MNE-BIDS Command Line Interface (CLI)#

Here we list the MNE-BIDS tools that you can use from the command line.

mne_bids calibration_to_bids#

Write Elekta/Neuromag/MEGIN fine-calibration data to BIDS.#

Usage: mne_bids calibration_to_bids options args



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-h, --help

show this help message and exit


The path of the folder containing the BIDS dataset


Subject name


Session name


The path of the crosstalk file


Whether do generate additional diagnostic output

example usage: $ mne_bids calibration_to_bids –subject_id=01 –session=test –bids_root=bids_root –file=sss_cal.dat

mne_bids count_events#

Count events in BIDS dataset.#

Usage: mne_bids count_events options args



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


The path of the BIDS compatible folder.


The datatype to consider.


If set print the descriptive statistics (min, max, etc.).


Path to the CSV file where to store the results.


If set, overwrite an existing output file.


Whether to print the event counts on the screen.

example usage: $ mne_bids count_events –bids_root bids_root_path

mne_bids cp#

Rename files (making a copy) and update their internal pointers.#

Usage: mne_bids cp -i INPUT -o OUTPUT



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-i INPUT, --input=INPUT

path to the input file. (accepted formats: BrainVision .vhdr, EEGLAB .set, CTF .ds)

-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT

path to the output file (MUST be same format as input file)

-v, --verbose

set logging level to verbose

example usage: $ mne_bids cp –input myfile.vhdr –output sub-01_task-test.vhdr

mne_bids crosstalk_to_bids#

Write Elekta/Neuromag/MEGIN crosstalk data to BIDS.#

Usage: mne_bids crosstalk_to_bids options args



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


The path of the folder containing the BIDS dataset


Subject name


Session name


The path of the crosstalk file


Whether do generate additional diagnostic output

example usage: $ mne_bids crosstalk_to_bids –subject_id=01 –session=test –bids_root=bids_root –file=ct_sparse.fif

mne_bids inspect#

Inspect MEG and EEG raw data, and interactively mark channels as bad.#

Usage: mne_bids inspect options args



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


The path of the folder containing the BIDS dataset


Subject name


Session name


Task name


Acquisition parameter


Run number


Processing label.


Recording name


Recording data type, e.g. meg, ieeg or eeg


The filename suffix, i.e. the last part before the extension


The filename extension, including the leading period, e.g. .fif


Whether to auto-detect flat channels and time segments


The high-pass filter cutoff frequency


The low-pass filter cutoff frequency


Whether do generate additional diagnostic output

example usage: $ mne_bids inspect –subject_id=01 –task=experiment –session=test –datatype=meg –suffix=meg –bids_root=bids_root

mne_bids mark_channels#

Mark channels in an existing BIDS dataset as “bad”.#

Usage: mne_bids mark_channels options args



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


The names of the bad channels. If multiple channels are bad, pass the –ch_name parameter multiple times.


Status of the channels (Either “good”, or “bad”).


Descriptions as to why the channels are bad. Must match the number of bad channels provided. Pass multiple times to supply more than one value in that case.


The path of the folder containing the BIDS dataset


Subject name


Session name


Task name


Acquisition parameter


Run number


Processing label.


Recording name


Recording data type, e.g. meg, ieeg or eeg


The filename suffix, i.e. the last part before the extension


The filename extension, including the leading period, e.g. .fif


Whether do generate additional diagnostic output

example usage: $ mne_bids mark_channels –ch_name=”MEG 0112” –description=”noisy” –ch_name=”MEG 0131” –description=”flat” –subject_id=01 –task=experiment –session=test –bids_root=bids_root

mne_bids raw_to_bids#

Write raw files to BIDS format.#

Usage: mne_bids raw_to_bids options args



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


subject name in BIDS compatible format (01, 02, etc.)


name of the task the data is based on


path to the raw MEG file


The path of the BIDS compatible folder.


session name in BIDS compatible format


run number for this dataset


acquisition parameter for this dataset


events file (events.tsv)


event id dict


path to the MEG marker points


path to head-native digitizer points


path to headshape points


path to the configuration file


whether to overwrite existing data (BOOLEAN)


The frequency of the line noise in Hz (e.g. 50 or 60). If unknown, pass None

example usage: $ mne_bids raw_to_bids –subject_id sub01 –task rest –raw data.edf –bids_root new_path

mne_bids report#

Write raw files to BIDS format.#

Usage: mne_bids report options args



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


The path of the BIDS compatible folder.

example usage: $ mne_bids report –bids_root bids_root_path