
mne_icalabel.iclabel.iclabel_label_components(inst, ica, inplace=True, backend=None)[source]#

Label the provided ICA components with the ICLabel neural network.

ICLabel is designed to classify ICs fitted with an extended infomax ICA decomposition algorithm on EEG datasets referenced to a common average and filtered between [1., 100.] Hz. It is possible to run ICLabel on datasets that do not meet those specification, but the classification performance might be negatively impacted. Moreover, the ICLabel paper did not study the effects of these preprocessing steps.

ICLabel uses 3 features:

  • Topographic maps, based on the ICA decomposition.

  • Power Spectral Density (PSD), based on the ICA decomposition and the provided instance.

  • Autocorrelation, based on the ICA decomposition and the provided instance.

For more information, see Pion-Tonachini et al.[1].

instRaw | Epochs

Instance used to fit the ICA decomposition. The instance should be referenced to a common average and bandpass filtered between 1 and 100 Hz.


ICA decomposition of the provided instance. The ICA decomposition should use the extended infomax method.


Whether to modify the ica instance in place by adding the automatic annotations to the labels_ property. By default True.

backendNone | torch | onnx

Backend to use to run ICLabel. If None, returns the first available backend in the order torch, onnx.

labels_pred_probanumpy.ndarray of shape (n_components, n_classes)

The estimated corresponding predicted probabilities of output classes for each independent component. Columns are ordered with ‘brain’, ‘muscle artifact’, ‘eye blink’, ‘heart beat’, ‘line noise’, ‘channel noise’, ‘other’.
