MRI Processing¶
Step by step instructions for using gui.coregistration()
Estimate fiducials for a subject. |
Estimate the head->mri transform from fsaverage fiducials. |
Get regions of interest near channels from a Freesurfer parcellation. |
Coregister an MRI with a subject's head shape. |
Locate intracranial electrode contacts. |
Create an average brain subject for subjects without structural MRI. |
Convert pos from head coordinate system to MNI ones. |
Convert pos from head coordinate system to MRI ones. |
Read a Freesurfer-formatted LUT. |
Compute MRI-to-MNI transform from FreeSurfer talairach.xfm file. |
Create a scaled copy of an MRI subject. |
Scale a bem file. |
Scale labels to match a brain that was previously created by scaling. |
Scale a source space for an mri created with scale_mri(). |
Apply volume registration. |
Align two volumes using an affine and, optionally, SDR. |
Convert the array of vertices for a hemisphere to MNI coordinates. |
Warp a montage to a template with image volumes using SDR. |
Class for MRI<->head coregistration. |