04. Convert EEG data to BIDS format

In this example, we use MNE-BIDS to create a BIDS-compatible directory of EEG data. Specifically, we will follow these steps:

  1. Download some EEG data from the PhysioBank database.

  2. Load the data, extract information, and save in a new BIDS directory

  3. Check the result and compare it with the standard

# Authors: Stefan Appelhoff <stefan.appelhoff@mailbox.org>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

We are importing everything we need for this example:

import os
import shutil as sh

import mne
from mne.datasets import eegbci

from mne_bids import write_raw_bids, make_bids_basename
from mne_bids.utils import print_dir_tree

Step 1: Download the data

First, we need some data to work with. We will use the EEG Motor Movement/Imagery Dataset available on the PhysioBank database.

The data consists of 109 volunteers performing 14 experimental runs each. For each subject, there were two baseline tasks (1. eyes open, 2. eyes closed) as well as four different motor imagery tasks. For the present example, we will show how to format the data for two subjects and selected tasks to comply with the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS).

Conveniently, there is already a data loading function available with MNE-Python:

# get MNE directory w/ example data
mne_dir = mne.get_config('MNE_DATASETS_SAMPLE_PATH')

# Define which tasks we want to download.
tasks = [2,  # This is 2 minutes of eyes closed rest
         4,  # This is run #1 of imagining to close left or right fist
         12]  # This is run #2 of imagining to close left or right fist

# Download the data for subjects 1 and 2
for subj_idx in [1, 2]:

Let’s see whether the data has been downloaded using a quick visualization of the directory tree.

data_dir = os.path.join(mne_dir, 'MNE-eegbci-data')


|--- files/
|------ eegmmidb/
|--------- 1.0.0/
|------------ S001/
|--------------- S001R12.edf
|--------------- S001R04.edf
|--------------- S001R02.edf
|------------ S002/
|--------------- S002R04.edf
|--------------- S002R12.edf
|--------------- S002R02.edf

The data are in the European Data Format ‘.edf’, which is good for us because next to the BrainVision format, EDF is one of the recommended file formats for EEG BIDS. However, apart from the data format, we need to build a directory structure and supply meta data files to properly bidsify this data.

Step 2: Formatting as BIDS

Let’s start by formatting a single subject. We are reading the data using MNE-Python’s io module and the read_raw_edf() function. Note that we must use preload=False, the default in MNE-Python. It prevents the data from being loaded and modified when converting to BIDS.

edf_path = eegbci.load_data(subject=1, runs=2)[0]
raw = mne.io.read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=False)


Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S001/S001R02.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...

The annotations stored in the file must be read in separately and converted into a 2D numpy array of events that is compatible with MNE.


Used Annotations descriptions: ['T0']
<RawEDF | S001R02.edf, 64 x 9760 (61.0 s), ~128 kB, data not loaded>

With this step, we have everything to start a new BIDS directory using our data. To do that, we can use write_raw_bids() Generally, write_raw_bids() tries to extract as much meta data as possible from the raw data and then formats it in a BIDS compatible way. write_raw_bids() takes a bunch of inputs, most of which are however optional. The required inputs are:

  • raw

  • bids_basename

  • bids_root

… as you can see in the docstring:



Save raw data to a BIDS-compliant folder structure.

    .. warning:: * The original file is simply copied over if the original
                   file format is BIDS-supported for that modality. Otherwise,
                   this function will convert to a BIDS-supported file format
                   while warning the user. For EEG and iEEG data, conversion
                   will be to BrainVision format, for MEG conversion will be
                   to FIF.

                 * ``mne-bids`` will infer the manufacturer information
                   from the file extension. If your file format is non-standard
                   for the manufacturer, please update the manufacturer field
                   in the sidecars manually.

    raw : instance of mne.io.Raw
        The raw data. It must be an instance of mne.Raw. The data should not be
        loaded from disk, i.e., raw.preload must be False.
    bids_basename : str
        The base filename of the BIDS compatible files. Typically, this can be
        generated using make_bids_basename.
        Example: `sub-01_ses-01_task-testing_acq-01_run-01`.
        This will write the following files in the correct subfolder of the


        and the following one if events_data is not None::


        and add a line to the following files::


