
mne.vertex_to_mni(vertices, hemis, subject, subjects_dir=None, verbose=None)[source]

Convert the array of vertices for a hemisphere to MNI coordinates.

verticesint, or list of int

Vertex number(s) to convert.

hemisint, or list of int

Hemisphere(s) the vertices belong to.


The FreeSurfer subject name.

subjects_dirstr, or None

Path to SUBJECTS_DIR if it is not set in the environment.

verbosebool, str, int, or None

If not None, override default verbose level (see mne.verbose() and Logging documentation for more). If used, it should be passed as a keyword-argument only.

coordinatesarray, shape (n_vertices, 3)

The MNI coordinates (in mm) of the vertices.

Examples using mne.vertex_to_mni