This is the application programming interface (API) reference for classes (CamelCase names) and functions (underscore_case names) of MNE-ICALabel.

Most-used function#

The most commonly used function is mne_icalabel.label_components() which takes an mne instance (mne.io.Raw, mne.Epochs) and its ICA decomposition to label the components using the specified method/model.

label_components(inst, ica, method)

Automatically label the ICA components with the selected method.



On top of the available models, mne-icalabel provides a set of functions to extract features from ICA instance and Raw / Epochs instances using MNE-Python. Those features can then be used to train new models.

get_topomaps(ica[, picks, res, ...])

Generate an array of scalp topographies for the picked components.

Annotating Components#

Finally, to facilitate annotation of the ICA components, we provide an API that conforms to the derivative standard of BIDS for EEG data to write the annotations to a TSV file.

mark_component(component, fname, method, ...)

Mark a component with a label.

write_components_tsv(ica, fname)

Write channels tsv file for ICA components.

In addition, as of version 0.3, we have introduced a beta-version of a GUI that assists in annotated ICA components. This was heavily inspired by the annotation process in ICLabel.

label_ica_components(inst, ica[, show, block])

Launch the IC labelling GUI.