        Note that the modality 'meg' is automatically inferred from the raw
        object and extension '.fif' is copied from raw.filenames.
    bids_root : str | pathlib.Path
        The path of the root of the BIDS compatible folder. The session and
        subject specific folders will be populated automatically by parsing
    events_data : str | pathlib.Path | array | None
        The events file. If a string or a Path object, specifies the path of
        the events file. If an array, the MNE events array (shape n_events, 3).
        If None, events will be inferred from the stim channel using
    event_id : dict | None
        The event id dict used to create a 'trial_type' column in events.tsv
    anonymize : dict | None
        If None is provided (default) no anonymization is performed.
        If a dictionary is passed, data will be anonymized; identifying data
        structures such as study date and time will be changed.
        `daysback` is a required argument and `keep_his` is optional, these
        arguments are passed to :func:`mne.io.anonymize_info`.

        `daysback` : int
            Number of days to move back the date. To keep relative dates for
            a subject use the same `daysback`. According to BIDS
            specifications, the number of days back must be great enough
            that the date is before 1925.

        `keep_his` : bool
            If True info['subject_info']['his_id'] of subject_info will NOT be
            overwritten. Defaults to False.

    overwrite : bool
        Whether to overwrite existing files or data in files.
        Defaults to False.
        If overwrite is True, any existing files with the same BIDS parameters
        will be overwritten with the exception of the `participants.tsv` and
        `scans.tsv` files. For these files, parts of pre-existing data that
        match the current data will be replaced.
        If overwrite is False, no existing data will be overwritten or
    verbose : bool
        If verbose is True, this will print a snippet of the sidecar files. If
        False, no content will be printed.

    bids_root : str
        The path of the root of the BIDS compatible folder.

    For the participants.tsv file, the raw.info['subject_info'] should be
    updated and raw.info['meas_date'] should not be None to compute the age
    of the participant correctly.

We loaded ‘S001R02.edf’, which corresponds to subject 1 in the second task. The second task was to rest with closed eyes.

subject_id = '001'  # zero padding to account for >100 subjects in this dataset
task = 'resteyesclosed'
raw_file = raw
bids_root = os.path.join(mne_dir, 'eegmmidb_bids')

Now we just need to specify a few more EEG details to get something sensible:

# Brief description of the event markers present in the data. This will become
# the `trial_type` column in our BIDS `events.tsv`. We know about the event
# meaning from the documentation on PhysioBank
trial_type = {'rest': 0, 'imagine left fist': 1, 'imagine right fist': 2}

# Now convert our data to be in a new BIDS dataset.
bids_basename = make_bids_basename(subject=subject_id, task=task)
write_raw_bids(raw_file, bids_basename, bids_root, event_id=trial_type,
               events_data=events, overwrite=True)


Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S001/S001R02.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Creating folder: /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.tsv'...

participant_id  age     sex     hand
sub-001 n/a     n/a     n/a
sub-002 n/a     n/a     n/a

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.json'...

    "participant_id": {
        "Description": "Unique participant identifier"
    "age": {
        "Description": "Age of the participant at time of testing",
        "Units": "years"
    "sex": {
        "Description": "Biological sex of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "F": "female",
            "M": "male"
    "hand": {
        "Description": "Handedness of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "R": "right",
            "L": "left",
            "A": "ambidextrous"

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/sub-001_scans.tsv'...

filename        acq_time
eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.edf     2009-08-12T16:15:00
eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.edf     2009-08-12T16:15:00
eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.edf 2009-08-12T16:15:00

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_events.tsv'...

onset   duration        trial_type      value   sample
0.0     0.0     imagine left fist       1       0

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/dataset_description.json'...

    "Name": " ",
    "BIDSVersion": "1.2.2",
    "Authors": [
Effective window size : 1.600 (s)
/home/stefanappelhoff/Desktop/bids/mne-bids/mne_bids/write.py:559: UserWarning: No line frequency found, defaulting to 60 Hz estimated from multi-taper FFT on 10 seconds of data.
  'on 10 seconds of data.'.format(powerlinefrequency))
Reading 0 ... 9759  =      0.000 ...    60.994 secs...

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.json'...

