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v1.5.0 (2023-11-30)

This release contains a number of very important bug fixes that address problems related to decoding, time-frequency analysis, and inverse modeling. All users are encouraged to update.

🆕 New features & enhancements

  • Added deriv_root argument to CLI (#773 by @vferat)
  • Added support for annotating bad segments based on head movement velocity (#757 by @larsoner)
  • Added examples of T1 and FLASH BEM to website (#758 by @larsoner)
  • Added support for extended SSS (eSSS) in Maxwell filtering (#762 by @larsoner)
  • Output logging spacing improved (#764 by @larsoner)
  • Added caching of sensor and source average steps (#765 by @larsoner)
  • Improved logging of coregistration distances (#769 by @larsoner)
  • Input validation has been improved by leveraging pydantic (#779 by @larsoner)
  • Reduced logging when reports are created and saved (#799 by @hoechenberger)
  • Added "picard-extended_infomax" ICA algorithm to perform "extended Infomax"-like ICA decomposition using Picard (#801 by @hoechenberger)
  • Added support for using "local" autoreject to find (and repair) bad channels on a per-epoch basis as the last preprocessing step; this can be enabled by setting reject to "autoreject_local". The behavior can further be controlled via the new setting autoreject_n_interpolate. (#807 by @hoechenberger)
  • Added support for "local" autoreject to remove bad epochs before submitting the data to ICA fitting. This can be enabled by setting ica_reject to "autoreject_local". (#810, #816 by @hoechenberger)
  • The new setting decoding_which_epochs controls which epochs (e.g., uncleaned, after ICA/SSP, cleaned) shall be used for decoding. (#819 by @hoechenber)
  • Website documentation tables can now be sorted (e.g., to find examples that use a specific feature) (#808 by @larsoner)

  • The default cache directory is now _cache within the derivatives folder when using memory_location=True, set memory_subdir="joblib" to get the behavior from v1.4 (#778 by @larsoner)

  • Before cleaning epochs via ICA, we used to reject any epochs execeeding the ica_reject criteria. However, this may lead to the unnecessary exclusion of epochs that could have been salvaged through ICA cleaning. Now, we only apply ica_reject to the epochs used for ICA fitting. After the experimental epochs have been cleaned with ICA (preprocessing/apply_ica step), any remaining large-amplitude artifacts can be removed via reject, which is used in the last preprocessing step, preprocessing/ptp_reject. (#806 by @hoechenberger)
  • MVPA / decoding used to be performed on un-cleaned epochs in the past. Now, cleaned epochs will be used by default (please also see the "Bug fixes" section below). (#796 by @hoechenberger)

⚕ Code health

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where cache would not invalidate properly based on output file changes and steps could be incorrectly skipped. All steps will automatically rerun to accommodate the new, safer caching scheme (#756 by @larsoner)
  • Fixed bug with parallelization across runs for Maxwell filtering (#761 by @larsoner)
  • Fixed bug where head position files were not written with a proper suffix and extension (#761 by @larsoner)
  • Fixed bug where default values for decoding_csp_times and decoding_csp_freqs were not set dynamically based on the config parameters (#779 by @larsoner)
  • Fixed bug where the MNE logger verbosity was not respected inside parallel jobs (#813 by @larsoner)
  • A number of processing steps erroneously always operated on un-cleaned epochs (sensor/decoding_full_epochs, sensor/decoding_time_by_time, sensor/decoding_csp); or operated on un-cleaned epochs (without PTP rejection) if no ICA or SSP was requested (sensor/ime_frequency, sensor/make_cov) The bug in sensor/make_cov could propagate to the source level, as the covariance matrix is used for inverse modeling. (#796 by @hoechenberger)
  • Bad channels may have been submitted to MVPA (full epochs decoding, time-by-time decoding, CSP-based decoding) when not using Maxwell filtering (i.e., usually only EEG data was affected). This has now been fixed and data from bad channels is omitted from decoding. (#817 by @hoechenberger)

v1.4.0 (2023-07-04)

🆕 New features & enhancements

⚕ Code health

  • Refactor code to deduplicate keyword-passing and improve internal logic (#746, #749 by @larsoner)

🐛 Bug fixes

v1.3.0 (released 2023/06/01)

🆕 New features & enhancements

  • Provide a more helpful log message if the CSP decoding step is being skipped (#734 by @hoechenberger)
  • Use rich for improved logging control and styling (#737 by @larsoner)

⚕ Code health

  • Avoid using deprecated openpyxl API when working with Excel spreadsheets (#735 by @larsoner)

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix pandas 2.0 compatibility (#732 by @larsoner)
  • Fix bug with mne.sys_info insertion in reports (#732 by @larsoner)
  • Always generate CSP decdoing grand average analysis if CSP decoding was used on the single-subject level (#733 by @hoechenberger)

v1.2.0 (released 2023/03/23)

🆕 New features & enhancements

  • We improved caching to reduce initialization time when large datasets are being processed. (#720 by @apmellot)

⚠ Behavior changes

  • MNE-BIDS-Pipeline now requires MNE-Python 1.2 or newer.

