
mne.events_from_annotations(raw, event_id='auto', regexp='^(?![Bb][Aa][Dd]|[Ee][Dd][Gg][Ee]).*$', use_rounding=True, chunk_duration=None, verbose=None)[source]

Get events and event_id from an Annotations object.

rawinstance of Raw

The raw data for which Annotations are defined.

event_iddict | callable() | None | ‘auto’

Can be:

  • dict: map descriptions (keys) to integer event codes (values). Only the descriptions present will be mapped, others will be ignored.

  • callable: must take a string input and return an integer event code, or return None to ignore the event.

  • None: Map descriptions to unique integer values based on their sorted order.

  • ‘auto’ (default): prefer a raw-format-specific parser:

    • Brainvision: map stimulus events to their integer part; response events to integer part + 1000; optic events to integer part + 2000; ‘SyncStatus/Sync On’ to 99998; ‘New Segment/’ to 99999; all others like None with an offset of 10000.

    • Other raw formats: Behaves like None.

    New in version 0.18.

regexpstr | None

Regular expression used to filter the annotations whose descriptions is a match. The default ignores descriptions beginning 'bad' or 'edge' (case-insensitive).

Changed in version 0.18: Default ignores bad and edge descriptions.


If True, use rounding (instead of truncation) when converting times to indices. This can help avoid non-unique indices.

chunk_durationfloat | None

Chunk duration in seconds. If chunk_duration is set to None (default), generated events correspond to the annotation onsets. If not, mne.events_from_annotations() returns as many events as they fit within the annotation duration spaced according to chunk_duration. As a consequence annotations with duration shorter than chunk_duration will not contribute events.

verbosebool, str, int, or None

If not None, override default verbose level (see mne.verbose() and Logging documentation for more). If used, it should be passed as a keyword-argument only.

eventsndarray, shape (n_events, 3)

The events.


The event_id variable that can be passed to Epochs.


For data formats that store integer events as strings (e.g., NeuroScan .cnt files), passing the Python built-in function int as the event_id parameter will do what most users probably want in those circumstances: return an event_id dictionary that maps event '1' to integer event code 1, '2' to 2, etc.

Examples using mne.events_from_annotations