    "TaskName": "resteyesclosed",
    "Manufacturer": "n/a",
    "PowerLineFrequency": 60,
    "SamplingFrequency": 160.0,
    "SoftwareFilters": "n/a",
    "RecordingDuration": 60.99375,
    "RecordingType": "continuous",
    "EEGReference": "n/a",
    "EEGGround": "n/a",
    "EEGPlacementScheme": "n/a",
    "EEGChannelCount": 64,
    "EOGChannelCount": 0,
    "ECGChannelCount": 0,
    "EMGChannelCount": 0,
    "MiscChannelCount": 0,
    "TriggerChannelCount": 0

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_channels.tsv'...

name    type    units   low_cutoff      high_cutoff     description     sampling_frequency      status
Fc5.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc3.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc1.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fcz.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc2.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Copying data files to /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg


What does our fresh BIDS directory look like?



|--- participants.tsv
|--- dataset_description.json
|--- participants.json
|--- sub-002/
|------ sub-002_scans.tsv
|------ eeg/
|--------- sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_events.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.json
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.json
|--------- sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_events.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_events.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.json
|--- sub-001/
|------ sub-001_scans.tsv
|------ eeg/
|--------- sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_events.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_events.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.json
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.json
|--------- sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_events.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.json

Looks good so far, let’s convert the data for all tasks and subjects.

# Start with a clean directory

# Some initial information that we found in the PhysioBank documentation
task_names = {2: 'resteyesclosed',
              4: 'imaginefists',  # run 1
              12: 'imaginefists'  # run 2

run_mapping = {2: None,  # for resting eyes closed task, there was only one run
               4: '1',
               12: '2'

# Now go over subjects and *bidsify*
for subj_idx in [1, 2]:
    for task_idx in [2, 4, 12]:
        # Load the data
        edf_path = eegbci.load_data(subject=subj_idx, runs=task_idx)[0]

        raw = mne.io.read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=False, stim_channel=None)
        annot = mne.read_annotations(edf_path)
        events, event_id = mne.events_from_annotations(raw)

        bids_basename = make_bids_basename(subject='{:03}'.format(subj_idx),
        write_raw_bids(raw, bids_basename, bids_root, event_id=trial_type,
                       events_data=events, overwrite=True)


Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S001/S001R02.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Used Annotations descriptions: ['T0']
Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S001/S001R02.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Creating folder: /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.tsv'...

participant_id  age     sex     hand
sub-001 n/a     n/a     n/a

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.json'...

    "participant_id": {
        "Description": "Unique participant identifier"
    "age": {
        "Description": "Age of the participant at time of testing",
        "Units": "years"
    "sex": {
        "Description": "Biological sex of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "F": "female",
            "M": "male"
    "hand": {
        "Description": "Handedness of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "R": "right",
            "L": "left",
            "A": "ambidextrous"

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/sub-001_scans.tsv'...

filename        acq_time
eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.edf 2009-08-12T16:15:00

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_events.tsv'...

onset   duration        trial_type      value   sample
0.0     0.0     imagine left fist       1       0

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/dataset_description.json'...

    "Name": " ",
    "BIDSVersion": "1.2.2",
    "Authors": [
Effective window size : 1.600 (s)
Reading 0 ... 9759  =      0.000 ...    60.994 secs...

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.json'...

    "TaskName": "resteyesclosed",
    "Manufacturer": "n/a",
    "PowerLineFrequency": 60,
    "SamplingFrequency": 160.0,
    "SoftwareFilters": "n/a",
    "RecordingDuration": 60.99375,
    "RecordingType": "continuous",
    "EEGReference": "n/a",
    "EEGGround": "n/a",
    "EEGPlacementScheme": "n/a",
    "EEGChannelCount": 64,
    "EOGChannelCount": 0,
    "ECGChannelCount": 0,
    "EMGChannelCount": 0,
    "MiscChannelCount": 0,
    "TriggerChannelCount": 0

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_channels.tsv'...

name    type    units   low_cutoff      high_cutoff     description     sampling_frequency      status
Fc5.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc3.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc1.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fcz.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc2.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Copying data files to /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg
Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S001/S001R04.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Used Annotations descriptions: ['T0', 'T1', 'T2']
Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S001/S001R04.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Creating folder: /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.tsv'...

participant_id  age     sex     hand
sub-001 n/a     n/a     n/a

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.json'...

