# Authors: Adam Li <adam2392@gmail.com>
# Santeri Ruuskanen <santeriruuskanen@gmail.com>
# Thomas S. Binns <t.s.binns@outlook.com>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import inspect
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from mne.epochs import BaseEpochs
from mne.parallel import parallel_func
from mne.time_frequency import (
from mne.utils import _check_option, _validate_type, logger, verbose
from ..base import EpochSpectralConnectivity, SpectralConnectivity
from ..utils import _check_multivariate_indices, check_indices, fill_doc
from .epochs import _compute_freq_mask
from .epochs_multivariate import (
from .smooth import _create_kernel, _smooth_spectra
def spectral_connectivity_time(
r"""Compute time-frequency-domain connectivity measures.
This function computes spectral connectivity over time from epoched data. The data
may consist of a single epoch.
The connectivity method(s) are specified using the ``method`` parameter. All methods
are based on time-resolved estimates of the cross- and power spectral densities
(CSD/PSD) Sxy and Sxx, Syy.
data : array_like, shape (n_epochs, n_signals, n_times) | ~mne.Epochs | ~mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR
The data from which to compute connectivity. Can be epoched time series data as
an array-like or :class:`mne.Epochs` object, or Fourier coefficients for each
epoch as an :class:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR` object. If time series data,
the spectral information will be computed according to the spectral estimation
mode (see the ``mode`` parameter). If an :class:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR`
object, existing spectral information will be used and the ``mode`` parameter
will be ignored.
.. versionchanged:: 0.8
Fourier coefficients stored in an :class:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR`
object can also be passed in as data. Storing multitaper weights in
:class:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR` objects requires ``mne >= 1.10``.
freqs : array_like | None
Array-like of frequencies of interest for time-frequency decomposition. Only the
frequencies within the range specified by ``fmin`` and ``fmax`` are used. If
``data`` is an array-like or :class:`mne.Epochs` object, the frequencies must
be specified. If ``data`` is an :class:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR` object,
``data.freqs`` is used and this parameter is ignored.
method : str | list of str
Connectivity measure(s) to compute. These can be ``['coh', 'cacoh', 'mic',
'mim', 'plv', 'ciplv', 'pli', 'wpli', 'gc', 'gc_tr']``. These are:
* %(coh)s
* %(cacoh)s
* %(mic)s
* %(mim)s
* %(plv)s
* %(ciplv)s
* %(pli)s
* %(wpli)s
* %(gc)s
* %(gc_tr)s
Multivariate methods (``['cacoh', 'mic', 'mim', 'gc', 'gc_tr']``) cannot be
called with the other methods.
average : bool
Average connectivity scores over epochs. If ``True``, output will be an instance
of :class:`SpectralConnectivity`, otherwise :class:`EpochSpectralConnectivity`.
indices : tuple of array_like | None
Two array-likes with indices of connections for which to compute connectivity.
If a bivariate method is called, each array for the seeds and targets should
contain the channel indices for the each bivariate connection. If a multivariate
method is called, each array for the seeds and targets should consist of nested
arrays containing the channel indices for each multivariate connection. If
``None``, connections between all channels are computed, unless a Granger
causality method is called, in which case an error is raised.
sfreq : float | None
The sampling frequency. Required if ``data`` is not an :class:`mne.Epochs` or
:class:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR` object.
fmin : float | tuple of float | None
The lower frequency of interest. Multiple bands are defined using a tuple, e.g.,
``(8., 20.)`` for two bands with 8 Hz and 20 Hz lower bounds. If ``None``, the
lowest frequency in ``freqs`` is used.
fmax : float | tuple of float | None
The upper frequency of interest. Multiple bands are defined using a tuple, e.g.
``(13., 30.)`` for two band with 13 Hz and 30 Hz upper bounds. If ``None``, the
highest frequency in ``freqs`` is used.
fskip : int
Omit every ``(fskip + 1)``-th frequency bin to decimate in frequency domain.
faverage : bool
Average connectivity scores for each frequency band. If ``True``, the output
``freqs`` will be an array of the median frequencies of each band.
sm_times : float
Amount of time to consider for the temporal smoothing in seconds. If 0, no
temporal smoothing is applied.
sm_freqs : int
Number of points for frequency smoothing. By default, 1 is used which is
equivalent to no smoothing.
sm_kernel : ``'square'`` | ``'hanning'``
Smoothing kernel type. For ``'hanning'``, see :func:`numpy.hanning`.
padding : float
Amount of time to consider as padding at the beginning and end of each epoch in
seconds. See Notes for more information.
mode : ``'multitaper'`` | ``'cwt_morlet'``
Time-frequency decomposition method. See
:func:`mne.time_frequency.tfr_array_multitaper` and
:func:`mne.time_frequency.tfr_array_morlet` for reference. Ignored if ``data``
is an :class:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR` object.
mt_bandwidth : float | None
Product between the temporal window length (in seconds) and the full frequency
bandwidth (in Hz). This product can be seen as the surface of the window on the
time/frequency plane and controls the frequency bandwidth (thus the frequency
resolution) and the number of good tapers. See
:func:`mne.time_frequency.tfr_array_multitaper` documentation. Ignored if
``data`` is an :class:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR` object.
