
mne_bids.find_matching_paths(root, subjects=None, sessions=None, tasks=None, acquisitions=None, runs=None, processings=None, recordings=None, spaces=None, splits=None, descriptions=None, suffixes=None, extensions=None, datatypes=None, check=False)[source]#

Get list of all matching paths for all matching entity values.

Input can be str or list of str. None matches all found values.

Performs a recursive search, starting in .root (if set), based on BIDSPath.entities object.

rootpathlib.Path | str

The root of the BIDS path.

subjectsstr | array_like of str | None

The subject ID. Corresponds to “sub”.

sessionsstr | array_like of str | None

The acquisition session. Corresponds to “ses”.

tasksstr | array_like of str | None

The experimental task. Corresponds to “task”.

acquisitions: str | array-like of str | None

The acquisition parameters. Corresponds to “acq”.

runsstr | array_like of str | None

The run number. Corresponds to “run”.

processingsstr | array_like of str | None

The processing label. Corresponds to “proc”.

recordingsstr | array_like of str | None

The recording name. Corresponds to “rec”.

spacesstr | array_like of str | None

The coordinate space for anatomical and sensor location files (e.g., *_electrodes.tsv, *_markers.mrk). Corresponds to “space”. Note that valid values for space must come from a list of BIDS keywords as described in the BIDS specification.

splitsstr | array_like of str | None

The split of the continuous recording file for .fif data. Corresponds to “split”.

descriptionsstr | array_like of str | None

This corresponds to the BIDS entity desc. It is used to provide additional information for derivative data, e.g., preprocessed data may be assigned description='cleaned'.

Added in version 0.11.

suffixesstr | array_like of str | None

The filename suffix. This is the entity after the last _ before the extension. E.g., 'channels'. The following filename suffix’s are accepted: ‘meg’, ‘markers’, ‘eeg’, ‘ieeg’, ‘T1w’, ‘participants’, ‘scans’, ‘electrodes’, ‘coordsystem’, ‘channels’, ‘events’, ‘headshape’, ‘digitizer’, ‘beh’, ‘physio’, ‘stim’

extensionsstr | array_like of str | None

The extension of the filename. E.g., '.json'.

datatypesstr | array_like of str | None

The BIDS data type, e.g., 'anat', 'func', 'eeg', 'meg', 'ieeg'.


If True, only returns paths that conform to BIDS. If False (default), the .check attribute of the returned mne_bids.BIDSPath object will be set to True for paths that do conform to BIDS, and to False for those that don’t.

bids_pathslist of mne_bids.BIDSPath

The matching paths.

Examples using mne_bids.find_matching_paths#

01. Read BIDS datasets

01. Read BIDS datasets

12. Updating BIDS datasets

12. Updating BIDS datasets