What’s new?#

Version 0.15 (2024-06-04)#

👩🏽‍💻 Authors#

The following authors contributed for the first time. Thank you so much! 🤩

The following authors had contributed before. Thank you for sticking around! 🤘

Detailed list of changes#

🚀 Enhancements#

  • Including a description for onset and duration in the events.json file, by Julius Welzel (#1255)

🧐 API and behavior changes#

  • The experimental support for running MNE-BIDS examples from your browser using Binder has been removed, by Stefan Appelhoff (#1202)

  • MNE-BIDS will no longer zero-pad (“zfill”) entity indices passed to BIDSPath. For example, If run=1 is passed to MNE-BIDS, it will no longer be silently auto-converted to run-01, by Alex Rockhill (#1215)

  • MNE-BIDS will no longer warn about missing leading punctuation marks for extensions passed BIDSPath. For example, MNE-BIDS will now silently auto-convert edf to `.edf, by Alex Rockhill (#1215)

  • MNE-BIDS will no longer error during write_raw_bids if there are BAD_ACQ_SKIP annotations in the raw file and no corresponding key in event_id. Instead, it will automatically add the necessary key and assign an unused integer event code to it. By Daniel McCloy (#1258)

🛠 Requirements#

  • MNE-BIDS now requires Python 3.9 or higher.

  • MNE-BIDS now requires MNE-Python 1.5.0 or higher.

  • edfio replaces EDFlib-Python for export to EDF with MNE-Python >= 1.7.0.

  • Installing mne-bids[full] will now also install defusedxml on all platforms.

  • Version requirements for optional dependency packages have been bumped up, see installation instructions.

🪲 Bug fixes#

⚕️ Code health#

  • The configuration of MNE-BIDS has been consolidated from several files (e.g., setup.cfg, setup.py, requirements.txt) and is now specified in a standard pyproject.toml file, by Stefan Appelhoff (#1202)

  • Linting and code formatting is now done entirely using ruff. Previously used tools (e.g., flake8, black) have been fully replaced, by Stefan Appelhoff (#1203)

  • The package build backend has been switched from setuptools to hatchling. This only affects users who build and install MNE-BIDS from source, and should not lead to changed runtime behavior, by Richard Höchenberger (#1204)

  • Display of the version number on the website is now truncated for over-long version strings, by Daniel McCloy (#1206)

  • The long deprecated events_data parameter has been fully removed from write_raw_bids() in favor of events, by Stefan Appelhoff (#1229)

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