n_cycles : float | array_like
Number of cycles in the wavelet, either a fixed number or one per frequency. The
number of cycles ``n_cycles`` and the frequencies of interest ``freqs`` define
the temporal window length. For details, see
:func:`mne.time_frequency.tfr_array_multitaper` and
:func:`mne.time_frequency.tfr_array_morlet` documentation. Ignored if ``data``
is an :class:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR` object.
gc_n_lags : int
Number of lags to use for the vector autoregressive model when computing Granger
causality. Higher values increase computational cost, but reduce the degree of
spectral smoothing in the results. Only used if ``method`` contains any of
``['gc', 'gc_tr']``.
rank : tuple of array_like | None
Two array-likes with the rank to project the seed and target data to,
respectively, using singular value decomposition. If ``None``, the rank of the
data is computed and projected to. Only used if ``method`` contains any of
``['cacoh', 'mic', 'mim', 'gc', 'gc_tr']``.
n_components : int | None
Number of connectivity components to extract from the data. If an int, the
number of components must be <= the minimum rank of the seeds and targets. E.g.,
if the seed channels had a rank of 5 and the target channels had a rank of 3,
``n_components`` must be <= 3. If ``None``, the number of components equal to
the minimum rank of the seeds and targets is extracted (see the ``rank``
parameter). Only used if ``method`` contains any of ``['cacoh', 'mic']``.
.. versionadded:: 0.8
decim : int
To reduce memory usage, decimation factor after time-frequency decomposition.
Returns ``tfr[…, ::decim]``.
n_jobs : int
Number of connections to compute in parallel. Memory mapping must be activated.
Please see the Notes section for details.
con : instance of EpochSpectralConnectivity or SpectralConnectivity | list
Computed connectivity measure(s). An instance of
:class:`EpochSpectralConnectivity`, :class:`SpectralConnectivity`, or a list of
instances corresponding to connectivity measures if several connectivity
measures are specified. The shape of each connectivity dataset is
``([n_epochs,] n_cons, [n_comps,] n_freqs)``:
- ``n_comps`` is present for valid multivariate methods if ``n_components > 1``
- When ``indices`` is ``None`` and a bivariate method is called, ``n_cons =
n_signals ** 2``, or if a multivariate method is called ``n_cons = 1``
- When ``indices`` is specified, ``n_con = len(indices[0])`` for bivariate and
multivariate methods.
See Also
Please note that the interpretation of the measures in this function depends on the
data and underlying assumptions and does not necessarily reflect a causal
relationship between brain regions.
The connectivity measures are computed over time within each epoch and optionally
averaged over epochs. High connectivity values indicate that the phase coupling
(interpreted as estimated connectivity) differences between signals stay consistent
over time.
The spectral densities can be estimated using a multitaper method with digital
prolate spheroidal sequence (DPSS) windows, or a continuous wavelet transform using
Morlet wavelets. The spectral estimation mode is specified using the ``mode``
When using the multitaper spectral estimation method, the cross-spectral density is
computed separately for each taper and aggregated using a weighted average, where
the weights correspond to the concentration ratios between the DPSS windows.
Spectral estimation using multitaper or Morlet wavelets introduces edge effects that
depend on the length of the wavelet. To remove edge effects, the parameter
``padding`` can be used to prune the edges of the signal. Please see the
documentation of :func:`mne.time_frequency.tfr_array_multitaper` and
:func:`mne.time_frequency.tfr_array_morlet` for details on wavelet length (i.e.,
time window length).
Complex multitaper, or Morlet coefficients can also be passed in as data in the form
of :class:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR` objects.
By default, the connectivity between all signals is computed (only connections
corresponding to the lower-triangular part of the connectivity matrix). If one is
only interested in the connectivity between some signals, the ``indices`` parameter
can be used. For example, to compute the connectivity between the signal with index
0 and signals "2, 3, 4" (a total of 3 connections) one can use the following::
indices = (np.array([0, 0, 0]), # row indices
np.array([2, 3, 4])) # col indices
con = spectral_connectivity_time(data, method='coh',
indices=indices, ...)
In this case ``con.get_data().shape = (3, n_freqs)``. The connectivity scores are in
the same order as defined indices.
For multivariate methods, this is handled differently. If ``indices`` is ``None``,
connectivity between all signals will be computed and a single connectivity spectrum
will be returned (this is not possible if a Granger causality method is called). If
``indices`` is specified, seed and target indices for each connection should be
specified as nested array-likes. For example, to compute the connectivity between
signals (0, 1) -> (2, 3) and (0, 1) -> (4, 5), indices should be specified as::
indices = (np.array([[0, 1], [0, 1]]), # seeds
np.array([[2, 3], [4, 5]])) # targets
More information on working with multivariate indices and handling connections where
the number of seeds and targets are not equal can be found in the
:doc:`../auto_examples/handling_ragged_arrays` example.
**Supported Connectivity Measures**
The connectivity method(s) is specified using the ``method`` parameter. The
following methods are supported (note: ``E[]`` denotes average over epochs).
Multiple measures can be computed at once by using a list/tuple, e.g., ``['coh',
'pli']`` to compute coherence and PLI.