    "participant_id": {
        "Description": "Unique participant identifier"
    "age": {
        "Description": "Age of the participant at time of testing",
        "Units": "years"
    "sex": {
        "Description": "Biological sex of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "F": "female",
            "M": "male"
    "hand": {
        "Description": "Handedness of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "R": "right",
            "L": "left",
            "A": "ambidextrous"

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/sub-001_scans.tsv'...

filename        acq_time
eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.edf     2009-08-12T16:15:00
eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.edf 2009-08-12T16:15:00

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_events.tsv'...

onset   duration        trial_type      value   sample
0.0     0.0     imagine left fist       1       0
4.2     0.0     n/a     3       672
8.3     0.0     imagine left fist       1       1328
12.5    0.0     imagine right fist      2       2000
16.6    0.0     imagine left fist       1       2656

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/dataset_description.json'...

    "Name": " ",
    "BIDSVersion": "1.2.2",
    "Authors": [
Effective window size : 1.600 (s)
Reading 0 ... 19999  =      0.000 ...   124.994 secs...

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.json'...

    "TaskName": "imaginefists",
    "Manufacturer": "n/a",
    "PowerLineFrequency": 60,
    "SamplingFrequency": 160.0,
    "SoftwareFilters": "n/a",
    "RecordingDuration": 124.99375,
    "RecordingType": "continuous",
    "EEGReference": "n/a",
    "EEGGround": "n/a",
    "EEGPlacementScheme": "n/a",
    "EEGChannelCount": 64,
    "EOGChannelCount": 0,
    "ECGChannelCount": 0,
    "EMGChannelCount": 0,
    "MiscChannelCount": 0,
    "TriggerChannelCount": 0

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_channels.tsv'...

name    type    units   low_cutoff      high_cutoff     description     sampling_frequency      status
Fc5.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc3.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc1.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fcz.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc2.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Copying data files to /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg
Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S001/S001R12.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Used Annotations descriptions: ['T0', 'T1', 'T2']
Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S001/S001R12.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Creating folder: /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.tsv'...

participant_id  age     sex     hand
sub-001 n/a     n/a     n/a

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.json'...

    "participant_id": {
        "Description": "Unique participant identifier"
    "age": {
        "Description": "Age of the participant at time of testing",
        "Units": "years"
    "sex": {
        "Description": "Biological sex of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "F": "female",
            "M": "male"
    "hand": {
        "Description": "Handedness of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "R": "right",
            "L": "left",
            "A": "ambidextrous"

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/sub-001_scans.tsv'...

filename        acq_time
eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.edf     2009-08-12T16:15:00
eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.edf     2009-08-12T16:15:00
eeg/sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.edf 2009-08-12T16:15:00

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_events.tsv'...

onset   duration        trial_type      value   sample
0.0     0.0     imagine left fist       1       0
4.2     0.0     n/a     3       672
8.3     0.0     imagine left fist       1       1328
12.5    0.0     imagine right fist      2       2000
16.6    0.0     imagine left fist       1       2656

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/dataset_description.json'...

    "Name": " ",
    "BIDSVersion": "1.2.2",
    "Authors": [
Effective window size : 1.600 (s)
Reading 0 ... 19999  =      0.000 ...   124.994 secs...

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.json'...

    "TaskName": "imaginefists",
    "Manufacturer": "n/a",
    "PowerLineFrequency": 60,
    "SamplingFrequency": 160.0,
    "SoftwareFilters": "n/a",
    "RecordingDuration": 124.99375,
    "RecordingType": "continuous",
    "EEGReference": "n/a",
    "EEGGround": "n/a",
    "EEGPlacementScheme": "n/a",
    "EEGChannelCount": 64,
    "EOGChannelCount": 0,
    "ECGChannelCount": 0,
    "EMGChannelCount": 0,
    "MiscChannelCount": 0,
    "TriggerChannelCount": 0

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_channels.tsv'...

name    type    units   low_cutoff      high_cutoff     description     sampling_frequency      status
Fc5.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc3.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc1.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fcz.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc2.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Copying data files to /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-001/eeg/sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg
Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S002/S002R02.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Used Annotations descriptions: ['T0']
Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S002/S002R02.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Creating folder: /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.tsv'...

participant_id  age     sex     hand
sub-001 n/a     n/a     n/a
sub-002 n/a     n/a     n/a

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.json'...