⚕ Code health

  • Replace legacy plot_psd() calls with compute_psd().plot() (#725 by @drammock)

v1.1.0 (released 2022/01/13)

🆕 New features & enhancements

v1.0.3 (released 2022/12/18)

⚠ Behavior changes

This backward-incompatible change was made before officially announcing the release, so we are bumping the patch version number rather than the major version number.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • The stable documentation deployment was fixed (#682 by @larsoner )

⚕ Code health

v1.0.2 (released 2022/12/07)

⚕ Code health

v1.0.1 (released 2022/12/06)

⚠ Behavior changes

These backward-incompatible changes have been made before officially announcing the release, so we are bumping the patch version number rather than the major version number.

v1.0.0 (released 2022/12/01)

Changes were only tracked starting April 15, 2021.

🆕 New features & enhancements

⚠ Behavior changes

  • The conditions setting will now be None by default. It is a required setting so it will raise an error if left as None. (#348 by @guiomar and @hoechenberger)
  • When creating epochs, only those epochs are kept that belong to the specified conditions. This means that only this subset of epochs will be passed to ICA and SSP (if used). Previously, we would created epochs based on all events found in the data, and only subset them to the requested conditions at the epoching stage. (#449 by @agramfort)
  • Epochs rejection based on peak-to-peak amplitude, as controlled via the reject setting, will now take place after ICA or SSP. In previous versions of the Pipeline, rejection was carried out before ICA and SSP. To exclude epochs from ICA fitting, use the new ica_reject setting.
  • We don't apply SSP by default anymore. (#315 by @hoechenberger)
  • The use_ssp and use_ica settings have been removed. Please use the new spatial_filter setting instead. (#315 by @hoechenberger)
  • The allow_maxshield setting has been removed. The Pipeline now automatically ensures that FIFF files of recordings with active shielding (MaxShield) can be imported. Later stages of the Pipeline will fail if Maxwell filtering of such data is disabled via use_maxwell_filter=False. (#318 by @hoechenberger)
  • The overlay plots that show the effects of ICA cleaning are now based on the baseline-corrected data to make it easier to spot the differences. (#320 by @hoechenberger)
  • bids_root and deriv_root are now converted to absolute paths to avoid running into issues caused by relative path specifications. (#322 by @hoechenberger)
  • Warn if using ICA and no EOG- or ECG-related ICs were detected. (#351 by @crsegerie)
  • Added the possibility to have different runs for different subjects. (#353 by @crsegerie))
  • Check that the baseline interval falls into [epochs_tmin, epochs_tmax]. (#361 by @crsegerie)
  • config.crop has been renamed to the more explicit config.crop_runs, as it only applies to individual runs and not the concatenated data. (#358 by @hoechenberger)
  • ica_reject now also applies to ECG and EOG epochs. (#373 by @crsegerie)
  • Added a new step freesurfer/coreg_surfaces that creates the scalp surfaces required for coregistration in MNE-Python. (#422 by @hoechenberger)
  • Enabling interactive mode by setting interactive to True now deactivates parallel processing. (#473 by @hoechenberger)
  • The resolution of the MRI slices for BEM visualalization has been reduced to 256 by 256 pixels (was 512 by 512 before), we now only plot every 8th slice (was ever 2nd before). This greatly speeds up BEM rendering and reduces the size of the generated report, while maintaining a sufficiently detailed visualization. (#488 by @hoechenberger)
  • In interactive mode, the Matplotlib Agg backend will be used. (#497 by @hoechenberger)
  • We added new configuration options to control the number of time points to use when creating topographic maps of evoked signals and brain plots for source estimates: report_evoked_n_time_points and report_stc_n_time_points, respectively. (#542 by @agramfort)
  • Add reader_extra_params parameter to pass parameters to read_raw_bids. (#585 by @agramfort)
  • Add task_is_rest parameter to be explicit that the data must be analyzed as resting state. (#585 by @agramfort)
  • Patch information is now incorporated when computing surface source spaces, which should slightly improve the surface normals (#588 by @larsoner)
  • Add ssp_meg option for MEG SSP computation. This defaults to 'auto', which will use ssp_meg='combined' for SSP computation when Maxwell filtering is used. (#595 by @larsoner)
  • Empty-room and resting-state data are processed by default if present, regardless of config.noise_cov value. This can be controlled by changing the default values from config.process_empty_room = True and config.process_rest = True (#633 by @larsoner)
  • Environment variables are no longer used to control execution and variables, use command-line switches instead (#663 by @larsoner )
  • Config validation of likely misspellings and (some) outdated variables are now checked (#665, #670 by @larsoner )

⚕ Code health

  • Each processing script now extracts the required subset of configuration options from the user config and operates solely on these. This helps make it clear which settings an individual script depends on. (#383 by @agramfort and @hoechenberger)
  • We laid the groundwork for applying the inverse operator on other data types than just mne.Evoked by introducing inverse_targets. (#452 by @apmellot)
  • All processing scripts have been renamed and turned into submodules, and the pipeline is now organized like a standard Python package with a command-line interface mne_bids_pipeline ... (#470, #611, #664 by @agramfort, @hoechenberger, and @larsoner)
  • For storing configuration values, we switched from using BunchConst to Python's built-in SimpleNamespace. (#472 by @agramfort)
  • The config.process_er variable was renamed config.process_empty_room for readability, and the default was changed to True for consistency (#633 by @larsoner)

🐛 Bug fixes

  • The FreeSurfer script could only be run if --n_jobs was passed explicitly (#287 by @MerlinDumeur)
  • Fix a problem with the FreeSurfer processing step that caused the error message Could not consume arg after completion (#301 by @hoechenberger)
  • Selecting the extended_infomax ICA algorithm caused a crash (#308 by @hoechenberger)
  • Correctly handle eog_channels = None setting after creation of bipolar EEG channels (#311 by @hoechenberger)
  • Added instructions on how to handle FileNotFoundError when loading the BEM model in the source steps (#304 by @MerlinDumeur)
  • When using find_noisy_channels_meg or find_flat_channels_meg, we now pass mf_head_origin to the respective bad channel detection algorithm to achieve better performance (#319 by @agramfort)
  • Baseline was not applied to epochs if neither ICA nor SSP was used (#319 by @hoechenberger)
  • Ensure we always use the cleaned epochs for constructing evoked data (#319 by @agramfort)
  • The summary report didn't use the cleaned epochs for showing the effects of ICA. (#320 by @hoechenberger)
  • The sanity check comparing the rank of the experimental data and the rank of the empty-room after Maxwell-filtering did not use the maxfiltered data. (#336 by @agramfort, @hoechenberger, and @crsegerie)
  • epochs_tmin and epochs_tmax were named incorrectly in some test config files. (#340 by @crsegerie)
  • We now reject bad epochs by using ica_reject before producing the "overlay" plots that show the evoked data before and after ICA cleaning in the proc-ica_report. (#385 by @crsegerie).
  • Passing subject, session, task, and run names to the consist only of numbers doesn't throw an exception anymore, even if the values weren't double-quoted and hence converted to strings by the command-line interface toolkit we are using, Fire. (#375 by @hoechenberger)
  • Setting eeg_reference to a string (name of the reference channel) caused us to crash. (#391 by @hoechenberger)
  • Parameters retrieved from the BIDS dataset were not limited to the modality ("data type") we meant to process, sometimes leading to crashes. (#391 by @hoechenberger)
  • Fix forward computation for CTF data. (#427 by @agramfort)
  • Generated derivative epochs split files now follow the BIDS naming scheme. (#463)}} by @dengemann)
  • Report tags are now better sanitized. (#471 by @hoechenberger)
  • When creating epochs, we now ensure that the trigger codes provided via the *_events.tsv file are retained; previously, new trigger codes were generated in certain situations. (#471 by @hoechenberger)
  • ICA overlay plots in the report used the cleaned epochs, resulting in no visible ICA cleaning effects. This has been corrected. (#478 by @hoechenberger)
  • Ensure we don't over-estimate the rank of Maxwell-filtered data consisting of multiple runs. (#530 by @hoechenberger and @agramfort)
  • Don't drop bad channels from empty-room data on import. (#532 by @hoechenberger)
  • Time-by-time decoding now respects the decoding_n_splits setting. (#558 by @hoechenberger)
  • Time-by-time decoding now respects the random seed specified via random_state when generating the cross-validation splits. (#558 by @hoechenberger)
  • When automatically finding flat or noisy MEG channels was enabled, the data would always be 40-Hz-lowpass-filtered even if not explicitly requested by the user. This is now fixed. (#558 by @apmellot and @hoechenberger)
  • EEG channels couldn't be used as "virtual" EOG channels during ICA artifact detection. Reported by "fraenni" on the forum. Thank you! 🌻 (#572 by @hoechenberger)
  • Fix bug with handling of split files during preprocessing (#597 by @larsoner)
  • Fix bug where wrong command-line arguments to were just ignored instead of raising an error (#605) by @larsoner)
  • During the Maxwell filtering step, all channels are now kept rather than being restricted to just MEG channels (#606 by @larsoner)
  • The default for analyze_channels is now 'ch_types' which restricts to the data channels of interest rather than 'all', which included all channels, and hence could include things like stimulus channels (#606 by @larsoner)
  • Fix bug where only the first run was used to compute SSP (#607 by @larsoner)
  • Fix bug with CPU oversubscription when using the Dask backend on macOS M1 (#638 by @larsoner)