Source code for mne_bids.inspect

"""Inspect and annotate BIDS raw data."""
# Authors: Richard Höchenberger <>
#          Stefan Appelhoff <>
# License: BSD-3-Clause

from pathlib import Path

import mne
import numpy as np
from mne.preprocessing import annotate_amplitude
from mne.utils import logger, verbose
from mne.viz import use_browser_backend

from mne_bids import mark_channels, read_raw_bids
from mne_bids.config import ALLOWED_DATATYPE_EXTENSIONS
from import _from_tsv, _read_events
from mne_bids.write import _events_tsv

[docs] @verbose def inspect_dataset( bids_path, find_flat=True, l_freq=None, h_freq=None, show_annotations=True, verbose=None, ): """Inspect and annotate BIDS raw data. This function allows you to browse MEG, EEG, and iEEG raw data stored in a BIDS dataset. You can toggle the status of a channel (bad or good) by clicking on the traces, and when closing the browse window, you will be asked whether you want to save the changes to the existing BIDS dataset or discard them. .. warning:: This functionality is still experimental and will be extended in the future. Its API will likely change. Planned features include automated bad channel detection and visualization of MRI images. .. note:: Currently, only MEG, EEG, and iEEG data can be inspected. To add or modify annotations, press ``A`` to toggle annotation mode. Parameters ---------- bids_path : BIDSPath A :class:`mne_bids.BIDSPath` containing at least a ``root``. All matching files will be inspected. To select only a subset of the data, set more :class:`mne_bids.BIDSPath` attributes. If ``datatype`` is not set and multiple datatypes are found, they will be inspected in the following order: MEG, EEG, iEEG. To read a specific file, set all the :class:`mne_bids.BIDSPath` attributes required to uniquely identify the file: If this ``BIDSPath`` is accepted by :func:`mne_bids.read_raw_bids`, it will work here. find_flat : bool Whether to auto-detect channels producing "flat" signals, i.e., with unusually low variability. Flat **segments** will be added to ``*_events.tsv``, while channels with more than 5 percent of flat data will be marked as ``bad`` in ``*_channels.tsv``. .. note:: This function calls ``mne.preprocessing.annotate_amplitude`` (MNE-Python 1.0 or newer) or ``mne.preprocessing.annotate_flat`` (older versions of MNE-Python) and will only consider segments of at least **50 ms consecutive flatness** as "flat" (deviating from MNE-Python's default of 5 ms). If more than 5 percent of a channel's data has been marked as flat, the entire channel will be added to the list of bad channels. Only flat time segments applying to channels **not** marked as bad will be added to ``*_events.tsv``. l_freq : float | None The high-pass filter cutoff frequency to apply when displaying the data. This can be useful when inspecting data with slow drifts. If ``None``, no high-pass filter will be applied. h_freq : float | None The low-pass filter cutoff frequency to apply when displaying the data. This can be useful when inspecting data with high-frequency artifacts. If ``None``, no low-pass filter will be applied. show_annotations : bool Whether to show annotations (events, bad segments, …) or not. If ``False``, toggling annotations mode by pressing ``A`` will be disabled as well. %(verbose)s Examples -------- Disable flat channel & segment detection, and apply a filter with a passband of 1–30 Hz. >>> from mne_bids import BIDSPath >>> root = Path('./mne_bids/tests/data/tiny_bids').absolute() >>> bids_path = BIDSPath(subject='01', task='rest', session='eeg', ... suffix='eeg', extension='.vhdr', root=root) >>> inspect_dataset(bids_path=bids_path, find_flat=False, # doctest: +SKIP ... l_freq=1, h_freq=30) """ allowed_extensions = set( ALLOWED_DATATYPE_EXTENSIONS["meg"] + ALLOWED_DATATYPE_EXTENSIONS["eeg"] + ALLOWED_DATATYPE_EXTENSIONS["ieeg"] ) bids_paths = [ p for p in bids_path.match(check=True) if (p.extension is None or p.extension in allowed_extensions) and p.acquisition != "crosstalk" ] for bids_path_ in bids_paths: _inspect_raw( bids_path=bids_path_, l_freq=l_freq, h_freq=h_freq, find_flat=find_flat, show_annotations=show_annotations, )
# XXX This this should probably be refactored into a class attribute someday. _global_vars = dict(raw_fig=None, dialog_fig=None, mne_close_key=None) def _inspect_raw(*, bids_path, l_freq, h_freq, find_flat, show_annotations): """Raw data inspection.""" # Delay the import import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt extra_params = dict() if bids_path.extension == ".fif": extra_params["allow_maxshield"] = "yes" raw = read_raw_bids(bids_path, extra_params=extra_params, verbose="error") old_bads =["bads"].copy() old_annotations = raw.annotations.copy() if find_flat: raw.load_data() # Speeds up processing dramatically flat_annot, flat_chans = annotate_amplitude( raw=raw, flat=0, min_duration=0.05, bad_percent=5 ) new_annot = raw.annotations + flat_annot raw.set_annotations(new_annot)["bads"] = list(set(["bads"] + flat_chans)) del new_annot, flat_annot else: flat_chans = [] show_options = bids_path.datatype == "meg" with use_browser_backend("matplotlib"): fig = raw.plot( title=f"{}: {bids_path.basename}", highpass=l_freq, lowpass=h_freq, show_options=show_options, block=False, show=False, verbose="warning", ) # Add our own event handlers so that when the MNE Raw Browser is being # closed, our dialog box will pop up, asking whether to save changes. def _handle_close(event): mne_raw_fig = event.canvas.figure # Bads alterations are only transferred to `inst` once the figure is # closed; Annotation changes are immediately reflected in `inst` new_bads =["bads"].copy() new_annotations = mne_raw_fig.mne.inst.annotations.copy() if not new_annotations: # Ensure it's not an empty list, but an empty set of Annotations. new_annotations = mne.Annotations( onset=[], duration=[], description=[],["meas_date"], ) _save_raw_if_changed( old_bads=old_bads, new_bads=new_bads, flat_chans=flat_chans, old_annotations=old_annotations, new_annotations=new_annotations, bids_path=bids_path, ) _global_vars["raw_fig"] = None def _keypress_callback(event): if event.key == _global_vars["mne_close_key"]: _handle_close(event) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("close_event", _handle_close) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", _keypress_callback) if not show_annotations: # Remove annotations and kill `_toggle_annotation_fig` method, since # we cannot directly and easily remove the associated `a` keyboard # event callback. fig._clear_annotations() fig._toggle_annotation_fig = lambda: None # Ensure it's not an empty list, but an empty set of Annotations. old_annotations = mne.Annotations( onset=[], duration=[], description=[],["meas_date"] ) if matplotlib.get_backend().lower() != "agg": _global_vars["raw_fig"] = fig _global_vars["mne_close_key"] = fig.mne.close_key def _annotations_almost_equal(old_annotations, new_annotations): """Allow for a tiny bit of floating point precision loss.""" if ( np.array_equal(old_annotations.description, new_annotations.description) and np.array_equal(old_annotations.orig_time, new_annotations.orig_time) and np.allclose(old_annotations.onset, new_annotations.onset) and np.allclose(old_annotations.duration, new_annotations.duration) ): return True else: return False def _save_annotations(*, annotations, bids_path): # Attach the new Annotations to our raw data so we can easily convert them # to events, which will be stored in the *_events.tsv sidecar. extra_params = dict() if bids_path.extension == ".fif": extra_params["allow_maxshield"] = "yes" raw = read_raw_bids( bids_path=bids_path, extra_params=extra_params, verbose="warning" ) raw.set_annotations(annotations) events, durs, descrs = _read_events( events=None, event_id=None, bids_path=bids_path, raw=raw ) # Write sidecar – or remove it if no events are left. events_tsv_fname = bids_path.copy().update(suffix="events", extension=".tsv").fpath if len(events) > 0: _events_tsv( events=events, durations=durs, raw=raw, fname=events_tsv_fname, trial_type=descrs, overwrite=True, ) elif events_tsv_fname.exists(): f"No events remaining after interactive inspection, " f"removing {}" ) events_tsv_fname.unlink() def _save_raw_if_changed( *, old_bads, new_bads, flat_chans, old_annotations, new_annotations, bids_path ): """Save bad channel selection if it has been changed. Parameters ---------- old_bads : list The original bad channels. new_bads : list The updated set of bad channels (i.e. **all** of them, not only the changed ones). flat_chans : list The auto-detected flat channels. This is either an empty list or a subset of ``new_bads``. old_annotations : mne.Annotations The original Annotations. new_annotations : mne.Annotations The new Annotations. """ assert set(flat_chans).issubset(set(new_bads)) if set(old_bads) == set(new_bads): bads = None bad_descriptions = [] else: bads = new_bads bad_descriptions = [] # Generate entries for the `status_description` column. channels_tsv_fname = ( bids_path.copy().update(suffix="channels", extension=".tsv").fpath ) channels_tsv_data = _from_tsv(channels_tsv_fname) for ch_name in bads: idx = channels_tsv_data["name"].index(ch_name) if channels_tsv_data["status"][idx] == "bad": # Channel was already marked as bad in the data, so retain # existing description. description = channels_tsv_data["status_description"][idx] elif ch_name in flat_chans: description = "Flat channel, auto-detected via MNE-BIDS" else: # Channel has been manually marked as bad during inspection description = "Interactive inspection via MNE-BIDS" bad_descriptions.append(description) del ch_name, description del ( channels_tsv_data, channels_tsv_fname, ) if _annotations_almost_equal(old_annotations, new_annotations): annotations = None else: annotations = new_annotations if bads is None and annotations is None: # Nothing has changed, so we can just exit. return None return _save_raw_dialog_box( bads=bads, bad_descriptions=bad_descriptions, annotations=annotations, bids_path=bids_path, ) def _save_raw_dialog_box(*, bads, bad_descriptions, annotations, bids_path): """Display a dialog box asking whether to save the changes.""" # Delay the imports import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Button from mne.viz.utils import figure_nobar title = "Save changes?" message = "You have modified " if bads is not None and annotations is None: message += "the bad channel selection " figsize = (7.5, 2.5) elif bads is None and annotations is not None: message += "the bad segments selection " figsize = (7.5, 2.5) else: message += "the bad channel and\nannotations selection " figsize = (8.5, 3) message += ( f"of\n" f"{bids_path.basename}.\n\n" f"Would you like to save these changes to the\n" f"BIDS dataset?" ) icon_fname = str(Path(__file__).parent / "assets" / "help-128px.png") icon = plt.imread(icon_fname) fig = figure_nobar(figsize=figsize) fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title("MNE-BIDS Inspector") fig.suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize="xx-large", fontweight="bold") gs = fig.add_gridspec(1, 2, width_ratios=(1.5, 5)) # The dialog box tet. ax_msg = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) ax_msg.text( x=0, y=0.8, s=message, fontsize="large", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="left", multialignment="left", ) ax_msg.axis("off") # The help icon. ax_icon = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax_icon.imshow(icon) ax_icon.axis("off") # Buttons. ax_save = fig.add_axes([0.6, 0.05, 0.3, 0.1]) ax_dont_save = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.05, 0.3, 0.1]) save_button = Button(ax=ax_save, label="Save") save_button.label.set_fontsize("medium") save_button.label.set_fontweight("bold") dont_save_button = Button(ax=ax_dont_save, label="Don't save") dont_save_button.label.set_fontsize("medium") dont_save_button.label.set_fontweight("bold") # Store references to keep buttons alive. fig.save_button = save_button fig.dont_save_button = dont_save_button # Define callback functions. def _save_callback(event): plt.close(event.canvas.figure) # Close dialog _global_vars["dialog_fig"] = None if bads is not None: _save_bads(bads=bads, descriptions=bad_descriptions, bids_path=bids_path) if annotations is not None: _save_annotations(annotations=annotations, bids_path=bids_path) def _dont_save_callback(event): plt.close(event.canvas.figure) # Close dialog _global_vars["dialog_fig"] = None def _keypress_callback(event): if event.key in ["enter", "return"]: _save_callback(event) elif event.key == _global_vars["mne_close_key"]: _dont_save_callback(event) # Connect events to callback functions. save_button.on_clicked(_save_callback) dont_save_button.on_clicked(_dont_save_callback) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("close_event", _dont_save_callback) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", _keypress_callback) if matplotlib.get_backend().lower() != "agg": _global_vars["dialog_fig"] = fig def _save_bads(*, bads, descriptions, bids_path): """Update the set of channels marked as bad. Parameters ---------- bads : list The complete list of bad channels. descriptions : list The values to be written to the `status_description` column. """ # We first make all channels not passed as bad here to be marked as good. mark_channels(bids_path=bids_path, ch_names=[], status="good") mark_channels( bids_path=bids_path, ch_names=bads, status="bad", descriptions=descriptions )