Working with ragged indices for multivariate connectivity#

This example demonstrates how multivariate connectivity involving different numbers of seeds and targets can be handled in MNE-Connectivity.

# Author: Thomas S. Binns <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import numpy as np

from mne_connectivity import spectral_connectivity_epochs


With multivariate connectivity, interactions between multiple signals can be considered together, and the number of signals designated as seeds and targets does not have to be equal within or across connections. Issues can arise from this when storing information associated with connectivity in arrays.

Such arrays are ‘ragged’, and support for ragged arrays is limited in NumPy to the object datatype. Not only is working with ragged arrays cumbersome, but saving arrays with dtype='object' is not supported by the h5netcdf engine used to save connectivity objects.

The workaround used in MNE-Connectivity is to pad ragged arrays with some known values according to the largest number of entries in each dimension, such that there is an equal amount of information across and within connections for each dimension of the arrays.

As an example, consider we have 5 channels and want to compute 2 connections: the first between channels in indices 0 and 1 with those in indices 2, 3, and 4; and the second between channels 0, 1, 2, and 3 with channel 4. The seed and target indices can be written as such:

seeds   = [[0, 1   ], [0, 1, 2, 3]]
targets = [[2, 3, 4], [4         ]]

The indices parameter passed to spectral_connectivity_epochs() and spectral_connectivity_time() must be a tuple of array-likes, meaning that the indices can be passed as a tuple of: lists; tuples; or NumPy arrays. Examples of how indices can be formed are shown below:

# tuple of lists
ragged_indices = ([[0, 1   ], [0, 1, 2, 3]],
                  [[2, 3, 4], [4         ]])

# tuple of tuples
ragged_indices = (((0, 1   ), (0, 1, 2, 3)),
                  ((2, 3, 4), (4,        )))

# tuple of arrays
ragged_indices = (np.array([[0, 1   ], [0, 1, 2, 3]], dtype='object'),
                  np.array([[2, 3, 4], [4         ]], dtype='object'))

N.B. Note that since NumPy v1.19.0, dtype=’object’ must be specified when forming ragged arrays.

Just as for bivariate connectivity, the length of indices[0] and indices[1] is equal (i.e. the number of connections), however information about the multiple channel indices for each connection is stored in a nested array.

Importantly, these indices are ragged, as the first connection will be computed between 2 seed and 3 target channels, and the second connection between 4 seed and 1 target channel(s). The connectivity functions will recognise the indices as being ragged, and pad them to a ‘full’ array by adding placeholder values which are masked accordingly. This makes the indices easier to work with, and also compatible with the engine used to save connectivity objects. For example, the above indices would become:

padded_indices = (np.array([[0, 1, --, --], [0,  1,  2,  3]]),
                  np.array([[2, 3,  4, --], [4, --, --, --]]))

where -- are masked entries. These indices are what is stored in the returned connectivity objects.

For the connectivity results themselves, the methods available in MNE-Connectivity combine information across the different channels into a single (time-)frequency-resolved connectivity spectrum, regardless of the number of seed and target channels, so ragged arrays are not a concern here.

However, the maximised imaginary part of coherency (MIC) method also returns spatial patterns of connectivity, which show the contribution of each channel to the dimensionality-reduced connectivity estimate (explained in more detail in Compute multivariate measures of the imaginary part of coherency). Because these patterns are returned for each channel, their shape can vary depending on the number of seeds and targets in each connection, making them ragged.

To avoid this, the patterns are padded along the channel axis with the known and invalid entry np.nan, in line with that applied to indices. Extracting only the valid spatial patterns from the connectivity object is trivial, as shown below:

# create random data
data = np.random.randn(10, 5, 200)  # epochs x channels x times
sfreq = 50
ragged_indices = ([[0, 1], [0, 1, 2, 3]], [[2, 3, 4], [4]])  # seeds  # targets

# compute connectivity
con = spectral_connectivity_epochs(
patterns = np.array(con.attrs["patterns"])
padded_indices = con.indices
n_freqs = con.get_data().shape[-1]
n_cons = len(ragged_indices[0])
max_n_chans = max(len(inds) for inds in ([*ragged_indices[0], *ragged_indices[1]]))

# show that the padded indices entries are masked
assert np.sum(padded_indices[0][0].mask) == 2  # 2 padded channels
assert np.sum(padded_indices[1][0].mask) == 1  # 1 padded channels
assert np.sum(padded_indices[0][1].mask) == 0  # 0 padded channels
assert np.sum(padded_indices[1][1].mask) == 3  # 3 padded channels

# patterns have shape [seeds/targets x cons x max channels x freqs (x times)]
assert patterns.shape == (2, n_cons, max_n_chans, n_freqs)

# show that the padded patterns entries are all np.nan
assert np.all(np.isnan(patterns[0, 0, 2:]))  # 2 padded channels
assert np.all(np.isnan(patterns[1, 0, 3:]))  # 1 padded channels
assert not np.any(np.isnan(patterns[0, 1]))  # 0 padded channels
assert np.all(np.isnan(patterns[1, 1, 1:]))  # 3 padded channels

# extract patterns for first connection using the ragged indices
seed_patterns_con1 = patterns[0, 0, : len(ragged_indices[0][0])]
target_patterns_con1 = patterns[1, 0, : len(ragged_indices[1][0])]

# extract patterns for second connection using the padded, masked indices
seed_patterns_con2 = patterns[0, 1, : padded_indices[0][1].count()]
target_patterns_con2 = patterns[1, 1, : padded_indices[1][1].count()]

# show that shapes of patterns are correct
assert seed_patterns_con1.shape == (2, n_freqs)  # channels (0, 1)
assert target_patterns_con1.shape == (3, n_freqs)  # channels (2, 3, 4)
assert seed_patterns_con2.shape == (4, n_freqs)  # channels (0, 1, 2, 3)
assert target_patterns_con2.shape == (1, n_freqs)  # channels (4)

print("Assertions completed successfully!")
Assertions completed successfully!

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.015 seconds)