    "participant_id": {
        "Description": "Unique participant identifier"
    "age": {
        "Description": "Age of the participant at time of testing",
        "Units": "years"
    "sex": {
        "Description": "Biological sex of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "F": "female",
            "M": "male"
    "hand": {
        "Description": "Handedness of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "R": "right",
            "L": "left",
            "A": "ambidextrous"

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/sub-002_scans.tsv'...

filename        acq_time
eeg/sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.edf 2009-08-12T16:15:00

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_events.tsv'...

onset   duration        trial_type      value   sample
0.0     0.0     imagine left fist       1       0

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/dataset_description.json'...

    "Name": " ",
    "BIDSVersion": "1.2.2",
    "Authors": [
Effective window size : 1.600 (s)
/home/stefanappelhoff/Desktop/bids/mne-bids/mne_bids/write.py:559: UserWarning: No line frequency found, defaulting to 50 Hz estimated from multi-taper FFT on 10 seconds of data.
  'on 10 seconds of data.'.format(powerlinefrequency))
Reading 0 ... 9759  =      0.000 ...    60.994 secs...

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.json'...

    "TaskName": "resteyesclosed",
    "Manufacturer": "n/a",
    "PowerLineFrequency": 50,
    "SamplingFrequency": 160.0,
    "SoftwareFilters": "n/a",
    "RecordingDuration": 60.99375,
    "RecordingType": "continuous",
    "EEGReference": "n/a",
    "EEGGround": "n/a",
    "EEGPlacementScheme": "n/a",
    "EEGChannelCount": 64,
    "EOGChannelCount": 0,
    "ECGChannelCount": 0,
    "EMGChannelCount": 0,
    "MiscChannelCount": 0,
    "TriggerChannelCount": 0

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_channels.tsv'...

name    type    units   low_cutoff      high_cutoff     description     sampling_frequency      status
Fc5.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc3.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc1.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fcz.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc2.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Copying data files to /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_eeg
Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S002/S002R04.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Used Annotations descriptions: ['T0', 'T1', 'T2']
Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S002/S002R04.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Creating folder: /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.tsv'...

participant_id  age     sex     hand
sub-001 n/a     n/a     n/a
sub-002 n/a     n/a     n/a

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.json'...

    "participant_id": {
        "Description": "Unique participant identifier"
    "age": {
        "Description": "Age of the participant at time of testing",
        "Units": "years"
    "sex": {
        "Description": "Biological sex of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "F": "female",
            "M": "male"
    "hand": {
        "Description": "Handedness of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "R": "right",
            "L": "left",
            "A": "ambidextrous"

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/sub-002_scans.tsv'...

filename        acq_time
eeg/sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.edf     2009-08-12T16:15:00
eeg/sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.edf 2009-08-12T16:15:00

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_events.tsv'...

onset   duration        trial_type      value   sample
0.0     0.0     imagine left fist       1       0
4.1     0.0     imagine right fist      2       656
8.2     0.0     imagine left fist       1       1312
12.3    0.0     n/a     3       1968
16.4    0.0     imagine left fist       1       2624

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/dataset_description.json'...

    "Name": " ",
    "BIDSVersion": "1.2.2",
    "Authors": [
Effective window size : 1.600 (s)
Reading 0 ... 19679  =      0.000 ...   122.994 secs...

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.json'...

