Source code for mne_nirs.visualisation._plot_quality_metrics

# Authors: Robert Luke <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

[docs] def plot_timechannel_quality_metric(raw, scores, times, threshold=0.1, title=None): """ Plot time x channel based quality metrics. The left figure shows the raw score per channel and time. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of Raw The haemoglobin data. scores : array The quality metric scores. times : list of pairs Start and end time for each quality metric. threshold : float Value below which a segment will be marked as bad. title : str Title of plot. If not specified a default title will be used. Returns ------- fig : figure Matplotlib figure displaying raw scores and thresholded scores. """ ch_names = raw.ch_names cols = [np.round(t[0]) for t in times] if title is None: title = "Automated noisy channel detection: fNIRS" data_to_plot = pd.DataFrame( data=scores, columns=pd.Index(cols, name="Time (s)"), index=pd.Index(ch_names, name="Channel"), ) n_chans = len(ch_names) vsize = 0.2 * n_chans # First, plot the "raw" scores. fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, vsize), layout="constrained") fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16, fontweight="bold") sns.heatmap( data=data_to_plot, cmap="Reds_r", vmin=0, vmax=1, cbar_kws=dict(label="Score"), ax=ax[0], ) [ ax[0].axvline(x, ls="dashed", lw=0.25, dashes=(25, 15), color="gray") for x in range(1, len(times)) ] ax[0].set_title("All Scores", fontweight="bold") markbad(raw, ax[0]) # Now, adjust the color range to highlight segments that exceeded the # limit. data_to_plot = pd.DataFrame( data=scores > threshold, columns=pd.Index(cols, name="Time (s)"), index=pd.Index(ch_names, name="Channel"), ) sns.heatmap( data=data_to_plot, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap="Reds_r", cbar_kws=dict(label="Score"), ax=ax[1], ) [ ax[1].axvline(x, ls="dashed", lw=0.25, dashes=(25, 15), color="gray") for x in range(1, len(times)) ] ax[1].set_title("Scores < Limit", fontweight="bold") markbad(raw, ax[1]) return fig
def markbad(raw, ax): [ ax.axhline(y + 0.5, ls="solid", lw=2, color="black") for y in np.where([ch in["bads"] for ch in raw.ch_names])[0] ] return ax