
mne.viz.plot_bridged_electrodes(info, bridged_idx, ed_matrix, title=None, topomap_args=None)[source]#

Topoplot electrode distance matrix with bridged electrodes connected.


The mne.Info object with information about the sensors and methods of measurement.

bridged_idxlist of tuple

The indices of channels marked as bridged with each bridged pair stored as a tuple. Can be generated via mne.preprocessing.compute_bridged_electrodes().

ed_matrixarray of float, shape (n_channels, n_channels)

The electrical distance matrix for each pair of EEG electrodes. Can be generated via mne.preprocessing.compute_bridged_electrodes().


A title to add to the plot.

topomap_argsdict | None

Arguments to pass to mne.viz.plot_topomap().

figinstance of matplotlib.figure.Figure

The topoplot figure handle.

Examples using mne.viz.plot_bridged_electrodes#

Identify EEG Electrodes Bridged by too much Gel

Identify EEG Electrodes Bridged by too much Gel