
mne-icalabel requires Python 3.9 or higher.


mne-icalabel works best with the latest stable release of MNE-Python. To ensure MNE-Python is up-to-date, see MNE installation instructions. mne-icalabel is available on Pypi and on conda-forge.


As of MNE-Python 1.0, mne-icalabel is distributed in the MNE standalone installers.

The installers create a conda environment with the entire MNE-ecosystem setup, and more!

mne-icalabel is available on PyPI and can be installed in a given environment via pip.

pip install mne-icalabel

The ICLabel model requires either pytorch or Microsoft onnxruntime.

pip install torch
pip install onnxruntime

Additional dependencies can be installed with different keywords:

# GUI functionalities
pip install mne-icalabel[gui]

# MNE's ICA dependencies
pip install mne-icalabel[ica]

# developer dependencies
pip install mne-icalabel[doc,stubs,style,test]

# all of the above
pip install mne-icalabel[all]

Depending on your system, you may want to create a separate environment to install mne-icalabel. You can create a virtual environment with conda:

conda create -n myenv
conda activate myenv

Replace myenv with the environment name you prefer. mne-icalabel can then be installed from the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge mne-icalabel

If you want to install a snapshot of the current development version, run:

pip install git+

To check if everything worked fine, the following command should not raise any error messages:
