SNIRF Support in MNE#

SNIRF is a file format for storing functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. The specification is maintained by the society for functional near infrared spectroscopy.

MNE Python and MNE-NIRS can be used to read and write SNIRF files respectively. In this tutorial we demonstrate how to convert your MNE data to SNIRF and write it to disk and also how to read SNIRF files. We also demonstrate how to validate that a SNIRF file conforms to the SNIRF specification.

You can read the SNIRF protocol at the official site fNIRS/snirf.

# Authors: Robert Luke <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import os

import mne
import snirf
from import read_raw_nirx, read_raw_snirf
from mne.preprocessing.nirs import beer_lambert_law, optical_density
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose

from import write_raw_snirf

Import raw NIRS data from vendor#

First we import some example data recorded with a NIRX device.

Write data as SNIRF#

Now we can write this data back to disk in the SNIRF format.

write_raw_snirf(raw_intensity, "test_raw.snirf")

Read back SNIRF file#

Next we can read back the snirf file.

snirf_intensity = read_raw_snirf("test_raw.snirf")

Compare files#

Finally we can compare the data of the original to the SNIRF format and ensure that the values are the same.

assert_allclose(raw_intensity.get_data(), snirf_intensity.get_data())

snirf_intensity.plot(n_channels=30, duration=300, show_scrollbars=False)
Raw plot
<mne_qt_browser._pg_figure.MNEQtBrowser object at 0x7f9c856130a0>

Validate SNIRF File#

To validate that a file complies with the SNIRF standard you should use the official SNIRF validator from the Boston University Neurophotonics Center called snirf. Detailed instructions for this program can be found at BUNPC/pysnirf2. Below we demonstrate that the files created by MNE-NIRS are compliant with the specification.

result = snirf.validateSnirf("test_raw.snirf")
assert result.is_valid()
<snirf.pysnirf2.ValidationResult object at 0x7f9c84add9c0>

Found 304 OK      (hidden)
Found 522 INFO    (hidden)
Found 0 FATAL

File is VALID

Optical Density#

MNE-NIRS cal also be used to write optical density data to SNIRF files.

raw_od = optical_density(raw_intensity)
write_raw_snirf(raw_od, "test_raw_od.snirf")

result = snirf.validateSnirf("test_raw_od.snirf")
assert result.is_valid()
<snirf.pysnirf2.ValidationResult object at 0x7f9ccfb5ca00>

Found 360 OK      (hidden)
Found 466 INFO    (hidden)
Found 0 FATAL

File is VALID


And it can write valid haemoglobin data to SNIRF files.

raw_hb = beer_lambert_law(raw_od)
write_raw_snirf(raw_hb, "test_raw_hb.snirf")

result = snirf.validateSnirf("test_raw_hb.snirf")
assert result.is_valid()
<snirf.pysnirf2.ValidationResult object at 0x7f9c853abf70>

Found 360 OK      (hidden)
Found 466 INFO    (hidden)
Found 0 FATAL

File is VALID

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 7.846 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 452 MB

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