'coh' : Coherence given by::
| E[Sxy] |
C = ---------------------
sqrt(E[Sxx] * E[Syy])
'cacoh' : Canonical Coherency (CaCoh) :footcite:`VidaurreEtAl2019` given by:
where: :math:`\boldsymbol{D}(\Phi)` is the cross-spectral density between
seeds and targets transformed for a given phase angle :math:`\Phi`; and
:math:`\boldsymbol{a}` and :math:`\boldsymbol{b}` are eigenvectors for the
seeds and targets, such that :math:`\boldsymbol{a}^T\boldsymbol{D}(\Phi)
\boldsymbol{b}` maximises coherency between the seeds and targets. Taking
the absolute value of the results gives maximised coherence.
'mic' : Maximised Imaginary part of Coherency (MIC) :footcite:`EwaldEtAl2012`
given by:
\boldsymbol{E \beta}}{\parallel\boldsymbol{\alpha}\parallel
where: :math:`\boldsymbol{E}` is the imaginary part of the transformed
cross-spectral density between seeds and targets; and
:math:`\boldsymbol{\alpha}` and :math:`\boldsymbol{\beta}` are eigenvectors
for the seeds and targets, such that :math:`\boldsymbol{\alpha}^T
\boldsymbol{E \beta}` maximises the imaginary part of coherency between the
seeds and targets.
'mim' : Multivariate Interaction Measure (MIM) :footcite:`EwaldEtAl2012` given
where :math:`\boldsymbol{E}` is the imaginary part of the transformed
cross-spectral density between seeds and targets.
'plv' : Phase-Locking Value (PLV) :footcite:`LachauxEtAl1999` given by::
PLV = |E[Sxy/|Sxy|]|
'ciplv' : Corrected imaginary PLV (ciPLV) :footcite:`BrunaEtAl2018` given by::
ciPLV = ------------------------------------
sqrt(1 - |E[real(Sxy/|Sxy|)]| ** 2)
'pli' : Phase Lag Index (PLI) :footcite:`StamEtAl2007` given by::
PLI = |E[sign(Im(Sxy))]|
'wpli' : Weighted Phase Lag Index (WPLI) :footcite:`VinckEtAl2011` given by::
WPLI = ------------------
'gc' : State-space Granger Causality (GC) :footcite:`BarnettSeth2015` given by:
:math:`GC = ln\Large{(\frac{\lvert\boldsymbol{S}_{tt}\rvert}{\lvert
\lvert t}\boldsymbol{H}_{ts}^*\rvert}})`
where: :math:`s` and :math:`t` represent the seeds and targets,
respectively; :math:`\boldsymbol{H}` is the spectral transfer function;
:math:`\boldsymbol{\Sigma}` is the residuals matrix of the autoregressive
model; and :math:`\boldsymbol{S}` is :math:`\boldsymbol{\Sigma}` transformed
by :math:`\boldsymbol{H}`.
'gc_tr' : State-space GC on time-reversed signals
:footcite:`BarnettSeth2015,WinklerEtAl2016` given by the same equation as for
``'gc'``, but where the autocovariance sequence from which the autoregressive
model is produced is transposed to mimic the reversal of the original signal in
time :footcite:`HaufeEtAl2012`.
Parallel computation can be activated by setting the ``n_jobs`` parameter. Under the
hood, this utilizes the ``joblib`` library. For effective parallelization, you
should activate memory mapping in MNE-Python by setting ``MNE_MEMMAP_MIN_SIZE`` and
``MNE_CACHE_DIR``. Activating memory mapping will make ``joblib`` store arrays
greater than the minimum size on disc, and forego direct RAM access for more
efficient processing. For example, in your code, run::
mne.set_config('MNE_MEMMAP_MIN_SIZE', '10M')
mne.set_config('MNE_CACHE_DIR', '/dev/shm')
When ``MNE_MEMMAP_MIN_SIZE=None``, the underlying ``joblib`` implementation results
in pickling and unpickling the whole array each time a pair of indices is accessed,
which is slow, compared to memory mapping the array.
This function is based on the ``frites.conn.conn_spec`` implementation in Frites.
.. versionadded:: 0.3
.. footbibliography::
""" # noqa: E501
events = None
event_id = None
# extract data from Epochs object
(np.ndarray, BaseEpochs, EpochsTFR),
"Epochs, EpochsTFR, or a NumPy array",
if not isinstance(data, EpochsTFR) and freqs is None:
raise TypeError(
"`freqs` must be specified when `data` is not an EpochsTFR object"
weights = None
spectrum_computed = False
if isinstance(data, BaseEpochs | EpochsTFR):
names = data.ch_names
sfreq = data.info["sfreq"]
events = data.events
event_id = data.event_id
# Extract metadata from the Epochs data structure.
# Make Annotations persist through by adding them to the metadata.
metadata = data.metadata
if metadata is None:
annots_in_metadata = False
annots_in_metadata = all(
name not in metadata.columns
for name in ["annot_onset", "annot_duration", "annot_description"]
if hasattr(data, "annotations") and not annots_in_metadata:
metadata = data.metadata
if isinstance(data, BaseEpochs):
# XXX: remove logic once support for mne<1.6 is dropped
kwargs = dict()
if "copy" in inspect.getfullargspec(data.get_data).kwonlyargs:
kwargs["copy"] = False
data = data.get_data(**kwargs)
n_epochs, n_signals, n_times = data.shape
freqs = data.freqs # use freqs from EpochsTFR object
if isinstance(data, EpochsTFRArray): # infer mode from dimensions
mode = "multitaper" if "taper" in data._dims else "cwt_morlet"
else: # read mode from object
mode = "cwt_morlet" if data.method == "morlet" else data.method
# Extract weights from the EpochsTFR object
if not hasattr(data, "weights") or (
data.weights is None and mode == "multitaper"
# XXX: Remove logic when support for mne<1.10 is dropped
raise AttributeError(
"weights are required for multitaper coefficients stored in "
"EpochsTFR objects (requires mne >= 1.10); objects saved from "
"older versions of mne will need to be recomputed."
