Source code for mne_connectivity.vector_ar.var

import inspect

import numpy as np
import scipy
from mne import BaseEpochs
from mne.utils import logger, verbose
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..base import Connectivity, EpochConnectivity, EpochTemporalConnectivity
from ..utils import fill_doc

[docs] @verbose @fill_doc def vector_auto_regression( data, times=None, names=None, lags=1, l2_reg=0.0, compute_fb_operator=False, model="dynamic", n_jobs=1, verbose=None, ): r"""Compute vector auto-regresssive (VAR) model. Parameters ---------- data : array_like, shape (n_epochs, n_signals, n_times) | Epochs | generator The data from which to compute connectivity. The epochs dimension is interpreted differently, depending on ``'output'`` argument. times : array_like | None The time points used to construct the epoched ``data``. If ``None``, then ``times_used`` in the returned ``conn`` will not be available. %(names)s lags : int | None Autoregressive model order (default 1). l2_reg : float | None Ridge penalty (l2-regularization) parameter (default 0.0). compute_fb_operator : bool Whether to compute the backwards operator and average with the forward operator. Addresses bias in the least-square estimation :footcite:`Dawson_2016`. model : ``'dynamic'`` | ``'avg-epochs'`` Whether to compute one VAR model using all epochs as multiple samples of the same VAR model (``'avg-epochs'``), or to compute a separate VAR model for each epoch (``'dynamic'``, default), which results in a time-varying VAR model. See Notes. %(n_jobs)s %(verbose)s Returns ------- conn : Connectivity | EpochConnectivity | EpochTemporalConnectivity The connectivity data estimated. See Also -------- mne_connectivity.Connectivity mne_connectivity.EpochConnectivity mne_connectivity.EpochTemporalConnectivity Notes ----- Names can be passed in, which are then used to instantiate the nodes of the connectivity class. For example, they can be the electrode names of EEG. For higher-order VAR models, there are ``n_order`` ``A`` matrices, representing the linear dynamics with respect to that lag. These are represented by vertically concatenated matrices. For example, if the input is data where ``n_signals`` is 3, then an order-1 VAR model will result in a 3x3 connectivity matrix. An order-2 VAR model will result in a 6x3 connectivity matrix, with two 3x3 matrices representing the dynamics at lag 1 and lag 2, respectively. When computing a VAR model (i.e. linear dynamical system), we require the input to be a ``(n_epochs, n_signals, n_times)`` 3D array. There are two ways one can interpret the data in the model. First, epochs can be treated as multiple samples observed for a single VAR model. That is, we have :math:`X_1, X_2, ..., X_n`, where each :math:`X_i` is a ``(n_signals, n_times)`` data array, with ``n_epochs``. We are interested in estimating the parameters, :math:`(A_1, A_2, ..., A_{order})`, from the following model over **all** epochs: .. math:: X(t+1) = \sum_{i=0}^{order} A_i X(t-i) This results in one VAR model over all the epochs. The second approach treats each epoch as a different VAR model, estimating a time-varying VAR model. Using the same data as above, we now are interested in estimating the parameters, :math:`(A_1, A_2, ..., A_{order})` for **each** epoch. The model would be the following for **each** epoch: .. math:: X(t+1) = \sum_{i=0}^{order} A_i X(t-i) This results in one VAR model for each epoch. This is done according to the model in :footcite:`li_linear_2017`. *b* is of shape [m, m*p], with sub matrices arranged as follows: +------+------+------+------+ | b_00 | b_01 | ... | b_0m | +------+------+------+------+ | b_10 | b_11 | ... | b_1m | +------+------+------+------+ | ... | ... | ... | ... | +------+------+------+------+ | b_m0 | b_m1 | ... | b_mm | +------+------+------+------+ Each sub matrix b_ij is a column vector of length p that contains the filter coefficients from channel j (source) to channel i (sink). In order to optimize RAM usage, the estimating equations are set up by iterating over sample points. This assumes that there are in general more sample points than channels. You should not estimate a VAR model using less sample points than channels, unless you have good reason. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if model not in ["avg-epochs", "dynamic"]: raise ValueError( f'"model" parameter must be one of (avg-epochs, dynamic), not {model}.' ) events = None event_id = None if isinstance(data, BaseEpochs): names = data.ch_names events = event_id = data.event_id times = data.times # Extract metadata from the Epochs data structure. # Make Annotations persist through by adding them to the metadata. metadata = data.metadata if metadata is None: annots_in_metadata = False else: annots_in_metadata = all( name not in metadata.columns for name in ["annot_onset", "annot_duration", "annot_description"] ) if hasattr(data, "annotations") and not annots_in_metadata: data.add_annotations_to_metadata(overwrite=True) metadata = data.metadata # get the actual data in numpy # get the actual data in numpy # XXX: remove logic once support for mne<1.6 is dropped kwargs = dict() if "copy" in inspect.getfullargspec(data.get_data).kwonlyargs: kwargs["copy"] = False data = data.get_data(**kwargs) else: metadata = None # 1. determine shape of the window of data n_epochs, n_nodes, _ = data.shape model_params = { "lags": lags, "l2_reg": l2_reg, } if verbose: f"Running {model} vector autoregression with parameters: \n{model_params}" ) if model == "avg-epochs": # compute VAR model where each epoch is a # sample of the multivariate time-series of interest # ordinary least squares or regularized least squares # (ridge regression) X, Y = _construct_var_eqns(data, **model_params) b, res, rank, s = scipy.linalg.lstsq(X, Y) # get the coefficients coef = b.transpose() # create connectivity coef = coef.flatten() conn = Connectivity( data=coef, n_nodes=n_nodes, names=names, n_epochs_used=n_epochs, times_used=times, method="VAR", metadata=metadata, events=events, event_id=event_id, **model_params, ) else: assert model == "dynamic" # compute time-varying VAR model where each epoch # is one sample of a time-varying multivariate time-series # linear system A_mats = _system_identification( data=data, lags=lags, l2_reg=l2_reg, n_jobs=n_jobs, compute_fb_operator=compute_fb_operator, ) # create connectivity if lags > 1: conn = EpochTemporalConnectivity( data=A_mats, times=list(range(lags)), n_nodes=n_nodes, names=names, n_epochs_used=n_epochs, times_used=times, method="Time-varying VAR(p)", metadata=metadata, events=events, event_id=event_id, **model_params, ) else: conn = EpochConnectivity( data=A_mats, n_nodes=n_nodes, names=names, n_epochs_used=n_epochs, times_used=times, method="Time-varying VAR(1)", metadata=metadata, events=events, event_id=event_id, **model_params, ) return conn
def _construct_var_eqns(data, lags, l2_reg=None): """Construct VAR equation system (optionally with RLS constraint). This function was originally imported from ``scot``. Parameters ---------- data : array (n_epochs, n_signals, n_times) The multivariate data. lags : int The order of the VAR model. l2_reg : float, optional The l2 penalty term for ridge regression (default ``None``) which will result in an ordinary VAR equation. Returns ------- X : array The predictor multivariate time-series. This will have shape ``(model_order * (n_times - model_order), n_signals * model_order)``. See Notes. Y : array The predicted multivariate time-series. This will have shape ``(model_order * (n_times - model_order), n_signals * model_order)``. See Notes. Notes ----- This function will format data such as: Y = A X where Y is time-shifted data copy of X and ``A`` defines how X linearly maps to Y. """ # n_epochs, n_signals, n_times n_epochs, n_signals, n_times = np.shape(data) # number of linear relations n = (n_times - lags) * n_epochs rows = n if l2_reg is None else n + n_signals * lags # Construct matrix X (predictor variables) X = np.zeros((rows, n_signals * lags)) for i in range(n_signals): for k in range(1, lags + 1): X[:n, i * lags + k - 1] = np.reshape(data[:, i, lags - k : -k].T, n) if l2_reg is not None: np.fill_diagonal(X[n:, :], l2_reg) # Construct vectors yi (response variables for each channel i) Y = np.zeros((rows, n_signals)) for i in range(n_signals): Y[:n, i] = np.reshape(data[:, i, lags:].T, n) return X, Y def _system_identification(data, lags, l2_reg=0, n_jobs=-1, compute_fb_operator=False): r"""Solve system identification using least-squares over all epochs. Treats each epoch as a different window of time to estimate the model: .. math:: X(t+1) = \sum_{i=0}^{order} A_i X(t - i) where ``data`` comprises of ``(n_signals, n_times)`` and ``X(t)`` are the data snapshots. """ # 1. determine shape of the window of data n_epochs, n_nodes, n_times = data.shape model_params = { "l2_reg": l2_reg, "lags": lags, "compute_fb_operator": compute_fb_operator, } # storage for the A matrices, residuals and sum of squared estimated errors A_mats = np.zeros((n_epochs, n_nodes, n_nodes, lags)) residuals = np.zeros((n_epochs, n_nodes, n_times - lags)) sse_matrix = np.zeros((n_epochs, n_nodes, n_nodes)) # compute the A matrix for all Epochs if n_jobs == 1: for idx in tqdm(range(n_epochs)): adjmat, resid, omega = _compute_lds_func(data[idx, ...], **model_params) # add additional order models in dynamic connectivity # along the first node axes for jdx in range(lags): A_mats[idx, :, :, jdx] = adjmat[ jdx * n_nodes : n_nodes * (jdx + 1), : ].T residuals[idx, ...] = resid.T sse_matrix[idx, ...] = omega else: try: from joblib import Parallel, delayed except ImportError as e: raise ImportError(e) arr = data # run parallelized job to compute over all windows results = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_compute_lds_func)(arr[idx, ...], **model_params) for idx in tqdm(range(n_epochs)) ) for idx in range(len(results)): adjmat, resid, omega = results[idx] residuals[idx, ...] = resid.T sse_matrix[idx, ...] = omega # add additional order models in dynamic connectivity # along the first node axes for jdx in range(lags): A_mats[idx, :, :, jdx] = adjmat[ jdx * n_nodes : n_nodes * (jdx + 1), : ].T # ravel the matrix if lags == 1: A_mats = A_mats.reshape((n_epochs, -1)) else: A_mats = A_mats.reshape((n_epochs, -1, lags)) return A_mats def _compute_lds_func(data, lags, l2_reg, compute_fb_operator): """Compute linear system using VAR model. Allows for parallelization over epochs. Note ---- The ``_estimate_var`` function returns a set of A matrices that represent the system: X(t+1) = X(t) A Whereas we would like the system: X(t+1) = A X(t) Therefore, a transpose is needed. If there are additional lags, then each of these matrices need to be transposed. """ # make sure data is T x K (samples, coefficients) to make use of underlying # functions data = data.T # get time-shifted versions X = data[:, :] A, resid, omega = _estimate_var(X, lags=lags, offset=0, l2_reg=l2_reg) if compute_fb_operator: # compute backward linear operator # original method back_A, back_resid, back_omega = _estimate_var( X[::-1, :], lags=lags, offset=0, l2_reg=l2_reg ) A = sqrtm( A = A.real # remove numerical noise return A, resid, omega def _estimate_var(X, lags, offset=0, l2_reg=0): """Estimate a VAR model. Parameters ---------- X : array (n_times, n_channels) Endogenous variable, that predicts the exogenous. lags : int Lags of the endogenous variable. offset : int Periods to drop from the beginning of the time-series (default 0). Used for order selection, so it's an apples-to-apples comparison l2_reg : int The amount of l2-regularization to use (default 0). Returns ------- params : array (lags, n_channels, n_channels) The coefficient state matrix that governs the linear system (VAR). resid : array The residuals. omega : array (n_channels, n_channels) Estimate of white noise process variance Notes ----- This function was originally copied from statsmodels VAR model computation and modified for MNE-connectivity usage. """ # get the number of equations we want n_equations = X.shape[1] # possibly offset