    "TaskName": "imaginefists",
    "Manufacturer": "n/a",
    "PowerLineFrequency": 60,
    "SamplingFrequency": 160.0,
    "SoftwareFilters": "n/a",
    "RecordingDuration": 122.99375,
    "RecordingType": "continuous",
    "EEGReference": "n/a",
    "EEGGround": "n/a",
    "EEGPlacementScheme": "n/a",
    "EEGChannelCount": 64,
    "EOGChannelCount": 0,
    "ECGChannelCount": 0,
    "EMGChannelCount": 0,
    "MiscChannelCount": 0,
    "TriggerChannelCount": 0

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_channels.tsv'...

name    type    units   low_cutoff      high_cutoff     description     sampling_frequency      status
Fc5.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc3.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc1.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fcz.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc2.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Copying data files to /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg
Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S002/S002R12.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Used Annotations descriptions: ['T0', 'T1', 'T2']
Extracting EDF parameters from /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/MNE-eegbci-data/files/eegmmidb/1.0.0/S002/S002R12.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating raw.info structure...
Creating folder: /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.tsv'...

participant_id  age     sex     hand
sub-001 n/a     n/a     n/a
sub-002 n/a     n/a     n/a

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/participants.json'...

    "participant_id": {
        "Description": "Unique participant identifier"
    "age": {
        "Description": "Age of the participant at time of testing",
        "Units": "years"
    "sex": {
        "Description": "Biological sex of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "F": "female",
            "M": "male"
    "hand": {
        "Description": "Handedness of the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "R": "right",
            "L": "left",
            "A": "ambidextrous"

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/sub-002_scans.tsv'...

filename        acq_time
eeg/sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.edf     2009-08-12T16:15:00
eeg/sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.edf     2009-08-12T16:15:00
eeg/sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.edf 2009-08-12T16:15:00

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_events.tsv'...

onset   duration        trial_type      value   sample
0.0     0.0     imagine left fist       1       0
4.1     0.0     imagine right fist      2       656
8.2     0.0     imagine left fist       1       1312
12.3    0.0     n/a     3       1968
16.4    0.0     imagine left fist       1       2624

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/dataset_description.json'...

    "Name": " ",
    "BIDSVersion": "1.2.2",
    "Authors": [
Effective window size : 1.600 (s)
Reading 0 ... 19679  =      0.000 ...   122.994 secs...

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.json'...

    "TaskName": "imaginefists",
    "Manufacturer": "n/a",
    "PowerLineFrequency": 50,
    "SamplingFrequency": 160.0,
    "SoftwareFilters": "n/a",
    "RecordingDuration": 122.99375,
    "RecordingType": "continuous",
    "EEGReference": "n/a",
    "EEGGround": "n/a",
    "EEGPlacementScheme": "n/a",
    "EEGChannelCount": 64,
    "EOGChannelCount": 0,
    "ECGChannelCount": 0,
    "EMGChannelCount": 0,
    "MiscChannelCount": 0,
    "TriggerChannelCount": 0

Writing '/home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_channels.tsv'...

name    type    units   low_cutoff      high_cutoff     description     sampling_frequency      status
Fc5.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc3.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc1.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fcz.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Fc2.    EEG     µV      0.0     80.0    ElectroEncephaloGram    160.0   good
Copying data files to /home/stefanappelhoff/mne_data/eegmmidb_bids/sub-002/eeg/sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg

Step 3: Check and compare with standard

Now we have written our BIDS directory.



|--- participants.tsv
|--- dataset_description.json
|--- participants.json
|--- sub-002/
|------ sub-002_scans.tsv
|------ eeg/
|--------- sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_events.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.json
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.json
|--------- sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_events.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-1_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-002_task-imaginefists_run-2_events.tsv
|--------- sub-002_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.json
|--- sub-001/
|------ sub-001_scans.tsv
|------ eeg/
|--------- sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_events.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_events.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.json
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.json
|--------- sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_channels.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-2_events.tsv
|--------- sub-001_task-imaginefists_run-1_eeg.edf
|--------- sub-001_task-resteyesclosed_eeg.json

MNE-BIDS has created a suitable directory structure for us, and among other meta data files, it started an events.tsv and channels.tsv and made an initial dataset_description on top!

Now it’s time to manually check the BIDS directory and the meta files to add all the information that MNE-BIDS could not infer. For instance, you must describe EEGReference and EEGGround yourself. It’s easy to find these by searching for “n/a” in the sidecar files.

Remember that there is a convenient javascript tool to validate all your BIDS directories called the “BIDS-validator”, available as a web version and a command line tool:

Web version: https://bids-standard.github.io/bids-validator/

Command line tool: https://www.npmjs.com/package/bids-validator

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.520 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery