get_data_frame helps importing MNE data structures

get_data_frame(inst, picks = NULL, index = NULL, scaling_time = 1000,
  scalings = NULL, copy = T, start = NULL, stop = NULL,
  long_format = T)



An instance of MNE data containsers, e.g, mne$Epochs, mne$io$Raw, mne$Evoked.


A zero-indexed integer array, a string, list, slice or None.


The columns to be uesed as pandas index. tuple of str or None.


Scaling to be applied to time units. Float.


Scaling to be applied to the channels picked.


Whether to make a copy of the data.


If it is a Raw object, this defines a starting index for creating the dataframe from a slice. The times will be interpolated from the index and the sampling rate of the signal. Int or None.


If it is a Raw object, this defines a stop index for creating the dataframe from a slice. The times will be interpolated from the index and the sampling rate of the signal. Int or None.


If True, the dataframe is returned in long format where each row is one observation of the signal at a unique coordinate of channels, time points, epochs and conditions. The number of factors depends on the data container. For convenience, a ch_type column is added when using this option that will facilitate subsetting the resulting dataframe. If False, mne-r is making sure that the channel names are cleaned from white spaces to esnure that the R-formulas will work. In the case that epochs are passed, the pandas muliti-index is unpacked and the columns "condition", "epochs", and "time" are prepended. Unliker the MNE-Python function, the default is True.


Returns a data.frame. The layout depends on the options (e.g. long_format) and the type of instance (e.g. Epochs vs Raw).


The code will call the .to_data_frame method of the MNE data container and returns a dataframe readily usable in R. Note that the type definitions below refer to Python types. Please see the reticulate documentation to learn about R-to-Python conversion rules. Note that this function requires, next to MNE, a working Pandas installation. For background information on exporting MNE objects to dataframes, consider the designated MNE tutorial.


library(mne) fname <- paste(mne$datasets$testing$data_path(), "MEG", "sample", "sample_audvis_trunc_raw.fif", sep = "/") raw <- mne$io$read_raw_fif(fname, preload = T) raw_df <- get_data_frame(raw) print(head(raw_df))
#> time channel observation ch_type #> 1 0 MEG 0113 -25.871327 grad #> 2 0 MEG 0112 13.109141 grad #> 3 0 MEG 0111 -14.532409 mag #> 4 0 MEG 0122 -27.734474 grad #> 5 0 MEG 0123 5.027347 grad #> 6 0 MEG 0121 -28.779105 mag