if hasattr(data, "weights"):
weights = data.weights
# TFR objs will drop bad channels, so specify picking all channels
data = data.get_data(picks=np.arange(data.info["nchan"]))
if not np.iscomplexobj(data):
raise TypeError(
"if `data` is an EpochsTFR object, it must contain complex-valued "
"Fourier coefficients, such as that returned from "
"Epochs.compute_tfr() with `output='complex'`"
n_epochs, n_signals = data.shape[:2]
n_times = data.shape[-1]
spectrum_computed = True
data = np.asarray(data)
n_epochs, n_signals, n_times = data.shape
names = np.arange(0, n_signals)
metadata = None
if sfreq is None:
raise ValueError("Sampling frequency (sfreq) is required with array input.")
# check that method is a list
if isinstance(method, str):
method = [method]
# defaults for fmin and fmax
if fmin is None:
fmin = np.min(freqs)
logger.info("Fmin was not specified. Using fmin=min(freqs)")
if fmax is None:
fmax = np.max(freqs)
logger.info("Fmax was not specified. Using fmax=max(freqs).")
fmin = np.array((fmin,), dtype=float).ravel()
fmax = np.array((fmax,), dtype=float).ravel()
if len(fmin) != len(fmax):
raise ValueError("fmin and fmax must have the same length")
if np.any(fmin > fmax):
raise ValueError("fmax must be larger than fmin")
if len(fmin) != 1 and any(this_method in _gc_methods for this_method in method):
raise ValueError(
"computing Granger causality on multiple frequency bands is not yet "
if any(this_method in _multivariate_methods for this_method in method):
if not all(this_method in _multivariate_methods for this_method in method):
raise ValueError(
"bivariate and multivariate connectivity methods cannot be used in the "
"same function call"
multivariate_con = True
multivariate_con = False
# convert kernel width in time to samples
if isinstance(sm_times, int | float):
sm_times = int(np.round(sm_times * sfreq))
# convert frequency smoothing from hz to samples
if isinstance(sm_freqs, int | float):
sm_freqs = int(np.round(max(sm_freqs, 1)))
# temporal decimation
if isinstance(decim, int):
sm_times = int(np.round(sm_times / decim))
sm_times = max(sm_times, 1)
# Create smoothing kernel
kernel = _create_kernel(sm_times, sm_freqs, kernel=sm_kernel)
# get indices of pairs of (group) regions
if indices is None:
if multivariate_con:
if any(this_method in _gc_methods for this_method in method):
raise ValueError(
"indices must be specified when computing Granger causality, as "
"all-to-all connectivity is not supported"
logger.info("using all indices for multivariate connectivity")
# indices expected to be a masked array, even if not ragged
indices_use = (
np.arange(n_signals, dtype=int)[np.newaxis, :],
np.arange(n_signals, dtype=int)[np.newaxis, :],
indices_use = np.ma.masked_array(indices_use, mask=False, fill_value=-1)
logger.info("only using indices for lower-triangular matrix")
indices_use = np.tril_indices(n_signals, k=-1)
if multivariate_con:
# pad ragged indices and mask the invalid entries
indices_use = _check_multivariate_indices(indices, n_signals)
if any(this_method in _gc_methods for this_method in method):
for seed, target in zip(indices_use[0], indices_use[1]):
intersection = np.intersect1d(
seed.compressed(), target.compressed()
if intersection.size > 0:
raise ValueError(
"seed and target indices must not intersect when computing "
"Granger causality"
# make sure padded indices are stored in the connectivity object
# create a copy so that `indices_use` can be modified
indices = (indices_use[0].copy(), indices_use[1].copy())
indices_use = check_indices(indices)
n_cons = len(indices_use[0])
# unique signals for which we actually need to compute the CSD of
if multivariate_con:
signals_use = np.unique(indices_use.compressed())
remapping = {ch_i: sig_i for sig_i, ch_i in enumerate(signals_use)}
remapped_inds = indices_use.copy()
# multivariate functions expect seed/target remapping
for idx in signals_use:
remapped_inds[indices_use == idx] = remapping[idx]
source_idx = remapped_inds[0]
target_idx = remapped_inds[1]
max_n_channels = len(indices_use[0][0])
# no indices remapping required for bivariate functions
signals_use = np.unique(np.r_[indices_use[0], indices_use[1]])
source_idx = indices_use[0].copy()
target_idx = indices_use[1].copy()
max_n_channels = len(indices_use[0])
# check rank input and compute data ranks if necessary
if multivariate_con:
rank = _check_rank_input(rank, data, indices_use)
n_components = _check_n_components_input(n_components, rank)
if n_components == 1:
# n_components=0 means space for a components dimension is not allocated in
# the results
n_components = 0
rank = None
n_components = 0
gc_n_lags = None
# check freqs
if isinstance(freqs, int | float):
freqs = [freqs]
# array conversion
freqs = np.asarray(freqs)
# check order for multiple frequencies
if len(freqs) >= 2:
delta_f = np.diff(freqs)
increase = np.all(delta_f > 0)
assert increase, "Frequencies should be in increasing order"
# check that freqs corresponds to at least n_cycles cycles
dur = float(n_times) / sfreq
cycle_freq = n_cycles / dur
if np.any(freqs < cycle_freq):
raise ValueError(
"At least one value in n_cycles corresponds to a wavelet longer than the "
"signal. Use less cycles, higher frequencies, or longer epochs."
# check for Nyquist
if np.any(freqs > sfreq / 2):
raise ValueError(
f"Frequencies {freqs[freqs > sfreq / 2]} Hz are larger than Nyquist = "
f"{sfreq / 2:.2f} Hz"
# compute frequency mask based on specified min/max and decimation factor
freq_mask = _compute_freq_mask(freqs, fmin, fmax, fskip)
# the frequency points where we compute connectivity
freqs = freqs[freq_mask]
# compute central frequencies
_f = xr.DataArray(np.arange(len(freqs)), dims=("freqs",), coords=(freqs,))
foi_s = _f.sel(freqs=fmin, method="nearest").data
foi_e = _f.sel(freqs=fmax, method="nearest").data
foi_idx = np.c_[foi_s, foi_e]
f_vec = freqs[foi_idx].mean(1)
if faverage:
n_freqs = len(fmin)
out_freqs = f_vec
n_freqs = len(freqs)
out_freqs = freqs
conn = dict()
conn_patterns = dict()
for m in method:
# CaCoh complex-valued, all other methods real-valued
if m == "cacoh":
con_scores_dtype = np.complex128
con_scores_dtype = np.float64
conn_shape = [n_epochs, n_cons, n_freqs]
if n_components != 0:
conn_shape.insert(2, n_components)
conn[m] = np.zeros(conn_shape, dtype=con_scores_dtype)
# prevent allocating memory for a huge array if not required
if m in _patterns_methods:
# patterns shape [epochs x seeds/targs x cons x [comps] x channels x freqs]
patterns_shape = [n_epochs, 2, n_cons, max_n_channels, n_freqs]
if n_components != 0:
patterns_shape.insert(3, n_components)
conn_patterns[m] = np.full(patterns_shape, np.nan)
conn_patterns[m] = None
logger.info("Connectivity computation...")
# parameters to pass to the connectivity function
call_params = dict(
for epoch_idx in np.arange(n_epochs):
logger.info(f" Processing epoch {epoch_idx + 1} / {n_epochs} ...")
scores, patterns = _spectral_connectivity(data[epoch_idx], **call_params)
for m in method:
conn[m][epoch_idx] = np.stack(scores[m], axis=0)
if patterns[m] is not None:
conn_patterns[m][epoch_idx] = np.stack(patterns[m], axis=0)
for m in method:
if conn_patterns[m] is not None:
# convert to [seeds/targets x epochs x cons x [comps] x channels x freqs]
conn_patterns[m] = np.moveaxis(conn_patterns[m], 1, 0)
if indices is None and not multivariate_con:
conn_flat = conn
conn = dict()
for m in method:
this_conn = np.zeros(
(n_epochs, n_signals, n_signals) + conn_flat[m].shape[2:],
this_conn[:, source_idx, target_idx] = conn_flat[m]
this_conn = this_conn.reshape(
+ conn_flat[m].shape[2:]
conn[m] = this_conn
# create the connectivity containers
out = []
for m in method:
store_params = {
"data": conn[m],
"patterns": conn_patterns[m],
"freqs": out_freqs,
"n_nodes": n_signals,
"names": names,
"indices": indices,
"method": m,
"spec_method": mode,
"events": events,
"event_id": event_id,
"metadata": metadata,
"rank": rank,
"n_lags": gc_n_lags if m in _gc_methods else None,
if n_components and m in _multicomp_methods:
store_params.update(components=np.arange(n_components) + 1)
if average:
store_params["data"] = np.mean(store_params["data"], axis=0)
if conn_patterns[m] is not None:
store_params["patterns"] = np.mean(store_params["patterns"], axis=1)
logger.info("[Connectivity computation done]")
# return the object instead of list of length one
if len(out) == 1:
return out[0]
return out
def _spectral_connectivity(
"""Estimate time-resolved connectivity for one epoch.
data : array_like, shape (channels, [freqs,] [tapers,] times)
Time-series data or time-frequency data.
method : list of str
List of connectivity metrics to compute.
kernel : array_like, shape (n_sm_fres, n_sm_times)
Smoothing kernel.
foi_idx : array_like, shape (n_foi, 2)
Upper and lower bound indices of frequency bands.
source_idx : array_like, shape (n_cons,) or (n_cons, n_channels)
Defines the signal pairs of interest together with ``target_idx``.
target_idx : array_like, shape (n_cons,) or (n_cons, n_channels)
Defines the signal pairs of interest together with ``source_idx``.
signals_use : list of int
The unique signals on which connectivity is to be computed.
mode : str
Time-frequency transformation method.
