
mne.export.export_epochs(fname, epochs, fmt='auto', *, overwrite=False, verbose=None)[source]#

Export Epochs to external formats.

Supported formats:


Since we are exporting to external formats, there’s no guarantee that all the info will be preserved in the external format. See Notes for details.


Name of the output file.

epochsinstance of Epochs

The epochs to export.

fmt‘auto’ | ‘eeglab’

Format of the export. Defaults to 'auto', which will infer the format from the filename extension. See supported formats above for more information.


If True (default False), overwrite the destination file if it exists.

New in v0.24.1.

verbosebool | str | int | None

Control verbosity of the logging output. If None, use the default verbosity level. See the logging documentation and mne.verbose() for details. Should only be passed as a keyword argument.


New in v0.24.

Export to external format may not preserve all the information from the instance. To save in native MNE format (.fif) without information loss, use instead. Export does not apply projector(s). Unapplied projector(s) will be lost. Consider applying projector(s) before exporting with mne.Epochs.apply_proj().

For EEGLAB exports, channel locations are expanded to full EEGLAB format. For more details see eeglabio.utils.cart_to_eeglab().