Source code for mne_hfo.utils

"""Utility and helper functions for MNE-HFO."""
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import json
import os
from os import path as op

import mne
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.signal import hilbert
from tqdm import tqdm

from .config import ANNOT_COLUMNS

def _check_df(df: pd.DataFrame, df_type: str, copy: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Check dataframe for correctness."""
    if df_type == "annotations":
        if any([col not in df.columns for col in ANNOT_COLUMNS + ["sample"]]):
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Annotations dataframe columns must contain "
                f'{ANNOT_COLUMNS + ["sample"]}.'

    # Only want to do this check if there are multiple rows. Handles edge case
    # of 1 HFO starting at 0. TODO: handle this more elegantly
    if df.shape[0] > 1:
        # first compute sampling rate from sample / onset columns
        sfreq = df["sample"].divide(df["onset"]).round(2)

        # onset=0 will cause sfreq to be inf, drop these rows to
        # prevent additional sfreqs
        sfreq = sfreq.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).dropna()
        if sfreq.nunique() != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f"All rows in the annotations dataframe "
                f"should have the same sampling rate. "
                f"Found {sfreq.nunique()} different "
                f"sampling rates."

    if copy:
        return df.copy()

    return df

def _ensure_tuple(x):
    """Return a tuple."""
    if x is None:
        return tuple()
    elif isinstance(x, str):
        return (x,)
        return tuple(x)

def _check_types(variables):
    """Make sure all vars are str or None."""
    for var in variables:
        if not isinstance(var, (str, type(None))):
            raise ValueError(
                f"You supplied a value ({var}) of type "
                f"{type(var)}, where a string or None was "

def _write_json(fname, dictionary, overwrite=False, verbose=False):
    """Write JSON to a file."""
    if op.exists(fname) and not overwrite:
        raise FileExistsError(
            f'"{fname}" already exists. ' "Please set overwrite to True."

    json_output = json.dumps(dictionary, indent=4)
    with open(fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fid:

    if verbose is True:
        print(os.linesep + f"Writing '{fname}'..." + os.linesep)

def _band_zscore_detect(
    Find detections that meet the Hilbert envelope criteria.

    signal : np.ndarray
        A single channel's Hilbert transform within a frequency band
    sfreq : float
        Sampling frequency of the data
    band_idx :  int
        The index of the frequency band
    l_freq : float
        The low frequency of the band
    h_freq : float
        The high frequency of the band
    n_times : int
        The number of timepoints used to calculate the signal
    cycles_threshold : float
        The number of cycles to be considered a valid envelope
    gap_threshold : float
        The number of cycles needed to be considered a gap
    zscore_threshold : float
        Value to threshold the signal on

    tdetects : List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]
        All HFO events that passed the bandpass, zscore. Each tuple contains:
        [0] - The band index
        [1] - The timepoint of the start of a detection
        [2] - The timepoint of the end of the detection
        [3] - Maximum value of the Hilbert envelope in this event window

    # Detections where the envelope has a zscore greater than threshold
    tdetects = []

    # Create boolean mask of signal greater than zscore_threshold
    thresh_sig = np.zeros(n_times, dtype="bool")
    thresh_sig[signal > zscore_threshold] = 1

    idx = 0

    # Find indices where threshold is met
    thresh_idxs = np.where(thresh_sig == 1)[0]

    # Calculate the required samples to be considered a valid gap
    gap_samp = round(gap_threshold * sfreq / l_freq)

    # Iterate over valid indices (significant zscore timepoints)
    while idx < len(thresh_idxs) - 1:
        # Find the start of the envelope, which occurs when back to back
        # time-points meet the threshold
        if (thresh_idxs[idx + 1] - thresh_idxs[idx]) == 1:
            start_idx = thresh_idxs[idx]
            # Find where the envelope ends by iterating over indices
            while idx < len(thresh_idxs) - 1:
                # Check if last index over threshold. If so,
                # consider this index to be the end of the envelope
                if (thresh_idxs[idx + 1] - thresh_idxs[idx]) == 1:
                    idx += 1
                    if idx == len(thresh_idxs) - 1:
                        stop_idx = thresh_idxs[idx]
                        # Check that envelope meets number of cycles criteria
                        dur = (stop_idx - start_idx) / sfreq
                        cycs = l_freq * dur
                        if cycs > cycles_threshold:
                            # Valid, so append to detections
                                    [l_freq, h_freq],
                    # If there is no gap between this and the next index,
                    # it is still part of this envelope. Increment the
                    # index.
                    if (thresh_idxs[idx + 1] - (thresh_idxs[idx])) < gap_samp:
                        idx += 1
                    # If the next index has a gap, the current index is the
                    # end of the envelope
                        stop_idx = thresh_idxs[idx]
                        # Check that envelope meets number of cycles criteria
                        dur = (stop_idx - start_idx) / sfreq
                        cycs = l_freq * dur
                        if cycs > cycles_threshold:
                            # Valid, so append to detections
                                    [l_freq, h_freq],
                        idx += 1
            idx += 1
    return tdetects