sfreq : float
Sampling frequency.
freqs : array_like
Array of frequencies of interest for time-frequency decomposition. Only the
frequencies within the range specified by ``fmin`` and ``fmax`` are used.
faverage : bool
Average over frequency bands.
n_cycles : float | array_like of float
Number of cycles in the wavelet, either a fixed number or one per frequency.
mt_bandwidth : float | None
Multitaper time-bandwidth.
gc_n_lags : int
Number of lags to use for the vector autoregressive model when computing Granger
rank : tuple of array
Ranks to project the seed and target data to.
n_components : int
Number of connectivity components to extract from the data. If 0, only the first
component is extracted.
decim : int
Decimation factor after time-frequency decomposition.
padding : float
Amount of time to consider as padding at the beginning and end of each epoch in
weights : array, shape (n_tapers, n_freqs) | None
Taper weights for multitaper spectral estimation.
multivariate_con : bool
Whether or not multivariate connectivity is to be computed.
spectrum_computed : bool
Whether or not the time-frequency decomposition has already been computed.
scores : dict
Dictionary containing the connectivity estimates corresponding to the metrics in
``method``. Each element is an array of shape (n_cons, [n_comps,] n_freqs) or
(n_cons, [n_comps,] n_fbands) if ``faverage`` is ``True``. ``n_comps`` is
present for valid multivariate methods if ``n_components > 0``.
patterns : dict
Dictionary containing the connectivity patterns (for reconstructing the
connectivity components in channel-space) corresponding to the metrics in
``method``, if multivariate methods are called, else an empty dictionary. Each
element is an array of shape ``(2, [n_comps,] n_channels, n_freqs)`` or ``(2,
n_channels, n_fbands)`` if ``faverage=True``, where 2 corresponds to the seed
and target signals (respectively). ``n_comps`` is present for valid multivariate
methods if ``n_components > 0``.
# check that spectral mode is recognised
_check_option("mode", mode, ("cwt_morlet", "multitaper"))
# compute time-frequency decomposition
mt_bandwidth = mt_bandwidth if mt_bandwidth else 4
if not spectrum_computed:
data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=0)
kw_cwt.setdefault("zero_mean", False) # avoid FutureWarning
if mode == "cwt_morlet":
out = tfr_array_morlet(
out = tfr_array_multitaper(
out = np.squeeze(out, axis=0)
out = data
# give tapers dim to cwt_morlet output
if mode == "cwt_morlet":
out = np.expand_dims(out, axis=1)
# compute taper weights
if mode == "multitaper":
if not spectrum_computed: # compute from scratch
if isinstance(n_cycles, int | float):
n_cycles = [n_cycles] * len(freqs)
n_tapers = out.shape[-3]
n_times = out.shape[-1]
half_nbw = mt_bandwidth / 2.0
weights = np.zeros((n_tapers, len(freqs), n_times))
for i, (f, n_c) in enumerate(zip(freqs, n_cycles)):
window_length = np.arange(0.0, n_c / float(f), 1.0 / sfreq).shape[0]
_, eigvals = dpss_windows(window_length, half_nbw, n_tapers, sym=False)
weights[:, i, :] = np.sqrt(eigvals[:, np.newaxis])
# weights have shape (n_tapers, n_freqs, n_times)
else: # add time dimension to existing weights
weights = np.repeat(weights[..., np.newaxis], out.shape[-1], axis=-1)
# pad spectrum and weights
if padding:
if padding < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Padding cannot be negative, got {padding}.")
if padding >= data.shape[-1] / sfreq / 2:
raise ValueError(
f"Padding cannot be larger than half of data length, got {padding}."
pad_idx = int(np.floor(padding * sfreq / decim))
out = out[..., pad_idx:-pad_idx]
weights = weights[..., pad_idx:-pad_idx] if weights is not None else None
# compute for each connectivity method
scores = {}
patterns = {}
n_cons = len(source_idx)
conn = _parallel_con(
for i, m in enumerate(method):
if multivariate_con:
scores[m] = conn[0][i]
patterns[m] = conn[1][i] if conn[1][i] is not None else None
scores[m] = [out[i] for out in conn]
patterns[m] = None
return scores, patterns
def _parallel_con(
"""Compute spectral connectivity in parallel.
w : array_like, shape (n_chans, n_tapers, n_freqs, n_times)
Time-frequency data (complex signal).
method : list of str
List of connectivity metrics to compute.
kernel : array_like, shape (n_sm_fres, n_sm_times)
Smoothing kernel.
foi_idx : array_like, shape (n_foi, 2)
Upper and lower bound indices of frequency bands.
source_idx : array_like, shape (n_cons,) or (n_cons, n_channels)
Defines the signal pairs of interest together with ``target_idx``.
target_idx : array_like, shape (n_cons,) or (n_cons, n_channels)
Defines the signal pairs of interest together with ``source_idx``.
signals_use : list of int
The unique signals on which connectivity is to be computed.
gc_n_lags : int
Number of lags to use for the vector autoregressive model when computing Granger
rank : tuple of array of int
Ranks to project the seed and target data to.
n_components : int
Number of connectivity components to extract from the data. If 0, only the first
component is extracted.
n_jobs : int
Number of parallel jobs.
total : int
Number of pairs of signals.
