Source code for mne_nirs.visualisation._plot_3d_montage

# Authors: Eric Larson <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import contextlib
import inspect

import numpy as np

from mne import pick_info, pick_types, Info
from mne.channels import make_standard_montage
from mne.channels.montage import transform_to_head
from mne.transforms import _get_trans, apply_trans
from mne.utils import _validate_type, _check_option, verbose, logger
from mne.viz import Brain

[docs] @verbose def plot_3d_montage(info, view_map, *, src_det_names='auto', ch_names='numbered', subject='fsaverage', trans='fsaverage', surface='pial', subjects_dir=None, verbose=None): """ Plot a 3D sensor montage. Parameters ---------- info : instance of Info Measurement info. view_map : dict Dict of view (key) to channel-pair-numbers (value) to use when plotting. Note that, because these get plotted as 1-based channel *numbers*, the values should be 1-based rather than 0-based. The keys are of the form: ``'{side}-{view}'`` For views like ``'left-lat'`` or ``'right-frontal'`` where the side matters. ``'{view}'`` For views like ``'caudal'`` that are along the midline. See :meth:`mne.viz.Brain.show_view` for ``view`` options, and the Examples section below for usage examples. src_det_names : None | dict | str Source and detector names to use. "auto" (default) will see if the channel locations correspond to standard 10-20 locations and will use those if they do (otherwise will act like None). None will use S1, S2, ..., D1, D2, ..., etc. Can also be an explicit dict mapping, for example:: src_det_names=dict(S1='Fz', D1='FCz', ...) ch_names : str | dict | None If ``'numbered'`` (default), use ``['1', '2', ...]`` for the channel names, or ``None`` to use ``['S1_D2', 'S2_D1', ...]``. Can also be a dict to provide a mapping from the ``'S1_D2'``-style names (keys) to other names, e.g., ``defaultdict(lambda: '')`` will prevent showing the names altogether. .. versionadded:: 0.3 subject : str The subject. trans : str | Transform The subjects head<->MRI transform. surface : str The FreeSurfer surface name (e.g., 'pial', 'white'). subjects_dir : str The subjects directory. %(verbose)s Returns ------- figure : matplotlib.figure.Figure The matplotlib figimage. Examples -------- For a Hitachi system with two sets of 12 source-detector arrangements, one on each side of the head, showing 1-12 on the left and 13-24 on the right can be accomplished using the following ``view_map``:: >>> view_map = { ... 'left-lat': np.arange(1, 13), ... 'right-lat': np.arange(13, 25), ... } NIRx typically involves more complicated arrangements. See :ref:`the 3D tutorial <tut-fnirs-vis-brain-plot-3d-montage>` for an advanced example that incorporates the ``'caudal'`` view as well. """ # noqa: E501 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist _validate_type(info, Info, 'info') _validate_type(view_map, dict, 'views') _validate_type(src_det_names, (None, dict, str), 'src_det_names') _validate_type(ch_names, (dict, str, None), 'ch_names') info = pick_info(info, pick_types(info, fnirs=True, exclude=())[::2]) if isinstance(ch_names, str): _check_option('ch_names', ch_names, ('numbered',), extra='when str') ch_names = { name.split()[0]: str(ni) for ni, name in enumerate(info['ch_names'], 1)} info['bads'] = [] if isinstance(src_det_names, str): _check_option('src_det_names', src_det_names, ('auto',), extra='when str') # Decide if we can map to 10-20 locations names, pos = zip( *transform_to_head(make_standard_montage('standard_1020')) .get_positions()['ch_pos'].items()) pos = np.array(pos, float) locs = dict() bad = False for ch in info['chs']: name = ch['ch_name'] s_name, d_name = name.split()[0].split('_') for name, loc in [(s_name, ch['loc'][3:6]), (d_name, ch['loc'][6:9])]: if name in locs: continue # see if it's close enough idx = np.where(cdist(loc[np.newaxis], pos)[0] < 1e-3)[0] if len(idx) < 1: bad = True break # Some are duplicated (e.g., T7+T3) but we can rely on the # first one being the canonical one locs[name] = names[idx[0]] if bad: break if bad: src_det_names = None'Could not automatically map source/detector names to ' '10-20 locations.') else: src_det_names = locs'Source-detector names automatically mapped to 10-20 ' 'locations') head_mri_t = _get_trans(trans, 'head', 'mri')[0] del trans views = list() for key, num in view_map.items(): _validate_type(key, str, f'view_map key {repr(key)}') _validate_type(num, np.ndarray, f'view_map[{repr(key)}]') if '-' in key: hemi, v = key.split('-', maxsplit=1) hemi = dict(left='lh', right='rh')[hemi] views.append((hemi, v, num)) else: views.append(('lh', key, num)) del view_map size = (400 * len(views), 400) brain = Brain( subject, 'both', surface, views=['lat'] * len(views), size=size, background='w', units='m', view_layout='horizontal', subjects_dir=subjects_dir) with _safe_brain_close(brain): brain.add_head(dense=False, alpha=0.1) brain.add_sensors( info, trans=head_mri_t, fnirs=['channels', 'pairs', 'sources', 'detectors']) add_text_kwargs = dict() if 'render' in inspect.signature(brain.plotter.add_text).parameters: add_text_kwargs['render'] = False for col, view in enumerate(views): plotted = set() brain.show_view( view[1], hemi=view[0], focalpoint=(0, -0.02, 0.02), distance=0.4, row=0, col=col) brain.plotter.subplot(0, col) vp = brain.plotter.renderer for ci in view[2]: # figure out what we need to plot this_ch = info['chs'][ci - 1] ch_name = this_ch['ch_name'].split()[0] s_name, d_name = ch_name.split('_') needed = [ (ch_names, 'ch_names', ch_name, this_ch['loc'][:3], 12, 'Centered'), (src_det_names, 'src_det_names', s_name, this_ch['loc'][3:6], 8, 'Bottom'), (src_det_names, 'src_det_names', d_name, this_ch['loc'][6:9], 8, 'Bottom'), ] for lookup, lname, name, ch_pos, font_size, va in needed: if name in plotted: continue plotted.add(name) orig_name = name if lookup is not None: name = lookup[name] _validate_type(name, str, f'{lname}[{repr(orig_name)}]') ch_pos = apply_trans(head_mri_t, ch_pos) vp.SetWorldPoint(np.r_[ch_pos, 1.]) vp.WorldToDisplay() ch_pos = (np.array(vp.GetDisplayPoint()[:2]) - np.array(vp.GetOrigin())) actor = brain.plotter.add_text( name, ch_pos, font_size=font_size, color=(0., 0., 0.), **add_text_kwargs) prop = actor.GetTextProperty() getattr(prop, f'SetVerticalJustificationTo{va}')() prop.SetJustificationToCentered() actor.SetTextProperty(prop) prop.SetBold(True) img = brain.screenshot() return plt.figimage(img, resize=True).figure
@contextlib.contextmanager def _safe_brain_close(brain): try: yield finally: brain.close()