
Looking at data and processing output.

How to convert 3D electrode positions to a 2D image

How to convert 3D electrode positions to a 2D image

How to convert 3D electrode positions to a 2D image
Plotting with ``mne.viz.Brain``

Plotting with mne.viz.Brain

Plotting with ``mne.viz.Brain``
Visualize channel over epochs as an image

Visualize channel over epochs as an image

Visualize channel over epochs as an image
Plotting EEG sensors on the scalp

Plotting EEG sensors on the scalp

Plotting EEG sensors on the scalp
Plotting topographic arrowmaps of evoked data

Plotting topographic arrowmaps of evoked data

Plotting topographic arrowmaps of evoked data
Plotting topographic maps of evoked data

Plotting topographic maps of evoked data

Plotting topographic maps of evoked data
Whitening evoked data with a noise covariance

Whitening evoked data with a noise covariance

Whitening evoked data with a noise covariance
Plotting sensor layouts of MEG systems

Plotting sensor layouts of MEG systems

Plotting sensor layouts of MEG systems
Plot the MNE brain and helmet

Plot the MNE brain and helmet

Plot the MNE brain and helmet
Plotting sensor layouts of EEG systems

Plotting sensor layouts of EEG systems

Plotting sensor layouts of EEG systems
Plot a cortical parcellation

Plot a cortical parcellation

Plot a cortical parcellation
Make figures more publication ready

Make figures more publication ready

Make figures more publication ready
Plot single trial activity, grouped by ROI and sorted by RT

Plot single trial activity, grouped by ROI and sorted by RT

Plot single trial activity, grouped by ROI and sorted by RT
Show noise levels from empty room data

Show noise levels from empty room data

Show noise levels from empty room data
Sensitivity map of SSP projections

Sensitivity map of SSP projections

Sensitivity map of SSP projections
Compare evoked responses for different conditions

Compare evoked responses for different conditions

Compare evoked responses for different conditions
Plot custom topographies for MEG sensors

Plot custom topographies for MEG sensors

Plot custom topographies for MEG sensors
Cross-hemisphere comparison

Cross-hemisphere comparison

Cross-hemisphere comparison