faverage : bool
Average over frequency bands.
weights : array_like, shape (n_tapers, n_freqs, n_times) | None
Multitaper weights.
multivariate_con : bool
Whether or not multivariate connectivity is being computed.
out : tuple of list of array
Connectivity estimates for each signal pair, method, and frequency or frequency
band. If bivariate methods are called, the output is a tuple of a list of arrays
containing the connectivity scores. If multivariate methods are called, the
output is a tuple of lists containing arrays for the connectivity scores and
patterns, respectively.
if "coh" in method:
# psd
if weights is not None:
psd = weights * w
psd = psd * np.conj(psd)
psd = psd.real.sum(axis=1)
psd = psd * 2 / (weights * weights.conj()).real.sum(axis=0)
psd = w.real**2 + w.imag**2
psd = np.squeeze(psd, axis=1)
# smooth
psd = _smooth_spectra(psd, kernel)
psd = None
if not multivariate_con:
# only show progress if verbosity level is DEBUG
if verbose != "DEBUG" and verbose != "debug" and verbose != 10:
total = None
# define the function to compute in parallel
parallel, my_pairwise_con, n_jobs = parallel_func(
_pairwise_con, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, total=total
return tuple(
w, psd, s, t, method, kernel, foi_idx, faverage, weights
for s, t in zip(source_idx, target_idx)
return _multivariate_con(
def _pairwise_con(w, psd, x, y, method, kernel, foi_idx, faverage, weights):
"""Compute spectral connectivity metrics between two signals.
w : array_like, shape (n_chans, n_tapers, n_freqs, n_times)
Time-frequency data.
psd : array_like, shape (n_chans, n_freqs, n_times)
Power spectrum between signals ``x`` and ``y``.
x : int
Channel index.
y : int
Channel index.
method : str
Connectivity method.
kernel : array_like, shape (n_sm_fres, n_sm_times)
Smoothing kernel.
foi_idx : array_like, shape (n_foi, 2)
Upper and lower bound indices of frequency bands.
faverage : bool
Average over frequency bands.
weights : array_like, shape (n_tapers, n_freqs, n_times) | None
Multitaper weights.
out : list
List of connectivity estimates between signals ``x`` and ``y`` corresponding to
the methods in ``method``. Each element is an array with shape ``(n_freqs,)`` or
``(n_fbands)`` depending on ``faverage``.
w_x, w_y = w[x], w[y]
if weights is not None:
s_xy = np.sum(weights * w_x * np.conj(weights * w_y), axis=0)
s_xy = s_xy * 2 / (weights * np.conj(weights)).real.sum(axis=0)
s_xy = w_x * np.conj(w_y)
s_xy = np.squeeze(s_xy, axis=0)
s_xy = _smooth_spectra(s_xy, kernel)
out = []
conn_func = {"plv": _plv, "ciplv": _ciplv, "pli": _pli, "wpli": _wpli, "coh": _coh}
for m in method:
if m == "coh":
s_xx = psd[x]
s_yy = psd[y]
out.append(conn_func[m](s_xx, s_yy, s_xy))
for i, _ in enumerate(out):
# mean inside frequency sliding window (if needed)
if isinstance(foi_idx, np.ndarray) and faverage:
out[i] = _foi_average(out[i], foi_idx)
# squeeze time dimension
out[i] = out[i].squeeze(axis=-1)
return out
def _multivariate_con(
"""Compute spectral connectivity metrics between multiple signals.
w : array_like, shape (n_chans, n_tapers, n_freqs, n_times)
Time-frequency data.
seeds : array, shape of (n_cons, n_channels)
Seed channel indices. ``n_channels`` is the largest number of channels across
all connections, with missing entries padded with ``-1``.
targets : array, shape of (n_cons, n_channels)
Target channel indices. ``n_channels`` is the largest number of channels across
all connections, with missing entries padded with ``-1``.
signals_use : list of int
The unique signals on which connectivity is to be computed.
method : str
Connectivity method.
kernel : array_like, shape (n_sm_fres, n_sm_times)
Smoothing kernel.
foi_idx : array_like, shape (n_foi, 2)
Upper and lower bound indices of frequency bands.
faverage : bool
Average over frequency bands.
weights : array_like, shape (n_tapers, n_freqs, n_times) | None
Multitaper weights.
gc_n_lags : int
Number of lags to use for the vector autoregressive model when computing Granger
rank : tuple of array, shape of (2, n_cons)
Ranks to project the seed and target data to.
n_components : int
Number of connectivity components to extract from the data. If 0, only the first
component is extracted.
n_jobs : int
Number of jobs to run in parallel.
scores : list
List of connectivity scores between seed and target signals for each
connectivity method. Each element is an array with shape
``([n_comps,] n_freqs)`` or ``([n_comps,] n_fbands)`` depending on ``faverage``.
