Source code for mne_nirs.experimental_design._experimental_design

# Authors: Robert Luke <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import mne
import numpy as np

[docs] def make_first_level_design_matrix( raw, stim_dur=1.0, hrf_model="glover", drift_model="cosine", high_pass=0.01, drift_order=1, fir_delays=(0,), add_regs=None, add_reg_names=None, min_onset=-24, oversampling=50, ): """ Generate a design matrix based on annotations and model HRF. This is a wrapper function for the nilearn :footcite:`abraham2014machine` function ``make_first_level_design_matrix``. For detailed description of the arguments see the nilearn documentation at Parameters ---------- raw : instance of Raw Haemoglobin data. stim_dur : Number The length of your stimulus. hrf_model : {'glover', 'spm', 'spm + derivative', \ 'spm + derivative + dispersion',\ 'glover + derivative', 'glover + derivative + dispersion',\ 'fir', None}, optional Specifies the hemodynamic response function. Default='glover'. drift_model : {'cosine', 'polynomial', None}, optional Specifies the desired drift model. Default='cosine'. high_pass : float, optional High-pass frequency in case of a cosine model (in Hz). Default=0.01. drift_order : int, optional Order of the drift model (in case it is polynomial). Default=1. fir_delays : array of shape(n_onsets) or list, optional In case of FIR design, yields the array of delays used in the FIR model (in scans). Default=[0]. add_regs : array of shape(n_frames, n_add_reg) or pandas DataFrame Additional user-supplied regressors, e.g. data driven noise regressors or seed based regressors. add_reg_names : list of (n_add_reg,) str, optional If None, while add_regs was provided, these will be termed 'reg_%i', i = 0..n_add_reg - 1 If add_regs is a DataFrame, the corresponding column names are used and add_reg_names is ignored. min_onset : float, optional Minimal onset relative to frame_times[0] (in seconds) events that start before frame_times[0] + min_onset are not considered. Default=-24. oversampling : int, optional Oversampling factor used in temporal convolutions. Default=50. Returns ------- design_matrix : DataFrame instance, Holding the computed design matrix, the index being the frames_times and each column a regressor. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ from nilearn.glm.first_level import make_first_level_design_matrix from pandas import DataFrame frame_times = raw.times # Create events for nilearn conditions = raw.annotations.description onsets = raw.annotations.onset - raw.first_time duration = stim_dur * np.ones(len(conditions)) events = DataFrame( {"trial_type": conditions, "onset": onsets, "duration": duration} ) dm = make_first_level_design_matrix( frame_times, events, drift_model=drift_model, drift_order=drift_order, hrf_model=hrf_model, min_onset=min_onset, high_pass=high_pass, add_regs=add_regs, oversampling=oversampling, add_reg_names=add_reg_names, fir_delays=fir_delays, ) return dm
[docs] def create_boxcar(raw, event_id=None, stim_dur=1): """ Generate boxcar representation of the experimental paradigm. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of Raw Haemoglobin data. event_id : as specified in MNE Information about events. stim_dur : Number The length of your stimulus. Returns ------- s : array Returns an array for each annotation label. """ bc = np.ones(int(round(["sfreq"] * stim_dur))) events, ids = mne.events_from_annotations(raw, event_id=event_id) s = np.zeros((len(raw.times), len(ids))) for idx, _ in enumerate(ids): id_idx = [e[2] == idx + 1 for e in events] id_evt = events[id_idx] event_samples = [e[0] for e in id_evt] s[event_samples, idx] = 1.0 s[:, idx] = np.convolve(s[:, idx], bc)[: len(raw.times)] return s
[docs] def longest_inter_annotation_interval(raw): """ Compute longest ISI per annotation. Specifically, longest period between two trials of the same condition. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of Raw Haemoglobin data. Returns ------- longest : list Longest ISI per annotation. annotation_name : list Annotation name corresponding to reported interval. """ annotation_name = np.unique(raw.annotations.description) longest = [] for desc in annotation_name: mask = raw.annotations.description == desc longest.append(np.max(np.diff(raw.annotations.onset[mask]))) return longest, annotation_name
[docs] def drift_high_pass(raw): """ Compute cosine drift regressor high pass cut off. Value computed according to Nilearn :footcite:`abraham2014machine` `suggestion < _level/plot_first_level_details.html#changing-the-drift-model>`__. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of Raw Haemoglobin data. Returns ------- cutoff : number Suggested high pass cut off. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ longest, annotation_name = longest_inter_annotation_interval(raw) max_isi = np.max(longest) return 1 / (2 * max_isi)