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Compute power and phase lock in label of the source space#
Compute time-frequency maps of power and phase lock in the source space. The inverse method is linear based on dSPM inverse operator.
The example also shows the difference in the time-frequency maps when they are computed with and without subtracting the evoked response from each epoch. The former results in induced activity only while the latter also includes evoked (stimulus-locked) activity.
# Authors: Alexandre Gramfort <>
# License: BSD-3-Clause
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mne
from mne import io
from mne.datasets import sample
from mne.minimum_norm import read_inverse_operator, source_induced_power
Set parameters
data_path = sample.data_path()
meg_path = data_path / "MEG" / "sample"
raw_fname = meg_path / "sample_audvis_raw.fif"
fname_inv = meg_path / "sample_audvis-meg-oct-6-meg-inv.fif"
label_name = "Aud-rh"
fname_label = meg_path / "labels" / f"{label_name}.label"
tmin, tmax, event_id = -0.2, 0.5, 2
# Setup for reading the raw data
raw = io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname)
events = mne.find_events(raw, stim_channel="STI 014")
inverse_operator = read_inverse_operator(fname_inv)
include = []["bads"] += ["MEG 2443", "EEG 053"] # bads + 2 more
# Picks MEG channels
picks = mne.pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, eog=True, stim=False, include=include, exclude="bads"
reject = dict(grad=4000e-13, mag=4e-12, eog=150e-6)
# Load epochs
epochs = mne.Epochs(
baseline=(None, 0),
# Compute a source estimate per frequency band including and excluding the
# evoked response
freqs = np.arange(7, 30, 2) # define frequencies of interest
label = mne.read_label(fname_label)
n_cycles = freqs / 3.0 # different number of cycle per frequency
# subtract the evoked response in order to exclude evoked activity
epochs_induced = epochs.copy().subtract_evoked()
for ii, (this_epochs, title) in enumerate(
zip([epochs, epochs_induced], ["evoked + induced", "induced only"])
# compute the source space power and the inter-trial coherence
power, itc = source_induced_power(
baseline=(-0.1, 0),
power = np.mean(power, axis=0) # average over sources
itc = np.mean(itc, axis=0) # average over sources
times = epochs.times
# View time-frequency plots
plt.subplots_adjust(0.1, 0.08, 0.96, 0.94, 0.2, 0.43)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2 * ii + 1)
20 * power,
extent=[times[0], times[-1], freqs[0], freqs[-1]],
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
plt.ylabel("Frequency (Hz)")
plt.title("Power (%s)" % title)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2 * ii + 2)
extent=[times[0], times[-1], freqs[0], freqs[-1]],
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
plt.ylabel("Frequency (Hz)")
plt.title("ITC (%s)" % title)

Opening raw data file /home/circleci/mne_data/MNE-sample-data/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_raw.fif...
Read a total of 3 projection items:
PCA-v1 (1 x 102) idle
PCA-v2 (1 x 102) idle
PCA-v3 (1 x 102) idle
Range : 25800 ... 192599 = 42.956 ... 320.670 secs
320 events found
Event IDs: [ 1 2 3 4 5 32]
Reading inverse operator decomposition from /home/circleci/mne_data/MNE-sample-data/MEG/sample/sample_audvis-meg-oct-6-meg-inv.fif...
Reading inverse operator info...
Reading inverse operator decomposition...
305 x 305 full covariance (kind = 1) found.
Read a total of 4 projection items:
PCA-v1 (1 x 102) active
PCA-v2 (1 x 102) active
PCA-v3 (1 x 102) active
Average EEG reference (1 x 60) active
Noise covariance matrix read.
22494 x 22494 diagonal covariance (kind = 2) found.
Source covariance matrix read.
22494 x 22494 diagonal covariance (kind = 6) found.
Orientation priors read.
22494 x 22494 diagonal covariance (kind = 5) found.
Depth priors read.
Did not find the desired covariance matrix (kind = 3)
Reading a source space...
Computing patch statistics...
Patch information added...
Distance information added...
Reading a source space...
Computing patch statistics...
Patch information added...
Distance information added...
2 source spaces read
Read a total of 4 projection items:
PCA-v1 (1 x 102) active
PCA-v2 (1 x 102) active
PCA-v3 (1 x 102) active
Average EEG reference (1 x 60) active
Source spaces transformed to the inverse solution coordinate frame
Not setting metadata
73 matching events found
Setting baseline interval to [-0.19979521315838786, 0.0] s
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Created an SSP operator (subspace dimension = 3)
3 projection items activated
Loading data for 73 events and 421 original time points ...
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on MAG : ['MEG 1711']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
Rejecting epoch based on EOG : ['EOG 061']
14 bad epochs dropped
Subtracting Evoked from Epochs
NOTE: pick_channels() is a legacy function. New code should use inst.pick(...).
The following channels are not included in the subtraction: EOG 061
Preparing the inverse operator for use...
Scaled noise and source covariance from nave = 1 to nave = 1
Created the regularized inverter
Created an SSP operator (subspace dimension = 3)
Created the whitener using a noise covariance matrix with rank 302 (3 small eigenvalues omitted)
Computing noise-normalization factors (dSPM)...
Picked 305 channels from the data
Computing inverse...
Eigenleads need to be weighted ...
Reducing data rank 81 -> 81
Computing source power ...
Applying baseline correction (mode: percent)
Preparing the inverse operator for use...
Scaled noise and source covariance from nave = 1 to nave = 1
Created the regularized inverter
Created an SSP operator (subspace dimension = 3)
Created the whitener using a noise covariance matrix with rank 302 (3 small eigenvalues omitted)
Computing noise-normalization factors (dSPM)...
Picked 305 channels from the data
Computing inverse...
Eigenleads need to be weighted ...
Reducing data rank 81 -> 81
Computing source power ...
Applying baseline correction (mode: percent)
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 11.188 seconds)
Estimated memory usage: 183 MB