``n_comps`` is present for valid multivariate methods if ``n_components > 0``.
patterns : list
List of connectivity patterns between seed and target signals for each
connectivity method. Each element is an array of length 2 corresponding to the
seed and target patterns, respectively, each with shape ``([n_comps,]
n_channels, n_freqs)`` or ``([n_comps], n_channels, n_fbands) depending on
``faverage``. ``n_comps`` is present for valid multivariate methods if
``n_components > 0``. ``n_channels`` is the largest number of channels across
all connections, with missing entries padded with ``np.nan``.
csd = []
for x in signals_use:
for y in signals_use:
w_x, w_y = w[x], w[y]
if weights is not None:
s_xy = np.sum(weights * w_x * np.conj(weights * w_y), axis=0)
s_xy = s_xy * 2 / (weights * np.conj(weights)).real.sum(axis=0)
s_xy = w_x * np.conj(w_y)
s_xy = np.squeeze(s_xy, axis=0)
csd.append(_smooth_spectra(s_xy, kernel).mean(axis=-1))
csd = np.array(csd)
# initialise connectivity estimators and add CSD information
conn = []
for m in method:
call_params = {
"n_signals": len(signals_use),
"n_cons": len(seeds),
"n_freqs": csd.shape[1],
"n_times": 0,
"n_jobs": n_jobs,
if m in _multicomp_methods:
call_params["n_components"] = n_components
if m in _gc_methods:
call_params["n_lags"] = gc_n_lags
con_est = _CON_METHOD_MAP_MULTIVARIATE[m](**call_params)
for con_i, con_csd in enumerate(csd):
con_est.accumulate(con_i, con_csd)
# compute connectivity
scores = []
patterns = []
for con_est in conn:
con_est.compute_con((seeds, targets), rank)
scores.append(con_est.con_scores[..., np.newaxis])
if patterns[-1] is not None:
patterns[-1] = patterns[-1][..., np.newaxis]
for i, _ in enumerate(scores):
# mean inside frequency sliding window (if needed)
if isinstance(foi_idx, np.ndarray) and faverage:
scores[i] = _foi_average(scores[i], foi_idx)
if patterns[i] is not None:
patterns[i] = _foi_average(patterns[i], foi_idx)
# squeeze time dimension
scores[i] = scores[i].squeeze(axis=-1)
if patterns[i] is not None:
patterns[i] = patterns[i].squeeze(axis=-1)
return scores, patterns
def _plv(s_xy):
"""Compute phase-locking value given the cross power spectral density.
s_xy : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The cross PSD between channel 'x' and channel 'y' across frequency and time
plv : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The estimated PLV.
s_xy = s_xy / np.abs(s_xy)
plv = np.abs(s_xy.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True))
return plv
def _ciplv(s_xy):
"""Compute corrected imaginary phase-locking value.
s_xy : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The cross PSD between channel 'x' and channel 'y' across frequency and time
ciplv : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The estimated ciPLV.
s_xy = s_xy / np.abs(s_xy)
rplv = np.abs(np.mean(np.real(s_xy), axis=-1, keepdims=True))
iplv = np.abs(np.mean(np.imag(s_xy), axis=-1, keepdims=True))
ciplv = iplv / (np.sqrt(1 - rplv**2))
return ciplv
def _pli(s_xy):
"""Compute phase-lag index given the cross power spectral density.
s_xy : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The cross PSD between channel 'x' and channel 'y' across frequency and time
pli : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The estimated PLI.
pli = np.abs(np.mean(np.sign(np.imag(s_xy)), axis=-1, keepdims=True))
return pli
def _wpli(s_xy):
"""Compute weighted phase-lag index given the cross power spectral density.
s_xy : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The cross PSD between channel 'x' and channel 'y' across frequency and time
wpli : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The estimated wPLI.
con_num = np.abs(s_xy.imag.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True))
con_den = np.mean(np.abs(s_xy.imag), axis=-1, keepdims=True)
wpli = con_num / con_den
return wpli
def _coh(s_xx, s_yy, s_xy):
"""Compute coherence given the cross spectral density and PSD.
s_xx : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The PSD of channel 'x'.
s_yy : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The PSD of channel 'y'.
s_xy : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The cross PSD between channel 'x' and channel 'y' across frequency and time
coh : array, shape (n_freqs, n_times)
The estimated COH.
con_num = np.abs(s_xy.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True))
con_den = np.sqrt(
s_xx.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) * s_yy.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
coh = con_num / con_den
return coh
def _compute_csd(x, y, weights):
"""Compute cross spectral density between signals x and y."""
if weights is not None:
s_xy = np.sum(weights * x * np.conj(weights * y), axis=-3)
s_xy = s_xy * 2 / (weights * np.conj(weights)).real.sum(axis=-3)
s_xy = x * np.conj(y)
s_xy = np.squeeze(s_xy, axis=-3)
return s_xy
def _foi_average(conn, foi_idx):
"""Average inside frequency bands.
The frequency dimension should be located at -2.
conn : array, shape (..., n_freqs, n_times)
Connectivity estimate array.
foi_idx : array, shape (n_foi, 2)
Upper and lower frequency bounds of each frequency band.
conn_f : array, shape (..., n_fbands, n_times)
Connectivity estimate array, averaged within frequency bands.
# get the number of foi
n_foi = foi_idx.shape[0]
# get input shape and replace n_freqs with the number of foi
sh = list(conn.shape)
sh[-2] = n_foi
# compute average
conn_f = np.zeros(sh, dtype=conn.dtype)
for n_f, (f_s, f_e) in enumerate(foi_idx):
f_e += 1 if f_s == f_e else f_e
conn_f[..., n_f, :] = conn[..., f_s:f_e, :].mean(-2)
return conn_f