[docs] def compute_rms(signal, win_size=6): """ Calculate the Root Mean Square (RMS) energy. Parameters ---------- signal : numpy array 1D signal to be transformed. win_size : int Number of the points of the window (default=6). Returns ------- rms: np.ndarray Root mean square transformed signal. """ aux = np.power(signal, 2) window = np.ones(win_size) / float(win_size) return np.sqrt(np.convolve(aux, window, "same"))
[docs] def compute_line_length(signal, win_size=6): """Calculate line length. See :footcite:`esteller2001line` and :footcite:`dumpelmann2012automatic`. Parameters ---------- signal : numpy array 1D signal to be transformed. win_size : int Number of the points of the window (default=6). Returns ------- line_length: numpy array Line length transformed signal. Notes ----- :: return np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(data, axis=-1)), axis=-1) References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ aux = np.abs(np.subtract(signal[1:], signal[:-1])) window = np.ones(win_size) / float(win_size) data = np.convolve(aux, window) start = int(np.floor(win_size / 2)) stop = int(np.ceil(win_size / 2)) return data[start:-stop]
[docs] def compute_hilbert(signal, freq_cutoffs, freq_span, sfreq): """Compute the Hilbert envelope for a single channel. Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray EEG signal for a single channel. freq_cutoffs : tuple The lower and higher frequency cutoff. freq_span : tuple The span of how many frequencies there are. sfreq : float The sampling rate. Returns ------- hfx_bands : np.ndarray Hilbert transforms per freq band. """ hfx_bands = [] # Iterate over freq bands for ind in range(freq_span): l_freq = freq_cutoffs[ind] h_freq = freq_cutoffs[ind + 1] # Filter the data for this frequency band signal = mne.filter.filter_data( signal, sfreq=sfreq, l_freq=l_freq, h_freq=h_freq, method="iir", verbose=False, ) # compute z-score of data signal = (signal - np.mean(signal)) / np.std(signal) # Chunk the signal into 30 second windows and compute the Hilbert # to save memory hfx = np.empty(signal.shape) n_times = len(hfx) win_size = int(sfreq * 30) n_wins = int(np.ceil(n_times / win_size)) for win in range(n_wins): start_samp = win * win_size end_samp = (win + 1) * win_size if win == n_wins: end_samp = n_times sig = signal[start_samp:end_samp] hfx[start_samp:end_samp] = np.abs(hilbert(sig)) # return the absolute value of the Hilbert transform. # (i.e. the envelope) hfx_bands.append(hfx) hfx = None return hfx_bands
[docs] def apply_hilbert(metric, threshold_dict, kwargs): """Apply the Hilbert z-score thresholding scheme. Parameters ---------- metric : np.ndarray The values to apply the threshold rules to. threshold_dict : dict Dictionary of threshold parameters to apply to metric. Must have zscore, gap, and cycles keys. kwargs : dict Additional model parameters needed to apply hilbert threshold. Must have n_times, sfreq, filter_band, freq_cutoffs, freq_span, and n_jobs. Returns ------- tdetects : List of Tuple Detected hfo events with the structure [band_idx, start, stop, max_amplitude, freq_band]. """ # get threshold vals zscore_threshold = threshold_dict["zscore"] gap_threshold = threshold_dict["gap"] cycles_threshold = threshold_dict["cycles"] if any( elem is None for elem in [zscore_threshold, gap_threshold, cycles_threshold] ): raise RuntimeError( f"threshold_dict must have values for zscore," f" gap, and cycles. You passed {threshold_dict}" ) n_times = kwargs["n_times"] sfreq = kwargs["sfreq"] filter_band = kwargs["filter_band"] freq_cutoffs = kwargs["freq_cutoffs"] freq_span = kwargs["freq_span"] n_jobs = kwargs["n_jobs"] if any( elem is None for elem in [n_times, sfreq, filter_band, freq_cutoffs, freq_span, n_jobs] ): raise RuntimeError( f"kwargs must have values for n_times, sfreq," f" filter_band, freq_cutoffs, freq_span, n_jobs." f" You passed {kwargs}" ) tdetects = [] for i in tqdm(range(freq_span), unit="HFO-first-phase"): # Find bottom and top of the frequency band bot = freq_cutoffs[i] top = freq_cutoffs[i + 1] # Make sure you only look at Hilbert envelope values # for the specific freq band tdetects.append( _band_zscore_detect( metric[i], sfreq, i, bot, top, n_times, cycles_threshold, gap_threshold, zscore_threshold, ) ) return tdetects
