

Functions for fetching remote datasets.

See Datasets Overview for more information.

fetch_dataset(dataset_params[, processor, ...])

Fetch an MNE-compatible dataset.


Check for presence of a dataset.

brainstorm.bst_auditory.data_path([path, ...])

Get path to local copy of brainstorm (bst_auditory) dataset.

brainstorm.bst_resting.data_path([path, ...])

Get path to local copy of brainstorm (bst_resting) dataset.

brainstorm.bst_raw.data_path([path, ...])

Get path to local copy of brainstorm (bst_raw) dataset.

eegbci.load_data(subject, runs[, path, ...])

Get paths to local copies of EEGBCI dataset files.


Standardize channel positions and names.

fetch_aparc_sub_parcellation([subjects_dir, ...])

Fetch the modified subdivided aparc parcellation.

fetch_fsaverage([subjects_dir, verbose])

Fetch and update fsaverage.

fetch_hcp_mmp_parcellation([subjects_dir, ...])

Fetch the HCP-MMP parcellation.

fetch_infant_template(age[, subjects_dir, ...])

Fetch and update an infant MRI template.

fetch_phantom(kind[, subjects_dir, verbose])

Fetch and update a phantom subject.

fnirs_motor.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of fnirs_motor dataset.

hf_sef.data_path([dataset, path, ...])

Get path to local copy of the high frequency SEF dataset.

kiloword.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of the kiloword dataset.

limo.load_data(subject[, path, ...])

Fetch subjects epochs data for the LIMO data set.

misc.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of misc dataset.

mtrf.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of mtrf dataset.

multimodal.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of multimodal dataset.

opm.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of opm dataset.

sleep_physionet.age.fetch_data(subjects[, ...])

Get paths to local copies of PhysioNet Polysomnography dataset files.

sleep_physionet.temazepam.fetch_data(subjects, *)

Get paths to local copies of PhysioNet Polysomnography dataset files.

sample.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of sample dataset.

somato.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of somato dataset.

spm_face.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of spm dataset.

visual_92_categories.data_path([path, ...])

Get path to local copy of visual_92_categories dataset.

phantom_4dbti.data_path([path, ...])

Get path to local copy of phantom_4dbti dataset.

refmeg_noise.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of refmeg_noise dataset.

ssvep.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of ssvep dataset.

erp_core.data_path([path, force_update, ...])

Get path to local copy of erp_core dataset.

epilepsy_ecog.data_path([path, ...])

Get path to local copy of epilepsy_ecog dataset.