the endogenous variable over the samples endog = X[offset:, :] # build the predictor matrix using the endogenous data # with lags and trends. # Note that the pure endogenous VAR model with OLS # makes this matrix a (n_samples - lags, n_channels * lags) matrix temp_z = _get_var_predictor_matrix(endog, lags) z = temp_z y_sample = endog[lags:] del endog, X # Lütkepohl p75, about 5x faster than stated formula if l2_reg != 0: params = np.linalg.lstsq( z.T @ z + l2_reg * np.eye(n_equations * lags), z.T @ y_sample, rcond=1e-15 )[0] else: params = np.linalg.lstsq(z, y_sample, rcond=1e-15)[0] # (n_samples - lags, n_channels) resid = y_sample -, params) # compute the degrees of freedom in residual calculation avobs = len(y_sample) df_resid = avobs - (n_equations * lags) # K x K sse sse =, resid) omega = sse / df_resid return params, resid, omega def _test_forloop(X, lags, offset=0, l2_reg=0): # possibly offset the endogenous variable over the samples endog = X[offset:, :] # get the number of equations we want n_times, n_equations = endog.shape y_sample = endog[lags:] # X.T @ X coefficient matrix n_channels = n_equations * lags XdotX = np.zeros((n_channels, n_channels)) # X.T @ Y ordinate / dependent variable matrix XdotY = np.zeros((n_channels, n_channels)) # loop over sample points and aggregate the # necessary elements of the normal equations first_component = np.zeros((n_channels, 1)) second_component = np.zeros((1, n_channels)) y_component = np.zeros((1, n_channels)) for idx in range(n_times - lags): for jdx in range(lags): first_component[jdx * n_equations : (jdx + 1) * n_equations, :] = endog[ idx + jdx, : ][:, np.newaxis] second_component[:, jdx * n_equations : (jdx + 1) * n_equations] = endog[ idx + jdx, : ][np.newaxis, :] y_component[:, jdx * n_equations : (jdx + 1) * n_equations] = endog[ idx + 1 + jdx, : ][np.newaxis, :] # second_component = np.hstack([endog[idx + jdx, :] # for jdx in range(lags)])[np.newaxis, :] # print(second_component.shape) # increment for X.T @ X XdotX += first_component @ second_component # increment for X.T @ Y # second_component = np.hstack([endog[idx + 1 + jdx, :] # for jdx in range(lags)])[np.newaxis, :] XdotY += first_component @ y_component if l2_reg != 0: final_params = np.linalg.lstsq( XdotX + l2_reg * np.eye(n_equations * lags), XdotY, rcond=1e-15 )[0] else: final_params = np.linalg.lstsq(XdotX, XdotY, rcond=1e-15)[0].T # format the final matrix as (lags * n_equations, n_equations) params = np.empty((lags * n_equations, n_equations)) for idx in range(lags): start_col = n_equations * idx stop_col = n_equations * (idx + 1) start_row = n_equations * (lags - idx - 1) stop_row = n_equations * (lags - idx) params[start_row:stop_row, ...] = final_params[ n_equations * (lags - 1) :, start_col:stop_col ].T # print(final_params.round(5)) # print(params_) # print(params) # build the predictor matrix using the endogenous data # with lags and trends. # Note that the pure endogenous VAR model with OLS # makes this matrix a (n_samples - lags, n_channels * lags) matrix # z = _get_var_predictor_matrix( # endog, lags # ) # (n_samples - lags, n_channels) # resid = y_sample -, params) resid = np.zeros((n_times - lags, n_equations)) # compute the degrees of freedom in residual calculation avobs = len(y_sample) df_resid = avobs - (n_equations * lags) # K x K sse sse =, resid) omega = sse / df_resid return params, resid, omega def _get_var_predictor_matrix(y, lags): """Make predictor matrix for VAR(p) process, Z. Parameters ---------- y : array (n_samples, n_channels) The passed in data array. lags : int The number of lags. Returns ------- Z : array (n_samples, n_channels * lag_order) Z is a (T x Kp) matrix, with K the number of channels, p the lag order, and T the number of samples. Z := (Z_0, ..., Z_T).T (T x Kp) Z_t = [1 y_t y_{t-1} ... y_{t - p + 1}] (Kp x 1) References ---------- Ref: Lütkepohl p.70 (transposed) """ nobs = len(y) # Ravel C order, need to put in descending order Z = np.array([y[t - lags : t][::-1].ravel() for t in range(lags, nobs)]) return Z