[docs] def apply_std(metric, threshold_dict, kwargs): """Calculate and apply the threshold based on number of standard deviations. Parameters ---------- metric : np.ndarray Values to apply the threshold to. threshold_dict : dict Dictionary of threshold values. Should just have thresh, which is the number of standard deviations to check against. kwargs : dict Additional key-word args from the detector needed to apply the threshold. Step_size, win_size, and n_times are required keys. Returns ------- output: List of tuple List of detected events that pass the threshold. """ # determine threshold value threshold = threshold_dict["thresh"] if threshold is None: raise RuntimeError( f"threshold_dict must have a value for 'thresh'." f" You passed {threshold_dict}" ) det_th = _get_threshold_std(metric, threshold) n_windows = len(metric) step_size = kwargs["step_size"] win_size = kwargs["win_size"] n_times = kwargs["n_times"] if any(elem is None for elem in [step_size, win_size, n_times]): raise RuntimeError( f"kwargs must have step_size, win_size, " f"and n_times. You passed {kwargs}" ) # store thresholded hfo events as a list output = [] # Detect and now group events if they are within a # step size of each other win_idx = 0 while win_idx < n_windows: # log events if they pass our threshold criterion if metric[win_idx] >= det_th: event_start = win_idx * step_size # group events together if they occur in # contiguous windows # TODO: We could factor this out into an independent step, # but that will just add comp time while win_idx < n_windows and metric[win_idx] >= det_th: win_idx += 1 event_stop = (win_idx * step_size) + win_size if event_stop > n_times: event_stop = n_times # TODO: Optional feature calculations # Write into output output.append((event_start, event_stop)) win_idx += 1 else: win_idx += 1 return output
def _get_threshold_std(signal, threshold): """ Calculate threshold by Standard Deviations above the mean. Parameters ---------- signal: numpy array 1D signal for threshold determination threshold: int Number of standard deviations to consider. Returns ------- ths_value: float Value of the threshold """ ths_value = np.mean(signal) + threshold * np.std(signal) return ths_value def merge_contiguous_freq_bands(detections): """Merge detected events in contiguous freq bands and time windows. Parameters ---------- detections : List(tuple) List of detections, which have the form [band_idx, start, stop, max_amplitude, freq_band] Returns ------- hfo_events: List(tuple) List of distinct hfo events, which have the form [start, stop] max_hilbert: List(int) List of max values in each event freq_bands: List(tuple) List of the freq_band for each event """ from mne_hfo.posthoc import _check_detection_overlap outlines = [] for detection in detections[0]: band_idx = detection[0] # If first freq band, always unique so append if band_idx == 0: outlines.append(detection) else: for ind, outline in enumerate(outlines): # only try to merge contiguous freq bands if outline[0] == band_idx + 1: # Check if the events overlap in time if _check_detection_overlap( [detection[1], detection[2]], [outline[1], outline[2]] ): # merge the overlapping events outlines[ind] = _merge_outline(outlines, detection) else: # Events dont overlap so append it outlines.append(detection) else: # Events are contiguous so append it outlines.append(detection) # extract start and stop times hfo_events = [[o[1], o[2]] for o in outlines] max_hilbert = [o[3] for o in outlines] freq_bands = [[o[4][0], o[4][1]] for o in outlines] return hfo_events, max_hilbert, freq_bands def _merge_outline(outline, detection): band_idx = detection[0] start = min(outline[1], detection[1]) stop = max(outline[2], detection[2]) max_frq = max(outline[3], detection[3]) freq_band = [outline[4][0], detection[4][1]] return [band_idx, start, stop, max_frq, freq_band]
[docs] def threshold_tukey(signal, threshold): """ Calculate threshold by Tukey method. Parameters ---------- signal : numpy array 1D signal for threshold determination. threshold : float Number of interquartile interval above the 75th percentile. Returns ------- ths_value : float Value of the threshold. References ---------- [1] TUKEY JW. Comparing individual means in the analysis of variance. Biometrics. 1949 Jun;5(2):99-114. PMID: 18151955. """ ths_value = np.percentile(signal, 75) + threshold * ( np.percentile(signal, 75) - np.percentile(signal, 25) ) # noqa return ths_value
def threshold_quian(signal, threshold): """ Calculate threshold by Quian. Parameters ---------- signal: numpy array 1D signal for threshold determination threshold: float Number of estimated noise SD above the mean Returns ------- ths_value: float Value of the threshold References ---------- 1. Quian Quiroga, R. 2004. Neural Computation 16: 1661–87. """ ths_value = threshold * np.median(np.abs(signal)) / 0.6745 return ths_value