
The BIDS file path for the ``*annotations.tsv|json`` files.
root : str | pathlib.Path | None
The root of the BIDS dataset. If None (default), will try
to infer the BIDS root from the ``fname`` argument.
annot_tsv : pd.DataFrame
The DataFrame for the annotations.tsv with extra columns appended
to make sense of the sample data.
.. [1] # noqa
fname, ext = os.path.splitext(str(fname))
fname = Path(fname)
tsv_fname = fname.with_suffix(".tsv")
json_fname = fname.with_suffix(".json")
if root is None:
fpath = fname
while fpath != fpath.root:
if == "derivatives":
fpath = fpath.parent
# once derivatives is found, then
# BIDS root is its parent
root = fpath.parent
# read the annotations.tsv file
annot_tsv = pd.read_csv(tsv_fname, delimiter="\t")
# read the annotations.json file
with open(json_fname, "r") as fin:
annot_json = json.load(fin)
# extract the sample freq
raw_rel_fpath = annot_json["IntendedFor"]
entities = get_entities_from_fname(raw_rel_fpath)
raw_fpath = BIDSPath(
**entities, datatype="ieeg", extension=Path(raw_rel_fpath).suffix, root=root
print("raw fpath: ", raw_fpath)
if not raw_fpath.fpath.exists():
raise RuntimeError(
f"No raw dataset found for {fpath}. " f'Please set "root" kwarg.'
# read data
raw = read_raw_bids(raw_fpath)
sfreq =["sfreq"]
# create sample column
annot_tsv["sample"] = annot_tsv["onset"] * sfreq
return annot_tsv
def write_annotations(
annot_df: pd.DataFrame,
fname: Union[str, Path],
intended_for: str,
root: Path,
description: Optional[str] = None,
"""Write annotations dataframe to disc.
annot_df : pd.DataFrame
The annotations DataFrame.
fname : str | pathlib.Path
The BIDS filename to write annotations to.
intended_for : str | pathlib.Path | BIDSPath
The ``IntendedFor`` BIDS keyword corresponding to the
``Raw`` file that the Annotations were created from.
root : str | pathlib.Path
The root of the BIDS dataset.
description : str | None
The description of the Annotations file. If None (default),
will describe it as HFO events detected using mne-hfo.
fname, ext = os.path.splitext(str(fname))
fname = Path(fname)
tsv_fname = fname.with_suffix(".tsv")
json_fname = fname.with_suffix(".json")
if description is None:
description = "HFO annotated events detected using " "mne-hfo algorithms."
# error check that intendeFor exists
entities = get_entities_from_fname(intended_for)
_, ext = os.path.splitext(intended_for)
# write the correct extension for BrainVision
if ext == ".eeg":
ext = ".vhdr"
intended_for_path = BIDSPath(**entities, extension=ext, root=root)
if not intended_for_path.fpath.exists():
raise RuntimeError(
f"The intended for raw dataset "
f"does not exist at {intended_for_path}. "
f"Please make sure it does."
# make sure parent directories exist
tsv_fname.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# write the dataframe itself as a tsv file
annot_df.to_csv(tsv_fname, sep="\t", index=False)
# create annotations json
print("\n\ninside write...",
annot_json = {
"Description": description,
"Author": "mne-hfo",
"LabelDescription": {
"hfo_<ch_name>": "Generic HFO detected at channel name.",
"ripple_<ch_name>": "Ripple HFO detected at channel.",
"fastripple_<ch_name>": "Fast ripple HFO detected at channel",
"frandr_<ch_name>": "Fast ripple and ripple HFOs co-occurrence "
"at channel",
with open(json_fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fout:
json.dump(annot_json, fout, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)