
mne.beamformer.apply_dics(evoked, filters, verbose=None)[source]

Apply Dynamic Imaging of Coherent Sources (DICS) beamformer weights.

Apply Dynamic Imaging of Coherent Sources (DICS) beamformer weights on evoked data.


The result of this function is meant as an intermediate step for further processing (such as computing connectivity). If you are interested in estimating source time courses, use an LCMV beamformer (make_lcmv(), apply_lcmv()) instead. If you are interested in estimating spectral power at the source level, use apply_dics_csd().


This implementation has not been heavily tested so please report any issues or suggestions.


Evoked data to apply the DICS beamformer weights to.

filtersinstance of Beamformer

DICS spatial filter (beamformer weights) Filter weights returned from make_dics().

verbosebool, str, int, or None

If not None, override default verbose level (see mne.verbose() and Logging documentation for more). If used, it should be passed as a keyword-argument only.

stcSourceEstimate | VolSourceEstimate | list

Source time courses. If the DICS beamformer has been computed for more than one frequency, a list is returned containing for each frequency the corresponding time courses.

Examples using mne.beamformer.apply_dics